Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Heavens Gates

You know Satan my brother I was gonna wait for this juicy tid bit but I'm so pissed off at these disrespectful Herbert's sniffing around me trying to feel me out. I have the right to stand anywhere in public eat and have a conversation with Gary even without strange men pulling up to offer me there services. I just fucking learned what that bone yard really is and I'm not happy. Leave it the fuck alone. It's mother nature's beast not yours. She hasn't bothered me and I'm not bothering her or her child.
It's called respecting mother nature people. I am so tired of people hunting and killing something unique and very old for pleasure or study. You know Satan my brother I'm tired of your dogs sniffing around. You might want to remember something else. You can make mankind lower themselves to your standards. You might have machines and transformers but I assure you mother nature has her own  transformers. Mankind always want to test fate. That is just the way it is.  Some people are weak inside they just want to take something that doesn't belong to them like someone's virtue someone's life.
Well you know brother I was at King Street Station in Seattle it was my peeing spot. Of all things to show up in the bathroom one day on the shelf but one shiny red Apple. No you dumb shit I didn't eat it are you nuts. What I didn't tell anyone was years ago I didn't want Greg in Chinatown anymore. I felt like it was gonna go down. You know Satan it is so prophetic how the art work in the PNW is. I was waiting for Michael and I looked around I realized I'm sitting in a huge All white space with a certain number of lights in each fixture and gate's one through eight. I went around all happy moving my right hand just so in front of each gate. You catch my drift right brother? Oh don't worry yourself none you won't be crossing those gate's. I promise you God is in house number twelve. Yeah brother your not getting him. He's twelve levels up you dumb shit. Gotta love that white fruit huh brother? Don't forget about the other white fruit you dumb shit, bananas. I just learned they start out in a hard shell themselves. Now brother I wasn't to happy to learn I'm sleeping with Brown bears, grizzlies, lions and cougars. It also dawned on me awhile ago ISIS and I wondered why I kept that man IS mine written like that. I just let it go but I knew They"d bring me back around when I'm ready. If you take that ISIS and place it in digital form like a digital clock that would be 1515. Isn't that fifteen years since 9/11? Since ISIS is the cover story for this takeover then i would bet we got a new rising a new dawn coming up. I can just bet you aside from the zealots in this religious lot that those who read that book want peace not war too. We went from the fear of communism to the fear of terrorism, ISIS to kill each other off and truly no God of mine wants anymore or fights over resources and religion. We were only meant to share in our traditions and share resources. We were meant to love each other and respect the differences. I mean no harm to your sister's and brothers in each sect but no you spread poison and lies through fear. You make mankind grovel for water even which we have plenty of its a lie for control and guilt to do our share and well your ego grew so big to fuck with our weather which affects mothers gardens and plants and our wells which you all took over around the e coli outbreak. They call me crazy. You all only hope I am because I may not of learned allot in school but I've certainley got a first hand lesson out here.

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