Monday, August 29, 2016

Trojan Horse Standing at Heavens Gates

Now lets talk about those bigger fish I gotta fry? The next time you point your finger at this crazy woman who chose to sit in the woods, hungry burned out, truth be told this shit is getting real old and I'm not up for another dry spell. Nope not today I'm not.

While you all process paperwork rules, make up rules to protect me from myself, it never accored to anyone to ask "Colleen just why are you back in town?" How should I answer that one anyway's not knowing just what it is I know now? I mean here we go again lets put mother nature in a box to protect her from herself. To protect her from herself sitting out here sleeping in the woods living off my ebt card? No has ever asked me anything at all in my life anything. Know one has ever asked me why without fear. I have no idea why people fear me because truth be told I have never done anything to anyone. It takes me allot to to even speak either way I look bad when you got amother like mine. Truth be told, you can say I had a emotional release about my ex and just what my children went through having him as a father? Fine line between love and hate.

Truth be told don't bother trying to protect me I don't want your protection. I don't want any more strings attached to me. I just don't want some peoples life line and feedings anymore. I don't want your bullshit of telling me something I already know. Its not arrogance I promise you that. I mean really how would you feel knowing just what these three doors are all about?

Three of the biggest A's of this planet standing on my mother. So when you think about just how we all chose to carry our burdens in our lives and all you can think about is yourself then really I'm not here to feed the shallow howls in this life. Talk about a feeding frenzy, a paradigm that I stand in right now. Three doorways three pathways of the three biggest ASSHOLE BROTHERS YOU EVER MET! I mean I hope you understand if I just don't want to go through all those big books verse for verse and have a debate over who is wrong and who is right now. I don't care to have a meeting or process anymore paperwork and how I'm going to pay for this right now. All to save your hurt scared feelings because you can't handle the truth that it's this mother standing alone at Heavens Gates taking the hits while you all fight and squabble about who's land I stuck that staff in and who's gonna pay for it, take the hits and pay the liability for my prayers then you'll have to excuse me but I'm a lil busy processing how I'm even gonna feed myself, pay for this, keep warm following one of these God Damned programs which would just assume stick me in a institution than admit the truth how these mental institution labels insurance health plans are really covered. What this really cost society all for me to tell you it's a spiritual effect and a entity effect that really no one is to blame. I'm the evil sister, the evil daughter, they all just hope I'm a lil mental.

Brother number One Everybody, let me introduce him. Even if we don't talk about him we all wonder about that monster in the closet, well let me introduce my brother the one who turned my mothers love Evol. He planted a bad bad seed in all your lil hearts long ago, when he pitted man against woman and he left eve to take the blame. You poisoned my mothers apples a long time ago didn't you brother?

Brother Number two well he's been here a long long time now haven't you? You great big anthropoid if that even is a ant. Clogging up my sewer lines, poisoning my water, my dirt and mother natures resources all the way back to that Gold. Yes people we have brother Number Two the biggest God Damned Entity you ever did see. Mother Natures resources you suck up charging for all these air loans and compounded interest. Wow you've been sucking my mother dry a long long time now. Still you can't touch my mothers essence.

Well Last but NOT BY ANY MEANS LEAST WE GOT MY BIG BROTHER TODD. YEAH I CAN HONESTLY SAY THIS ONE CAN BE A GREAT BIG A HOLE. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. GO AHEAD CALL HIM WHAT YOU LIKE JC OR BROTHER TODD. ALL I CAN SAY THIS BROTHER WANTS SOME JUSTICE FOR HIS FAMILY. Yeah what can I say it's finally dawned on me just who my big brother really is and well you'll forgive me but I've got a one path to take and it takes me to heavens gates.

I've got three of the biggest Trojan Horses you ever did see coming down the path and well let's just say a girls gotta eat. My family rocks and don't you ever forget it.

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