Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Every Rose Has It's Thorn

Every Rose Has It's Thorn/Poison
Let's see if I can turn this around? I could never remember what my wedding song was? This was it. I mean how telling? I'm standing at Round Top Park in Hawaii that has a view of five main attractions and one of those attractions just happens to be the toilet bowl? The fourth time I almost drowned was on my honey moon in that toilet bowl. I just happen to marry Cain whose power grew to Satanic proportions in this justice system. My roll was to marry Cain and be put through the justice system. To be served up every injustice every time I have called up on the justice system for help. Our Justice system is so overwritten with our Hell Care System now. My role was to be served the blind eye as my Tree Of Life erodes away right along with this rock. When I chose to walk down that aisle alone it turns out I wasn't alone, I was already spoken for.

Hurts So Good/JM
Even after all the discoveries I have made about my boring little life I still question, is it worth it? No. Today God my answer is no. I got to the doctor yesterday and I about lost it. All the nit picking and pushing to make my tree of life fit into your specifications so the doctor feels better? I can't do it anymore.

Closing Time/Semisonic
Their is no excuse for this sinus bullshit. Their is no excuse to hear from the allergist I have never seen anyone more congested than you. I didn't know what to do with you. I couldn't give you medication in your rinse to give you some relief. All I could do was pass you on. Then that was six more months, then six more months of all this roller coaster riding on pills making me puke and build a tolerance to my other med's I need to work for my T.O.L.. All this money and time invested and a year later, I have no relief. They focus on my smoking that is neither here nor there because my tobacco isn't my issue today. My allergies are and I'm allergic to mother nature and you doctors have done nothing but nitpick and nitpick me about a potential issue. You have ignored the issue today. I can't breath, and it's triggering migraines.

Jessie's Girl/RS
On 12/17/2017 I can finally get a consultation to schedule a hearing test. The issue isn't just my hearing, it's the pain, money and time invested into something so simple that has had a huge negative impact on my life. This is not a healthcare plan. It is a Hell Care Plan. This is the poison apple. All this insurance? You in congress sold out the United States by allowing the biggest scam in the industry to set the guidelines and control the value of another human beings suffering. Whether we are worthy to eat and use a restroom? I want that scarlet letter A and this justice system off my rock.

Won't Go Home Without You/M5
I want my energy back. I don't do well being held down. This living under the line to feed your system and machine that you placed before a human being's life is inhumane. Since when do you let a marked up machine set the standard for another human beings right to speak, eat, and have a life of my choosing? This mother gives this system an F.

All Star/SM
I've been thinking about those starlings lately? Starlings are viewed as the foulest fowls aka. "The birds of bard and Shakespeare larded starling. In 1890 German expat named Eugene Schieffron was so moved that he got his hands on 60 little starlings and released them in Central Park in New York City. They have wreaked havoc on our agriculture and airplanes.

Simple Man/LS
Then I remember the plague and I see those mask with black beaks or the oxygen mask the soldiers wore during WWII. When the Europeans came over from the U.K. they brought the plague and it wiped out allot of the natives that were here before the United States was discovered. Right here is the little tid bit I have learned getting educated by God. It was when I watched Beauty and the Beast, her inventor father lost his wife to the plague and he had a single red rose.

You Don't Know How It Feels/TP
Did anyone else know that the Catholic church ruled to kill all the cats because these "Knight Of The Templar" are worshiping cats in their hidden rituals?  I think they are showing just these small decisions that were foolishly made how it impacted the rest of the eco-system. That what happens there effects here and mother nature had her beasties where she had them for a reason. I'm thinking it's another curse? That U.K. and how much that banking system and that NYSE effect and control the human race not God and not man people. It's fraudulent people. It's built on a house of cards and they control the wrong stock. Well God is here just like he promised to get you human beings out of slavery, because you trusted the wrong white collars to feed you everlasting life.

Can anyone say "Thank God?" Thank God he has a plan to pull you out from under all this ridiculous debt. No I'm not happy it's me even if I do get my very own beasty to play with everyday.. A little fresh squeeze to get the juices flowing is my kind of vitamin D from this son. My morning sunrise anytime I want to play? I plan on getting all the pulp I can out of this Daddy. A lil' bean, a lil' poke each day I rise? Who wouldn't want to live a honey moon life everyday with the son?

Slow My Roll/KR
Let Her Go/Passenger

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