Saturday, July 30, 2016

07/30/2016 Two Steps to Heaven

When I first came out here before I understood what this was all about. I laid there rocking and crying saying in my mind "I do not choose either daughter." The second night the same thing only it was, "I do not choose either father. I will not choose you cannot make me."

I got a job as a cherry picker at a ware-house just like my mother. The filing for these Samsung parts was bassackwards. The filing in one area went up to level H. The other staff would only file up to level G. They didn't want to grab the step stool and file it up on level H. So we had to keep re-inputting pass code 7777777 over and over.

It dawned on me then that everyone is willing to go to God. 'Oh God forgive my sins and heavy heart. Forgive me being a selfish, greedy, judgmental bastard for taking down others when I shouldn't of." Then I realized people are willing to go to God but they aren't willing to take the two steps it takes to get into heavens doors..

All these people in my country that shouldn't be here that are all part of this inside take down that IC, need to go back to there own country and show God just how worthy you really are. You entitled son of a bitches just who do you think you are to think your going to outsmart God and HIS ONE ALL SEEING EYE? You want to prove you are worthy and get back into his kingdom? Get back to your own mother fucking country and man up. Take a stand for your women, your children, and your land. Not from each other but from below and up above. No women, no children means no planet.

This storm I call EMUSSA is coming down on your heads in more ways than one. Look around you at all these storms. Our Mother and God are not happy thinking your going to over throw my nation and mankind behind his back.

WTF! People open your eyes, and open your hearts, let it go, all that ails you, give that family upstairs everything you got. That is what they are there for. To lean on them and let it go. If you think they don't know you are only lying to yourselves. Do you know what they are looking for? Those that can do and those that can that don't. It really is that easy what you do in that closet and inside your heart, they see it all, and well now quite frankly so do I. I always have, I just couldn't believe how ones actions didn't match what I was seeing inside. I was only seeing the good in people not the bad.

Only the meek and worthy will survive. I know who the meek and worthy are. Do you?

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