Saturday, July 30, 2016

07/30/2016 Pride vs. Pride

Pride vs. Pride
Their is a good pride and a bad pride to be. Truth be told I never thought about it from a different perspective. A different point of view. Native pride is about pride in their culture, their people, their family and community. They worship and honor both Mother Earth and God.

Pride in the bible is connected with ego. Anything connected with ego is a bad combination. Throw in a little bible pride, a dash of mental illness, paranoia and fear. and what do you create none other than demon sloth. To much of anything is not good thing particularly with Sloth. Sloth is elusive and deceptive he moves in slowly getting heavier on peoples psyche, minds and bodies. Yes sloth poisons the heart. He blocks you from love and light.

Sloth causes suppression, oppression and depression he pushes you into the ground getting heavier and heavier over time as your mind, body, and life slip away. Sloth isn't just about material things like greed. Sloth works behind the scenes on the psyche. Then we have psychiatrist and pharmaceutical companies creating labels and medicine to suppress our emotions. Making us zombies so we do not feel while these investors get rich.

Sloth will take you down any way he can. He will pull the rug out from underneath you when truth be told these mentally ill and labels are all just people re-acting to Mother Earth. Schizophrenics see things in another dimension. They are so in tune and misunderstood. They are intuitive not mentally ill. Those dimensions are getting darker and darker because that fallen angel and his big plan are getting closer and closer to this dimension.

They want to Microchip our bodies to control our money, our health, and our overall well being. Sloth brainwashes creating fear for things that Mother Nature and God can provide. Health, happiness, joy. Food for our hearts, our minds and our bodies. Something mankind has not felt for so long.

This system is teaching mankind, God's children to tolerate synthetic drugs and food. This was only a temporary solution to a long term problem. Synthetic is creating the allergy in our bodies, and minds. Our bodies and minds we're not meant to tolerate these allergies for long periods as they poison us and do nothing but turn us off and suppress mankind.

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