Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Adapting to the outsourcing

We have become a society of outsourcing. I do not agree on a monopoly ran Government.  You think we are not a monopoly but when you look at the bigger picture here we are ran on one great big monopoly. Oh yeah it seems we have choices? We got our red, white and blues when we vote in society. We think we have a choice when we make a vote. Then who can accept a donation how they can except a donation, to get out there and sale yourself is gonna cost you right up front. Time and money out of your pocket if your a candidate trying to do the right thing around all these boxes and gauntlet of bullshit they maneuver around just to try and make a change. The whole system is set up two steps forward and two steps back. The slightest thing you have ever or will ever do wrong is decided for you already. I wouldn't want to be a male or female politician any day.

Politics is a gamble and it's gonna cost you the candidate and the sheeple out the bottom being bought and paid for. I know you think its a triangle but its a square. It doesn't matter how much you pay into something their is always someone out there who is really pulling the strings. I mean hell I do and I don't have all the bullshit. Well I do just the other way around. I'm literally the one hooked up to all these wires trying to listen to music, facebook, email, IM and all the while it is auto correcting my words into  numbers. If I type in word at the end of sentence and its misspelled if I place a period it saves it that way and I have to keep going back to change it like three or four times before it will except.

Now I know what its like to pass a law or try to get through to congress. Sorry we're closed. All these glitches in technology everyday that is mass produced, re-made over and over, reinventing the wheel a hundred ways over, all this garbage and all these glitches are driving me nuts. When we opened up our post office, phone lines, water companies, all this food outsourcing it opened us up to all get a piece of that pie. I don't blame you the cost and control of that one monopoly was getting out of line, costly and outrageous and well we had no choices. Now we have so many choices and all the garbage to go along with it. On our planet, in our hearts and our wallet. Even though all these investors are controlling everything behind the lines we are all suffocating mother nature, pollution, garbage and technology.

I remember when I could dial a phone and make a call. Now I have to turn on my phone and hit the dial button three times to make a call. All these pop ups driving me nuts all these downloads and applications. I have to go to this location and shut it down and over hear to shut it down from another place. Can't step away for a moment without someone or something dinging you. I didn't like the cost of our phones back then but they worked. Now look at all these family plans with all these great family plans names and all these cell phones to upgrade and buy. All these different cords and attachments. To pay for and it keeps down loading and dinging me to turn down my music of all things. Its not loud in the first place. For once in my life I have music and I'll be God Dammed at my age if I need a mother fucking mother board tell me or remind me to turn it down.

These cameras every where do not protect you. They can only tell you who committed the crime after the fact. Are you going to tell someone who is getting ready to attack you, in my case animal or man, "hold on let me make a call and give them my location?" No really hold on, I got this. Just give me a minute let me make a connection here. I got call on my pauses, I need me some back up out here. Two cat's against one just ain't fair." I mean really who ya gonna call when shit hits the dust? There has not been one time out here in the minute of a emergency did I rely on that technology to get me out of a mess or bind. Every time I tried they were to scared for themselves to come back and get me. I might hurt them.

Even when I did say look at the camera or they did, no crime on my part but I got fined. This system helped me out only to see the poison and lies in it. We are outsourcing, our food, our hearts, our minds and our bodies to a system that is broken. Not you.

I went into a restaurant the other night. Well a few. It was getting later, my energy lets just say less than and my choices and cost were narrowing. One place literally added every ingredient by dollar. By the time I paid for that taco it cost seventeen dollars. To order a pizza you get the cost of the dough right up front. Option of gluten free now. How much did that printing cost? Then you get a choice of three sauces, like about twelve ninety nine at this point and I haven't even gotten to the cheese yet and additional cost for cheese on a pizza? Seriously. Then each topping a dollar for vegetables. On a pizza vegetable spread thin, here and there do not add up a dollar each topping. Then the meat choice something like two ninety nine. I get it. I get it from a business owner point of view but in the end when I see things from the bigger picture like this, I walked out. I actually had the cash this time and I had the choice but no fucking way. Everyone pretty much is on a budget nowadays and that is not okay with me.

I know the business owners of the next restaurant over. OMG! Are you kidding me. I was hungry, tired, and nauseaus (sorry computer went off in nether nether land again. I don't know why it just starts underlining. Fucking thing has a mind of its own sometimes.) The guy at the front counter, filthy, unshaven, no teeth, touching his nostrils, handling money, answering the phones. Notice one man at the counter, again. Yeah I'll look at this guy at the auto shop but not from the person I order my food from.

I look in the back and the ingredients aren't covered. Kids in the kitchen, I asked about one he was the owners son making his own pizza, no gloves. The other kid waving his hands around over the food and sticking his hands in his mouth. You order pasta now and garlic bread is extra, but your paying for a dish of pasta. I had to pee so bad but I refused to see anymore. Especially the bathroom. I was more afraid to wash my hands then not wash my hands. I chose to use the porta potty outside from the fair that day. I got lucky, wet but lucky, they just got sanitized. Still I thought to myself, I should of just pee'd in the woods.

I know the family who runs this and the people behind the counters so its not the people, its the service. From this it made me think that other place was prettier and cleaner but on my budget I guess I don't get a choice of quality and how I choose to eat after all. I come here still unhappy but I was done with pizza and red sauce for awhile. What do you really know what is happening on our front lines with the food before we get it? Not just the in-humane points I get it. I mean not just the poisons and mass production on our fruits, vegatables, fish and meat? Our nuts our tree's? I mean the whole picture. Truth is its pretty ugly. God dammit, I'm not letting some Government who puts on a suit tell me how to live my life. Just because you stand in front of society to serve society and you say your this doesn't make you this. Show your God Damn hand you mother fucker.

You know they keep taking me around to that ace of spades card for the last couple of days. To tell you the truth I don't gamble but I'm pretty certain that Jim and Haley can tell you the one and only time I played, I may not of had a clue what I held in the palm of my hand but every time I dropped my cards I kept winning. Oh Haley darling I Love You Sunshine. You are the reason I'm out here. My poisonous lil seed that I so wanted to help out because truth be told I get it. I got it and I heard you loud and clear. You and your sister and all that laundry. No matter carrying the burden of someone else's dirty laundry darling. For now on you don't except but good behavior from these young men. No more selling yourself short. I don't care how tiny and beautiful you are, I don't care who put you here or how you got here, you will never have to prove or work for your love through your body. No people she's not a prostitute. More of a prostitute of the heart you might say.

This is just my point we are all a product of our society and none of these last couple generations that we look down on for learning differently and processing differently should be told they are less than because of societies numbers and standards. These people out her or down her are truly the geniuses who have been beaten down for going off kilter. These mentally ill are like the Good Will Hunting Guy. The old souls that learn and process differently and there is no reason not to pull them in and let them and use their talents and gifts in society. They will get unstuck.

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