Sunday, July 24, 2016

07/24/2016 Bananas and Black Feathers

You know Satan my brother I'm liking my Uncle Kracker song "It Is What It Is." Trying not to come unglued. This Mother Fucking Google Chrome Demon Shit is Really pissing me off. Cuz that's all it is, right brother? At first I thought all this shit was because well truth be told I'm modest about sitting on that stool. That other porcelain God I've swore to a few times in my life. So fuck you Satan their is two thrones in my house and one of them is not going to be for you you sick son of a bitch.

You know Satan my brother yeah I found your sloth demons? The behaviors wow brother, so deceptive you are. So sneaky you son of a bitch. You put the focus on people lives falling apart all because of the drugs because well lets face it their lives go right down the toilet. What about the peoples lives who go down the toilet and they don't do illegal drugs? HHMMM brother seeing allot of sloth around this one. WTF literally dishes and garbage in this ones wake. Then her financial mess that she got us rigged into and she actually thought she was going to get me out so she could pull this shit on someone else? I think not.

I don't function without my music and between this demon bitch fucking with my food and my environment plus my service fuck you Satan. Then Google Chrome I'm so sick of them having their hand in every cookie jar. You think I don't know who you are behind the curtain of this corporation. I smell a rat. You know brother some how I always come in just under the line. Don't think I forget me asking "why am I in here?" The answer for your safety. So fuck you I'm done with the behavior of your demon shit I see in peoples behavior. Yeah I see you sitting in peoples minds, you put them in this sloth purgatory in our hearts, our minds our bodies. Whats the sign brother? Toilets!

Yeah you dumb shit mother fucker I figured it out a long time ago. My friend who said she saw a tidy bowl man going down the heater vent in my room one night. Oh God the worst one of all, forth grade who knew Satan some actual real food would of prevented all that havoc my mother put me through in my childhood, drinking her snake oil potions, even when I didn't need it. Truly brother that was a Top Ramen, Mac and Cheese time in our lives. My mother only cooked when she had a husband and well thank God for small favors. Overkill on the mushrooms and onions in everything. I hate them both however. I will take my onion liquefied in a recipe before I eat that shit. Slimy mushrooms, OOOO! as if. Black olives, look to fungusy to me brother.

The one argument with my mother in law when she just announced in front of some uncle I didn't even know that I can't poop. It wasn't even true and if it was it was none of his business. I said the day before in front of her and her aunt who was drinking Metamucil "that when I was a child way back then" and some how this mother fucking shit topic keeps coming back in my life. Demon shit you son of a bitch. Anything that makes anyone's life go down the toilet is you sloth. Mental illness even all this anxiety panic and fear when it is unjustified. Deflectors big time. Some have no manners and are rude even with the body functions. We all know that we all had a mother or grandmother or someone in society has taught these adults about manners in their past right brother? These ones are rude.

Beside the smell of Michael Satan and the spiral I saw in him what was the sign a really huge sign with Michael? Could it be a six foot one man stomping his feet and literally throwing a temper tantrum every time I tried to feed him? Especially his favorite, those organic fruit drinks I made every morning? First he threw a fit because it was green, then it was red. Now we both know Satan that "Mikey will eat anything I serve him."

Imagine my surprise after I saw that ten year old kid standing inside Michael? Michael actually told me his parents called him Myron? Do you know what else I saw in Michael that day he had his arms crossed and I could not move him? Two beings right behind that child one on the right side the right hand pointing to the West and the one one the left it's hand was pointed to the east. Do you know what else I saw in Michael Satan? I saw a rock and that is when I started to realize that we all have spiritual rocks inside us that connect us to the planet. It doesn't have to have the God label on it just a good heart isn't that right Satan? Some have big powerful rocks and others have lil magical rocks, isn't that right brother?

Well brother my rock is red. Kiley's is white and Alex's is green. I just need the yellow in my family. You know what else I have rediscovered? Don't some of these colors in the rainbow make black brother? I mean come on brother you know all those colors mixed together make all sorts of colors. Even black and well things are gonna get a lil black isn't it brother? It has nothing to do with the color of my skin does it brother. Just the colors I hold inside me. LMFAO when I read about the white buffalo calf? Then throw in a lil representation and here I stand. At first I noticed the baby white feathers, then the black feathers, then the white and the red and browns and whites.

Now Satan do you know what I found like two days ago? A black feather again. Their for awhile I was picking up pony O's all sorts of colors, then I came upon a whole bag of purples. Do you know why I started to wear them on my wrist in the first place? To hold my hair back. Next thing you know I wake up one morning with them laced up around my fingers. So there they stay.

Then yesterday a white feather and all because of me and all this technology bullshit not getting along so hot anymore I had to come back to the mother fucking library. A community place with the most used keyboards and mouses ever and then they are not even maintained. Seems the system that offers this service can't afford to maintain them. Imagine that.

I have been very hungry lately. After my coffee and my organic shake I had a bowl of cereal. Still hungry, so on the way out the door I grab a banana. I get to the next house and right there on the ground is feather number three. Another black feather. I should of known brother that I was getting ready for another dance. A tribal dance with a black feather and a banana. I was so pissed off at all this demon bullshit that you try to get us to pass along with each other just by accepting this demon bullshit behavior in the first place.

Standing at the intersection of 240th and 104th it starts again, me stretching and pointing my hands above my head to the sky. Moving my hands down in a sequence around me. This time with a black feather and a banana. I am so pissed off at the jobs I have lost over these mother fucking bananas literally. Got fired for having a banana on my cart when the break room is ten minutes away. I was just cornered in the bathroom by my current boss the evening before of giving favors for this interview. Like I had some kind of ulterior motive. He asked me to interview. Tammy mother fucking bitch. Jealousy and insecurity. How many times have I paid the price for this behavior and I didn't even know it. Oblivious more like it.

Then this demon bitch goes off about a banana of all things. Just reeling her in and putting her back in place till she backs down. Screaming "Karma is going to get me" Standing over me breathing in my ear. I did not move one lil finger and I just watched out of the corner of my eye as she lost it. As she throws my eggs and olive oil all around. Apparently she didn't like my truth. Nothing like watching a demon fall. Not one egg or olive oil hit me after her temper tantrum. Sure they swirled all around me and at my feet. Then she runs up on me "I'm going to destroy you." Yeah as if? This bitch just don't understand that Karma is all about Justice. Karma is about the injustice someone does to me. When it really is just a matter of principals and behavior. Integrity knowing the difference between right and wrong and letting someone else place their bullshit demon behavior and blame on me for their own actions. I mean really she can deal with the truth with me or her and her four kids things are going to end up on that sidewalk. Truth hurts right Satan?

So when I realized just what they wanted me to do in brood daylight I was so pissed off, I don't give a fuck. Who's gonna stop a native woman from shaking a feather and banana all the way down 240th and James Street all the way to the library. Besides it's Sunday not so many people out. Amazing how things just work out. I have had it with the war started over bananas and the curse mankind created with Aids and the monkeys? Cause and effect of our behaviors over the generations. We just keep reinventing the wheel with all this technology that creates all these filaments in my landfills. Paying for warranties so a cord may work for three years. Warranties written right in with the purchase and you have to show ID and hand over all your personal information to sign up for this warranty protection in all these lil clubs. I don't know about you but I remember when you could buy a cord for just a couple of bucks and it lasted for like twenty years. It was durable not these pussy lil filaments IC.

Then the toilet on the mound that I had to get initiated into my family upstairs. I remember when I came back to visit and I walked by I couldn't believe my eyes an actual toilet sitting on that mound. I knew it had something to do with brother red. Brothers have disgusting sense of humors don't they? They think all this shit is funny. Then the toilets exploding all around me. Even at the church of Zion. I called that church the 'Land of Zion" Some crazy shit happened in this house right brother? Who ends up down stairs in tights standing in that mess? Then the migraine throwing up all night in a Ziploc bag. Always someone in the bathroom in these houses. Then in the winter an actual bee is right where I am going to be. So I show it a lil compassion. Impressed it's still alive this time of year.

I had my gloves on, went to set it free outside and that lil mother fucker bit me three times on the middle finger. I drop kicked that bee out of the "Land Of Zion doors." Of course the lil blue house of lost mothers toilets are always backing up. I kept telling George "it is not what is on this end of the line that is clogging these toilets, it's whats up the line that is the cause." Makes me think if we really needed to cut down on all this water pressure in the toilets or is that just another cover up brother? Water shortage, we must all suffer and do our share, we must all do our part. Let's talk about what all these blow hard corporate owners are doing to my water across these nations brother? What is really in that septic system around North Bend brother?

Then lets not forget those those Walmart Closures and the excuse of plumbing repair but no papers were ever filed? What would those be make shift jails that you want us to think is for the enemy, but we both know better don't we brother? No Corporation should of ever been able to get away with the shit this one did. You can run a business but you don't shut down all these small businesses across my nations. I liked my personal pharmacist, I liked my small town feel in a big place. I don't have any issue with Corporations, it's the greed, the sloth on our lives that I have issue with. Now God Damn you this is my Nation not yours brother. My planet, my rock. That is right brother when I wrote in that poem I had no idea that when I wrote "this diamond that lay upon the palm of my hand that it meant this planet is my birthright not yours, you Son of a bitch.

All my life people have taken things from me including my mother in my childhood and I always handed it over, but not anymore I'm not. This planet is not free for the taking and neither is my flock you son of a bitch.

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