Monday, November 13, 2017

Wanna Be That Song

Wanna Be That Song/BE
My Girl/DS
Should I begin with my flock of angels that I started this journey with or the low note in this family tree and why they are here? Slavery people. We are a nation enslaved to a machine, to a system of numbers and we are a planet enslaved.  I mean look around you at all the other nations fighting for the most basic human rights? I too thought it was out there, never gonna happen to us, once upon a time.

It will never happen to us. It will always be out there. That is not true. It's spiraling in closer and closer, it is no longer out there far away, because it's always been right here taking out the good old U.S.A. from the inside out. Our garden and our homes they wiped out and marked up. That Trojan horse, that black snake. That Cobra that just came along with its marked up price and demand. You can't live without us. With our insurance you will always be indebted to us. Here let us make it easier to bill you for our services on your body. Hand us all the control. We'll feed you, we'll own you and we will always have the ability to track you down if you decline and step out. You owe, you owe, so off to work you go. It's that oil pipe that's causing all the poison in the good pipe of peace, whatever that may be to give you peace and harmony amongst your people.

Nothing Wrong With Texas/SS
In my mind I see that black oil pipe moving its way through my rock. From what IC it is not needed anymore. We have good resources that will fuel everyone with less destruction. God gave us this rock to fuel all not just a few.

I Could Use A Love Song/MM
My mind keeps going to that poppy field? I mean my God what's the point? What is it you are trying to show me that I'm not seeing in all those poppy's? Then it hit me, they poisoned my medicine. They put us to sleep and stole our house and home. They planted that scarlet letter A on the good mother. They stole her, poppy and weed. Labeled her and poisoned her. They took her over, re-established and re-aligned her truth. They stole her rock, her heart her sun. They eroded her soil and poisoned her oxygen. 

They say our mothers weak and that mother nature can't feed her babies? Shes out of energy? Frack me, frack you. Our mother and her rock are to old and disabled to fight against a machine? It's mother natures medicine to feed her children, to heal her children and the way you resourced, outsourced her and controlled her? You turned her medicine organic into synthetic poison, yet you hold another human being in purgatory for needing it? Then you monopolize on her pain? Well I got this to say DEET ME.

Get Gone With You/SM
When my aunt Doris got diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis my cousin Belinda said to the doctor, "can't she get addicted? Her doctor's reply back, who are you to judge when someone else is suffering. What are her choices? To hurt so you feel better?" We have become a society of judges in all walks of life. I ran into a man at the bus stop and he had a colostomy bag. He had colon cancer and he has to shit in a bag. A homeless person has to shit in a bag and the pharmacist checked her list, looked at him, his bag and said "nope you don't hurt, keep moving." Refused to hand him his med's. Are all of you judges taking it upon yourself to judge someone else's suffering, are you happy now? All I see are a bunch of human beings whom don't know nothing about nothing future trippin' with all those good intentions hidden under your own secret blanket justice system. Stop making people pay for what happened to you and yours. We judge on potential liabilities and run amuck with our own fears. "Well he could be? He could become? The system says? The machine says? Someone else could get them? All that is true and it's none of your mother flocking business."

All On Me/DD
You need to get your ass in front of your own mirror and decide what side of the mirror do you stand? The price of your virtual reality for someone else's purgatory does not sit well with me and mine. You are all so brainwashed that without even knowing it, you automatically got another system or another box to try. Here's another program, here's another club, another miracle drug? Nope we are at the end of the line and their ain't no going back. One foot in heaven and one foot in hell makes what people? Purgatory.

Why Ya Wanna/JK
I saw this scrolling through the TV Guide, "Damnation, Same Fight Different Era."
I think about that number 144,000?  God had Moses pull how many out of slavery why? How Many plagues? Ten people. How many thousand of years was this? I wonder how many out of that 144,000 still carry through our bloodline today? Then I think about the TV guide, The Siege 9/11 144,000? ISIS is back around. Are we thankful she's back to get her demon children back in line?

I Can't Love You/EC
No ISIS is not a demon. She's the mother in my family tree whom came before Eve in that Garden. I'm thankful that I have been walked back through all those twelves I have behind me. No I am not going to wipe out any part of my families existence to make you feel better about what you do not know of me and mine. You want to place others in purgatory because of your own fear of the Truth and the afterlife, then you are a coward. Especially if it is only my words of Truth you fear. You strike against me or mine then you admit I have power. I have more power in Truth and words than you have any day.

That Don't Sound Like You/LB
The Rest Of Our Life/TM/FH
New word today is anecdotal, take one situation and apply it to everything else. Is this the propaganda that you assholes control in our marketing and entertainment industry? Insurance! Insurance! Insurance! We have become such a disgrace in our justice system that someone can get on Facebook print some bullshit and next thing you know someone else has to pay. Another minuscule law is passed. The one that chaps my ass is the color of someones skin on a costume? The character is a brown skin character and some woman gets on line and raises a stink. So what does this tell you small minded entitled white people?

She Don't Love You/LP
I get it their ain't no white their ain't no color. Lets flip that around if we're all white their ain't no color. Let's just wipe out the hand that feeds you people. Jesus Christ family is olive. This color represents green and black. If I'm Mary Magdalene that would make my olive skin the same as my husbands. I recon I am a nigger lovin' Jew once upon a time.

Bet You Still Think About Me/BS
Buried six feet under with all your lies and labels about me and mine. Sold into slavery right from the start. Hidden in a box and spoken for IC. Don't anyone ever speak for me again. I like myself just fine so you gotta a problem with my label now? I like being a little nigger loving whore in my family, at least it honors me. My family see's the Truth buried with all your lies. My family see's a mother whom will do anything to feed her babies regardless of the labels. They love me for my heart and not the color of my skin. Crooked Halo and all. Hell God gave it to me after-all.  I assure you ain't met Faith. Faith can be very black. You know what they say? "Once you go black, you ain't gonna come back."  Yeah Faith is a bad habit alright. That is what I find offensive is the way we have lightened JC's skin and hair color to make the human race feel better. Even as a little girl, that was one of my questions?

Want You Back/TM
If Jesus Christ is from the middle East then wouldn't that make his skin brown or black? Truth is color is a pigment of your skin, does not make you a pig. It doesn't make you a slave, free for the taking. When someone asked me what I would do if my daughter married a black man? My answer was depends on the man and the family. That is my answer to any man that wants to marry my daughter. The heart people and of course we want someone to provide, and I mean feed each other as a team. Balance to love and grow. Balance to feed and be fed. Balance to make choices without all guidelines and rules that bind. Not locked in contracts to pay the price of Love served? Another bill, based on someone else's failures? Abuse and neglect is an invisible crime. It comes in all shapes and sizes.

The Only One Who Gets Me/CK
You know what comes in all different shapes and sizes? Love people. God has many names not just one. Gods kingdom isn't just one house either. God is the creation of Love and hate, because you don't know what hate is until you experience it. It's called adversity. For example their are six different types of love. Their is nothing wrong with the different types. It's just how are we feeding in each category? Then ask yourself how are you being fed? It's about balance and it's free. Love is free. Their ain't no box in Gods house. You can't profile the creation of all this life. You are free to choose a box, a shell, or everlasting life inside your shell.

Sure Be Cool If You Did/BS
Wisdom in that serenity prayer? "Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run." Can't get to the next step if your dead. Are you dead inside just sitting there? Fight or flight instinct? As Gods flock we are not the destroyers of this rock, we are the servers, the protectors, the leaders and the guides. We are not the slaves to make this machine run. We are Gods flock. We are here to plant the seeds for our children for everlasting life. We are not the doormats, nor are we the slaves. One seed of love and light grows everlasting life. That red seed plants death. It's not a good round up. It's the synthetic seed of death.

What I Love About You/LM
I recon I'm just here to pull the human race out of slavery once and for all. We are picking and choosing the Truth based on funding in our science and justice system. This one size fits all justice system isn't justice, nor is it a cure. Justice is about Truth. Now Truth is based on funding and whose gonna pay. We in this United States created a Justice system based on whose gonna pay for the Truth now. Truth is their is no fair justice in a court room for me now any how. That is why God is back? Judgement Day is upon you. Time for all whom have unjustly judged others to be judged. Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done. You see my Big Daddy's plan is for heaven to come to me, unto me, into me. When you got God and family, home is where your heart is.

I Lived It/BS
We are blaming the wrong flock for this one. Now I didn't know I was Little Bow Peep searching for Gods flock. I didn't understand sitting in a church on Christmas morning why I was seeing all those wings on the down trodden's back? I was seeing God's flock of angels buried under all these shells. I didn't know I was looking at the meek whom shall inherit the earth. Now I understand why? Can't help someone else until you live through it. These people are the meek. The one's you ostracized all looking like Ostriches yourselves burying your head in the sand? If you think it's not knocking on your back door? One step, one illness with all those contracts for garbage?

Catholic Community Services I want you to shut your doors. What you did to me and a table full of women? I was hoping it was a one time thing. Now I know it wasn't. What you don't know is that it doesn't matter how you got here. I met a woman at a bus stop, she had a job, a home and a life. She was self sufficient and doing just fine, until she got sick. Lost her insurance and job. She needed some medical help that she couldn't get in Ohio.

Can't Remember Never Loving You/NC
The only help available (9 don't even try to come back on me and tell me, theirs another program or another box because it's to late) was Catholic Community Services. They sat her down and told her they would fly her over here for her medical procedure but they would tell her nothing else about nothing. No timelines, no guidelines, no rules or regulations, nothing. Then they tell her that if she wants this help she has to fill out paperwork. Paper work that she releases literally all of her personal information, and on this document it tells you they have all the control about everything. I mean your bank, and your food stamps people. That she can be removed from the program for whatever obscure reason they feel is justified. That if she chooses to leave of her own accord she cannot not come back or receive any help from them in the future or any of their other affiliate programs. After I left the shelter through C.C.S. I kept getting bounced back by all the other affiliates saying "they can't do that. I know that but they have, did and do."

You Can Always Come Home/AJ
When I got to " The Orphanage For Lost Mothers" I had an agreement with them first. I'm new in this boat right along with these other ladies and I knew this bullshit was illegal. They are holding their food, roof and their medical contingent on this institution that in order to get help they control everything. Isn't this just what the Catholics did in the middle ages? Place themselves in the middle. Create the job and demand. They are taking advantage of these women. We had to wait around all afternoon for this bullshit so none of us were sure if this was for real.

We were forced to sign it right then and there or we could never receive any services from them in the future. Not to mention I already signed up for a place, as well as these other ladies that provided transportation to and from the shelters. That was our agreement. Not to be standing out in the open by ourselves on the drag in the dark, loaded down with bags. I said to this staff member  "You are setting these women up to be harmed. This is a set up to fail and it's dangerous. I was told by this staff member as she flipped me a business card to another shelter that if I don't sign those papers I can go somewhere else. This is just some of the illegal bullshit to move the black sheep through this system. 

All Your Life/TBP
Then Ms. Ohio said it "Colleen I had a doctors appointment at 9:30 and I was there at 9:27. I was told I never showed. I said let me see is it the setting up of appointments having to arrive such and such early and you got a transportation system to deal with?" These doctors, this insurance, and all these guidelines on timelines and service is overkill on the customer.  It is a bunch of waiting a bunch of hurry up and wait. A bunch of test runs on the people you label mentally ill or dysfunctional somehow. It is a cluster fuck of nothing but a lottery number. I signed up to get reminders for an appointment.

Alone With You/JO
Good idea right? One appointment within the first 24 hours of scheduling it I got three reminder messages, on my phone and mail. That is not counting all the other doctors with all this overkill of service. Any business you have a loss ratio to work within. This is the human race trying to survive in your cluster fuck of bullshit running the human race ragged through all your bullshit, which is paying for its machine on the United States suffering at the bottom. Catholic Community services locked my friend out 10 minutes after the doors were locked, but there is some give time. They sat there and ignored her. She had to be out there all night long on her own because of bullshit games like this.

She's Everything/BP
It was C.C.S. that I had some crazy woman standing over my bed three times in one night. She was circling around the room flipping her hair and rolling her shoulders like a hen looking for a fight. The staffs excuse why she was doing that? "A drunk woman you assign to check out a space between two blankets? Not an issue until now because I nor Dianna could move any further. It's your job at that, not hers." Oh God what was the name of this church that I had to walk 12 blocks, in all these elements? The Good Shepherd. You bet your sweet ass I learned to layer up. Guess what happened to Ms. Ohio's life? She has been overlooked twice because of the labeling of that missed doctors appointment and she can't get back home. It's like she's just not hurting enough or suffering enough or she wouldn't of been late. Sodom and Gomorrah bullshit is what it is. Now she is going to lose her home and everything she owns because of this bullshit system that feeds humanity death not life. Feeding off the bottom feeders IC. This is a machine people that we gave the power to feed itself, to get it's claws in humanity any which way it can, pass it's own laws, set it's own standard of service and their is no standard of service. Their is no service.

One Thing Right/RF
Come to America open your own business? We give you starter loan. Fifty percent of all new small businesses fail. All that building and burning up of humanities resources going into my landfills? Now we need to get rid of this concept of creating garbage to feed the garbage. The only thing we are feeding is our ego's and our landfills. To reinvent the wheel over and over is not smart business for this rock. We need to get rid of all these middlemen that you have programed with all your pedigrees. I mean my God you made an industry out of the slicing and dicing of a ICD9 code. All this middle man bullshit is gone. Create the software, create the industry and the need for a pedigree IC.

Middle Of A Memory/CS
We are going to get rid of the bullshit at the bottom. We are going to get rid of all the middle men to feed humanity. Obviously this system has failed. We are going to raise the level of quality on this rock and begin anew. We are going to get rid of that national debt that has C.I. written all over it. Criminal Intent to control and wipe out the human race. It was created on credit and no more credit 4U. Your credit line has run dry right along with that poisonous pipeline that you are using the human race to fund it.

A Woman Like You/LB
Your the fossil that is holding down this rock. Time to move forward. Time to build a new foundation and plant some good seeds of life for all of the human race, not just a few. One thing all these history shows are teaching me? In the old days a family worked together to bring food to that table, not a restaurant or a system but a family.

May We All/FGL
It seems since technology came along, it's technology that is feeding our children now. Not Mother Mary, JC and God. Not the sun, the moon and this rock. God gave us two for life to feed you a family inside and outside you. See yourself as two inside, your mother and father. The trinity that spark that gives you energy and light we can name it Atom. Your trinity of love and light inside you. You don't need A.I. to sell your soul. You don't need to spend your hard earned cash to live in virtual reality. Your Kingdom and family are inside you and they are free. Free to love and light.

Damn Drunk/RD
In this family you gotta be a little naughty to be a whole lot nice. You can't learn about life in a book. You can't honor life in one book or one box, but you can have Faith in all life. God that energy we do not see, gave us life when he created this rock. Some days I get so angry when I see how we really do behave like a flock of sheep? BAAAA BAAAAAA, where do I go? Guide me, feed me, tell me what to do? Make up my mind and I'll do it? Tell me how to think tell me how to feel? Then when someone tells you to let it all go all those fears, all those emotions, all those characters that God gave you, throw caution to the wind. Put your faith in your family not in a system of numbers.

Habit Of You/KU
Give your anger to that man upstairs. He's God the big shoulders. Remember he is energy. He is the creation of all, not just one thing. I admit your gonna be put though the trenches of that family before you get to God, but he did show me in the beginning, what the root of my problem was? The root of all evil? My sabotager is my X. Mr. 666 is creating all this depression and labels to pull you down. Depression is a lack of energy that doesn't care how it pulls you down. Once you become aware of it, it loses all its power.
Let Me Down Easy/BC
Tin Man/ML
I Got Away With You/CC
When I Get Where I'm Going/BPDP
I'm Comin Over/CY
In My Head/BG
Appalachian Memories/BH
OMGOD! I just heard Bill Maher say "this Obama Care is great. It's not a failure." I about came through the TV screen. Talking about something that he knows nothing about. I thought he was one of the smart ones God?  Maybe all the people are signing up for it Bill because they made it a law. Got to make the little people take the blame and pay for your life using their body parts. We all got to live off of someone else's pain and suffering somehow. It kills me how the depravity of others feeds the ego, not a village, not a nation.

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