Sunday, July 17, 2016

07/16/2016 Shannara

You know Satan OOOHHHH I have so much to tell about my discoveries and just who it is I am. You know how I have lived on this journey, you know the part, "if one door opens I have to walk through it." Truly brother I never know just what  it is I'm supposed to learn. Nice touch living behind this red door with a warm heart lil house. I liked the numbers even 10626. With numbers like that their is always hope right brother?

I mean what about those nights standing outside underneath that man with the beard, slapping my  hands down by body? Saying E. V. O. L. I push you into this ground. Nine layers deep, times three I send you to hell. Nine layers deep from the North, South, East and West and all in between from infinity and beyond I locked those doors forevermore. Just setting the stage right brother?

Yes Satan lets talk about those three, sixes and nines I worked with that same night as I stood under the moonlight with feathers in my hair? Now ya know brother I don't know nothing about no three, sixes and nines? I just kept going. I used my threes to take out my sixes and I turned those unhappy sixes upside down. I turned them back into nines didn't I? You son of a bitch! While I was out there I knew one thing their is an Angel mathematician, and who would know just how to turn those numbers around than that Angel? You know what else I learned about Angels brother? Angels exist in every sect. Religious or spiritual, isn't that right brother? They do not judge. They just take care of business so Destiny can move forward. Isn't that right brother? I have discovered that Angels come in all shapes and sizes. Even sea turtles fly brother.

So here I am living with a Sloth Demon. Are you fucking kidding me? All I do everyday it seems is shut this demon down. I keep putting it back in its place. Shit Satan first my family wanted me to learn to see the animal faces in those trees. You know what I did with those unhappy animal faces? Yup! Ya know those lil frowny faces? Well Satan my brother at first I didn't know what to do especially with that two face Cheshire cat, I walked past everyday? I decided to turn a negative back into a positive and I turned that frowny cats face back into a smile. How did I do it you ask brother? I planted my feet in front of it I waved both my hands in circles, waving them up to that big blue sky, and I said, L. O. V. E. and then I'd wave my hands back down and I pushed that EVOL back into the ground.  After a lil while of this my lil kitty cat had a smile.

You know at first Satan I heard "two more." I had know idea what that meant at the time. I was thinking you were the one who had two more? I mean hell brother every time I turned around I had more and more woods to clear and say, "The Lords Prayer." You know that prayer brother? My families promise to this Nation where I stand. You remember that "Pledge of Allegiance" I'd put my lil hand upon my heart and say that lil prayer every morning. Now you want to remove our Father's name from a pledge he made to us? I think not brother. You remember those four brotherhoods don't you brother? The one that made a pact to protect this country no matter what? No matter who rules isn't that right brother? That would be "The Army, The Navy, The Marines, and The Air Force."

Do you know what I heard sitting in that veterans when I was writing? They showed me acres and acres of Evergreen Trees. They told me every tree represents all those veterans who have passed on fighting for this nation. This One Nation Under One God. They showed me that even those who have passed on know the truth of who's really behind all these wars. Destiny's markings they speak louder than words to me. They showed me that day that upstairs I not only have this Washington but that other Washington that stands behind me. Truly Satan I only speak of peace, not war. Things have gone to far they are way off balance. Way off kilter.

You think I don't see the zombies you have created in our time? These drugs legal or illegal that make people not feel, but they still feel pain don't they brother? All this panic you created around addiction, that you two created in the first place. Now all these people hurt and they are turning to something to shut the pain down, even for just a lil while. Just to get to work and have a roof over their head.

What about all this stress you put on mankind? You have made everything about the wrong money tree. That black square, Expecting the same income when productivity goes down. So instead of dropping the expectation of what that product once brought in they tax us the sheeple the difference. So all mankind is paying for is all this compounded interest on air loans that never existed in the first place. Even then it wasn't enough was it brother was it brother? The ones at the top of all those corporations got even greedier didn't they brother? Then the people had to cover that debt. Oh yeah, IC, sloth over this one. This one wants the wrong kind of power. Anything that doesn't feed the flock can fuck off and die, as far as I'm concerned.

Now brother that night of my dream when I saw nine silver bullets, a policeman shot seven times, over love, one bloody knife and one silver bullet. Now brother, who do you think that bloody knife and silver bullet are for? That policeman who was shot seven times, well I've been watching this go down in the news everyday. A few bad apples and the rest of the tribe, the brothers and sisters take a hit don't they. We all seem to get boxed in on either side we work in anymore, don't we brother? All these lost boys on motorcycles with wings on their back. The lost boys in all these gangs looking for a family. All because somehow, someway their mother and father let them down too. Everyone is so confused that they don't even know what true love is supposed to be. It is unconditional. It has no bounds. It is limitless. It is warm. It is compassionate. It is kind. Don't get me wrong brother, love is no doormat either. No one is putting their blame off on me for their bad behavior anymore. I don't care if I have a job anymore. I don't care if I have a roof over my head anymore.

After I saw what Gary is going through in the woods all alone? That man is a messiah and he is taken the hits for that black square. For all this ISIS bullshit. That man went to jail for ten days because he went to the closest man with a towel on his head and hit his door with a rock. Cause and reaction. Gary doesn't have a issue with the man, he has a issue with ISIS and he don't even know it. He has no computer, no TV. So he sits alone in the woods taking the hits for mother nature and all that's going down. He sits alone in those woods and he fights those demons. Oh yes those demons are real aren't they? He told me of one. He didn't call it a demon and at the time he told me this I didn't know what to call it.  A black father figure shadow who pins him down to the ground with his boot on his throat. You fight that alone in the woods and not have a system care. The police didn't even care that someone set fire to his house. Timing Satan.

So you see this demon just made me a squatter. She misappropriated the eighteen hundred dollar she got for two months of rent. She told me she handed it all over to the landlord, which she wasn't supposed to do. It was supposed to go in a separate interest bearing account and doled out accordingly. Rent for this room was 700. A $100 non refundable cleaning deposit. On a place that was supposed to be clean when I moved in. Water is being shut off any day. Second notice on electric bill and three day notice from landlord. I'm not even sure she gave any money to the landlord because she was two months behind on that three day notice. 

I am so tired of seeing people try to survive in this system so they all scam each other just to survive. Families don't get along anymore or people all have to live together that shouldn't of ever had to in the first place. They are building shacks and tent cities for the homeless for all this riffraff and acting like its a favor for that handout. We have all these overpriced rents and all these empty overpriced building, just waiting for someone with a full wallet to come along. It sits empty in the mean time. Who was the original carpenter that really counted out of all these nations and lands? You Son of a Bitch. I'm going to kill you, as I grab you by the hair. As I smash your face against that rock. Truth be told I don't care who does it. Me or Him. I'm going to enjoy for the first time in my life either watching it or doing it, hurting someone else and taking them down. For the first time I will not hold anything back. I will give it everything I have. I will fight, I will scream, I will move my two lil feet as I take you down. You just think you three are gonna circle around me. Think again brother.

I already said, I'd take a gang rape for these girls especially after I discovered what that scent was all about. I said, I'd take a lighting rod through my body. I said, I'm not afraid to bleed for you and oh brother I bled all over that land. Now your demon dog, with just the way every blow landed, it turns out he not only straightened my TMJ, but the migraines have been oh so much better. You see brother pain is only temporarily. I move freely even when a disc has a stabbing pain. You don't know how many times I have started walking, waving my arm behind, saying to that family upstairs, "let's go I'm ready." I  don't give a fuck if I have a disc out, I am ready to land on a rock when I come back down to knock my spine back into alignment. I just know when the day comes, I'm just going to stand there and let each mother take its place inside me. Just so they can have the pleasure of venting all their rage and anger going back generations. Now I already agreed Satan to stand in front of these fathers and take the poison on so he doesn't have to.

Truth be told, that is just the point. No poison from you and this ET I have sitting here, is not to touch him. I have no issue doing this. You know Satan, I already know in my heart you have been sticking close by him. I know why all these daughters stand in front of these daddies door? Got to have the keys to the code don't you Satan? What about that coat Gary gave me to carry in the beginning of this. It was a XL and inside the label said Zero King. I carried it and I slept on it under my heart. I didn't even know what it meant at the time but I knew inside it meant something. (Music "Keys to Paradise" hey brother I don't pick, its on random play)

I have learned about this zero and one brother since then. Now this zero king he is a regular Joe kind of guy. The thing about those regular Joe's is that they can be pretty deceptive. Especially the quiet ones. The ones who go inside their own head allot and has conversations with only God knows who? I've got a pretty good idea however brother. I never knew all my conversations, sorrows, tears I cry inside my mind, and the prayers I never even knew I had were getting answered all along. Standing right their with his big head bowed down. Their is something you don't see in a rich man everyday. Humility. I watched on 04/02/2016 a night I didn't even know he still came around. I was there to do something else. There he stood in my line of fire.

I saw a great big monkey man carrying a lil monkey on his back. His burdens inside are heavy. Not his wallet, his heart is heavy. I heard earlier on from someone else, "this one is a hot mess, you don't want any of that." You see for some reason I always thought his name was John. I had no idea why then, but I do now. It wasn't until later I heard somewhere around him, "some people just don't bring out the best in us." Misunderstood. Like I don't get that. Hey he ain't no doormat either. I have learned since he prefers the softer easier way is the best solution. Yes this brother Satan, he is a diffuser that is for sure. He to would rather carry the burden no matter then let his lil flock go. Yes brother it wasn't just the words and numbers IC. I now see looking back that in his own way, he to chose to carry the burden and take the hits this one last time around. As he too walked through the pain everyday. Not only the pain, sorrow and loss he felt inside him when his two mothers died. He chose to carry that cancer in his two organs to take the hits for those two mothers IC inside me now. Big hit to the heart for his father and brother JC, I would say. It's about the heart, and what he carries inside him that weighs those shoulders down.

You see brother just the numbers in his address with those sixes and nines. I nearly laughed my head off. Then do you know what else I have found, just who this brother is to me. He crosses paths in my four square. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. Fire and water. I'm the first constellation and he's number 12 Satan.

About that Shannara and those three stones? You know brother I don't watch this stuff. Really never have I didn't really understand these shows. All this Folklore nonsense right? This stuff could never of really existed right? I just watched it this last week. I looked at those three blue stones and it dawned on me. I have had this baby birds nest since around the beginning and when I got into my red room I brought some of my stuff from storage that lil birds nest and my hawk feather. Hell Satan I didn't even know it was a hawk feather. One day I'm standing at a bus stop and I could tell it was a woman's makeshift home and lying outside were three lil blue rocks. When I got back home a few weeks ago, I stuck those lil blue eggs in that nest. I thought it fitting.

Oh those eggs Satan, funny now I actually have a egg sitting on my left shoulder blade. You remember how this spiritual healing goes. Oh yeah you never got any. Serves ya right. Well brother it had been a long week of my whole spine being on fire. I just kept moving everyday. Then I awoke one morning and low and behold brother, the pain was gone but my family left me a lil sign now I have an angel on my right shoulder and a egg on my left. What can I say brother, "healing hurts." Now remember pain is only temporary, and I'm ready to take that lightening rod.

You know Satan my spine years ago used to go out in a triangle. Now if I didn't know any better it looks like I have a slithering snake going down between the vertebra's. I  remember the third house I slept in. Every morning I toured the property and just roamed these houses seeing what they wanted me to see in all their hobbies and lil talisman. Things that help them keep moving each day. Danielle had a tear drop driveway. I knew Danielle was at peace with the semi's and horses roaming around. On this property I walked by a tree and I felt so much energy vibrating off this tree. I sat down beside it and just felt it for a lil while.

Danielle's horses circled around me and I saw the scar between ones breast. We spoke who knew I could do that even. You know brother me and horses have a agreement I don't ride them anymore. Every time lets just say I walked away worse for wear, as they snorted with laughter each time I landed somewhere not so soft. So no brother I ain't getting back on no horse, but since I have a rodeo ride to go on soon, ya never know I just might have to change my mind for that family upstairs.

Do you know why else I sat in those woods brother, to make sure if anything happens to him I am right there.

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