Wednesday, July 27, 2016

07/27/2016 Manners

I'm really having to hold back on my day today as early as it is. Fucking re-evaluations and deadlines, all these parameters in programs that I have already been approved for for one year. You waste my time and resources and tax payers dollars all on this re-evaluation bullshit. I haven't even gotten started on how such a paperless society all the bullshit paperwork that comes out of all these offices and programs really are. Killing my trees. The cost of all this mail and our tax dollars. Just jumping through mother fucking hoops everyday getting more pissed off at all the injustice IC out here and well quite frankly, my family upstairs likes it that way just fine. Rolling emotions right along with our ocean waters. I really just don't give a fuck anymore. As far as I'm concerned you can take this planet. If mankind doesn't care why should I. I mean I have never seen such a bunch of chicken shit ingrates in my life.

We have become a rude, entitled society following the wrong money tree yet again. Everyone is all defensive and hurt feelings for their own behavior in the first place. People are angry and quite frankly so am I. I mean I get it but fed up is more like it. While you all walk around in this life looking down your nose at each other because you all think your so righteous and justified for your poor behavior.

While I was in that "Lil Blue House of Lost Mothers" Oh the stacks of dishes and laundry I did. You have no idea. I didn't mind truly I didn't glad to help out but others all indignant if asked to do a chore. Wow!

Now I can clean a kitchen in nothing flat but on this particular day the dishwasher didn't get ran so it was full of dirty dishes. I had a huge stack of dirty dishes to my right. Full sink on my left with dishes I just hand washed. Dry rack is full of wet dishes. A new mother walks in an hour late with four children. It was their first day. She asked if her and her children can eat since they are late? I said sure help yourself everything is still out. Right there is the food, the plates are there, the silverware there and cups are over there. Help yourself. Bathroom is down the hall to wash your hands.

This itty bitty thing comes back and says their is a line we can't wait. Well then there is a bathroom downstairs and hand sanitizer over there, help yourself. She proceeds to go off about how she is a single mother just trying to feed her children and I won't let her and in my country blah blah blah. Let's just say right there I was done. I looked at her and I said to her, now you were late and I said go ahead and feed your children. Now you are in my country not yours and in my country it's called manners.

I am so sick and tired of this culture and race card bullshit as a good excuse for poor behavior. Don't anyone ever come in my country again and be ungrateful for what little scraps we have left to even feed my own nation. Now I am not happy about the way things have been but this self entitled bullshit is gonna stop. Don't come in my country and take away my flag. Don't you stand on it, burn it or disrespect it again. We used to be a country to each his own, we had a hodge podge of different nationalities people and religions and we respected it for the most part but to come to my country and strip away what little we have left, complain and disrespect my flag is unacceptable.

By the time this even gets started with that bomb that this E.T. and Satan are just waiting to go off for a takeover and take down my country for the wrong kind of power I'm way ahead of you.

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