Sunday, July 31, 2016

07/31/2016 Roe vs. Wade

So Satan should we just rip the band-aid off of this issue? I mean come on not only is it morally wrong for any elected official to use what choices a woman makes for her own body or even a couple. Talk about a oxymoron of a issue here. A candidates job isn't to pass judgment on its constituents, a candidates job is to feed, protect and serve the people not the other way around.

Talk about redemption. Redemption is a powerful thing particularly from that family upstairs. When a baby dies it goes back to heaven, when a woman and or a man make this choice it is never easy in the first place. God takes those babies back doesn't he? It is about the choices we make around this decision. Can we feed our children? Can we feed it love instead of us being so broken that we have children to feed us love? Can we put a roof over that child's head? Are we having children to keep a man or a woman attached to us trying to get love?

We have all these men out here spreading their seed and having children with many different women and they can't even feed them. Their ego is to big and they leave that mother to take care of things while they run off with the boys. I haven't even gotten started on these mothers who keep having children that they can't even feed let alone have the maturity to love it in a healthy way. That is for both these men and women. We have people judging and making others feel guilty for making responsible choices that is better for themselves and the economy, and then we judge and persecute them especially when we blame them for paying for their mistakes that others made them feel shame for in the first place.

I do not agree with abortion being a form of birth control, that is what Plan B and birth control is for. Their is even birth control for men now. No one wants to put a raincoat on for that ten minutes of fun and no one really thinks about the long-term repercussions of another life, minimum for 18 years. This issue in the future will be removed from any table in a elected officials candidacy. Quite frankly I am done with this shit. Man does not get to choose. This is why people have these options in the first place. So knock this shit off you entitled self serving son of a bitches.

No more having you cake and eating it too.

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