Monday, July 18, 2016

07/18/2016 New Garden

You know what else I figured out from that scene standing in the my ex's Zen garden? That the father of my two daughters not only has two gardens, he has three. Two fruit and vegetable and a Zen garden right up front. Good eating in this brothers garden. What did I eat out of it twice? I could only take what was freely given and well mother nature is free right? Now brother I had never taken and just eaten a raw red beet in my life, but it sure was good. I'm sure I looked a fright with all that red stain running down my mouth and hands. Don't forget the three lil strawberries and seven large ones. Then the second time what was it? Seven lil Tomato's and three bigger ones.

You know what else I learned about brother X. He is a bee keeper now. Well since it's not about the gold coin at that end of that rainbow anymore, but the honey. Brother X's birthday is 10/12/1967. His initials are GAP and it is this brother who is balance and it is this brother who is the missing link that IC at these corporations trying to serve the customers. Now brother I have learned since then that ants and bees are related. I have been bitten by anything and everything my whole life. It seems my blood has been feeding mother nature all along.

I remember screaming at him, "your only begotten son, and you didn't even care." I had no idea how I could survive another pregnancy with now two children who were basically twins, but I just excepted that I would be stuck in a nursery once again, and my children would have to wait for their mother to pull off another miracle that I wanted to enjoy but I had no energy for?

I was going to name this one "Elijah Todd." I had no idea how I knew it was a boy. I wasn't even aware that it was my brother I carried inside me. Looking back in that garden their is one thing I that finally dawned on me, that was I am the mother of "his only begotten son but brother X is the Father too."  Now I already clued in a lil while ago that Greg represents Cane and I'm Abel. It was this brothers job to try and destroy me. Only to learn what is really happening out here so our children will never repeat history ever again. It is these children who saw the mother and father fall. They had to be here to see it. To feel the loss inside. Innocent victims in every war right brother? Well brother I remember another prayer I said standing in the kitchen one day. It went something like this, "so I don't need healthy love. I have never had it, not from my mother or this father anyways." "I said to God, I don't need love. I never had it and well I accept I never will, but just let him love this mother through his children." So you see brother I already put it out there. My wishes, my tears, my prayers and they understood.

My only hope today is that he understands just what it is I'm saying. Even if I got taken back to another garden I knew nothing much about, it's a new garden, a new time. Out with the old and in with the new brother. No more poison, no more lies, no more empty hearts across each nation. That is the Truth. I finally watched Eden's Garden yesterday on you tube and their sat all my twelves going back through time. All those spiritual entities that are the good ones all across each generation and land. That battery going up my spine so long ago. It was the ying and the yang. It was the light in the dark. As long as you have a moon you have light in the dark. As long as you have the sun you have light by day and all the good that goes with the sun, that not only nourishes us but this planet.  FUCK YOU SATAN. MY FAMILY, MY ROCK, MY SUN, MY MOON and well all these twinkling lil stars are mine to keep too.

I was told early on that Kiley my number 17 is going to marry a twin and that she knows him. You know what that pregnancy and miscarriage were all about? I knew by the timing of this pregnancy that this was Kiley Rae's Irish twin. My brother is her twin. See how this family keeps interlinking and crossing paths for a reason and no one ever had a clue. Especially me.

Now Satan my brother, do you remember the part where I said "brother doesn't lie with brother?"
No one ever said anything about "brother doesn't lie with sister." Now Satan, my family rocks. Now get the fuck off my rock. Make that a double on the rocks, with both your heads sitting on top of those flag poles.

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