Saturday, November 4, 2017

Where It's At

Where It's At/Dustin Lynch
Oh, so much to vent about I don't even know where to begin? My sinus migraine? I never realized how much a sinus migraine tears me up. Once I get to that Imitrex, I am fucked up. This is after all the allergy bullshit I gotta do. The 2 sinus allergy sprays. the Ventolin inhaler's. The 2 allergy pills, whatever pain reliever I can get my hands on. Always a guideline, always a limitation, hey you gotta do your part. I got a notice from my allergy doctor. It's been a year, time to come back. What pisses me off is all this water draining out of my ears. Paying this whole time for a decongestant out of my own pocket with money I don't have. I don't have asthma, I'm full of mucus that no matter what I do it will not drain. The return on this investment is bullshit. 

Roller Coaster/LB
Hey we all gotta do your part to keep ya moving. Wouldn't want to do something as invasive as putting tubes in your ears for some pain relief. Maybe a little scent would be nice. Yeah it would be nice to smell and taste my food. God, they could of put tubes in my ears a year ago, but no I gotta run this gauntlet of hell to get some pain relief regardless of the cause of all this congestion. Gotta "Hell Care System to feed. Got doctors to pay for all those marked up school loans. Fuck you all. For me to discover that I have said all these years my allergies are one part of it and the Imitrex helps with this and I could only get 6 to 9 a month. Yet this system has the gull to judge me to get some pain relief around here? Burn me up from the inside for all your purgatory and crimes running through the human races system?

Whiskey In My Water/TF
Once again all this hits on the one day I have a friend coming with some green and 4 wheels to get me to Win Co to save some money so I can eat for a month. Last night and yesterday evening I have been in hell doing all the running getting up and down doing my part to support this Hell Care System. Are you fucking nuts God? This insurance plan doesn't prevent nothing but you from speaking the Truth. You can't even get a consultation with a doctor on this insurance. I have to sign up with a doctor first. Do all the phone calls to the insurance company. Dot my eyes and cross my T's before I can even get a consultation with a Hell Care Practitioner. I got a questionnaire on my table asking me why I signed up for this doctor yet I had to go see another one? Could it be because I couldn't get off the John? Could it be I was so dehydrated and malnourished, that I was starting to black out? Could it be I was getting physical therapy tearing up my tree of life to make it stronger? Dehydrated just to get there? Could it be that I'm fighting muscle memory and that T.O.L. from shifting back out of alignment? Could it be I needed a referral for all that ails starting with my pain and suffering I have to go through just to breath?

Somethin" About A Truck/KM
Hey we all gotta dew our part, to feed this poisonous apple. His Hell Care Plan is SNOT worth it. All I can do is suffer to feed your system and Hell Care Practitioners. No system, you came in about 17 years ago and took over and you slowly removed God. My God. My Man. My Big Daddy. I am so pissed off to discover her name is Hope and she's the one sitting in Pandora's box of Purgatory and Hell.  Get your PH balance out of here, you cause all the acid inside me. Think I would of figured that out already. Can't even pick my own music with mother HEN. Your music is to loud. I looked at my P.T. when she could here it blaring in my ears.

Die A Happy Man/TR
That's just my point I can't breath and I can't hear. I don't need no machine or any other human being to tell me to turn it down no more. Fuck that shit. I am so mad because I think God is showing me something that I don't want to see. I don't want to know. I mean who in their right mind would ever want to know this? I kept wondering about the number of men I have standing over me and which direction up the line and down the line they go? Number five God is it you, your energy up there that I don't see standing over this Daddy's head that I speak to all day long?

Country Must Be Country Wide/BG
Back to that five God? Uhm your number five that I don't see and I'm the number five standing down here on this rock all alone? That humans can see but refuses to see? I'm the woman this time? I'm the little woman this time? I'm the what am I a buck five now and well five down in this little physical body is you? Well I think we need to go back to that table now God. I have my own terms and conditions for the ending of your story book. Fucking asshole I knew it when I saw the Mummy the dagger, the Spear Of Destiny, and that bald man? All these bald men nude at that, in all these shows. I mean I just figured out? That big bald man I let off the chain? I didn't even know about Azekeil. I can't even spell his name God. I'm tired of hitting the books all this looking up. 

You Should Be Here/CS
I just figured out how we are energy? How we are light? Who it is we really are in this family tree? In all those twinkling little stars that surround this rock? This animal Kingdom? Which is you and yours? Which is U, which is me? All that energy and power in one tiny body God? We are energy, we are light inside these bodies without these shells? Yet when you say we are from the Cosmo's. We are from the universe and well that universe is me? Yeah it makes me mad all over. I'm the little one. OMG! I'm the one whom goes flying across the room, not you.

Fuck you. How many times have I been the one flying across the room in this life? How many times have I had my ass kicked in more ways than one down here already, and I didn't raise a hand except in defense of someone else. I used my Big Girl words of Truth and well no one like's the Truth? Calling someone out on their own behavior? For their behavior and blame they placed up on me and I use my big girl words and strike? They can sure dish it out but they sure can't take a little woman standing beneath all these bullies because they are afraid of a little Truth serum? About all their snake oil and elixirs they have shoved down my body and up my ass. All based on an Assumption, at that God? When I saw on Orville

Runnin 'Outta' Moonlight/RH
the Democracy? The human race votes on another human beings justice all based on a couple minutes of an apology owed for bad behavior? Nope you didn't behave? Society saw you? You were not sincere back to the box you go? Your the trouble maker we'll reprogram you? Hey society voted for it and hell we in this society decided? I and you know that I of the Insurance Industry to keep you feeding this machine of a Hell Care System to shut down another human beings emotions and right to free speech, the right to have free emotions at all the injustice on the service they provide?

Good Night Kiss/RH
They form a democracy of judgement for all to see and make a choice in a couple of minutes? That has already happened and the human race doesn't know it but they do. They just don't want to know it and let the technology go. What it's doing is keeping us wanting and buying filling our land fills. Our hearts and minds recreating the human touch in a family and friends plan. We are all to busy working two and three jobs to survive down here all while they get to fill our landfills and technology to keep us wanting and recreating and judging isn't an addiction right God? Like my run on sentence? Fuck You.

Drunk Off Your Love
They provide the instant gratification in the technology yet it's really humanities hell and purgatory? It is off balance, and more and more the technology and industry gets to decide what you say, what you print, and who you send it to? We need all that line of defense on a social site now, but Corporate America where we all work now can look at our Facebook to see if what we do on our off time is good enough for them? They and we, are all feeding each other and judging each other already? They gave us the machine, and we pay for it, over and over, plan by plan with all the assurance that we are so advanced we will never fall behind? All those warranties and insurance sold for each piece of an item now is unacceptable to me. With all this technology we provide? They keep dinging you and stopping you from anything you do, for all this marketing and services they already provide, but they always got another upgrade a little better to keep you paying and downloading? Whose feeding who the instant gratification bullshit now? Get this the flock off my rock.

House Party/SH
Well in my family I believe in an eye for an eye in all the injustice you have served up to me and mine. Removing my right to speak in my own defense how many years ago now God? Oh they should of let this mother speak or humanity wouldn't be here today. Puking in the middle of the night fighting a sinus migraine with no pain med's. Fuck you all. I am not running low on fuel to feed your machine. The energy I needed all along to keep me moving are my children. Fuck you Satan, because I sent a letter to the A.G. here in this Washington and I made it quite clear about whom I am and whom you are. I made it quite clear that you will never make a dime off of this mothers tree of life.

Beat Of The Music/BE
After discovering the set up, the crime, the labels and the lies. All that you stole from me was everything I needed to not suffer and hurt as much. I had sitting in those two offices everything I needed and believed in and you stole it and sold me out. You labeled me and lied about me. You created the illusion and no one ever asked or let me speak. You in this system will take responsibility for this tree of life, not that back child support that you handed me with all the fines and bills to bury me under and they never let me speak God? My Yoga studio, my alternative healthcare doctors which I used at that time? My massage therapist that got me through even if he put me through the table? I hurt so bad that it hurt so good. Well as far as Chiropractic care for my undiagnosed scoliosis all these years turning in to Kyphosis? With that Crone on my back? No God that bitch ain't a crown.

Drinkin' Class LB
I was literally doing the heavy lifting in all walks of life in my marriage. The hunchback of Notre' Dame, carrying the heavy load of humanity is that what I'm seeing God? Fuck you all. I told the Attorney General, I will not pay this bill for something that was stolen from me. I was already living in hell and purgatory. I came to the table taking the blame following through with what my lawyer told me to do and when I discovered how silent abuse really is? I never got to defend myself. Yet I have had to carry all that C.A. that he did on me before didn't I GOD? That other Character Assassination he did on me? I couldn't walk in my own office after he stole it, I couldn't walk into my children's school anymore because of that character assassination you allowed this man to do right up front and well God that ain't no freedom. What a living this system and lawyers have made in humanities suffering in divorce court? Fifty Fifty right God?

5-1-5-0 DB
Suffering with just the accusation of the label? Something I wasn't but you in this justice system allowed just the blame and label, the burden and blame fall on one person and from what I hear God a marriage in this United States Of America is 2 people. You know equal rights and this justice system have served up all this equality? I even said, since when is it ever a good idea in a divorce to let one half of the parties take the label and blame? Sit in all your boxes because you already had just the box for me to do this? I do what my lawyer said, and I couldn't speak about any of my medical conditions in court and all the physical pain and suffering I went through being married to this man? It pisses me off that this system handed him all the power and blame for something that wasn't proven yet decided?

Lovin' You Is Fun/EC
Now God what about those fours and where this little mother stands down here taking all the hits on all sides? I've been thinking about this T.O.L. and just why is it I'm standing on the one's that the human race does know about? The men in the family. Uhm!!!!! Oh God you know what, I'm mad at you again. Are you nuts? Jesus Christ and that cross? My light? My rock? That Spear Of Destiny and well if your trying to tell me that Kyle isn't the one that hung on that cross that it was me all along? That is not ever a good idea to tell me that. No God it being my husband was bad enough on me.

Anywhere With You/Jake Owen
Fuck your Jake's, Fuck your John's, Fuck all your Jesus Christ illusions and lies that you stole and rewrote the Truth on. Nope. You made me the little one in this twin theory you got going on.................??????????????

Homeboy/Eric Church
Then to discover I got another name to carry on my back? Her name is Hope. I'm Hope and I'm sitting in Pandora's box of hell with my higher power, which is you my creator? This is your idea of a blessing? Sitting in a box with you, my own creator is a blessing? Well I beg to differ this time God. You as it turns out are no fun to play with at all at this point. That cross at the crux of my neck that if left untreated causes paraplegia of my upper extremities and how long did it take for me to discover on my own?

Sunshine And Whiskey/FB
Oh you want credit for this? I'm going to give all the credit for this one? Energy, that apple and God. Dammit Tesla is back for all his stolen energy. I am so mad because you know in my writing I cast my own little spell and I did tell the A.G. that from what I can see mother nature's aka. Mary is gonna put out all over this rock, for all that this man has stolen from me. Oh Gregory Allan I told them I made an agreement on native land, to have Faith to sit in your boxes.

Neon Light/BS
I told them no money for this book is to go to that black daddy. Not after all you have stolen. That you will not make a living off my tree of life. Not for all that you stole from me. Nope you will not make one dollar off this mothers suffering and all I have been through. I told the A.G., Gregory Allan that this book goes to my children and no money will ever go to pay that debt. That it is to go to the human race for free. To feed my children love and light for life, not you. Nope I told them about that 666 you got going on and well we do not pay or serve this black daddy.

Burnin' It Down/JA
I told them I want a clean slate this time and not the kind where you kill me, my children, and my family to shut me down. I will not be shut down. I am so ready to put my size 6 foot through someones door, or up your sons ass right now. The way IC it, you can't get blood out of a turnip, I have nothing to take or nothing to give. I've already paid for it and I've already given it.

I had to come in my room to blog my ball and chain got up early. On my time and it pisses me off. He caught me once again right when I sat down on the wrong white throne. No privacy God.

Hope You Get Lonely Tonight/CS
I did learn something else new God. You know how you are not allowed to show any emotion or use a swear word at all the injustice, being sent to another box for the system? Always got a box if you show anger which is another emotion I have that right to have, at all this injustice I have walked through. They use a swear word in all your frustration in just trying to speak, you get cut off and sent to another box, they refuse to serve me and tell me I'm not allowed to swear? Hilarious because I'm going to cuss and swear all up and down this rock until I get some service without another bill, fine or fee to put the blame on me. No God.

This Is How We Roll/FGL
If you can't work with the human race in a customer service industry serving the people you all on top claim to serve, then shut your mother fucking door. I'm here with all the soap and water to clean this house right up, for all the injustice you have shown to me. In those 10 Commandments I had to look up, you know the ones you use as a good excuse for your bad behavior in your dis-service of an industry to feed all your institutions. It is number 3, do not take God's name in vain. First of all you don't know the context in which I use my husbands name and it's N.Y.O.B None Of Ya Beeswax.. It is not for you to judge, nor is it for you to decide for me how I SPEAK TO MY MAN ANYMORE. As it turns out he is my vein. I am the blood of this lamb, I am the blood of this rock that keeps all that hot lava and energy flowing whether you like it or not, it is I.

Redneck Crazy/EB
I let the A.G. know I am back, to pull Gods flock out of slavery just like Moses did before me. I mean why wouldn't God come back to take it all back? Look what you the human race has done and allowed to be done to our Ozone layer? It's not humanity people, it's Corporate America and just the decline in the last 17 years in everything has proven that this system feeding the wrong kind of power, the wrong kind of stock is not feeding Gods flock. The job they were supposed to be doing all along.

Crash And Burn/TR
Not my problem that all you  higher beings with all you letters and pedigrees that created this mess couldn't even figure out God is energy. He is our creation of all these planets and stars. This is His Animal Kingdom and I'm just here to take it all back. I also said you are just lucky my last name means due over, because God I'm over due. I'm over drawn. I'm over extended. I have been for a long time. I'm like a rubber band ready to snap. I'm out of energy God. This face mask is killing me God. Something so easy in this preventative Hell Care Plan?

Back Porch/DB
Mt. Si is where it's at. This Washington is where it's at. This Washington was here first. This family was here first. This star was here first. Nope none of you. Nope not one of you does it belong to. Not in this five star family it don't. Well it turns out it all belongs to me. This rock and all it entails belongs to me, weather you like it or not. So take that to the bank and shove it up your ass and do let my Angel Hit U in the ass on your way out the door. It will be my pleasure to return all the justice you have shown me when you all slammed the door in this mothers face.

Like Jesus Does/Eric Church God I love this mans music
You get to choose your H this time. You get to choose that D also. You get to choose your own house, and you get to choose your own destiny when you mess with me. I'm just here to do a return right back to all of you whom have so unjustly left all the blame up on this little mother shoulders. Carrying all your burdens, and all your lies. All because you turned my A into a scarlet letter.

Anything Goes/FGL
You my brother turned this Angel into Assumption. Under the illusion of all the consumption? Whom was feeding whom what again my little piece of shit black brother? How does it feel giving it all back to you for you to carry? All that blanket justice of blame you have placed upon me and mine? Well I'm just back to get a return on my investment. It's not stealing if I take back something that belonged to me in the first place my brother. Nope that is not the way my daddy see's it ether. Nope nor is it sitting in one of the nine branches of a my family tree that I didn't even know about.

American Country/Jake Owen
I'm just here to do all that you have done unto me. I am free after all am I not?  Free will. Where their is a Will their is a way, right brother? I worked for free for you all those years and boy did I carry a load, and what did you provide? BULLSHIT! All I can see from my perspective is you provided the two hands that I did provide and pay for all along to feed my children, my brother. Right from the start I paid for those two hands to feed my children and well my brother you are not the feeder of me and mine no more. You know what they say my brother?" Only Thy Truth Will Set U Free."

Who I Am With You/CY
Well I put all my imperfections and jagged edges out there online for free for all to see. I like my anagram better than yours black daddy. EYE and Truth is the "EYE OF THE TIGER" and well my brother this Sister Bites Back. Now get all your I.T and A.T. off my rock. I'm the O my brother. I'm the O.T. I'm the real deal. I'm the shit my brother. I'm Freya, I'm the worm. I'm the earthworm that feeds the soil life to feed everything. Turns out I am the shit of this rock. Not you my brother. I'm the other F. Fertilizer I Feed the Fertilizer Organically. Oh poo poo on  you, it's not you. So it seems my way is better for those all around this rock. I guess I am a piece of shit mother who owns nothing but this rock. What I provide in me and mine is the other F. Family. You can take your black ten back and jump ship bitch. My Enterprise. My Children.

Wild In Your Smile/DL
Baby Be My Love Song/EC
I recon I'm bringing country back full throttle God. I like my country music best of all. I like my Rock and Roll, Classic with some blue grass even. I like a little rebellion and a little funk in my music. A little beat to keep me moving. My feet or my hips I just don't care. All I ask is that you keep me moving.

Smoke A Little Smoke/EC
Love to but I'm broke waiting again on someone else to provide. Why do people say there gonna be here and not show up? Why do people say their gonna come but they don't come do they God? Always an excuse always an interruption when I speak. Always on a timeline in a rush. Someone is always dinging me. I feel like I'm a dried up shriveled up lil' turkey sitting in an oven.

Up All Night/JP
I'm Cuming Over/CY
Over and Over I shall roll.

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