Sunday, August 7, 2016

WTF! Just what the fuck

You know brother after the day I've had something finally dawned on me my car? You know pretty much everybody has their dream car and the irony in my wheels just mother ducking kills me. Had my timing down today had a few snags. People really cross the line they see one moment hear a few words and they think they got it all figured out. Assumption judgement day I would say. Mercy me I'm hoping her house blows over like the house of straw when my mommy brings on the storm. Irony swings both ways sometimes its funny sometimes and well not so funny other times. Depends on your perspective.
This lady looking down her nose at me. She thought I called her a name after she turned away. She goes see I just knew youd do that call her a name. When what I said was some people only hear a few words and they think they got it all figured out. No matter What you say they only hear what they want to hear. By your words that is just my point. I didnt sware at you. You assumed that is what I would do. You need to go dot your own eyes and cross your own t's I assure you my side of the street is clean.
Then I'm stuck in mother ducking. Issaquah again. Construction this time it seems. On this journey I had to have acceptance not only in the odd stuff that goes on around me or what I hear. The other part was that I had to have acceptance of what was freely given. After an elk takes out Michaels car at that pipe where they had me poking the bear. He just walked away and left it in a Safeway parking lot in Issaquah.
Michael and Erb thought it would be a great idea to give me a bicycle. You have no idea the irony in the color? It's a mother ducking red white and blue girls bike. I have set it out my storage hoping it would disappear but noooo. Camping in the woods with no campfire but hey I got everything I need and believe it or not Michael came through again at just the right time. It killed me watching this rock slide over and over. I mean Michael still doesn't get the whole stripping us down and hurting us and literally giving us no choice but to have to hang in together. He still hasn't seen the light that this is what they do to the people who serve our country they break them down and rebuild them again into something better than before. Well that's the idea anyway. Was supposed to be a second chance for those men and women but it didn't turn out that way did it Satan? You went to far didn't you?
So irony is I have to replace my new shoes once again well I'm procrastinating and well everything I do is on foot or this ducked up transportation system. I literally get sent by a bus driver to the wrong stop and its like the last to get back to north bend. Tried the dial in system, you know the ones with all the helpful options and none are? This time to save time I actually ride this God Damned bicycle and the only couple of times I had riden it I wanted to just pick it up and throw it in the bushes. It's just something else to keep track of and I prefer my feet.
Today of all days I wanted to kill brother red. At least he had a quad and I got a God Damn red white and blue girls bike. So when this day comes my children had better remember that their mother is almost fifty years old looking like some native flower child riding this ridiculous bike.
Then it hit me my dream car. It was a old stepside Chevy with a bench seat. My stepdad Jerry got it for me and it sat in our driveway until He traded it to get our bathroom remodled.
When it came time to purchase a second car before Kiley was born I was accused of always having to have brand new things. When I already purchased a new car at nineteen and I wasn't about to purchase something that was going to lose ten thousand dollars the moment I drove it off the lot. I felt like with this family I was always accused of wanting new things. Like even if it had been the case a counselor pointed out to me is that so bad?  When I assure you I had nothing new. I made it myself or stripped it. I had changed all my wood to cherry. It seems I was turning my wood into redwood.
No one should ever have to fight for a quality of life. No one should ever have to be given substandard products with unrealistic standards and guidelines to work with expecting to create high quality each time. Those that do that really should look at themselves in the mirror before pointing that finger and judging others.
Then you know what happened brother I stopped by a friends to pick up my shower stuff on my way back into town. Lexi had those jelly fruit shots in the plastic dome. The ones you peel the lid back and suck it down. I open it and it squirts me in the left eye. Down my face and in my hair. I started screaming are you mother ducking kidding me? I'm camping out in the woods with bugs and I just squirted sugar water all over me.
This whole left eye thing I got going on I had just read something about some Egyptian history about someone named Torah I believe? Some Egyptian God that is going to come back through me the day this hits. Isn't that right brother?

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