Wednesday, August 3, 2016

08/03/2016 TRUTH

Well brother shall we tell the good people just how it is I found Truth in the first place? I was lying on that zero gravity chair on that ground zero land. I was lying there and I asked" Who is that black shadow in the vision with my unborn daughter? Yeah that's right I forgot about Truth didn't I brother and just what this really is all about? I mean again slam I'm in another scene and I'm standing right in front of you. I admit at the time I had no idea what you represent to me. For some reason I started throwing all of my hate and rage into you. Every angry painful emotion. I gave you everything I had. I just kept throwing my words at you. Finally I collapsed face down on the ground my head was turned away from you.
Then it hit me. Even I had no idea what I was going to say. I was pretty exhausted brother wasn't I? I got up on all fours and I turned my head to the right and I looked at you still standing there. I said"that's it isn't it? Your burying me under all this pain to hide me from the Truth." Well that seems to be a common theme here isn't that right brother? Finding the Truth buried under all of your lies. Wow these lies are buried in peoples hearts pretty God damned deep.
Now let's talk about that heart? You know brother it's funny how the answers just seem to come along just when I wonder just where the poison really lies and a friend of mine with a broken right wing posted this on my Facebook. He is a messenger a brother and even with a broken wing he plays beautiful music. He is like a lil bird chirping in my ear. His name is Roger and he has courage he's not afraid to get up on stage and represent. He shows his true colors everyday and the sad thing is probably know one really noticed but brother I did and well the truth is right now that is all that counts right now.
Remember Satan I just pick up all sorts of clues everyday. It doesn't matter where it comes from because I can take a negative and turn it in a positive sometimes the truth is buried in the misconceptions and misunderstandings of his words.
Proverbs 28;26 (KJV)
He/she that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whose walketh wisely, he/she shall be delivered.
Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)
The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Now lets just kick this shit out of the way. Proverbs been there done that. I assure you I know who I am in my heart and soul. Well we both know Faith just does not move and I know what hand that feeds me brother. The heart is deceitful because of you. All the poisons and lies you placed on mankind's heart. Ego weather you believe yourself to be any higher than any man or woman that is ego, know matter what job you do in this life. Dignity and respect with a kind heart.
Then let's get to the wicked and deceitful heart? All the lies and illusions you created on man kind to make them feel unworthy of God's love. With all these clubs, parameters and revisions you put on God's love. That creates guilt and shame and ego, to think they are the only righteous religion to get in God's house. You placed poison in mankind's hearts. For absolutely no reason. Then people lash out hiding who they are behind their masks. Truth be told I'm not just talking about sex am I Satan? I'm talking about greed in the wallet and ego in the heart of those that feel only they are worthy and entitled to have it all.
If any of you think that you serve my country or any country and that makes you a king upstairs, think again...You did not feed your people and in turn you made it hard on mankind to feed themselves and their children. You went after the basic principals and traditions of my nation because truth be told brother that is really what it was supposed to be about our traditions and sharing them in kind with each culture. Not to make people choose because truth be told cultures aren't supposed to be based on religion. Culture and Tradition is about family and you have that you have love.
Do you know what else I discovered brother?That well the first documented version of how man came to be was that God or energy whatever you want to call it. Energy is science and mother nature. That he was a androgynous being. We are images of him remember? Then he split himself in two and he made a male and a female. Their you have it brother. Who truly is to say spiritually being inside more, male or female. We talk about spirituality in the bible and we are all spiritual beings. It takes a male and a female to plant that seed of life but it takes a family to grow that tree. Acceptance in ones self and others is LOVE. It is that simple.

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