Sunday, July 31, 2016

07/31/2016 Federal Taxes

 You know Satan I don't have my notes with me to look back on, so this one will be short and to the point. Let's just tell all of the good people what I discovered about all these Federal taxes? It was a documentary by past IRS agents who have integrity. They went looking for the original document with the original signature that states the IRS can charge all of these good people federal taxes. Come to find out it is not even signed. It was actually created by a bunch of rich greedy investors in a off shore private meeting and somehow without it even being signed it was honored by our own congress.

You see Satan that is why you will lose and all these greedy investors will lose this time around. My family put me to sleep for each year I was married and they woke me, beat the shit out of me inside and out. Tore me down and rebuilt me just the way I am supposed to be. Back to my true form you might say. They rebuilt my muscles around each disc in my burning spine, they rebuilt my muscles in my body from the inside and out. Now I admit I've lost muscle mass this last few weeks with some more weight loss but when the time comes I'll be back in ship shape.

They detoxed me of the poison in my heart. All the lies and deception to take me down. The lies in the assumptions truth be told when you leave someone with an assumption that is not true it is a lie. For example my X spreading around that I had a affair with a married man. Not in a million years. He came into my work and spoke to my boyfriends X. Their divorce was almost final. Just two months to go and they were not living together.

You see he had an affair on her after she had two affairs on him. One with his best friends brother and the other with her sisters long term boyfriend or husband. She needed a face to take the blame for just why her husband left her and I was it. She tried running me over with a car. She tried ramming me in my car with her car with my two children in it. She trashed my name amongst the other agents in the valley and she paid sixty five dollars to have my divorce papers copied for her. What a sick bitch. She was a tyrant and a bully and she had four restraining orders against her already. She even showed up drunk where I lived one night and backed out and hit another car.

I had to go into my work at the beginning of my new job and I asked my own broker to give me another trainer because I didn't want to be caught in the middle of these two's mess. Cary and me hooked up the night the pipes blew under my house. The next morning I was putting it on the market. I called Greg to help and he said no. So you can say Cary came and very gently and lovingly cleaned my pipes. Cary was kind. Beautiful baby blues with a beautiful smile and I had not had affection in so long. Greg never touched me. Oh I had the bruises all over my body while I was married to him. Spiritual beating is what that was all about. I didn't know then what I know now.

Neglect is a invisible abuse. I don't know how many doctors I went to trying to figure out those bruises. People stopping me on the street just to ask me if my husband was beating me. No he didn't he barley spoke except to say something cruel, like hurry up look busier painting that trim around the door. He didn't care that he just yelled across the room with all our friends that my grandmother who took care of me when I was sick and there home was my second home growing up. Telling me twenty minutes later while I stood on a ladder four months pregnant with Kiley that I need to look busier I was being rude to our house guest.

After he made me come home when me and Alex were sitting on her death bed the day before in Kelso. I had to leave my one year old at that predators house with my mother. I tried to tell him I can't my grandmother is dying. I was told I was being rude and that evening I watched a car driving outside the far right lane and move in the lane to the left clip a RV it flipped over and over in the air over four lanes in front of me upside down six feet in front of that Gold Exploder I drove. Had Alex been with me I don't know that I would of seen it ahead of time to slow down. When I got home he wasn't at the store getting paint, food and beer for the next day. It was my job you see. All he said was so you almost died today huh? What a kind man I married after all. this lazy entitled son of a bitch.

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