Monday, August 29, 2016


Wow! Sorry people I'm just not feeling allot of love today. Truth be told I'm tired of all this dead weight anyways.Let's talk about this ignorance bullshit. Is ignorance a good enough excuse to get through heavens gates? You know the way I see it if my brother is that Big J. I mean the that you assumed wasn't an angel but just the son. I mean know that wasn't good enough for you. Still had to test fate, test him. Test the boundaries, throw rocks and stones, point your fingers, making him prove himself over and over that he is the son. Testing his patience, because well if the son of God explodes then that wouldn't be very Godly right? I mean no matter what he tried or did say you all really missed the point, you spread his point so thin, oh yeah you raised him, this hollier than thou son and it never occured to you who held him up when he walked on water, how about splitting the red sea? I mean pretty impressive stuff right? I mean he even fed you with mother natures wares with those seven baskets and still his own brothers killed him off. For greed. For power and resources, that you spit on, shit on, you raped her, you poisoned her and you labeled her. You allowed someone to move into God's house and just take over, shove her around, push her down, take the fall, the heat and the blame. You dump your garbage on her, you poison her dogs with all this poisonous food.

I mean really people, what do you think dogs ate before we went commercial? They ate meat and we are so arrogant to make our animals like my dogs vegetarians all so you feel better about yourself, like it or not we are the same species but not exactly the same, mankind has choices to get our protein from nut's, eggs, chicken, fish and vegetables, but we are so arrogant that we want to turn our dogs into vegetarians. We wonder why they are so sick and itchy all the time. I mean their is a place for vet's and pet care, in every society is a matter of fact their is room for it all, we have gottten so commercialized, dependent, lazy that with all this technology and all these cars and towns there is no excuse for ignorance.

Ignorance is just another form of denial. Not all I see that but really for those of you who abuse this word, have no excuse to refuse to look outside your box. Excuse me while I walk by and knock your ass right off that soap box you stand on. The way I see it to stay ignorant this way is just another excuse for you to say you have no responsibility in the not knowing or not wanting to know, is no God DAmn good excuse, not the way I see it. You'd just be dead weight.

By doing this you just passed the responsibility onto someone else to carry your load to eat off this planet to feed your family. Your a part of this society, you want to eat here, sleep here, shit in mothers house, then get your lazy, self righteeous ass off my rock. I don't care about your personal fear anymore. You stand around, you chitter you chatter you make allot of noise about your God, well the way I see it, you are just getting in the way of me feeding my children while others are living a indignant life all so you can be diginified, all pious high and mighty. No way, not the way I feel today that just isn't going to be a good excuse anymore, weather you walk out your door or turn on your appliance it's sitting right there. Let me see this one just might be a hard one for you to process for me, because truth be told we all process and learn and think a lil differently along the way.

Which way do you think I would choose to feed my children? HHMMMM!!!!!Let me proccess, let me think........HHHHMMMMMM!!!!!Technology, taxes, fee's a great big ant sitting and feeding all you greedy lil pigs.......HHHHHHHHMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!If I'm mother natures daughter......Wait a minute still proccessing........I', sorry I'm kinda slow........downloading......proccessinngggg......thinking what way would feed my children???????Just how far would mother nature be willing to feed all you ignorant unjustified indignant lil people....which way would my pendulum swing if I had to drop a lil weight weight to make you all happy and pleasing to your lil eye?

People who nit and pick each other talk about shallow howl.....Yeah you might think gluttony and sloth in those bears, but truth be told we all feed ourselves something to help cary the weight and burdens for our mother. We all chose different ways to take on the poison so mother nature nature wouldn't have to. Some up there chose to do this no matter what to protect this planet that up there they chose to sacrifice their bones and flesh for her. We all chose as her children not just his to take the hits in all different sorts of ways not just for him but for her. Whether you walk in fate or faith we all chose a path for this time today, and when you really think about who else would no better than your mother just where your gonna go when you leave this earth? I mean we all carry the essence of mother natures seed. None of you thought about that did you? Oh No You Did Not Did you?

You thought he was the only who gets to decide who gets through heavens gates. So when I listen to all of you whistle and whine and point the finger at each other and down your pious lil nose at your lil mother that I got bigger fish to fry. Don't coming to me looking for validation and approval when all you gotta do is follow your heart. Just who the fucks rock do you stand on?

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