Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Rainbow Cherry Blossom

You know Satan my brother if you think I don't see just what lil flower your trying to pluck you might want to let me remind you she is very closely watched. By my brother, my father. They are right on that front line. You aren't plucking this fruit. Yeah that's right it was the day on the bus and they let me know just who's mother I am? They said "You are Eve's Mother and Eve's Mother doesn't fuck around." I yelled out in my head "Just like that! You put it out there just like that?" It hit me just then just what it meant the other way around?

I have never fucked around on any man. No their have not been that many but truth be told I am very loyal to any guy I ever dated or married. Then lets go back to the other side of that coin Satan, just why it is I am really here? Just why it is I am out here? The truth in why I am out here? The truth buried in all the lies going back generations. To make sure when I pass that baton to my children it will no longer be a gauntlet. It will no longer be a burden. It will no longer be a chain that chokes. It will be a clean slate once and for all.

We are not turning that cherry into wine just yet. She is mine to keep. It has been my blood all along that feeds this child and this planet. That is my promise to her and Alex forevermore. That no matter where I am at near or far all they have to do is close their eyes when they bow their heads and look in their heart and feel my love for them always. When they look up at that sun it will be my face they see. It will be my imprint's they will walk in. It will be me that carries my children and when I drop that ball I promise them a Father for back up forevermore. They shall not go hungry or weary knowing their mother has their back forevermore. I will feed them from that milky way and with the rivers that will flow clean waters forevermore. Yeah that's right their will be no more bloody waters not in my nation or any land across this planet.

Their will be no more bloody cross or sacrifice to feel my families love. Their will be no more holes in this cross, this cross will stand strong. That cross that intersects in the middle is my family of four. That cross that I place a circle around to protect and love forevermore. Their will be no more sad shoulders. Truth is when we bow our head and pull our shoulders forward young or old we are protecting that heart. That heart is our soul. That heart is where the gold is. That sunlight that feeds us love and warms our heart. That heart that protects and guides us. We are all one half of a whole we always have been and we always will be. Clean slate, new day, new dawn.

When Kiley told me she wanted to go to church, she is thinking about becoming religious. She knew I was cringing inside which is just why we were having that conversation. My reply was "Kiley you do not have to stand on a soap box to talk about God. He comes from within. He just is. Walk your talk baby girl. Stand tall be strong, be proud of who you are. You love who you want to love when you want to love. Their will be no more guilt and shame in your your tiny heart. You will not sacrifice nothing. You will honor your family with your pride, who always has your back.

You will not be led astray, your family will always guide. Truth be told it takes a village. You will always be allowed to defend your honor and I will fill your heart with love as you grow. I will be the hand that feeds and guides you. You and Alex are the two halves of my beating heart. My Faith, My Destiny, to love, to cherish, and honor forevermore.

Another way I just figured out how I cast my lil spell for this one. The one I never knew I was ever going to have. My CB handle was Rainbow Cherry Blossom as a child.

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