Sunday, July 31, 2016

07/31/2016 Catholic Church Curse

Satan my brother now we all know we are sexual beings. Everything on this planet reproduces or pollinates. As well as people. Sex is natural, we have our babies by a man and a woman. Somehow somewhere the catholic church thought it would be a great idea to have all these men who represent this sect take a vow to sustain from sex. I guess kind of like JC. So now what these men get to hang out all under the guise of love and children and God. Where did allot of these men turn to and abuse? Our boys, the very boys that their parents sent them to church to do their duty in serving the Lord beside these predators. I don't believe they started out predators but just what in the fuck do you think is gonna happen.

These pious SOB's who thought JC was a virgin. I can assure you ain't no brother of mine a virgin. I have said it before and I'll say it again, just why would God send his only begotten Son here on this planet not to experience love and loss? What you think he just walked around amongst the poor being the chosen one and he didn't have sex? Please! What an unrealistic standard to place on mankind in the first place. WTF people.

Just where in the hell are my demon slayers and just why did they not see just what is sitting on the heads of these mentally ill people. The ones who certain emotions can't be felt inside the heart. It is like a piece of their heart is dead. Why in the hell did no one in that sect know anything about me? Waking me up only to find the answers and I only have three years left to live. So now all of those demons are gonna lift and the catholic church will be left with their pants down once again.

Not against religion as much as the lies and the separation of mankind. The assumptions they know everything, that they set a standard. Yes people my Irish grandmother was Catholic and I got dragged there too. Yes God and Mother Nature can plant a seed in a woman. Immaculate conception is what you call it but truth be told none of us are virgins, isn't that right brother? We recycle.

That does not mean you have the right to sully a child. To poison them with your sick beliefs and sick behavior. You do not have the right to take something that is not freely given and no one has that right to make that choice for any child. No one has the right to break a child's spirit. We don't break a child's spirit. We guide them and at times we have to push back and nip at their lil toes when they cross the line but that does not mean you abuse them in any way shape or form. We do not feed love from a child's body to feed ourselves love. That is not love that is Satan turning love into evol. After this storm their will be serious repercussions for this one.

Lets not forget the flip side of this one. These young girls showing up in bar's with fake ID or misrepresenting their true age and identity and the man takes the fall for that lie for the rest of his life. He wears the label child predator can't go near children. Like that doesn't destroy someone. You destroy someone's reputation to save face for that lie. Parents are condoning it and covering it up. I'm done with young girls that are not getting healthy love at home either due to neglect or abuse. Maybe a misunderstanding, look around you where are the fathers to these girls.

I never had a father and the last thing  I ever wanted was for my children not to have a father feed my children healthy love because if they don't have it they go looking somewhere else and that is the truth and every one of you know this. Women's bodies and children's bodies have been taking the brunt of all this sick ego shit for way to long. Quite frankly, I'm done.

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