Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hanging By A Moment

Sitting here meditating writing and just letting the music feed my emotions. This one is by Litehouse and the tears started flowing. I no longer care if people see how I receive my prayers from up above. I have literally had the police called on me twice for praying with my right hand in the air and the tears flowed.
Just because I look like some rebellious native love child they see something different and they take pleasure in my tears. My tears are because of their fears not mine. People think I am the voice of evil/evol truly I pray for peace in my nation and this planet. This federal take over between ISIS and the illuminate are both the wrong kind of power for this nation or any nation. If your ego is so big that you think you are protected think again. No ones home stock or smaller corporation is covered. I am willing and able I still stand with my flag and my family upstairs. Mother nature's eggs bacon and potato's are free. So is that coffee and tea you drink. Including the water you all are paying so much for today. Mother Nature is free. My prayers for peace come from my heart and they are free too. They don't cost anyone anything just leave me to be free. If you cannot take a peaceful stance for our nation go home to that family upstairs. You can tell them face to face why you feared feeding your own flock down here? Time to get out my I.D. sheriff number one just rolled by. I got my flag which truth be told should be a lil smaller. Can't even pray on a red rock in public without getting my I.D. checked.

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