Sunday, July 3, 2016

07/03/2016 My Rock

 7/03/2016 My Rock
When I first stepped out to find out what was going on on that land, I kept hearing brother.? Then it came to me that the three dark ones who work and frequent that land are looking for a bride to complete that black four square? I turned it into a black heart on that cooking line. I knew then that that black square was foreign and that it did not belong there. Those three will not get her. They showed me in the beginning she has a brother and guess who that brother is Satan? That brother is JC.

Why did I turn that black square into a black heart you ask brother? Anything with a deep V at the top pointing up to the heavens with one sharp point pointing toward the ground is better than that black square any day. That's right brother I left it up to that family upstairs and I walked away. I didn't even know I could do such a thing.

You know what else I figured out brother is that their is more than one fallen angel on this planet. Well brother I'm here to say "you aren't the only one." Yeah brother that is right I figured out that black square and just what and who it represents here on my planet? So now I have two poisonous seeds planted here on mother earth sitting on that Native Land? We don't just have one cancer on my planet, it seems there are two. Due to cause and effects over the generations I have figured out just how your two's dark energy works and just what you two have done?

Yeah that's right brother, I have figured out just what and who that black heart represents? Took me awhile I admit, but hey when you get schooled the old fashioned way from that family upstairs it takes a lot of days and a lot of miles for them to show me just what it is they wanted me to see? Well brother you can see I have been schooled and as it turns out I am the Jack of all trades. I didn't have one God Damn clue my whole life. I always thought my trade was taking something old and making it new again. You know brother, like furniture and houses.

Yup brother it's been an interesting journey this last year. I had no idea I was embarking on a journey to find out just who it is I am? I mean really brother I should of known the day I buried that talon and I saw a big piece of dog shit that turned into a pheasant head then a talon. I looked up at that sky and I yelled "oh come on, not this shit again I hate this shit." Just who is behind all this chaos I see going on all around me and in every country? All these storms? All these spirals? All this odd behavior? People screaming my name for no reason? People were just so angry at me? Waiting for me to do something? I didn't know what then, but I do now brother, don't I.

Then let's not forget all those shit trails? You know the ones I'm talking about? Mother Natures fertilizer. Hell brother not even I knew what animal shit I followed each day. I just followed those trails in my lil red suede slippers. Then you know what dawned on me one day as I was standing in the woods and looking at all the different things I was seeing? The holes in the ground, where the trees opened to the sun and the rain? The way that when you really looked at the lay of the twigs and brush how they all move in one direction? The way the tree branches all grow toward the sun.

When I looked to the South I could see a pregnant bird in that mountain. When I looked to the East I could see a man with a bruno beard. This was the mountain brother that after each cleansing, or discovery I'd face the East and sing a song, dance to a beat of my own drum and I'd sing "That Man IS Mine." Then I'd look to the North and there is a Native Man behind me. When you are facing from another direction that Native Man looks really old. Then to the West you have the Puget Sound. It dawned on me that no matter what science says about the holes in the ground or why the sun shines here? It dawned on me that when you put this all together? Mother Nature set this up, and that I'm standing in the middle of Mother Nature.

I mean come on brother why else would I be standing on a oil can having conversations with a brother I never knew I had in the first place? As I was standing on that oil can I heard one loud whisper. It was "niece." Now I ask you brother why would I remember a conversation I had twenty years ago with an adopted woman who was in my wedding? Do you know what she said to me brother? That "she wishes her real mom was here. Not to say anything but just watch." Know what I heard that day on the oil can brother? That "her mother is closer than she thinks." I knew then that that impetuous child was my niece. The brother who died in a car wreck at seventeen years old? Boy Satan what a burden that brother carried for that brother upstairs. Even my mother called it right Satan, what did she say? Oh yeah that's right, "he was nothing but a bad seed." We'll just have to see about that? This niece is just one of many isn't she Satan? As the story gets deeper those nieces grow bigger.

Wow with a mother like that who blamed you for even being born in the first place? Thanks for that Satan. Funny thing Satan I always wondered, why am I standing on a oil can in the middle of a truck stop doing some kind of fertility goddess ritual if I only have two daughter's? Laughing, crying, standing on that oil can saying the Lord's Prayer. Sitting on that oil can and singing this Land Is Your Land. I knew then that it had something to do with those twin towers cuz truth be told brother, I've only lived on this West Coast Line and I ain't ever been to New York City? Twins? Twins comes up. lot in my life. The first 3 word's I heard was ISIS, twin tower's and organ. Now is it organ the mountain with the broken heart or is it Oregon the state? It could just as well be both.

Then as I was sitting there looking at a semi with a big feather on the top it said PRIDE. Behind me sat a blue semi that said, "JCT." A semi pulls in with a black steel triangle beam. I started kicking my feet in my beige suede lil' booties. I was kicking an angry rhythm. IC A East Indian man get out of the semi. It wasn't his nationality that bothered me or the turban, it was that he was blocking me from my pride. It was that black steel triangle beam he had loaded on the back? I was angry and I wanted it off my land. I didn't stop kicking my feet, crying, singing those two songs. I didn't stop until that truck left.

I still couldn't get off that can. I mean really standing there with a wife beater on, ripped up jeans, a feather in my hair. What A sight? I knew one thing and that was I agreed to look crazy. I wasn't hurting anyone, that was important to me. Not to hurt anyone else. I also agreed to do this because when they asked if they can come in me to save my family, I didn't know it was about my children. I also didn't catch on that they actually said we. It took me awhile to remember that and when I realized in October, when I asked, "Who is this Freya number one and Freya number two that I see standing over my head? The answer was, "your sisters from another place and time." That made more sense somehow.

That was when my head turned to the left and I saw that red headed man all dressed in black and red, with downcast eyes and a half smile, that I realized that brother red is mine from another place and time too.  He was standing at the end of the counter one day at work. This brother, Satan found me when I didn't even know I was lost. I had no idea I was about to go down the rabbit hole and that he was going to walk me through this part. Don't worry Satan, I spotted him too. Just who it is you really want? Well yes Satan I remember you too. I mean maybe not right at that moment, but through those Mothers upstairs IC just what you two are really up to? I saw him standing in the same place with his coffee, head bowed, and a purple triangle over his head.

Funny thing brother after I had to smoke twelve fag's in that hot sun. I had to put six smoke butts on each side of that oil can. Then with the ones that got wet I had to spread the tobacco all around that oil can. I also heard on that oil can, "sorry their wasn't enough time." Now Satan just what did my family mean by that? Time for what, you two? Just what is it you two are cooking up?

You know what I did Satan? I stepped off that oil can, and I picked up a long stick and I walked into that black pit by that well and I stuck that staff in the ground. I gathered up all the garbage, and a black bird carcass and I stuck it on the top, (funny, it happened to be a black square) and with fist out to my sides I screamed, "GET THE FUCK OFF MY ROCK!" Then after awhile of this, for some reason I went and sat on that well. I crossed my arm's across my chest and I went HHMMP! Just then I look down and I see two black snake heads pop up out of that well. I admit Satan even I wondered for awhile, "am I the two headed black snake?" No brother that would be you and that extra terrestrial sitting in the ground. You know that great big black serpent, that has been here for centuries stripping away Mother Natures resources. I mean really brother you really think your own Mother doesn't know what you planted on her rock oh so long ago?

Yeah that's right, I see you both. Now due to cause and effect through the generation and lies you planted long ago, in all those big books of hope to be close to our Father, you put a label on Love? You created rules and rituals for mankind to be closer to God in oh so many ways? It all started with that Ego in those big books, didn't it Satan? That poisonous little lie. Started out, oh no brother don't think for ONE GOD DAMNED MINUTE THAT THIS ISN'T ALL I SEE. This is just one of the many lies you planted oh so long ago. The distention between mother and father. The distention between man and wife. The distention between brother and sister. 

I figured out that black square, that black heart, this system, the corporation's, yup that's right brother, you know what the key word for this one in corporation's and that land where I stuck that staff in the ground? The key word is entity, isn't that right brother? Yeah that's right they took me back to that garden brother. That garden where Eve took the blame for Adam's absence in the garden, when she conversed with you Satan and she ate the forbidden fruit? Remember Satan Adam blamed Eve? We never did get a explanation where Adam was did we? Just why did Eve feel so rejected that she went against God's wishes and she ate it? Why did Adam reject her and leave her to take the fall? I mean Eve was pretty naive she didn't know any better, right Adam? Funny thing is no one ever asked did they Satan? Some brothers in this family can be real assholes, isn't that right brother? Yup, no one ever said I had to like all of my brothers. Don't worry Satan IC your hand in this too.

Pretty spineless I'd say. What made Eve feel like she was unworthy of God's love? What made her feel like it was all about him and that he's the only son? I mean Satan God said in the beginning we are equals.

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