Sunday, July 31, 2016

07/31/2016 Poison in my sugar cane

Now Satan my brother lets talk about the FDA and how they have removed natural sugar from our food products and you replaced it slowly with sugar substitutes with names like Acesulfame K, Aspartame, Saccharin and Sucralose. A chemical or plant substitute used to sweeten or enhance the flavor of foods and drinks.

Now we all know that our bodies are meant to have sugar. Our bodies crave it when we don't have it. So we go into overload trying to get it. Take a look at all this diabetes for example, so many more people have diabetes now more than ever. Other countries use actual fruit to enhance the sweet flavor in food but nor us, right brother? Our country is getting sicker and sicker and our taste buds are becoming dull. So that is one reason why people turn to alcohol to get that sugar intake.

Know what else I discovered brother is that people who have all those big bellies out there is that spiritually they are carrying their children close to their heart. I know people focus now just on the medical reason only for their illness but that is not always the case is it brother. What ever ails us physically has a spiritual component first right brother?

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