Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Four Elements

You know Satan my brother I have been thinking about Mother Nature and those four elements. They keep popping up allot. I mean I have learned that we have four season's and that well our gardens revolve around those food gardens, our flower gardens, when our animals reproduce, and well what animals reproduce when even? I have learned out here in these woods you don't want to get between a animal and his mate. You don't want to get in between a mother and her children, especially when their is a big buck standing behind you or even your pride. Mother Natures family in a pack.

Well brother it makes me think that Mother Natures comes in more than one form. You see brother what got me to thinking about this is how Gary separates the elements, and he puts them together. Not only in colors, but in rocks and metals even. Even a round white cap to a water bottle represents out here. You know take the poison out of all these water bottles that litter my planet instead of getting water out of the faucet for free? Turning a negative into a positive, always thinking brother,that I am. I guess its just the way I process Mother Nature brother, I watch and learn from one of her son's sitting in your garbage.

Well brother when you think about water it quenches our thirst, it is where our salmon swim, ya know in the oceans and river stream's. On the other hand water cleanses. Our babies inhale it for the first nine months, yet on the other hand, water can drown. All on your perspective brother isn't that right.

Now lets take that fire? It warm's us. It heals us. It sooth's. It cooks our food.  It cleanses our palettes, sinuses and well you know those bowels I hate talking about. Fire from that Sun gives our planet energy and feeds our plant and wild life all the way around this planet. That Sun gives us light by day to see better with. That Sun feeds our body and planet nutrition. It is part of this solar system. Firemen and Gardeners start a fire to cleanse our dirt and start over anew. On the other hand fire can burn. it burns our skin and scorches our food. It can burn buildings and one lil spark can cause an explosion in the air. All on your perspective brother.

Earth, well brother this planet is one big rock after all. The way I see it this rock feeds us. This rock is part of the solar system. This rock is Mother Nature. Just who in the fuck do you think owns this rock? This rock with all these volcano's that can explode with just a lil shift. You know brother if this planet is part of the solar system and well as much as you don't want others to see it, this rock gets it's energy and nutrition from that solar system. I would have to bet given what is planted on our rock that this Great Big Entity IC isn't the only energy source here? I mean like us here on this planet I have learned that every energy source has a few bad seeds. I would have to say we aren't the only ones who want to get rid of this entity. No brother we aren't the only energy source here are we brother? That would likely be why my family pulled my eye out of this solar system. To show me the big fight coming down on our heads for MY ROCK. MY LIFE. Isn't that right brother? I'd have to say Mother Nature has a set of balls wouldn't you say? No planet, no sun, no life right brother?

Wind brother? Which direction does the wind blow? Wind can warm us. Wind can cool us. Wind can spread bacteria, disease and fire. Wind can be hot and in can burn. Wind can be strong enough to pick things up and knock things over. Wind can cause a spiral, wind can shift that water. I admit a nice breeze is nice. Mix rain with wind and you got a storm. Mix snow with wind and you got a storm. Wind can change a temperature. It can take the temperature up or down even.

Earth wind fire and water, oh what a electrical storm. You know brother, I love me a good thunder and lightening show. It doesn't get any more beautiful than that. Then again when your standing out in the middle of a storm in Mother Nature with no protection, well lets just say Mother Nature can be pretty scary sometime's. Isn't that right brother? It depends on how you look at it? Mother Nature and her four elements.

I have learned brother that
Alexandra is a Capricorn, Earth in the 10th house, Her Planet is Saturn
Kiley is a Aquarius, Air in the 11th house, Her planet is Uranus
Kyle is a Pisces, Water in the 12th house His planet is Neptune
I'm a Aries, Fire in the first house. My planet is Mars

That adds up to Earth, Wind, Fire and Water in this families four square. So Satan my brother is it written in the planet or the stars already? Is it Fate of Faith? Does Fate and Faith make Destiny stronger? Who's big plan is it after all? Mother Nature's or God's? No one ever thought about who's game of life your really playing do they brother? Does this make me The God Daughter and him The God Son? I mean really Satan it never occurred to anyone that we are both their children did it brother? I have learned being Mother Natures Daughter that well their are all kinds of mothers on this planet.

I didn't don those red slippers for nothing. I don't live in the Emerald City for nothing do I brother? I don't live in King County for nothing do I brother? The way IC it there is allot of Kings in King County. I didn't just get planted in Snoqualmie Valley with the Snoqualmie Valley police officers, who happen to be backed by another tribe by the same name. A truck stop with the oldest covenant ever, A Warrior Number Two gas station owned by East Indian men. A shell Station and the way I see it shells come from my sea. A Gull station that say's Pride right under it. A hotel called Edgewick Inn, I mean how witchy is that? I have Cadman Mine with a man with a beard to the East. A old Native Man to the North of me. A pregnant bird to the South of me. Puget Sound to the West of me. A Monk Seminary to the North East of me even. Wow Satan my brother I have a pretty diversified group right around me. Let's not forget all that Native Land right around me.

Yeah I would have to say Satan our Mother Set this stage up. North, South, Eat and West, isn't that also the sign of the cross Satan?

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