Tuesday, July 5, 2016

07/05/2016 The Storm

07/05/2016 The Storm

Missed another fireworks show with my family Satan and that doesn't make me very happy at all. All these holidays without my children sitting at my table brother really pisses me off. You know brother my brother Todd had in his right hand something swinging down by his right leg and you know what brother I want one of those. I discovered that through the centuries they went from a sling shot with a rock to a steel ball with spikes. Who was it who carried that weapon brother? Vikings, Satan those would be Vikings. I have been seeing and learning allot about Europe and it's history brother. Stuff I never even knew. I mean you think that I would of known, I am a good old fashioned Irish girl after all with good old fashioned values. Imagine my surprise when I learned that Europe had slaves?

Yup that is right brother their is so much slavery that has gone on to all sorts of good people and families. Generations going back all because of the color of their eyes, skin or hair?  All because man wanted to take something from someone else that didn't belong to them in the first place? All for greed. Greed for land and it's resources. The oil, the gold, that gold coin that sits at the end of every rainbow. Then well brother let's not forget the tree's that bare the fruits? The fruits of man kinds labor just trying to make a living and feed their own children? You know what I learned stepping out of my life to become a homeless woman with my lil EBT card following this cement paradise you created. The one IC is paved with lies and illusions, this is why I call it, "Cement Paradise of Hell."

Oh yes brother, I figured out that purgatory and just where that purgatory sits? That was one of the things that didn't add up in one of my favorite movies, "What Dreams May Come." I knew inside my heart that their was no purgatory in heaven. I knew their were different layers and dimensions and that we go to heaven to do a clearing. Like a reboot. I know that when we go home we all have jobs to do. So no Satan purgatory was created by a church. I believe the Catholics way back when, during the time of King and Queens, all to pilgrimage, rape, tax and keep control of the people all out of the wrong kind of power. To use God's name and create rules to get into his house really is the biggest Sin of all? Man does not get to choose do they Satan? You know that and I know that but I wonder if his flock knows that? Man does not choose who get's in his house. You know brother I read on a lil silver stone, "God doesn't have to be everywhere, he has MOTHERS." LMFAO brother.

Yeah brother I've got quite the tally as I take down this house of cards. Yes brother that house of cards does exist doesn't it? Right up there in the planets and the stars? Funny I don't watch them but I get the drift whether fantasy or sci-fi their really is and is a war between good and evil going on upstairs. Even those twin planets in another universe. The one labeled evil twin, the other good twin, is about to go down right here on this planet isn't it brother? Including the ends of all those big books are about to play out all at once, isn't that right brother?

I figured out how you turned LOVE into EVOL oh so long ago. You planted that seed in so many ways and just the poison in that lie alone you wreaked havoc on the hearts of God's children. Due to cause and effect over the generations I now see how with your two's handy work over the centuries just how you are stopping evolution of mankind in their hearts of all places. You have turned us into a society that has children (not all) to feed ourselves love. Especially these last few generations all these mothers and fathers having children that they can't even feed love, let alone food. That is just one of the many ways you have turned mankind into a society of vampires.

So many have children trying to hold onto a man or woman by having a child and they have no idea what healthy love is in the first place? Things have been to confusing for way to long Satan. If you think for one God Damned minute I am going to let you over throw my nation, my planet, my rock without a heads up then you have solely mistaken the power I hold inside me? Now Satan I know you don't give one flying fuck about religion, I mean why would you it's just one of the many tiny boxes you placed some of mankind in with all these different religions, spiritualties and colors of our skin? You like that don't you? It keeps us fighting and separate.  All to create fear and power in God's name that just wasn't yours to do in the first place.

What about that other one? LIVE vs. EVIL. Yeah that's right brother doing a fine job on this one. Pitting mankind against each other through our nations, our church's where people go to be close to God? Poisoning my dirt here in this Washington, poisoning our fruit, our meat, stripping away and poisoning our water all out of greed and all under the guise of protection from each other? You poison my air and my tree's with those fake clouds in the air. I mean come on brother you even poisoned MY SUN. You make us cough and wheeze, don't you brother? All this radiation and atomic bomb experimentation and wars? I mean come on Satan we get vitamin D and nutrition from our sun. For centuries and centuries we didn't have cancer from the sun or our food, did we brother? Mother Nature does not survive without that sun. Isn't that right brother?

Right their that is your two's plan, to burn out, kill mother nature slowly? You poison her so she can't feed her children? You want Mother Natures children to starve all so you can take down God and his ring of fire? You two don't give one God Damned care about this planet. That is why you two have been here all along. This extra terrestrial who has been tunneling it's way through this planet stripping her of her Gold and oil? Let's not forget all those minerals that have been stripped away? What about those blood diamonds brother? This fracking? Fuck you Satan. Fuck you both, your not getting that Father, this planet or that ring of fire. You have to go through me to get to Him.

Let's not forget those emotions that you two have controlled and made us feel bad for for centuries? Oh you two have been very busy. Through all those big books of hope you make anger bad. How can something that Mother Nature and God gave us be a sin? I have discovered brother that anger is good. It drives you. It keeps you moving forward. The only thing bad about anger is what you do with it and where you place it that makes it bad. We place our burdens on each other every day through our actions and our words brother. Especially the actions and words you use to take down some one else behind their back. Allot of power in that isn't that right brother? You brought Mary Stone in my life to take away everything I worked so hard for? My three businesses, my house, my husband. You even had my husband keep them home from soccer while she taught them principals and virtues. How is anything those two did virtuous, or any of that behavior based on principals brother? I teach my children, not you brother. Truth be told I have lived it every day since then. The poison in that lie and behavior. Still never took anyone down out of spite, vengeance, or sloth. Always gave freely what I had, even when I had very little, isn't that right brother?

What about all those labels on emotions? Through the hell care system and the mental health system? Oh let me count the ways on this one brother. I have discovered through watching the mentally ill just what it really is brother? Oh I'm sorry. No not really. That's right not only do people not like the truth, but neither do your demon trolls sitting on peoples heads. That's right brother, I said, "troll." No one truly knows exactly how many times God's creation has been taken out and reborn again, right brother? I mean I was not only getting a European feel I was getting tinker bell feel.  I was wondering why I wrote "I feel like tinker bell standing in a land of giants." I didn't know Satan that giants were in heaven? I have discovered Satan that the giants here on this planet represent those giants in heaven. LMFAO brother!

Like all those nights dancing around that black square pit pointing my flashlight from the North, South, East and West. I could literally see in peoples clothing and behavior a fairy feel. Like we all have a lil fairy inside us. A little Fey, you made gay bad and planted sex on that word, didn't you brother? Truth is those folk lore and fantasies didn't just come from thin air did they brother? You wanted to keep everything separated so people won't feel safe to look outside the boxes of fear you placed mankind in.

Atlantis those mermaid's and mermen? They existed too brother, didn't they? You know in the beginning of this, that name Ariel kept coming up. I found Ariel in that book of angels and she oversees home's and animals doesn't she brother? Looking more and more through that history channel we are finding more and more proof that we as mankind really don't know the whole story. That in those big books that bring us closer to God so we can get into his house, that that isn't the whole story and that many parts and key players in all those big books were left out for instance, these mothers who have been getting hit with rocks like fist while they take the blame for what Eve did in that garden. Oh yes brother their is a KING OF THE SEA isn't their brother? Well we're about to find out, aren't we brother?

These young girls who's clitorises are cut out so they can't orgasm? These women and young girls bodies do not belong to man for you to rape and abuse and make choices about their own bodies and the parts that God and Mother Nature gave their children. All IC is EGO and you will have egg on your face asshole by the time I am finished with you. You remove a woman's essence when you chose to take away her ability to orgasm. Those countries and women and children hurt more because of that EGO you planted that "woman is less than man." Where the fuck do you think Adam got his apple from?

Let's go back even further brother. Back to the time of all those kings. What did kings have back in the day brother? They had seers and because of a couple bad apples you had the word spread that Mother Natures and God's one seeing eye is bad for those that are gifted in the light. How can any magic that is done in the light with Mother Natures herb's and plant life be bad? Yup you squashed that didn't you? It was the Kings that ruled out of Greed that made Mother Natures all seeing eye bad. You placed fear on the peoples heads all so some blow hard could pilgrimage, steel and rape his people of resources. We sent man to wars fighting over things that didn't belong to any one man in the first place.

Just what did mankind do to my brother when he said "you don't need all those rules and rituals?" They flogged Him. My Son? He wore a ring of thorns upon his head, he carried that cross while people threw rocks and stones at him. The birds pecked at his bloody flesh. The blood ran down and burned his eyes in that sun. Let's not forget about the jails Satan? This brother spoke of a easier way didn't he brother? He spoke of peace and all those greedy kings couldn't have that could they? They just couldn't let the money and the wrong kind of power go, right brother? You can't feed your flock, get the fuck off my rock all you politicians. Oh yeah I know it's been one fucked up mess. Jeb Bush was right, you can't rule with your heart anymore. Things are way off balance here, isn't it Satan?

Is that why I saw a finger against a tree bark every time Greg spoke to me? "Oh Colleen, you are wasting money buying that bag of lettuce." Did he have to wash it, spin it, clean those dishes? What about the time invested to serve that assholes every demand? He wanted a salad every night with his dinner, and he never thought for one God Damned minute how it got there? Did he Satan?" What that man just thought their was a lil kitchen witch? Some lil magic fairy just kept coming along and picking up that ball didn't they Satan? Who the fuck did that Satan? Every time something kept knocking on my door?

Who went to the office to save that mans job the next day? Who had to fight to get the man knocking at my door, to tell me "my husband for the last four months was having a affair with his wife." Who had to fight that man to get him to that office, with his wife? Who had to sit in front of them with Greg's boss and tell them, "my husband is not your white night in shining armor bitch. Now get your issues and problems out of my husbands office and my life." I said it nicer than that didn't I brother? I got my point across however. What was that four months of a declining paycheck and he couldn't tell me he fucked up going to lunch with another woman he didn't know nothing about? Spineless mother fucker huh Satan? He just sat there. I didn't even get a thank you for that. How many thank you/s have I should of had? How many brothers have I had made that choice for me? Whether I even deserved a apology for someone else's behavior?

Then after that Satan another four months of a declining income. His own patients were transferred to another doctor for the next four months. No more income, so at a time my father, grandmother, and aunt are falling apart and my phone kept ringing off the hook, "Colleen you have to come." At the same time I had to take everything I knew from my past and get a office built, up and running with two baby girls in tow. No one ever asked or thought that I am only human? I still succeeded Satan, because of that office my children eat, don't they Satan?

What about those Wicca's? Male or female? Even the name Warlock is pretty scary right? Merlin wasn't so scary was he brother? Magic from Mother Nature is only bad when we try to force someone to do something against their will. Like this take over I see going down in our own county from within. You know brother, I have discovered something else that when a man or a woman feeds their children Mother Natures fruits and ware that they are Wiccan. Anything done out of love is good brother isn't that right? It is you who planted a evil incantation on that. Through man fear and greed.

How many of God's children have you burned at the stake out of fear? We do this today don't we brother? Only we don't burn them on the stake anymore? We outcast them, we reject them. You like that don't you Satan? They use twig's stick's flower petal's rock's and all of Mother Natures food. Just like a mother or father cooks for the child. As long as it is done with love and light, it is all good. I haven't even gotten to the shortage of service people who work these front counters at all these DSHS offices. How many times did I keep coming back and their was no one their fighting against a 90 day timeline that turned into eight months. How does that add up? Keep coming back, it works if you work it. How many times did I keep coming back, only to take the blame? The rejection at these counters, oh yes Satan you like triggering that heart don't you? The triggers of rejection is key here isn't it brother. All these homeless peoples last hope. Our veterans and mentally ill. All created by a system to make them feel bad about themselves yet again.

Fear, even in Christianity? Judgment in those houses? You gave mankind permission to judge each other if you didn't fit in their clubs. How is that God's way brother? How is that Love? How is that trusting God while their children walk their path in this life? We all have different paths to walk in this life to finding the answers. Isn't that right brother? Inside spiritually we are all different animals, isn't that right brother? That is why IC the animal in people who come in all shapes and sizes? All those little beasties inside just wanting to come out and play?

Particularly that great big monkey man IC, with those hooded baby blues? IC A EAGLE. IC A PREDATOR, IC A CARNIVORE, IC A VULTURE IN THOSE BABY BLUES. IC A VIKING WARRIOR, WHO IS A VERY VERY OLD SOUL. WELL BROTHER, THIS BROTHER OF MINE HE JUST KEEPS COMING BACK, DON'T HE? YOU ASSHOLE!!!!! Now Satan their ain't nothing in those baby blues that tell me you are getting anywhere near that ring of fire. That ring of fire represents this planet. All those quaking giant rocks IC inside me brother. You know the Indigo children you mislabeled as ADHD. If you don't believe me brother look it up on google. Because you know what they say "anything you read on the internet must be true right brother?' Only if you dig a lil deeper, isn't that right brother? Only if you know just where to look. You and this ET have been blocking the truth on all the media the US sees isn't that right brother?

I have found that when you bring others together and you break bread together that that is your family. IC a big family reunion coming on from that one table centuries ago brother. It was my Mother Mary who set at that table next to her husband. I do know that when Mary sat at the bottom of that cross that her husband hung from in the hot sun, with birds pecking at his flesh, that she was carrying a daughter.

Funny thing about this Satan is even though man kind did not follow my mother and unborn child, you did didn't you? Which is why you were standing in my womb with my unborn daughter. I didn't fear you that day when I walked around you, that day in the forest. I didn't fear you when you followed me around at that truck stop. I heard when I walked out of the woods that "I was being watched." I knew that when again, I saw your black truck that you were watching me. Along with that other black truck. I still did not fear you. I don't even like relish but I relish the day we meet again. It is true brother you were watching me but you were not the only one. I didn't even know at the time that this was about JC. My Father, My Brother from another place and time and this place and time.

Now because of you Satan Mom and Dad are gonna have to come down and wash out all your poisonous seeds on this planet, in your lies, your blame, and the power of suggestion. Wow allot of power in suggestion isn't there brother? I mean even I have wondered if everyone is awaiting JC's return, why hasn't anyone ever thought about just why JC would return after all? What would be that reason brother? Isn't it funny how everyone thinks it's going to be rainbows and sunshine, while you blow smoke up mankind's asses while you plan to make a play on God's flock? Anyone who makes a play from behind the scenes is a coward. Any man who tries to go through the mother to get to her children is a predator.  Those big books make it seem like all will be peaceful. It will be but not until one last dance getting rid of you two off my rock.

No one ever thought about when God's mighty fist hit the earth that the storm and fight also came from Mother Nature first? No one ever thought about how primal it became, man against man, animal against animal, and man against animal first did they brother? My mother is sick of being on the back burner, she is sick of the lies and the poison in your seed's, the lies in this economy, the lies in this hell care and the control you hold over mankind's well being? All while our food and minds have been poisoned. IC allot of gray matter. Labels brother, labels, lets talk about those labels? Then let's talk about that heart you are trying to get to? Let's talk about energy too? Lets talk about good energy and bad? Let's talk about the black magic you do and how it is all a illusion? Not all magic is a illusion brother is it? Magic is a illusion but white light is not, right brother? You have taken everything good about my mother and turned it into evol.

You even labeled my Mother as a prostitute but my father knew better didn't he Satan? Let's talk about cause and effect of what you did to mankind by placing rules on how we love, right down to the position of some sects? Who we love brother that was very evol to place on mankind's heads? To make mankind feel shame for loving one another? Religion made the rule of who loves who and how they love isn't that right brother? I never understood how for centuries men have raped women and man thinks they get into heaven because they are entitled, right brother?

What about all those gay people who were starving for love and you had them condemned here on Mother Natures planet and you placed God in this mess? You used his name to turn love into evol. I mean really brother all those centuries every gay man and woman went to hell? All those people who were gay in their hearts and felt guilt and shame over the centuries, then they turn around and hide themselves in the closet hoping God won't see what is really in someone's heart? So those that hide turn around and condemn others out of something they should of never had to fear in the first place? Anything given and received freely by both parties is love. As long as you do not harm one another. Respect, cherish and honor each other. It really is that simple right brother? Sex is an exchange of good energy, but when we take it and it doesn't belong to us it makes the energy in that love making dark. Doesn't it brother? Something taken makes mother natures essence dark. Anything freely given and taken like a orgasm created by two people that is done out of love creates a white essence in that energy with mother natures orgasm doesn't it Satan?

Then you have to have trust to have any of that don't you brother? Well you poisoned TRUST didn't you brother? The other big T in my life. Just like my brother Todd LaGene. He took those wire hangers and beatings because he can. Even as a child he was strong. He took the blame because my uncle made him bring lil girls into his garden and fuck them while he watched. Then he took the blame and beatings. He ended up in Juvie for trying to run away from you. You put my brother in that box and well brother by the time I'm done with you, we won't need a box. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. My family owns that lightning rod of this universe, not yours. You poisoned the T in Trust didn't you brother? You poisoned his word. You poisoned her. As you twisted his words around with all those lies and illusions you planted, oh so long ago.

Before I go any further let me tell you something else I remembered about that 5 day delirium? You remember? You were there, right brother? The delirium. I didn't know what I was talking about when I wrote it? The one where I wrote about all the injustice" I went into all these dark emotions I didn't even remember ever having or ever feeling? Not in this lifetime anyways right brother? The one where I said "I'm the sheep, I'm the lamb, I'm the ram. I'm here for his flock. I'm not afraid to bleed for Him?" You know what it is I do remember right at the beginning is that I was sitting at the foot of the bed talking to a woman that Michael couldn't see, but I could?

It wasn't Michael's eye's I saw that night, nor was it Michael's teeth and mouth. Why brother if I remember right you were drooling. You couldn't wait to get your hands on me could you brother? I remember Michael, well you, not my Michael, right brother? You said to me, "you are just a server." I turned to you really angry and I said, "I feed you don't I?" I turned back to the woman who I remembered from my past. She is the one with the mother who comes from twelve sisters. Her mother told me herself that "all twelve sisters are on all 12 corners of this earth. I always wondered what that meant, and I figured that out to? This sister of mine told me their is a curse on my family. That my husband was sabotaging me and trying to make me look crazy. When I stepped on that egg and I unwrapped it it was a exact replica of my head where the yolk used to be, but the eyes were blacked out. Now funny thing brother is that I already knew the part about my husband. Hell I was living it wasn't I? Well the curse I wasn't to surprised, I was just surprised that their was  a name for it.

So brother I guess that is why I have always had acceptance of my destiny because somewhere along my life someone was always giving me the answers as I went along. It was time to pay the piper wasn't it? So yes brother, my sister from this time and place transcended to me and walked me through that "valley of death with you." Talk about being beaten from the inside out, spun around and turned upside down all at the hands of you brother. Yup, I felt like I had been ran over by truck and backed up and ran over again. What the fuck brother, that's all you got? Feel like a man? You piece of shit. You know it doesn't matter how pretty you are on the outside brother, because I have learned that my body is just a shell of who I really am on the inside too. Nothing like walking through the fire so you don't have to fear it later on. That my brother is how my family protects me, they always seem to walk me through something very dangerous and painful and they never let me know until after I have walked through the storm.

Oh those storms you piece of shit. How many storms have I been left out in? How many tornado's did I stand in at that truck stop and no one even knew? Including me. Don't worry brother I know who's hand I feed from. It might of taken me a year to get schooled the old fashioned way but truth be told I had allot of catching up. Didn't I brother? Without me even knowing it, I started hunting you before that. When I wasn't sleeping, eating or working all those crazy shifts getting sicker and sicker every time I went to work. Scrubbing and cleaning away all while serving the food to quite a diversified group of people. From my present life and others from my past lives.

So yeah brother you can say I had allot of ground to cover. Not only on my hands and knee's scrubbing the gook off the shelf and floors. Always trying to keep up. Working under substandard conditions with cleaning solutions that only poisoned but didn't do their jobs. Not even Cyndi had in the kitchen any cleaning solution to soak or scrub that equipment with but she got it done. I couldn't figure out why they couldn't just invest in a shark. That machine that was hand held and blew hot steam that sanitized and melted the gook all off. One investment cost effective no poison, saves time and money without the poison. That is just the point Satan isn't it. Not only did I clean up Greg's dirty laundry but again I'm put in a position serving the poison to the people who happen to drive the trucks that feed the people. They bring food, clothing, and water all across these states.

Those women flew out the door so fast every time I walked in the door. It was incredible the mess. Ticket's still out on tables not even cashed out. If a table didn't have someone sitting or waiting to sit down because it was dirty. No line stocked. Oh that line was a mess wasn't it brother? I had never seen a store so poorly designed all to serve the customers better in a timely manner. All the while we are gridlocked on a line and no one is out on the floor. Half the time not even the Hostess. The hostess was off getting desserts or only one cash register. If that set up wasn't a joke.

Clocking in on two different systems that one usually didn't work. Set in the worst location ever a four way stop two doors above the only working computer and cash register at night. The phone is located at the front of the house. How safe is that? How can you serve anyone effectively in a timely manner running here and there? Yeah Satan you are burning out the servers, not me. My paychecks for fulltime work was coming back like $99.00. I wasn't getting paid and neither was Michael. Was he Satan. Michael get's his dream job, not only did he get paid here and there, but Satan you make Michael slow? You cause his arthritis in his spine. Particularly that heart chakra and his lower back.

How can we even get to the phone when we are slammed? All that wasted energy and leg work, most of the time it was a employee who wanted to use their whole thirty minute lunch sitting down. Hell I was lucky I got my smoke break down to three minutes. That was usually the only way I could step away. Half the time I hid out not to be bothered.

On that line the servers were lucky to get the food right. Half the time the cooks refused to speak to the servers. Even management behaved that way. If we can't get answers from the cooks then what do we tell our customers? That is your job in the service industry, is to serve the customers. Who pay the corporations marked up overpriced poisonous food. Then the servers get nickeled and dimed at that line to have to re input stuff because one computer only types 7 or nine characters. How can after all this technology can things get so fucked up?

Then the customers walk out not just the truckers who feel like it or blame the server for substandard service. Who pays at this corporation Satan? The servers do isn't that right brother? We can get fired for that shit. Last I could see these women are in here to eat and feed themselves and their families.  Side door doesn't lock and anyone can sneak in behind any server and she wouldn't know they ere there. Expected to always watch the front door and be stuck getting deserts that take ten minutes to make. Plus it's our job to stock it and cook these pies. Hell I burned three fruit pies in one night. Who knew you didn't cook all fruit pies? I don't eat them. Servers are expected to restock a salad bar that is the kitchens responsibility then I have to fight with a cook who wants to pull it when I have seven soup and salads out. All because a corporation said those are the rules. What about the customer, the people in this community and the server who is trying to serve them? I'm stuck running in back for soup and salad's while new customers walk in the door.

Shouldn't the server and the cook have a video screen on each line to be able to keep an eye out? Irony they want us to charge our customer for a AUCE even if they change their mind. You would not believe what I learned behind the scenes working for another corporation serving food after that. Manual physical labor to serve food behind the scenes. What was that Satan about a three to one ratio on that front line for the servers to serve food? Spreading your servers kind of thin aren't you brother? Burning those servers out which makes me think about that cause and effect on my nation? What are the true numbers on that front line when it comes down to protecting my country? Or does it even matter because it's coming from within?

You know what else bothered me at that other corporation I served at? Well actually I have a list. Let's talk about those straws that the servers weren't allowed to put in the water unless it was upon request only? Really Satan? Thanks for the bone brother, but no thanks. All under the guise to save on garbage for mother natures benefit. While the server has to remember to ask or gets dinged on a mystery shopper if you automatically stick one in. Burn out and stress your servers for straws all so the people can drink a iced beverage with a straw. Like the servers and managers didn't have enough to do backing up the dishwashers, the bussers, the bar and run food. Plus run your ass off cleaning up not only your side work but the manual labor of the side work of someone else's job in the first place. Two fucking hours and three signatures later just to get out the door. All under the guise of teamwork. Teaching these people to tolerate the physical labor and stress you place on ones body is absurd. I'm going to kill you brother. Ashes to Ashes dust to dust my brother.

What is it I see 1/3rd down and 2/3rd's up. Let's not forget all that rain water pouring down through the roof at that truck stop? Wow! what a mess that was. Who's job is it to clean up a flood brother? It seems I did your job twice, Fallen Angel my ass. One night another trucker named Michael helped and the second time it was my Michael. That water that flowed for a couple months on that front line where the servers and cooks connected. Right where I saw that black square. Isn't that right brother? Hell for some reason that maintenance man never could fix anything in a timely manner. Even I started bringing in my own tools to fix that place.

Funny the same maintenance man who found me standing behind the dumpster at the place I would sit where the fallen angel who happens to be the dishwasher, at that truck stop would sit and watch me. When I had to work as a cashier hostess because my back hurt so bad. What was it I was doing? I remembered a piece of wood that looked like a dark book with a flap that was stuck to the wall. For no reason it hung there. Their was no screws or anything to hold it on. I barely touched it and it fell off. Behind that piece of wood sat a black circle.

I have come to learn brother that that black circle was a portal or worm hole and it was not good. Not only was I a book worm as a child but one of my nicknames as a baby was worm. Irony that this April fools baby found that portal, isn't it?  Lucifer and that is why you grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out from there? You didn't even recognize me and how many times had I served you your food brother?

Funny I get raped just a few hours before and I didn't want anything. Then when I went to tell the property manager what happened, to let him know the guy is on camera. You spoke for the property and had me 86'd off the land. I knew then it was time to call the police because I knew that rapist was far enough away from my daughter. Plus my family told me it was time from up above. I didn't know that before I got out of that truck and I said to him, "your family is waiting for you to come home," that he would actually die and go home. I sent him home to his children. He died forty minutes later and shot himself in the head. God, Karma can be a real bitch. Due to that cause and effect in energy well I just never which way the energy flows. Longer I'm out here the stronger I get on this road to discovery.

I used the hotels phone where I had tried to stay the night before. I had the cash and I.D. but my pay card did not have my name on it. I stood there with blood running down my face and she didn't even notice. She knew who I was, hell the owner interviewed me for a position not to long before that and he really liked me. It wasn't meant to be right brother? I wasn't meant to work anywhere else but there at that truck stop, right brother?


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