Sunday, July 31, 2016

07/31/2016 Hypocrisy

I love Ben Stein. He is a rich man but he is truthful with people about what is really going on. When this popped up on my Facebook this hit the nail on the head.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured but not everyone must prove they are a citizen. Now consider that many of those who refuse or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to pay insurance because they are citizens.

Oxymoron again. I am out here using this insurance and all these guidelines and quite frankly it is a crock of shit.

What about the fact that people who are non citizens can vote? What about our constituents who make promises to these non citizens trying to get elected? What about the people in this country that they represent in the first place? My veterans make less money serving our country than the people who work these counters? What about these veterans who can only use these veteran medical facilities far away in one location?  I find is subpar in the service we give to these men and women who got fucked up by their own country in the first place. I said to Michael "you mean to tell me I can pretty much walk in any doctors office or hospital and get help and you have to go to one office on the other side of Seattle?" They sit in a waiting room for hours while they hand out socks and tell these men where to go to get a meal. Herding the wrong flock brother.

That day I sat in the office with Michael after we walked out I got on the bus and right when I saw the American Flag. Bam I orgasm twice. Two long orgasms nice and slow. Luckily no one else was on the bus. Just my family blessing and honoring my flag with that special essence. Then their was the evening I was the only one on the bus, I turned my head to the left and Bam! Another two slow orgasms down Washington Avenue. A couple days later I was on the same road and I looked at the cross streets and right their it was Todd street. Funny I don't even have to touch myself or think about sex it is just one of the ways I am a vessel for that family upstairs. They have taken me around all year marking my territory in this Washington that will represent that Washington.

That is one of the many ways I have discovered the behaviors of the men around me afterwards. Following me and yelling things at me. Just trying to back these boys down is impossible. It took me awhile before it finally dawned on me what was happening to people around me after this happened.

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