Tuesday, August 16, 2016


A few things caught my eye on my facebook the other day. Really don't have allot time for it nowadays. Between cell phones, batteries and back up chargers I paid for that don't work. It seems the lil attachment inside no longer works. I am so sick of paying for technology that just spins away and doesn't even connect. Either wifi turns itself on and I have to keep going back in and shutting it the mother fuck down again. I can't function without my music and God Dammit I paid for this phone service to work. Who do you blame when it shuts down and it doesn't work? What the fuck do they care? We still pay for it don't we. We have even accepted the blame and just accepted when we pay for something and it doesn't work, we just say "oh well it's the system what are ya gonna do? It's technology its just the way it is."

"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil/evol doesn't become good, just because it is accepted by a majority" I'm going to add written up and mass produced to this one. It doesn't make it all true. Just because it's a little true it doesn't make it all true.

Society has gotten to the point where everybody has a right, but nobody has a responsibility.

This one I like, it's one of Gary's. " If you have to say it taste like chicken, it ain't chicken."

I'm pretty sure this one is how mother nature feels right now. Just a lil food for thought but I'm sure you have all felt like this someday's. Yes you will have to put yourself in mother natures shoes for this one. " Do you ever feel like Cinderella? I don't mean the happily ever after, I mean like when she's doing everything for everyone else and it still isn't enough?" Just when is enough, enough people? Where do you draw the line? What if? What if I'm right and a conspiracy, the biggest conspiracy I have ever seen is actually happening? I'm not even a conspiracy theorist, I mean hell who has time for all that paranoia.  Does it make the people at the top, you know the educated ones angry that I figured it out?

A woman of little means, a woman of little education. A woman with pretty much technological school that's it. Why the fuck else would I bare my heart and soul? Why the fuck would any mother put it all out there on the line for you all to see? Scars and all, even the ones you don't see. Look Satan my brother, I'm still alive. You Mother Fucking E.T. I'm taking it back. I'm taking it all back this time. This is my nation, my planet. You think I don't see a Clash of Titans coming on? Bring it both of you. I promise you I know who my brother is. I promise you both I know who my father is. I promise you I know who my mother is. Don't you two ever forget all those sisters I carry in my heart. Don't you forget my Indigo brothers right here. That family represents love for my children. Oh yeah I'm all about those family traditions. It seems you two evil/evol need to just get the fuck off my rock. I'm "oh so ready for this rodeo ride, you have no idea. Yeah you two haven't seen a family bring it like my family. Oh yeah that's one thing for sure "MY FAMILY ROCKS, NOT YOURS! MY FAMILY WAS HERE FIRST AND MY FAMILIES HERE TO STAY! GET THE FUCK OFF MY ROCK!

Oh Satan my brother I've had it with all the injustice. One more fucking pop up and I'm going to explode. I carried this God Damn laptop all the way into town so I could actually have a computer that works. One that the keyboard works. One that the actual sound jack works. Something that had better not shut down. Fuck yeah even the power went out the other day. Can't even get onto your own God Damn computer without all these passwords, and constant downloading and upgrading. Fucking applications you don't need that burn up your battery and data. Then you take the blame, for using a service they offered in the first place. No mother fucking balance or justice anywhere. Where in the fuck do you all think the majority of mankinds problems are stemming from in the first place?

We are all paying for a lot of disservice. Being taxed and warrantied on it, to have them do nothing but constantly come in and take over, change the rules and take the blame. Change the laws, pay the fines. Just who are we people? Anywhere we go in America? You are the customers, God Dammit. Lets talk about dependency in this service industry. Lets talk about the rules and laws and guidelines. Lets talk about the stress in this system that we are all being lied to in the first place. Plus we are all paying tax upon tax upon tax and all these rules and guidelines keep changing as the disservice keeps changing. "Oh but you two Mother Fucker thanks for not taxing the low income on our EBT cards. Thanks for the bone mother fuckers, but no thanks. I've had enough of this disservice.

Get a mother fucking job and the managers or the owners can't even manage staff. You know what just kills me is all these questionaires to fill out an application. You know that forty five minute personality test where they keep asking you over and over the same God Dammed question so many different ways? To catch you in a lie. Some personality glitch. Something that tells them you might steal or maybe you have a personality disorder. All to see if you qualify for the most basic service job? The irony is that in order to manage people you have to be flexible. Flexible enough to see the bigger picture and well maybe that rule doesn't apply to this case.

People are human beings. Being managed by human beings who can know longer leave their personal bullshit at the door. These are the people making major choices in your life. Your managers at the job that you do should be able to see when someone elses behavior is a disservice. The bigger picture. The oxymoron is that people in the service industry can no longer make human behavior decisions either. To much of a ego I guess. As I see this everyday the disservice of these people who just want to come to work, do their job. Who are coming in giving it their all 150% but the system along with the managers set you up to fail. You leave your mother fucking ego at the door. If you can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen and let that lil woman do her God Dammed job. You know the one you hired her to do in the first place.

Fucking immature drunk manager trying to be all cool in front of his girlfriend who he shouldn't be dating in the first place. The problem here is if you fight back at the injustice you lose your job and God Damit that woman has bills to pay and food to eat like everyone else. Does anyone give a damn? You know I had to call the police like three or four times after that red headed rooster cunt locked me out of the house? Instead I get a policeman who has real criminals to catch. You know I get it. I don't like my tax dollars or time being wasted on this cunt's bullshit behavior, but she's breaking the law and I don't give a fuck if it's civil court or not. That's your issue not mine.

I called you. When someone accuses me of something that is not true. That could put me in jail. I have the mother fucking right to speak and defend myself. All I said was "that is not true." The officer told me "if I didn't shut up and go to my room, he would leave." Go the fuck home and leave. By law, we call you. We are told to call you by your own people and all of these other state programs you work with. Stop blaming the mother fucking victim. The one who called you. I'm so mother fucking tired of some people in blue who have the authority who play head games because he's to tired or this is above his job. If you want it out of the way so bad, stop wasting your time and mine. Do something about it. If you can't act like a honorable person behind your badge then take it off. I don't want you on my team.

You know that is just my point a bully speaks and starts behaving injustly with his badge we blame the whole team. Truth be told not one of the other police officers who ever came to that house to deal with her behaved that way. They seemed to appreciate they could get in and out, get the picture right up front with someone I assure you knows what they are talking about tell her to knock it off and move on. Not my problem this justice system is so separated and categorized that even the policeman can't do his job. My point is of you have the job, do it right. Treat people with dignity and respect especially when you represent that uniform or badge. You don't like the injustice of doing your job do something about it. Truth is Satan all our hands are tied aren't they? When a policeman steps forward and takes a stand he would be called crazy. Out of line. Not going along with the boys in blue club.

You know what injustice is with these ebt cards that fill up our minds with poison, our bodies with poison and truth be told I'm tired of all these cards filling up my landfills with your garbage. One company actually tried to figure out a way to get hot food to the homeless people in Seattle. A real poverty stricken area. They are 7'11. You could order a large pizza for five dollars cold. They ring it up and cook it up. The State let them know they broke the rules and fined them. Removed their license. The pizza's were about a medium size not real big but I see this bullshit control everywhere.

I want to know why anyone thinks they have the audacity to say if I can have hot food? I want to know why others get to choose for me how I eat even? I want to know why every section of the store that a homeless person shops out of like, the premade and prepackaged area cost the most? I mean I paid seven dollars for a turkey sandwich. Another gas station it was five. Oh don't worry they had a special in big letters 6.99 whole sandwich with a pop. Smaller print above 6.99and up, but a get a two ounce bag of chips for free. So yeah that special cost me nine bucks. The injustice and indignity to even have to think about how I'm going to make $197.00 a month last? Just to try and eat healthy the fruit cost more. The organic fruit cost more. Adwalla is almost three dollars a bottle. I want to know why anyone would think a homeless person who is moving all day needs lowfat milk? Which by the way cost $2.39 for milk.

If any of you small minded, small hearted people are missing my point about how these numbers don't add up then go home and when the time comes get the fuck off my rock. I'm out here to feed my children forevermore. I'm out here for my childrens and my grandchildrens future. So they can have unpoisoned food and water forevermore.

Lets talk about Sin City? You know the one with all the buffets they toss out and lock up in dumpsters. Someone actually said to me "oh yeah well they can't take it anywhere and feed the homeless because of the guidelines." It is unsafe so they throw it away. I wanna know why their isn't already a program in place to come around and pick up this food and take it to one place to feed people? I wanna know why such a rich place can't have food warmers to transport that food? We transport food in all kinds of ways everyday. Including banquet food to get to all these hotels and weddings. I'm sick of all these laws that aren't feeding man kind with your excuses. Then they implement a program like that and our taxes go up and who gets the blame?

I'm done. I don't want to hear one more God Damn thing about one more tax dollar going up to feed the people anywhere. It should of never happened in the first place. I don't want to hear oh we will implement a program now, or their is a program over here or there for that. It is to late for fixes. We have way to many fixes and truly no solution. It is not fixable. You all should of been working with solutions in the first place. I'm not targeting Vegas, I'm using it as an example however.

China, Oh China. China has no resources from mother nature. They have a high pollution that is poisoning their own people and it should of been taken care of long ago. They wouldn't even allow a female character from Star Wars on the poster named Rae on the poster in there country. Irony. They are a nation who placed girls and women below them from before they were even born all for population control. They have a high suicide rate because of all the pressure in that system alone. I'm not pointing out China again because they people are bad, it's the price you placed on mankinds heads. It's about the cost of all those lil girls who come out of China just to have a better life. Instead what happens if you can't sale that child she loses, not China. Well then she will likely become a burden in society. A less than just for being born.

Lets talk about that HEN program. It's for the mentally ill. They get four hundred bucks a month to rent a room. They get to come in for a big heavy bag of monthly incidentals which will last maybe one week. Four rolls of T.P, small box of laundry, small box of tampons. small can of shaving cream. You get it. They have to make an appointment to come in and then they have to figure out how to carry that heavy bag home. So many of these people can barely move. Oh don't worry people, they get to work. The guidelines are upto ten dollars and hour. Upto ten hours a month. If they can find a job like that. Trust me they are going to need it. Gotta pay for all those basic things you need.

Just a note we should remind them Satan my brother during the depression, what are the three things that sold the most? Alcohol, Tobacco and Cosmetics. You know what pisses me off here is that you really can't even rent a room for that. If you do your living in a timebomb waiting to go off. Someone who has the control over your life can just toss you out keep your money, plant a label like a eviction on you and there is nothing you can do about it today. While people are fighting for their rights just to live a dignified life, with a roof and food to eat like every man woman and child has the right to do. We are in the mean time caught up in all the red tape. The court cost and hassle, the paperwork is ridiculous. Anyone now can plant any label on you they want. Take your money, your life, and we have turned into a society that condones it and points the finger at the customer and the victim. We have become a justice system that if someone puts a label on you we are guilty and when we try to get it removed it cost us even more to defend ourselves against the injustice of a system that put us there in the first place. More fines, more labels, less justice.

What about how uch it cost to eat processed food at a Burger King for example. No ice machine in the pop machine. Every table is dirty, shingles are falling off the floor. One unhappy person at the counter. Truth be told she doesn't have to smile the whole time, I don't like fake service like that. I like real service. Truth is she gets the blame. Not the corporation. I assure you it is not the clientele that set up this restaurant I walk into and see the disservice. Lunch time eight people in line and one person at the counter. I had to go up and get sauce while the manager ignored me and continued bulshitting with another employee instead of covering that counter.

I haven't had a normal birthday in so long. I don't even notice anymore. Michael did however it was late and he rented a Hotel with his first paycheck for my birthday. Which by the way he had work to finish up first of all days where he lives for free. We didn't actually get in the room until nine thirty. By the time we got our food and took it back to the Hotel open the bag and no utensils. I mean really come on people. This place actually offered a real buffet. With the works. I'm not a buffet fan but I was actually looking forward to it. The hotel cost about one hundred fifty a night.

What I want to know is why corporations or businesses offer a service package and when you don't get it, you the customer has to be so understanding? I'm done. I walk in to the buffet area, and they have one woman working it. What a joke. Every table was dirty, garbage cans overflowing everywhere. Not once was the whole buffet brought out. Not one time. You either had watery eggs or no sausage and bacon. Or the sausage came out with potato's but not the rest of it. Oh yeah you can't take it to the room either. You might feed someone else. Hell they check everyone's ID at the door. Don't offer the amenities for any service if you cannot provide it in the first place.

I was offered to stay in a hotel for two weeks because my rooster cunt at the house. I get to the hotel, one guy at the counter to check people in. Get anything these people need from there room. Oh yeah no phone if their even was a phone to call up front. Can't figure out how to turn on the TV and their is no instructions how. I have a king size bed with two lil pillows against a cement wall. No signs to the ice machine. With a name like Garden Inn you'd think so right. One of the amentities was a refrigerator in the room. You see this hotel works with the state to rent rooms out for a short period of time. One of the amenities to truly help any traveler is a working refrigerator. Which is one of the reasons I rented the room because my room mate destroyed my food then the power gets shut off on the last of the food I could afford on on the ebt card. Lets not forget I got bit up.

The refrigerator doesn't work. I asked the guy at the front desk,"why even his cleaning people didn't let the front desk know it wasn't working?" I had to go back upstairs the night before to get the extra pillow I asked for, but it was a new clerk. He left for the night. This one liked to talk with her cell phone on speaker and be all loud in the lobby. When I came back up in the morning the juice container and milk container was empty, the bottom of a loaf of bread. She was at the counter on her speaker phone still flirting with a guy. You know I don't give a fuck if the state paid that bill, I want to know why it was this bad in the first place? It's not the clientele again. It is the excuses of the disservice.

I had a Motel six who wouldn't rent to me when the woman I was with had cash plus the absurd deposit to rent a hotel room in the first place. This should be against the law. What do we do with a corporation that can refuse service to just anyone because they don't like the way they look. My friend Nancy was another one who waited a long time to get false teeth. Oh another "another dental scam." I got a few of these stories too. She just had a seizure, she was in her PJ's. She see's my photo I.D. which was the temporary paper kind. You could see the whole picture and number. She refused to look at it or look me in the eye as she told me she couldn't see it to read it. It was a blatant lie and I have a copy for just this point. So I had to take a sick woman who needed her rest somewhere else because she didn't like the color of her money. Don't worry a few months later I learned from another Motel six they weren't like that. I told them I appreciated their service.

Then what about the mother fucking shipping and handling now? It said in the phonebook something like "two topping large pizza free delivery $12.99." I called it came up to almost twenty bucks. I asked "how does that work?" It was the processing and handling for the box charge. So no that delivery wasn't free and I said that. If we want the pizza delivered we will pay it or go somewhere else. I hadn't a clue where I was at at the time. My point is always a scam. Always a barder. I should be God Damned able to pay for a Motel in a area where I live too. I'm sick of this disservice.

Do you want to know why I got eighty-sixed from Edgewick Inn? I walked to the edge of the property or the center of the parking lot sometimes when I went up front, usually I walked around. A trucker asked me about camping back there. I don't think I was even sleeping back there at the time. I told him "no we don't do campfires." Somehow he says something to the manager about a campfire." The front desk person freaks out calls the police who knew damn well their was no campfire. I signed the report which he had not written up yet, because really what is the point? I knew I was on a journey studying Gary and figuring things out and that it would come back to bite this establishment on the ass. I promise you it will. No I mean Karma is a bitch. Even when I write.

When I went in to request a number to speak to the owner which I have met a few times and I was second runner up for a job there. He just didn't know who I was at the time. I was told that "I could not speak to the owner." My point is I'm not looking for anyone to fix this. It's all so out of control and their just truly is no fixing this. No matter who we are as a customer we should get what we pay for. I want to know why the garbage bags we pay for, tear? I don't care if I got them from the dollar store or the discount section. Why doesn't it do what it says it is supposed to do in the first place? Why are we paying for something that is destroying my planet and no one is mandating this?

Truly mankind, and no Satan we all know I'm not talking about the ones who have really tried and gotten no where to conserve our planet. I'm talking about the ones who truly did know better. The ones at the top who were responsible for this planet in the first place. I don't want to hear anymore about no money to cover anymore cost to conserve this planet. All anyone had to do was respect mother nature in the first place. All anyone had to do was if you mess up mother nature, clean her up. If you take from her, give it back.

No we all had to follow the wrong money tree didn't we Satan and E.T. You greedy bastards. I have so much more to vent but for now you all had just better get the point.

You Fucking mess up Mother Nature. Respect her clean her up. Stop abusing her. Stop discrediting her and burning her out and expecting her to take the blame for failing you. Mankind failed her. No justice no respect, you spit on her and you treated her like trash. I can't wait for EMUSSA'S STORM. One third down and two thirds up, the rest will balance out.

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