Saturday, November 18, 2017


To think I was about ready to change my Pandora off from shuffle. Then this song came on and it was just the right note. Heaven on earth baby. Come hell or high water I don't know what they have planned for me and mine? I just don't care anymore. Things got deeper in the last few day's with Set and the plagues? I didn't know what Genocide meant when I wrote it a few weeks back? It breaks my heart it really does.

Because You Loved Me/CD
His mate Nephthys (ISIS sister) and then well over here I've got Thoth is the moon God of wisdom and healing a scribe from down under. All those mother flocking birds and what they represent in my family tree? Then I finally heard what it was that Lucia said when Mary made her last known appearance in history? The date the Catholic church released this tid bit of information 2000. What the circumstances were in more detail? What is in the paintings with JC and Mary? What the titles of these paintings are? What they represent today?

The Queen Of Hearts/JN
Some proof of lights tear me up inside. Imagine that the year the system blatantly took over the human race and got us to blatantly defend it, feed it, justify it and honor it's bad behavior. Why Him and why me? Tears of joy. Tears of Truth. Tears of Justice. Last but not least tears of pain and sorrow. My tears are for your fears, not mine. The beginning of the end. Tears of joy and tears of laughter I'm ready for.

The Joker? The fool you say? She's crazy? Back to the box? Back to the reservation you need to go? So you can kill me off in one clean swoop right along with the rest of the herd right? These black sheep are so crazy? They are off their med's? They are off their rocker? We gotta a way to shut these people off? We got just the thing for all this pain? All this depression? All these zombies whom are unworthy to be fed? All these human shells, who created? Funny I got lost again yesterday. I reported to the wrong institution? I spy with my little eye a certain genre of names in a certain sequence, spinning around asking myself again "oh no which way do I go? Where am I? How do I get back?" I take four photos. Number one, Salmonux. Number two Valor Security. Number three, add a little Sagemax to the mix. Then number four Olympic Aerospace. That was just the photo's as I turned around a Mountain Mist truck stops right in front of me. How many Horsemen do I have now? I never said what shape or form my family is coming back in?

Drivin' My Life Away/ER
Oh yeah I learned something new? How a nightmare got it's name and when? Their's more that one reason why I called Dave Mayer the faceless man in the beginning? More than one way to skin a cat? He gave me his own answer to his own demon? He couldn't call him off using Jesus Christ name? Why didn't that name cast him off? He paralyzes you in your sleep. He is heavy on your chest you can't breath or speak. When you wake up the viper has bitten. Is this the sixth black horse IC? Is this the one I keep backing away from when I wake up? Is this the black horse of my nightmares? Is it black beauty? My beast? My black shadow? My nightmare or yours? Friend or Foe? I don't know? Was it all just training day? Uhm God, what branch does this faceless man really descend from?

Born On The Bayou/CCWR
Hey we all got to eat right? We all go to make a living right? The unemployment numbers are all bullshit too? It doesn't say what kind of jobs people are having to take? It doesn't say how many jobs it takes for one to have a roof over their head? It doesn't add in all the other fee's like fleas in each service today? I love the way advertising does the numbers? They waste more in ink explaining the buy more and save more bullshit. It's bargain. It's a ploy, it's a scam. You know what God, I thought we did away with all these clubs back in the 60's and 70's but now look what we have here? We can all join a club? Well hell lets see what we have roaming around in this "Cement paradise I like to call hell."

The Glory Of Love/BM
We got all these tiny boxes out here in paradise, IC they got us cornered with every kind of drug store on every corner, their to offer their services, their way in their time according to their guidelines. In each one of these places they are all owned by the same corporations under different affiliates. Yet to make it convenient they offer different insurances in different places to help out the human race? When I was at the orphanage I called this stop the four corners of hell? The numbers change and it all looks the same? Doctors and insurance companies. Crazy thing is for such a controlled institution it's the most fucked up mess at all these counters that have just the program, just the cure? Don't blow your stack, your the crazy one, or you wouldn't be out here in the first place if it wasn't for us. We're doing all we can to justify blanketing you and burying you under? To shut you all down in our Institution's? If this isn't love, honor and service I don't know what is? To sell our souls and make it legal? Who pays now?

Know why it's a hell care system? They have to be the bottom line of defense against all these bottom feeders. Hell lets runs em ragged through all your red-tape to get the most basic service? That liability and all that red tape final hand off is up to these people. They close for lunch, turn off electricity to save power? They are short handed of all institutions, this one is shorthanded?  The biggest profit and loss institution right here. They have the gull to hold the keys to the restroom door? They hold the keys to the most basic item that the human race needs. Mrs Laws and the indignity sure does ring a bell. They are the controlled substance Institution, they are the supply and demand. They are the middlemen that created all this hell on both sides of the human race. It's all right here the shop lifters, who have to do their part in one little Shop of Horrors right out in the open. 

The excuse the need for all this liability insurance, to use a restroom? They are making everyone feel guilty on all sides to cover an insurance. An institution that came in and created itself and they get to charge us for this fee. Every business has a loss ratio, they used to have to pay their own bills for this insurance, yet they created the industry, the mark up and the fee to feed itself and use the human race that they placed in all these institution's to pay this fee. The liability insurance for being human and they control everything right here and what one sees when they walk in it is only one part of what you see.

Annie's Song/AM
When you know about insurance and corporate America this once again isn't rocket science people. Its a conglomerate and institution that our Governments didn't put a cap on long ago, because they'd have to put a cap on themselves, our lawyers, our hospitals and banks they protected. Our red white and blue whom are still all worried about whose gonna pay and whose gonna take the blame in their fucked up Monopoly game they play in all these institutions? Our justice system jumped on board. Create false witness right boys? Give false testimony? He whom pro-testeth to much right boys?

It's A Heartache/BT
They created the markup and demand, the guidelines and rules on breathing, pain, and antiviral's vs. bacteria. This institution is the reason for all the pain medication addiction, they created the imbalance with all their guidelines and rules on medications. They flooded these doctors, then they blamed the doctors and the human race. Used Michael Jackson's death as a public example. Like that man wasn't put through enough to feed your tabloids? One part of an institution.

We Belong/PB
Then they rewrote the standards on pain and pain medication. Imagine that they helped us again by creating more institutions on pain management which we have had all along. This institution picked and chose everything and we all jumped onto that stock didn't we in the 80's and 90's? They did what they have always done over and over. Throw us the human race a bone, do all this advertising and marketing on pain and care, it is only talking about one part of the issue all the while they use depressants to manage pain now? They in the meantime stole everything our land, poisoned it sold off the lots and marked it up. The Truth behind all these zombie Apocalypse movies.

Blue Bayou/LR
Create supply and demand right boys? Reel you in get your claws in and keep feeding it right? Then you pull it, keep you hurting and take the blame? You pull it. Keep you phishing, keep you always wanting and needing more all the while you cut back and keep pulling, then you release the line, let the fish gain a little distance. Let it think it got away? Grant you a little freedom? Then you show up at my door? You show up all happy? Just here to help you pay your debt? Got to pay for this service? Got to pay for all your institutions somehow?

You institutionalize, label, keep the chain of command and the poison flowing right boys? Then you fine them for your mess over and over? Your the dragon aren't you. You aren't a brotherhood with all your clubs and you ain't no brother in my garden either. I gotta a dragon to sleigh is that right daddy? Nope this Mary Mary ain't quite contrary. I'm not happy with this dome of poison you created.

Love's Been Hard On Me/JN
This is your Gin people. We allowed an institution to come in and place themselves in charge of the human race all under the guise of help. It is rampant today when someone gets injured at work or in an accident the insurance company has written the blanket guideline on pain management. They send you around and around to all these doctors that do nothing and then if you miss an appointment with anything your claim is closed? Must not be hurting that bad if you missed an appointment? You hurt and you still have a life but only on their terms in their time? That is what they want, is to close that claim as soon as they can on an injury.

Daydream Believer/AM
We sold out Workman's comp to private institutions and their is no service. How our government could let this go for so many years is inexcusable. These people are hurting and the whole time they are being harassed to keep moving and to keep reporting with very little if any pain management and they harass you to shut down your claim. Then we the human race is left holding the bag. This is how and why we have all these issues with drugs today. You allowed an institution to re-write the guidelines and treatment on pain to make the human race fit in your box and when they can't function and they tell you we can't function, we are repressed emotionally and hurt physically.

The Wind Beneath My Wings/BM
You are turning them into jelly fish and then you put them on more antidepressants to cover the side effects or boosters for emotions, and they still hurt. Then you send them to a psychiatrist or counselor because it says here on this paper on this blanket study that you don't hurt? You need to go see a psychiatrist. One friend gave an example of how his pain felt. He used the example of someone hitting you in the leg with a base ball bat and telling you you don't hurt, to keep going. This doctor said, 'Oh your threatening me he said no, I used that as an example. I will give you another example so he used the example very calmly again of a car wreck. This doctor gets up and gets security. Comes back in the room and tells him he needs to be admitted for an assessment for his anger issues.

Angel Of The Morning/JN
What started this? Joey had the audacity to ask his own medical doctor after one year of care what have you done for me? This man came from Canada with no skin on his testicles for this rock. All this political bullshit is done. He started out by asking her how long has she been in charge of his care now and what have you done for me in that one year? Her answer was I got you housing. Joey said no you didn't that was an affiliate of this program. You are my doctor what have you done for me in one year? Joey went down how much these drugs have fucked him up emotionally.

Islands In The Stream/KRDP
That he is stuck in his box and cannot function. That he has so much anger inside him from the pain. Then he gave an example of what it feels like and she turns it into a mental issue? This is what happens when we speak the truth. We are always told, Oh well you shouldn't of said that or you shouldn't of did that. Now we have some kind of code to speak now? If you can't be an adult and own up to the fact that you signed on to make someone else fit in a box so you can get paid, go home? While someone else can't pay their bills let alone function? We keep giving them a negative label and we jail them and fine them don't we? Keep feeding the machine right?

I Love A Rainy Night/ER
My pain is in my spine, it is not a neurological disease. It is pinched muscles causing this pain from my weak Tree Of Life, you in this hell care system weakened it. You were more concerned about a future liability and insurance more than you were about me and mine. I came to you over and over. I sat in your boxes. I did the leg work, I paid and I paid and today you don't want to know all that you have stolen from me? My right to speak the truth without being told I am lying or minimizing? You look at that X-ray and tell me I don't hurt? I do not hurt the way you want me to hurt, on your time on Michails dime anymore. I do not feel guilty for being human and hurting anymore.  Whose your liability now? Whose gonna pay for this hot mess now?

The Sweetest Thing/JN
It is not a pain in my mind. It is not a dysfunction or disability of my heart nor mind. It is my muscles and skeleton that has been twisting away like a corkscrew while everything else goes pop, pop, pop. That's my Tree Of Life, those are my families branches that you chose to write off, killing off this rock. My children and my right to live a quality life, you stole from me and mine. Yes God has emotions. Emotions are a healthy thing. You bet your sweet ass God is angry. He is angry that you are all so closed minded that you choose the pollution to survive and it is so clearly written in every sect he's coming back full throttle and he's bringing all the family this time. Had you listened to me from the start I can honestly say being who I am, you fucked up. I got just the box for you. You try to kill off this rock, you are trying to kill off God's flock. If you think he doesn't have the right to take offense to that? The right to be offended at your defense mechanism you use today? Not a very humanely advanced system I would say God.

You're The One That I Want/ONJ

The Gambler/KR
When I turned on the TV at 3 a.m. it was Twins. Heaven on earth baby. Gods got a reservation to take back this rock. I'm game. Now I'm not a gambling woman, but I'd have to say the odds are in my favor whose gonna win this last go around. Pull the trigger baby, light me up, light my heart on fire. Bring on the fire, bring on the rain.

Seven Year Ache/RC
The only card game I liked to play was Sequence, just like my life, just like my dreams. God's plan is in sequence, he's in sync with his rock, his light, his wife.

Poor Poor Pitiful Me/LR
I Just Fall In Love Again/AM
Yeah God rise Hope up and drop her to the ground again? My broken heart can't take much more. My babies, I accept I'm the sacrifice. Standing outside this morning under the moon I go back to how my rose garden came about? Why I stood out in the storm tearing up all the roots while Greg and my babies watched. It was that rose garden. My neighbor with the white cross year around, got mad at me because he expected a huge puppy to behave like Lady in the same circumstances. My little dogs did the same thing everyday in my yard and the only thing that changed was Lady passed away. He gets an untrained aggressive puppy to replace her. Stuck her out back on her own expecting her to know what to do? How to behave? Of course he thought my little dogs looked like just the right size chew toy to play catch and release with. Shake by the throat.

Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue/CG
Did I complain? No I just kept having conversations trying to keep the peace and filling his holes with more rocks. I wanted a rose garden like my Aunt Ingrid had in Castle Rock. After he yelled fuck you to me after his big dog tore through a fence in thirty seconds and bit down on my pregnant dogs head. Gave her a bloody nose. I explained nicely to this neighbor again your dog not only got out he attacked my dog. Irony this one. The religious one with the year around white cross hanging in front of his garage. Talk about passive aggressive and a bully. To get revenge he went out and dug up my rose garden. The one we just agreed I could plant. The tree's I had taken out were right on the line anyways. They wreaked more havoc than they did good at the time for both sides.

Every Little Thing/CC
I found my Bruno. It wasn't just Popeye and Olive Oil. It seems Bruno was the first man whom was burned on the stake by the Catholic Church for Heirachy. It was 1600 and he spoke the Truth but the Catholic Church didn't like his theory about God and the heavenly stars we descend from. They burned the witches at the stake. I learned how the term faggot came along. Irony of all people CK Lewis in his show? When they burned the witches the threw the faggots on and burned them too. Hence the burning of the fag and all this depression. Who are you to choose love? Love comes in all shapes and sizes.

Cast Iron Heart/Blackhawk down brother. 
Who are you to judge God, his children, and destroy the heart with something ain't none of you know nothing about? You destroy this rock and feed the wrong institution, a machine. Ye have little Faith. I know why they call the bird on the top of the totem pole Thunderbird? What's on the boob tube? What is it feeding me? The Hunger Games; Catching Fire Katniss Everdeen? The wedding dress and Mr. Snow? Who's the hunter? Whose the game? What sun does this rock revolve around? What more have I learned about the different birds of prey in my family tree of life? I gotta do something while I'm laid up. I started to wonder about all these presidents there personal and political roles in their lives? What do each one have to do with this? What am I missing? What am I missing about these men? How do they relate to this hot mess? Politics vs religion? That's a loaded topic? Who really holds the reign's? Free will? Freedom vs. politics vs the law vs. Truth and Justice today? Whose really behind that black star God? Look what came out on Netflix? The Unsealed Alien Files. The first season 19 minutes and on down the line I go getting answers closer to the Truth and those twin towers?

Cracking The Code? That Binary Code that turned that 01/01/01 into a fourth element the human race didn't expect to take over? The one the human race assigned it it's own number too. The computer the machine, our fourth 01 in that binary code. It's not human. What is the other 01 is there a fifth element in all this? Their are four chambers to a heart. Yet we have five senses and I am a descendant of that five star family. We humans have five senses. What is the sixth sense? I mean it's common knowledge that when we lose one of our senses another one of our senses heightens.

Sunshine On My Shoulders/JD
Who is that fifth prong? Is it the Atom? The one really doing all this writing the true power behind my pen? Is it that Atom venting my rage or is it his rage? The B in this family chain whose the Beast in my family tree of life? Could it be that other Big C that moves me along? You know my creation? Whose the creator of the storms and the plagues? Whose the D in this fight? Whose the Dog of this rock? All this fight over the other E=M3 square IC. Quantum leap or quantum physics? Two steps back or two steps forward today I never know? We as the human race are moving out of phase four. The sleep dimension and we are going into the fifth dimension the awakening. When I heard the guy say "to communicate with an alien would unlock the key to the universe?" Turns out we are all a little alien and we are all from the cosmos. 

You're No Good/LR
I want the human race to stop feeding that black space of virtual reality all to go in my landfills. Your kingdom and Truth is inside you. That ladder is written in your code, your own DNA. God empowers that little light, that little star wants to to shine. To be set free to make choices without all the fines and fees. Without all the purgatory and the excuse of depression. Depression is the Gin. The goal is to drain your energy and it don't care how it hooks you up. It uses any excuse of fatigue to depress you simply by making life harder with all this supply and demand. They are using our bodies and running the human race ragged to feed the machine, but hey we look good playing all these games and getting all these T.V. stars to jump on board and sell sell sell those credit cards. Snoop Dog, Jokers Wild? Hey leave Pluto alone I like my dogs just fine. Smoke a little J. play the game of Monopoly or the other lie the other game, Life? This life we have is being ran by a machine, a corporation. 

Cast Iron Heart/Blackhawk
Beijing China, Brussels Belgium, Washington D.C., Los Angela's CA. It started in 1896.
The Devils triangle, Los Angela's, Long Beach and Catalina Island. We went to first war in US history with a UFO on 2/25/1942. We had just entered WWII. Military called it an air balloon. We the flock went "okay" and moved forward. Truman signed a national treaty to keep the Truth hidden. Two decades later JFK was just inaugurated and he wanted to speak the Truth about this enigma. The  pink elephant in the world and 2 days later he was shot and killed. Another conspiracy theory God?

Then Jacob Vanderburg was shooting a movie with a dummy missile, an E.T. shows up circles three times around it, with three beams of light and destroys it. On 11/8/2010 a UFO shoots out of the ocean. Seven years and 11 days ago. Yesterday was Keith's D.O.B. and I loved the numbers. Three domes discovered under the water the size of a football field. Could this be why something is going to rise out of the water God?

Half The Way/Crystal Gayle
1936 Hitler was in control of Germany. Michael Freeburg (another name from my school) a scientist and the Hellsburg Castle. Decode ship and turn into a weapon. Astarian scientist and inventor of the anti-gravity technology. The vortex, the propulsion. Pull energy forward and in like a hurricane right boys? Shut the window, close the door, we go from three to four. You put us to sleep and stole the garden and the land. Poison the food and control the medicine IC. What is it going to take for number five to shut down this four once and for all God? Could it be a little Atom mixed with a great big Adam? These are the two twin towers.

He'll Never Take The Place Of You/Tammy Wynette
On 10/13/1917 Fatima (Famine)Portugal during WWI a mass UFO sighting with 70,000 witnesses. The rain stopped and the clouds parted. Three children approached a diamond shaped object with rose petals falling to the ground. It was the last message that Lucia gave to the Catholic church "flaming swords and demons that come in the form of frightful and unknown animals." What have I said all along. Not my problem you wrote off all those wives tales and folk lore's as fiction? It has been made very clear the beasties came before us. That circle of life and well we don't die. Whether you like it or not we are not the highest beings on this rock, just like Bruno told the Catholic church. It's the Truth that we buried under for all the wrong hierarchy and political power that created this mess through out time. The price tag on Truth certainly has created all this false witness. Shalom.

Could I Have This Dance/AM
Shall I get into the Truth and the timeline of the early christian art? The Truth in the pictures and the titles? More Proof Of Life in my royal family that you have enslaved and lied about all these centuries? These paintings are from the 1400"s and you burn Bruno at the stake in 1600? Just making very clear the lies and mess we created today. The curses in the dates. It's not just the Catholic church I'm pointing my finger at.

1. The Madonna Of San Geo Vanino and in the background of this renaissance painting from the 1400's is a craft in the sky.

2. The Miracle Of The Snow. I love this one God. Jesus and Mary above, below them all these flying disc. Our family people whom we descend from. We all live on this rock. All these flying disc are flying over what looks like Rome and Egypt. Isn't that right God? Those crazy Egyptians God? Got to send those crazy Egyptians back to the reservation? Got to send those crazy Egyptian ancestor's back to the white sands. Blood moon red monsoons

3. The Baptism Of Christ, painted in 1710. Shows a flying saucer on both sides of JC hanging on that cross. The cosmos, the angels, the aliens, the stars, the universe and planet are boundless. God is the creation of all flocks of energy. Energy is the Atoms in different life forms that live through us and communicate with us through us. We are all receivers and I'll just bet we are all travelers. Out dreams are a part of whom we are. Our emotions joy and tears are my families prayers. What are you hungry for food or love? Those are the two staples my family give you to begin anew. What we plant and what we sow, is up to us the human race. The machines serve us. Our justice system serves us. We don't serve them not this way. One seed of love and light feeds a family, a tribe for lifetimes. God is angry that you took everything good and turned it into bad. You lied about everything, you poisoned everything because of all this high cost of separation and redlining.

Lucille/Kenny Rogers

Somebody Loves You/Crystal Gayle

We Just Disagree/Dave Mason
You allowed every separate entity to run itself in all different walks of life. Create it's own laws and rules in each sect. That is the poison behind each institution is the lies. The lies we keep to keep protecting something that isn't human and it's not our own. Not this entity, being or human. Satan is a deceptive fuck. He's the Gin. Feed the heart, feed the human race and you feed Gods flock.

We Are The Champions/Queen
Stairway To Heaven/LZ
Lightening Crashes

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