Friday, August 19, 2016

Going back in Time


Fucking system. I'm so done. Done with carrying my laundry into town and putting my money in the machine for a box of soap and nothing comes out. That has happened two Mondays in a row. I mean really what is the point anymore? Who ya gonna call? No phone number to reach anyone on these machines anymore. Even if there is a number then what? I'm gonna have to wait for someone to drive me over seventy five cents or a box of soap? Better yet why don't you mail it to me? I mean when I go to use a service and there is no one there then what? Truly the first time I had to start over the second time I offered to pay the guy to use his laundry detergent because then what? I have to spend money I don't have to buy a big jug of laundry soap? Isn't that the fucking point of this convenient service that truly is an inconvenience and a scam all tied into one.

Then I go to shower and they are closed for maintenance. Then on Wednesday went all the way to Kent Kangley from North Bend. I didn't know if my rep was there or not? I usually know his schedule, but it was my only day in town. I was supposed to pick up two checks and sign for them something the receptionist can do or someone else if he's not around. Wouldn't ya know it the whole office was closed. I mean really people, I don't care if it someones birthday party somewhere else you don't shut down a whole office during business hours especially one that is state funded at that.

I had to do some shopping sometime in May and three different times I went to three different stores and their was no one on the floor. To help me find a size in this cluster fuck of clothes. Pretty much the same thing over there. Something similar but a different color and quality over there. What about what is on that mannequin? Where is that outfit at? If I had a question I had to go stand in line with everyone else to get a clerk to help me anywhere. I mean really we are the ones paying these ridiculous prices for pretty much the same thing and where are the people to work the floor? If I hear well ya know cutbacks we all have to do our share. Then why am I even here? Why I am here purchasing these clothes at these prices and their is so much to watch for before you buy. I got a list but the one that really pisses me off that is so simple and such a cheap cutback. The lock on the back of the zipper?

One night I couldn't sleep as usual I was out of smokes? It was about one thirty to two thirty I get to the twenty four hour corner mart closed for cleaning. Getting across this one intersection is like a five minute light, but I endured get across the street to the twenty four hour Chevron and it is closed for cleaning. I sat there for over a half an hour because after all this I'm not going back. Finally I looked at the guy in the twenty four hour mart and I tapped my watch. There were like six people out there waiting. If you say you are going to be open for twenty four hours then be open. No one should be working stocking and cleaning all on their own in the first place, plus the front counter? You wanna do shit like that then yes the night hours are slower and better but you do not shut your doors. Half orange moon that night.

I was supposed to get into Issaquah yesterday evening, I canceled my shuttle ride, and wouldn't you know it something happens with a pump at work of the friend who was taking me into town. Irony is like forty of those pump's were returned the next morning. They all had the same problem, they stop working in the heat. Really it cooks the paint and clogs everything up. Now I ask how long have we made pumps? I'm pretty sure they have been used in Texas and Nevada before. My point is why still all the glitches?  I get stuck in town again. I think the shuttle is getting used to me. This place has stepped up there game since the last time I used their service. I have a list on this one too. No truly they saw the issue and they fixed it because I don't like the way he treats his customers and that power play bullshit. You don't like your clientele then there's the door as far as I'm concerned.

Oh yes, Michael gets to stay where he is at. I mean he was downgraded since he did what he was supposed to and get a job.  LMFAO! Gotta love irony. So now that Michael has a job, and received one paycheck and he is in this housing program just getting started, he no longer qualifies for the VA. Now if you think I didn't explode inside when I said to Michael, I have been in this program for like ten months, why so long for you to get your foot in the door? He said Oh I was doing all the VA programs. So now he does not qualify for succeeding in a second hand program he no longer gets a roof over his head while working the beginning of a program? So no, really I'll stay in the woods.

Going today to get my own tent. I got organic shampoo and conditioner so I can wash my hair in the river. I have organic soap, a razor I'm good. I went and got a swimsuit. I hit every store at the outlet mall and the only one I could find in my size was, wait for it......another mother fucking flag. I swear I got flags coming out of my ass. I decided I'm going to get organic laundry soap and I too am going to wash my clothes on the rock's. I mean why the fuck not? I got the sun to dry my clothes. It'll fade my clothes but I don't care anymore. I guess I'm becoming a product of society after all.

When I look at the prices and the size of apartments Michael can afford to rent like around a thousand dollars, which truly is like de'javu. Like when Greg was going to school in Santa Clara, California. Six hundred and seventy five square feet and they are closer to twelve hundred, luck of the numbers out here. One guy in one program told me once, call as many numbers as you can, it's the luck of the draw. I feel like I'm in sales again making cold calls. On top of it I'm so sick of all this battery buying and battery charging. You have no idea what it's like for any life line you have to rely on a battery. Truly most nights I turn it off and it will be dead by morning. I have to weigh my odds out here. Well my odds are the bear will get Gary first.

I told him I will be off in the woods bouncing my flashlight on my knee trying to get it to work. Don't worry it's new,  just another glitch in a new product. It comes lose inside and doesn't always work. You have no idea how many I have been through. It takes a couple minutes to get the cell phone to spiral through and turn on. Don't worry I ain't any part of stupid is as stupid does. I know the truth of everything and that is I'm the bait. I wasn't happy with that brother upstairs a couple days ago when He did what he usually does swing me up and slam me back down to the ground.

It finally dawned on me that my brother is holding my teddy bear. It finally dawned on me just who my brother was? I'm getting all cocky, I make an announcement I'm sleeping in my space in the woods for now on. Now I know I don't have lions to worry about. I just don't like surprises. I just accept that the black bears eat the ants not me. Like bears to honey. Then my period starts on the seventeenth. The night of the full moon Gary was acting up.

What came to my mind something my mother used to say, "white pony on a red saddle." Then Michael tells me something about why native women went to the red tent? Something about scent or draw, I thought it was because they didn't have tampons. I realized God Dammit my brother just set me up for another test. Another test of faith or fate I have no idea anymore? Nothing like wondering so what is this scent going to bring on? Which bear is gonna come out of the wood work this time? Is it the bear in Gary and I'm stuck outside completely on my own? Truly it wouldn't be the first time. I just know more now to be better prepared. If anyone comes into the woods where I sleep from any direction, I know they aren't there for anything good. Which is why I'm so thankful when I got back that night

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