Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Two Days Two Nights

"Two days, two nights, we go dark." I don't disagree, lets shut this shit down. I know I wrote that somewhere in the beginning, I wasn't sure just what that meant? I wasn't sure which direction it was coming from or why? The North, The South, The East or the West? Under ground or not I was feeling it coming from all direction after awhile. I wasn't sure if it was a political war or a spiritual war? Hell I had no idea why me of all people would even feel this way in the first place? Why here of all places? So much has happened right here on this land to me you have no idea. I really don't like these propane tanks and gas stations right here of all places? A truck stop full of more gas and more people who comes from all walks of life? A place where these men and women deliver so much to each place. In order to get it on a plane, to a grocery store or warehouse these trucks deliver it. Even your medicine well lets say that Uber trucking plan to feed us better automatically is not a good idea at all. Fucking Google! It all just happens to sit on a site of the oldest covenant ever made sitting at Heavens Gates.

It was a Uber car that a man killed his family and he said the car told him to do it. I had already clued in that these computers are controlling our lives to much and the need for them. Create the need, create the demand. It is already in debt by millions for this invention and who do you think is gonna pay for that? Then they create the fear and demand that life would be so much easier and better if we had a automatic pilot to feed us? One that thinks for itself? Already doctors go to the internet which happens to provide just the right guidelines with anything that ails you, it has just the cure to point these doctors in one direction. We are so lucky we got just the insurance and labels on the computers to pay for and guide us. One direction people. Just what is all this cost and control for all this technology gonna cost you?

I learned one thing from Mrs. Laws going to Nursing School, you take away a persons right to feed and care for themselves, you remove a part of their dignity. The basic human right and need to care for yoyself. For three weeks I took care of Mrs. Laws, I wasn't even sure why Mrs. Laws was even there in the first place? She was with it. She was intelligent. She might of spoke a lil slower but she was sharp. She could feed and dress herself, use the restroom and shower. I came into work/school one morning and she was tied to the bed screaming like a child in a crib.

How would you feel if you were put in a place that didn't fit your needs? How would you feel if you were told "no you cannot dress yourself, might be a lawsuit? No you cannot use the restroom by yourself, you might slip and fall, so you have to wait until we are ready? Heres a comode shit in this pot in front of everyone. You can only eat at this time and only this food? I realized then that when you take away a persons ability to even do the basic necessities for themselves when that is truly all they have left, yes your gonna lose it. You will take the blame and fall for getting fed up and not following the rules, all because someone else didn't want to deal with you. Sorry someone else put you here, you gotta follow the rules in our parameters and guidelines or you will be causing a scene when you try to fight back for your own basic rights to live." Create the rules and guidelines, jail time and fee's pretty much any where no matter what age you are. No matter where you are this is another version of purgatory on earth.

About a week ago I was trying to figure out a way to kill this greedy ant out of my planet and off man kinds back without killing off my rock? Then it dawned on me disconnect the battery. Mankind will not ever be able to turn off this planet for two days and two nights. To much fear and to many trigger happy people out there, not a good idea when you look at it from the conductor of the shows perspective. It never occurred to any one just who JC's mother really is did it? Where my brother got his essence that we are all so grateful to pay a high cost for a bottle that has a hint of essence in it instead of the actual fruit. Being mother natures daughter, I'm tired just because something has a good name and label it doesn't make it a good product. I want the whole fruit for my children.

If you think your nails are to pretty to get down and dirty for your mother? Then get the fuck off my rock. You don't deserve her essence. If you think you are to entitled, pious, rich, high and mighty to get down and dirty and roll in the mud for your planet that feeds you? Then get the fuck off my rock. I have figured out I'm the sister and mother standing at heavens gates with my brother. Okay I might have a couple doors to close once and for all, truth be told I don't mind this fight. I mean to figure out I'm mother natures daughter and she has my back and my families back, well lets just bring this house down. So I had to take a lil rape at these doorways so my children wouldn't have too. It finally dawned on me that I didn't just take that rape for that brother and his children, Try to take out the mother at these three doors for my children, yes I would, and I did. I didn't know why then completely but I do now. These three brothers are real assholes. Getting tested about what is truly in your heart sucks sometimes. I never even knew I was being tested.

Yeah, lets shut this shit down. I agree with my family upstairs. I have no issue doing this. "Two days and two nights, we go dark."

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