Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Everything I Own

Everything I Own/Bread
Asshole!!!! I am so mad at Him this morning. He goes and plays this shit. Just walking me deeper and deeper through all the injustice. Thinking about that first lawyer I got a hold of after I was raped and unjustly locked in a box. This system is the reason why no one wants to step forward and speak. The abuse in this system and King County, locking me in a box in case of what? The oppressors are this system. 

Dust In The Wind/Kansas
Oh how fitting God great song and the group? This system is the joke. This justice system is the joke. Your institutions, all of them are the joke. Standing outside starting to move and I start thinking about that curtsy bow, I start doing in my dance routine? It was like a bomb going off in my head.

In A Little While/UK
Fuck you. Fuck you all. I ain't bowing down to Him. For what? What the fuck? He gets to come in and save the day? Fuck that shit. Let me blow them up on my own and walk away alone. I ain't doing no curtsy bow to no man. Ain't no man buying me off. Ain't no man paying no debt for me. I ain't no ones trophy wife. I ain't no mans little cupie doll.

Glory Of Love/BM
Not this God? I don't like to be center stage of nothing. I hate you for this. It is all so mortifying. One copper little penny goes to this father as a pay off for me? Not for any rhyme, not for any reason that I can think of? I shall shut it all the fuck down God.

No Surprise/Daughtry
I am so angry for all the injustice I have walked through my whole God Damn life. Even the lawyer I called from another box they labeled protective custody. The place they didn't even bother to tell me the man was dead. The very reason I told that policeman? I was there for my daughter. I didn't want him coming back for my daughter. You asshole policemen and King County officials all in your own way thought you had right to make choices for me? Not one time did you help me. You took the easy way out all the way didn't you? That lawyer I called from the box told me to put my time in for one year."

Carry On Wayward Son/Kansas
He said, "Colleen do it for one year call me back and tell me every thing you have gone through." That lawyer Mr. Bird told me "Colleen we'll just put the rape aside and what happened to you. That label of prostitute being on the lot we'll just let that go too." The excuse they used to call the police. The label and the blame before a crime is even committed? Since when is going to find out a way to have a conversation with someone illegal? Since when is it a liability to ask to speak to someone? I didn't want anything from them in the first place. Not the second nor the third. All I asked was to have a conversation and the best way to do that without disrupting and causing a scene. Isn't that what you are supposed to do?

Back Home Again/JD
Then after I still want nothing. I just wanted them to know you got a serial rapist rolling through your truck stop. He's on camera. NOOOOOO!!!!! I couldn't even say that before the maintenance man 86'd me off the lot. For what causing a disturbance? I asked these people for nothing on this lot. When I walked around I picked up cigarette butts and garbage. Just like Corporate America and my X. Create the guard dogs at the door. For what the potential of a liability? Create the behavior and crime before anything happens? Cover your ass before I get through any door right God?

Make It With You/Bread
Thinking about my cousin Big Kimm. She said it to me right there in just a few minutes of seeing her. "Colleen I'm sitting at a Jack In The Box eating my food and a light fixture literally falls out of the ceiling and falls on my head. I let the front staff know. It was like it didn't happen. No apology. They just came out and cleaned it up and didn't acknowledge that a light fixture literally fell out of the ceiling and landed on my head." Th3e turning of the blind eye from any liability IC?

I'll Be There/ MC
That's just it what you lawyers and C.A. have done to the human race. The price and liability you put on an apology today? The blame game begins an whose gonna pay right God?  Just what an apology or an acknowledgement of injustice and what it will cost you today? Who pays? The victim you turn the blind eye too or Corporate America? Who pays? The victim and the one working the front line? It's now their job to protect the liability of that Corporation and the potential for something that could go wrong. You gave your employees the permission to future trip and judge. You trained these people on the front line how to be your watch dogs. Be your performers, your greeters, counting the change to the customer. Being responsible for all your Kings green and then you have them hold the keys to the restroom? A service every human being is gonna need at some point in the day. You know that call of duty no one ever plans for? All I hear from people everywhere I go is how sick and allergic they are. They don't even know why, but I do?

Justice/The Distractions
Finally. Fuck God I thought  you were gonna sing me another lullaby and put me to sleep. Might as well play elevator music. The same old song and dance with you. Fuck you and Michael are both about to kill me. A ball and chain on one end and a fucking anchor on the other weighing me down. Holding me back. Then he has the Gull to yank my chain when I want off? Can't even speak the Truth. Can't even give people a taste of their own medicine in words only without someone thinking your crazy or being told to take it to civil court.

Lightning Crashes/Live
Isn't that just the point? Civil court and where civil court really started from? Landlord tenant and Corporate America in one form or another. This is including family court. I want to know how come Corporate America including you banks, federal and state when you fuck up their is no compensation back to the little people? I want to know why when you have buried the little guy under with more bullshit paper work requirements to dot your eyes and cross your T's, why the hold up on the compensation being handed back to the little guy you put through hell?

Sunshine On My Shoulders/JD (Oh cry me a river God. I'm on a roll and I ain't stopping now)
Even when they have met all your unjust requirements, they still don't get to the table to be heard? Don't speak your language in all your your contracts and legal forms to fill out anymore? From what I can see their ain't no English language anymore is their? Just look at what you all have done to the English language with all your jargon's and anagram's to sale your poisonous food and electronics filling my landfills today? Gotta make it fun and cute? This is the problem with you in this justice system that created this mess in the first place, you couldn't be bothered to put a cap on yourselves could you? So you figured out a way to bill the little people, carry the fees and the blame?

Come Thou Fount/Paul Cardall
No theirs no money in the Truth for you is their? Let's keep squashing the little guy and burying Him or Her under. Lets keep telling them their is more they can do to get justice? Lets see how well that works out for you? All you sitting in Congress? All you doctors? All you lawyers? All you in King County with your pedigrees and certificates making choices for me? Haven't added up to anything but a disservice to me. This Mother whom is here for the little people. The ones you forgot whom you were supposed to represent.

Tequila Sunrise/Eagles
What more could you possibly do to me or take from me that you haven't already taken? Now you have the gull to want to question every little detail about how I came to be here? Still deliver another bill to my front door? Hey I gotta do my part? Turns out I have done my part by allowing you to speak for me and make choices for me that you never had that right to make in the first place. Especially when you have done noting but ask for more and more of me each step of the way and still you never let me speak?

Another box to check off. Another trip. Another appointment and another doctor. You have done nothing but demand more and more of me before I can even step through the door to get help. You have done nothing but tell me another form and another box to make your jobs easier and your the lawyers whom I have asked over and over for help, each one of you have said ten thousand dollars and another blind eye another box for me.

Mr. Attorney General. You may take the time to step back and invest some time into my life at your cost and time. I have tried for like nineteen years to get help from you. All of you. I have met all your demands in this life. Even before a crime has happened I am told to invest the time to cover my tracks and when I do I get placed in more purgatory. Have I not? Still I stand here and speak the Truth in my own way and you want to tell me how to file a case and check another box to make your job easier for you? Not this time we are not. I suggest you step back and read this and don't you even look at me just in the way you, in this justice system have used the word blame and Truth? At what cost is the Truth? Whom put a price on Truth? Yeah I married sociopath, thought I married a naturopath. Turns out he is organic. He is one organic piece of shit.

Danny's Song/L&M
Do you want to know why I let my cosmetologist license go? After I went to school for hair design, chemical, skin and nails that first year in California? While putting him through school I got a bill to pay for three separate certificates instead of the one that encompassed all three. It is you in this system whom keep coming in with all your yearly fines and fees changing the guidelines and standards of what we have already earned. I had already met the requirements for this and it is you middlemen whom once again placed yourself in this system to protect us from ourselves all to make a living off from what I already earned. Raising your fees and taxing the little people. You keep slicing and dicing every little thing. Adding another fine or fee to the little people IC.

That's more like it. Oh God, I might let you scratch behind my ears or give me a belly rub, while a wag my tail and thump my foot. Thumper that's me. Eu da weed is my cologne. Peppy la pue is my scent. See sometimes its fun being Gods bitch. It does have its upside. Now God can we get down and dirty now? I know what your doing? You brought Hope up to drop the other shoe?

Commit to what? I've sat in boxes. I've been committed three times for praying peacefully by myself. For asking a question on the guidelines and rules? I get the police called and I have to be questioned and prove myself that I'm not doing anything I have been accused of? Still someone gets a bug up they're butt "oh no a potential liability I better call the police for her own safety. For her own good before something bad happens to her." Here I am not a paranoid person. I am a trusting person whom gives people the benefit of the doubt. Had that woman just answered my question I would not of climbed in that truck. I was walking off the lot. She gave that man power. The excuse he needed to get me in that truck, and the injustice just kept rolling along.

Peaceful Easy Feeling/Eagles
Sitting on a rock, a mound, praying peacefully on a corner or a three way intersection after hours on native land? I have peripheral vision. I'm a big girl people. I don't need you to worry about me no more. If you couldn't be bothered to listen to me in the first place. It's to late to bother me now. Don't you ever knock on my door. Don't you ever cross the line with me. Don't you ever even give me the hint of blame in your voice nor your eyes. I have said and done all I can do. The rest is up to you.

Hold My Hand/The New Rivals

Just Remember I Love You/Firefall
Blow it out your ass God. I don't want to hear another love song from you. I don't give a flying flock what you say. Whether you like it or not this is my shell and my ass on the line down here. Your energy remember? I'm the physical body remember? I'm a creation of your making remember? Let's get this show on the road already

This Summer Is Done With Us/Palms
This summer? I was done with this in the summer of 2015. The summer of 2016 and the summer of 2017. NOOOOO!!!!!! You got one more test? More lessons in life? You've got one more injustice for me to walk through? One more bad behavior to stand in front of? Got to eek the last vestige of what? I don't even know anymore? Vestibule, vestige, energy, my patience? What do you want to squeeze more blood out of me? You know what they say "can't squeeze blood out of a turnip." Yet I'm sure their gonna try? Your such an asshole. I figured it out just this morning. I'm not just playing charades with you? No we have our own sign language. We have our own music to speak through. You are teaching me and every one else through your seeds of bible versus in about everything out there popping up on cable T.V. "Oh oh knock knock here comes the Book Of Enoch. That other BOE you all wrote off. If I'm not watching it on T.V. you got me standing in it.

Rocky Mountain High/JD
It's Not Over/Daughtry
Really God? You shut this book. You make it the last chapter. You make this the last book to all those other books or the first book to get you through all those mother flocking test you have put me through. I don't give a flying flock no more. I ain't never planned on writing no book for you anyways.

I'm walking away now. I got go to roll me some tabaccy like the cowboys used to do right God? Got do everything the hard way just to be able to get some relief in this place? It's never enough or good enough is it? You can do more? You can do better? You can put in more time? Just one more box? Just one more proof of life? Here prove to us this system and the wrong father your worthy of even this tabaccy? I love my cigarettes God. I love my tobacco.

If We Never Go Inside/Alkaline Trio
Fuck I'm ready to go live in a box in the woods just to be left alone. A bed a fireplace, my food and tobacco. My pens or a keyboard to twitter away on. Music in my ears and I don't want to deal with people no more. I got my ball and chain at home with me for two whole days God. I'm broke and stuck in a box with a man I don't want to be with. What an ungrateful little shit I am right?

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road/EJ
Fuck you. Your not pacifying me or buttering me up. Not so you can lift me up and drop me again. I've been down this road to many times before. I own this rock, I own this lot, yet I own nothing? What you want me to do with all of this I don't know? Just leave me alone.

Drunk On Your Love/BE
Every Little Thing You Do Is Magic/Anadivine
You'll Be In My Heart/PC
Standing in the kitchen ranting in my mind just how I'm gonna come up with the money to copy theses documents and hand them over to the district attorney.
Then this song comes on
All On Me/DD
I laughed "bring me your son and I'll be more than happy to take it all out on you. In my own special way every step of the way. I plan on putting that boy through the trenches in any garden I want of my choosing. Now you gotta tie me up once again?"

Redwood comes to mind God. Them Beaver shot jokes I have made in my past? Now lets just hit the nail on the head already. That rose line God? If you don't get me out of this box I'm going to put my back pack on my back and stomp down I-5 myself.

A Little More Summertime/JA
Your such a bad bad daddy, but oh such a good daddy at being oh so bad. Choke you? Turn you over my knee? Whip you all over? Tie you up and flog you? I can turn everything bad that has ever happened to you on that cross and make it fun again. I know just how you should have to be penalized for this? I'll bet I can get a few Hale Mary's out of you just for kicks and giggles. God just get me to that garden.

She's Like The Wind/PS
Then bring on the storm already. I never said if it was a political storm or an actual storm I was seeing? Now IC it's just that. All of them. All this oppression made the suppressors stronger. They turned humanity into slaves, using the human races body parts to feed the healthcare system and take the blame. Our own justice system gave Corporate America permission to wipe out the human race. They allowed all these controllers from the top to hire the middlemen to control everything all to feed the wrong stock. The wrong white colors are our false profits. God is just the prophet the messenger for the moment. I just the vessel.


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