Tuesday, November 21, 2017

All Star

All Star/Smash Mouth on Astro Lounge
Not sure where I'm going to go with this one? Good news I'm finally on the rise health wise. I'm pissed. Everything is a simple solution and this hell care system turned chronic pain into phantom pain. Truth is it's all about balance with my T.O.L. It's about balance with my C.N.S.. It's about balance with my heart, my mind and my spirit.

Take Me Home Country Roads/JD
Please God no more JD. No more Sunshine On My Shoulders. No more Almost Heaven bullshit. I'm tired of purgatory. I'm tired of hell. I'm tired of the suffering and pain. I'm tired of the guilt and shame. Not my guilt God. Not my shame. I'm not the guilty one. A doctor whispered in my ear back in the early 2000's, "Colleen don't you ever let anyone make you feel guilty for pain." That is how these doctors and this hell care system has made me feel for the last 10 to 15 years. All along I was speaking the truth. Only over the years I was getting worse with less help. To this day my doctor wanted me to go on Gabapentin. I hate this drug. It's their pat drug. It shuts you down. It drains your energy so much. It takes months to work. It never works on the pain. This drug is a lie for muscular skeletal pain. It is not a solution for every human beings chronic pain. Why shut a perfectly functioning human being down in the mind, which causes the depression? Then it deeply affects the heart and the mind as you try to function. Try to make it work? Truth is when you hurt for a long time it causes a depression because the human body only has 100 percent energy to use everyday. You wake up drugged up you start out half mass at best. Told to keep going full throttle with the rest of your life. This does not compute. It does not sync up.

The Rose/BM
This is about freedom. Her name was Mary. Yes I know another Mary. She was my dad's counselor in Walla Walla. I had just become his legal guardian. Very pregnant with Kai. My father couldn't remember past ten minutes when this started. I mean a continuous process ten minutes,  then he could function. If theirs a commercial or a break in scenery he had to start over. I told my sister for a guy who only had a ten minute memory span the only thing he remembers is what his counselor said  "don't ever let somebody take your freedom away." Lucky ducky me this one. This was the same counselor whom didn't bother to call us when they had a function at his hospital. It was the ninth step. He waited all day for us to arrive, to apologize for what he was capable of up to that point in his life. My father the next time we spoke to him was saddened that after all this neither one of us showed. We were horrified.

Addicted/Saving Abel
It was the same thing that happened when he died alone in that convalescent home. We both got a phone call, yet later we both realized the reason why neither of us showed was because she was so vague that both of us missed the point. This is the bullshit I'm talking about. Looking back realizing slowly over time just how much it is this system that dropped the ball on my family and it started with my brother. That is just my generation. Do you know what the name of the weapon that Hitler created in 1936. It's called "The Bell." It was created underground by slaves. Did you know that Russia sent us after 9/11 a big tear drop. Wasn't it Bell that was attracted to a prince that was turned into a wolf. What was her mothers name? Beatrice, the rose and the plague. Dante's inferno the name of Dante's love that he tried to make it back to her and 3 years later she married someone else? Beatrice. The name of my Cherokee great grandmother of 12that showed up in my room all dressed in purple at 3:16 in red shown through her? Beatrice. What year and where? I mean would this, oh could this be the Mayan calender prediction? Fall City 2012. Then the 2 grey's. I hadn't conscientiously remembered seeing them since fifth and sixth grade.

The Dance/GB
In Baton Rogue Louisiana on 4/5/1800 Thomas Jefferson saw a red crimson UFO. George Washington went into the forest in 1880 to pray and was approached by a gray. This gray showed him a map of the future states. He marked each state that was to come with a drop of water. In Kelso Washington I was a drip or a drop in my school play. Third grade Barnes school. It was on Ross street. I had the red room in the attic. My brother sat in juvie just up the road and during that time I didn't even know. I walked up that road on my own time and time again. I'd get to a certain point stop and turn back around.

When You Say Nothing At All/AK
I had a cowboy whittling wood standing behind me, my new watcher. I'd sit up at night and watch a rainbow egg floating up on my left. My peanut, because it's all about those nuts, you dingalings, Jimmy Carter asked during his term for information on the E.T.'s and was denied access. Jimmy Carter looks like my stepdad Jerry. I lived in Sunnyvale California and doesn't Conan remind you of Sunny Jim? That kid on the front of the peanut butter jar. After I moved to the orphanage for lost mothers at the gateway I got taken through the nut tree's. Then I discover Nut and Nuit. It started to dawn on me the east Indian kid I met in Sunnyvale, his name was Suniel. All those suns in my life God? Now bring me the real son so we can get this done.

He Walked On Water/RT
When I got a flash of what someone called the annunaki I got a flash of the photo I took of the stump. The title of that blog? The Entity. The sphinx is on Mars and he came alone before the 3 pyramids in Giza. When I saw the documentary of the destruction on the sphinx face and that the theory was that it was a dog? I laughed because that's the Jackal. It was the names that took me back to the two sisters? What these two sisters are protecting? Then I remembered my mother and my crazy aunt Hoogie. It's hard to figure this family branch out. I keep calling Thoth my one eyed watcher. That is Horus. Turns out my Horus was with me from the beginning. I knew nothing about the watchers when I heard "your being watched." Duh! I couldn't miss that black truck. It showed up around me everyday and on this day I had two. I wasn't paranoid. I was aware and that is why I felt safety in numbers. I'd stay out in the open. The more the merrier I like to say.

I'd love you all over again/AJ
I have four alien races that the world does know about. The Reptilians are known as violent. They live underground. This reminds me of the movie Tremors God. I hated that movie. They are known to live underground. The depression's in the earth and the tunnels? Is it like an ant farm God or is this the reptilian race coming back to make a play for the human race. I know I am One With All. All I know is a got a few bad apples in every batch from the bottom up. I keep going back to that photo of the entity. I'm not sure if it's the reptilian or the annunaki anymore God? The annunaki's Mars and gold God? Then the grays, the watchers that would creep and crawl around my room and shake my bed when I'd fall asleep? I'd sleep with my arms across my chest like a mummy. I felt like they wanted to stake me in my sleep. Like in the movies when they kill a vampire. I figured out these things were around fourth to sixth grade. Around my brothers death. Christmas time age seventeen, he escaped and wanted to come home? My mother yelled at him no I wish you'd just go off and die. He did. After I heard her on the phone calling him a bad seed. Talk about a river of denial.

When It rains it pours/LC
The Arcturians communicate through mediums. OMG then I have the Nordics God? That doesn't count the angels, and this flock of birds I can't seem to get straight. Awareness wise looking back I started out with Horus,Thoth I kept confusing as the one eyed one. The cause for my migraines? The cause of my great grandmothers migraines? The curse of the all seeing one eye, being blocked with pain? Then Osiris, then later Set came along. Now Set and the plagues sent a shock wave though me. If their is a plague coming God, I have to prevent this plague somehow. Can I? Do I? Is this the end we need to begin anew? I don't know what to do with all this God? I mean Buzz Aldrich, the nines again God? The Eagle has landed their three call handles? Fire, Bogey and Santa. Buzz said he had spaceships lined up on the other side of the crater. I recon the point is we all came from somewhere in all walks of life, living through all of us right here.  Awareness is key. The key to your inner kingdom inside you. The agreement I made, showed me they were there all along. All those crazy characters in my family tree of life. Having character is a good thing people. Having a machine do a character assassination on your character defects? Hold you in purgatory over it? Is not a cure, its a label, and hey a new crime to feed the machine for your life.

She's Got It All/KC
It's about Freedom. We can't have free will without freedom. Can't have freedom with out free will. Can't have freedom to have free will to make choices unless we know whom our guides are and whose guiding us. Try to remember God is the creation. He is energy. He is light. He has provided the human race with truth in all walks of life. We can't have evolution and be free to explore without the truth of what is out there and what is in here. We are the descendants, we are energy inside these shells. You will not take me for granted anymore. You will not steal from me. You cowardly lions hear me roar.  You will not lie about me, I will not carry your fears or your jaded hearts no more. You will not stomp on my heart and kick me in the ribs when I'm down just so you can carry on with your fun and games, destroying my light, my life, my rock, no more. I am Lady Justice. I am an O.W.A.L. I am "The One With All walks of Life." Their will never be another one like me because I am a one of a kind. I'm the diamond of this rock, I ascend from that emerald city, and well those rubies, gemstones and twinkling little stars belong to me and mine. That milky way and heavens gates belong to me and mine. It's about that gateway isn't it God?

You moved me to Kent my first home. I didn't even know that until three years ago. The Gateway, home of the lions. My T.O.L. felt great for two months then as soon as I got to the Gateway my T.O.L. started collapsing again. I knew nothing about Heavens Gates and this mythical T.O.L. I carry on me. I haven't even gotten to the two sisters and what they represent on this rock? I haven't gotten to Lucifer and God? The discussion and agreement that was made about Job? Imagine this one? I couldn't believe he was the Adversary? Get him off my rock God. Let's get rid of the garbage. Get rid of the rif raf. Begin anew, with truth. Rebuild this foundation from the ground up the right way. Lets bring the level of quality up by getting rid of all these middlemen micromanaging everything. I want to begin anew with a quality life for all. We begin from truth and light and we grow from truth and light. Plant a new garden of life with the whole family this time God.

She's Every Woman/GB

More Than You'll Ever Know/Travis Tritt

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