Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Products of our society

What society are you a product of? For example walkin through home Depot, made me start to think about nylon and plastic. You see the insulation hardened. No longer soft and bilowy and itchy now its a hard pice of styrafoam. I no apples and oranges, but when you really think about it towels that are cotton dry you and serve their purpose. Ny lon towels just brush the water off. It melts less better for the environment but the cotton feeds the environment. It's a natural resource. One poison's and one feeds us through our work to pick and process. Wear and make into something else, pass it on. No one should get to decide who gets to wear what because of their wallet. I mean that realistically, balance, not a cut off. Not everything has to be so black and white.

Take those big burly over weight guys you see? I know some are way over the top. Products of society, our diets, our bears. I mean just because it looks like a great big scary grizzly bear that doesn't mean he's not a teddy bear inside. So stop looking and judging because truth be told its those markings today that are the key. I can decide when I look at a persons tattoo's now who they are.

It can take me ten minutes to read one lighter so bare with me.  A skull, we all have them. Our minds go to the "The Little Tiki Man, Voo Doo." It can be something dark or light. A passing maybe, but I know one thing, our skulls weren't always shaped this way. People from different nationalities have different skulls. Take the giant people who used to walk the earth they had giant babies, it's a given, but we shrunk in size over time. Our skulls protect our minds and bodies before that great big crack. Our bones protect our organ's. Different cultures different shaped skulls.

I had a skull rock I used to lay on. It sat over my head on a stump. Truth be told it kinds freaked me out. You know that exceptance and let it go thing. One day I had a rib out and I guess I started clueing in about this energy thing. By day the skull looked white by night black. I didn't have my tennis balls. When my back hurts I can get a lil pissy. I picked up that skull rock and told myself I'm going to only feed it my rage, my day my pain, my rage. The pictures of all the injustice or whatever pissed me off that day started flowing through my mind and I just let the projector play, after a little while I realized I was no longer hurting in that spot that hurt. I realized my happy mad thoughts are happier now. I was actually moving into loving thoughts. Then I got all mad again, because "God Dammit I wasn't going to feed this weird skull rock my happy thoughts. I wasn't going to feed it love. I realized I just did. Well that skull rock didn't creep me out so much anymore.

It became my talisman kind of. I realized yesterday walking through that monk place off the truck stop that it doesn't matter what religion or nationality you are we all seem to have things in common, like the beads around the children's statues. Rosary bead's in a way? Prosperity beads perhaps? A woman was praying at a statue of a woman I believe with some kind of flower in her hand, the emotions and the tears flowed with this one right here. I admit I had no clue what her prayers were. I had a pretty good idea however. Love and light, prosperity and light, family.

I noticed in every church or religion that I have ever been around we all have our own talisman. Even that starfish I wear around my neck. Took me forever to figure out why a starfish? That five prong star in a different way. Turn it around people. We are all to busy seeing differences and pointing our finger than to see we are all the same. We are in a way looking for our own truth. We are looking for something good in this life, life doesn't cost people and neither do prayers.

Truly all these years I never knew I was praying and if you think I'm a heathen because I don't bow my head every time I eat go ahead. I don't have rituals. I have emotions. We all have emotions and if I want to yell fuck you asshole to my big brother upstairs I will. If I have to poke that bear every once in awhile that is my job. If I want to point my finger in air and yell at him or cry I do. One thing you truly do not understand is that when you are homeless you are never alone. You never have peace, you don't have your own space that is safe to put your stuff. Every time I use the bathroom at the library I have to pack everything up and it pisses me off. That lack of freedom everyday takes time. u So no people I don't go to any church. I don't have any expectations quite frankly. No one will ever tell me I am wrong for who I am again.

A product of my society, that is who I am. The only reason I even smoked Sativa and Indica was because I hurt. I had to step out of A.A.'s society and medical society to get this way. I tried it both those ways and quite frankly I got some medicine and food that way, but oh hell, lot of judgement and poison behind each door. So yeah I've been fated for this you might say. I was shut down, put to sleep only to be woke up to who I really am inside. Who my brother really is inside me. Who my brothers are outside me. Who my mother is and look right where I'm sitting today? Cleansed, Healed, pissed off and stronger.

When you look at Gary I want you to remember that OCD he has. That collecting Rock OCD life he carries with him each day, I want you to look around you at all those dimensions those drugs send him in. Legal or illegal. Not him you. I want you to look at that man who looks like a grizzly sometimes and at others a orangutan a product of his society he sits in every day. I have discovered that even when you run a high fever, drugs or not and you start freaking out and you don't remember that is a different dimension. I want you when you look at Gary's house just who's garbage he built it with. I know you see trails of his stuff to feed mother nature along the way, but all the other stuff lying around is your stuff. Including all those batteries that die off and he has to keep replacing for light or music. His mother comes here once a week to carry out his garbage and do his laundry, which from what I can see is more than allot of others do.

I want you to look at Gary's markings on his body and tell me that isn't prophetic brother, that is truly a off kilter genius who has so many fucking labels on his head it's not funny. He has a FBI number for nothing. The number is the biggest irony.  He's only been busted for weed. He carries his meds on him to protect someone else from getting them. He gets frisked harassed and questioned with each new cop. They come in and tear down his home and he has to start over. He has never had a fire and he has no heat and all you care about is appearances and what you see in front of you. I want you all to remember this is Mother Natures son carrying a huge burden for you. I want you to think about that story when JC was standing on a corner dressed as a bum?
So no I will not take lightly to anyone stepping in his house uninvited. I walked out of there one day after coming back to visit him and a cop starts talking to me about clean up and rules. I got hot. He say's well I saw you walk out of there. I mean what a dumb shit, where do you go to visit a homeless man in the woods? He's not allowed to have company? Pretty suspicious huh? OMG there is garbage out here? What you don't have bad days? You don't leave your dishes out? Try not having any? Try cleaning house according to the weather? Try having someone else from many different walks of life decide for you how your day is going to go? How your going to eat? Where you can go to the bathroom? If you can go to the bathroom without a solicitation or sexual offense charge getting dropped on your head. Be looked at and judged.

These people you think have a lower IQ or deserve less because you think they are uneducated. In walks Keith my friends. Wow! What a shame? This man has gone to school the hard knox kind of life you have no idea. He has more morals and principals in how he conducts himself everyday. Talk about getting educated in society and never earning a degree or a dollar. The most hilarious thin about Gary and Keith both are they'd rather take a beating than give a beating to hurt someone else. These two men have taken quite the beating in this life.

When I listen to people complain about all the injustice because of race or skin or color it makes me laugh at the irony some day's. Other's I'm so pissed off I want to hit something. I got it I always got this race thing believe it or not I have seen and experienced both sides, actually three my mother is racist, my grandfather was racist and I never understood it. I mean in little innocent ways so you think. They were more at a adjustment stage coming out of the racist way of thinking to an acceptance place. The awareness of their wording dawning on them and how to apply it kind of thing. What my point is that injustice has nothing to do with race. Stop making it about race.

Stop letting the system make it about race. All these down trodden and poor people. The injustice is pointing out the indifferences in the first place and marketing it and making it about race and segregation. Even trying to stop the segregation you are segregating. Like when Russia took down the wall no more threat right? When I look around me we truly are holding on by a thread not as a society separated by race, but as nation by nation as one whole.

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