Saturday, August 27, 2016

Jacked Up

Yeah I'm jacked up. I have one cord and one adapter. I try to have battery back up at all times. Hard to do out here. I go to my storage to recharge. A couple days ago I actually rode that God Damned bike to storage in the evening under that hot Sun. My shoes are melting away on this hot pavement everyday.
Got the cord forgot the adapter. If I'm not hooked up I'm trying to hook up out here. Truth be told who isn't today? What a perfect set up make us dependent on technology the cords electricity airwaves and batteries to make it work charge a fortune for it. All the upgrades we just gotta have.
My favorite drink was Yukon Jack and Bailey's. Sweet with a bite. So yeah I'm pretty jacked up about all this. Jack Mehoff pissed off is more like it.

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