Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen/Metallica
Promises, promises Big Daddy all I hear are promises. I know I heard them coming up behind in 7 of 2015. When I turned around their were no horses there. I knew, I knew inside what those hoof sounds running up behind me were? Oh I tried to deny them. I tried to walk away God. It just kept getting deeper and deeper didn't it? Common denominator? All the injustice and bullshit I was stomping through. I mean someone whom knows the law, degree or not? This is BULLSHIT! It just kept getting deeper and deeper into more labels and injustice on the little people. I couldn't stop the roller coaster ride into hell if I wanted too. To much of a Curious George that I am. When the I.D. channel came on and Tammy mentioned the legal system to a rational question I asked? Just watching how others shut down back petaled and scattered? I knew then I was onto something. Some more bullshit injustice. The lies and power in Corporate America and the entertainment industry? God I love that when I was 7 and eight years old I started crocheting collars. I wanted to be just like Judge Judy with my own white collar. 
I'm The WoMan On The Silver Mountain WoMan you mean God? It's by Rainbow. How foretelling your musicians really are. Well I being you this time I recon. I am the WoMan through you. Your energy, your life force. I'm the blood of the water, the lamb and the ram. I'm The Rock. My emerald is Kryptonite from that Emerald City in the heavens. I do not bleed for you, I bleed for Him. My Rock, My Salvation. I'm the big dick you do not see. I'm The Lourdes. I'm the Madonna Of The Rocks, I'm the Lion. I'm the mother with heart. I'm the mother with courage. I point my finger up.
Lay It Down/Ratt tat tat.
I am the woman you say God? I'm "The Madonna Of The Rocks" you say? Then let's rock this house. When this is done you shall learn their is only one mother on this rock. Only with this mother comes a duo and it won't be any other way with my family. The whole family. Now throw down that gauntlet. Drop Thor's hammer with your Mighty Big Fist. Your Mighty Big Power in this little atom. Your sun with the crooked halo. Gotta be a lil' naughty b4 I can be nice.
In My Darkest Hour/Megadeth
Now God I have discovered another monster another beastie who wants to eat me? Another star and beastie who wants to eat me, another duo? Sounds like a praying mantis kind of thing if you ask me. Her name "The Starflower." Her role is to get you to write all this beautiful poetry for her, then when she is done she eats you. Great God, this creature is the Calliope. Another Big C IC? Then last night when I awoke to Anew Wolverine movie Michael had on 10.
Electric Eye/Judas Priest
I hear the word, "The Sentinel." I turn over I look at Michael, are you kidding me? I can't get away from this stuff. It doesn't matter the genre, I seem to be moving right along." Thank God "my ball and chain" doesn't read this or know his history as well as he thinks he does.
Am I Evil/Metallica
That depends on your perspective of evil my brother? Whom is the one blocking evolution and hiding the Truth? The Truth behind all this depression and the reason you fucked with Mother Mary's children's emotions? Satan you have left a bad taste in my mouth. Now God can we please just get on to "whose gonna get the last laugh?" I'm beat. Even with you hanging around, I'm lonely. I'm ready for my match. I'm ready for my mate. Please for once in my life can something just go smoothly? NOOOOO!!!!!! Turn's out I'm married to His Highness, His Lord, His Son and well he don't do nothing small does He. Except maybe His Wife. Yeah, I like that part. That's the best part about my beasty.
Stand Up And Shout/Dio
"Great Balls Afire lets ring Ma's Bell in that beasty garden. Let's light my fire. Make this mother roar. Down on my knees, I know just like His number's. Just like His house this Big Daddy comes up behind me. Come on Big Daddy let's light my ring of fire. Really love your peaches, want to shake your tree. "Oh please Big Daddy let this be the only monster that gets to eat me." If I get to pick this time, looking at my other options? I pick the egg head. I pick that great big monkey man to come inside of me, Make me wet, make it rain. Light my fire. Let's light up this virgin ass. Do you hear the thunder? Do you hear the lightening? Let's make this ground shake. Make this mother quake. Get on the horn, you know my call handle? "Rainbow Cherry Blossom." Make those trumpets blare, make those horns roar. Lets hear those engines scream. Come on Big Daddy make this mother spew her milk and honey. I got just the hidey hole for woody.
Hollowed Be Thy Name/Iron Maiden
Now brother, the one I wish I could say came from a different mother. It seems I just can't lie UC. Let's get down to some more names and numbers in my family tree of life. The ones you got this system to write off. No proof of life, right brother? From what I can see Satan these were the Gods once upon a time before this United States even knew what to call our creator. That energy, that magic, that white light? My Big Bang is going to be this mother's "Happy Ending" once and for all. Then down you fall my brother.
Let's put these names and numbers out there in writing. Greg I want these names and numbers to ring a bell. The Ogdoad are my 8. Set's family line, you remember? Try to keep up brother. I wouldn't want you to fall behind or have a misstep on my family tree of life. The one you tried to label as extinct? No. AH AH AH, brother remember as Gods family we don't die. We just keep coming back. It's called reincarnation. He is My Big Daddy. He is the creation. 
Round And Round/Ratt
The Ogdoad eight were the original 8. We can call these "The Hateful Eight." Hey your the one that pissed them off, tried to write them off. No R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The Ogdoad were the original eight beings before their were any beings. They come in husband and wife pairs. More brothers and sisters from the heavens IC.
Huh/Hauhat, the rulers of infinity.
Kuk/Kauket, the rulers of darkness
Nun/Naunet, the rulers of primordial waters
Amun/Amaunet, the ruler of hidden things.
Paradise By The Dashboard Lights/Meatloaf
Now Greg I want you take a look at your name sake. The 666 himself his own mother called him. I want you to read it all. The institutions, the cults, the dates. His parents names. His Children's names. The rituals and well Greg look at that? He believed he was once the spirit of Pope Alexandra the Fifth which is why he was chosen before he was born. He had Faith to find the light. Well bitch you did and you my brother failed. Demon boy and all those demon names you carry inside one body, I will destroy you. This Mother this Babylon already wrote The Book Of Life, The Book Of Love, A Mothers Heart, The Book Of Truth, for free bitch. I already put it all out there on the line. So no I got rid of your money tree. You ain't making a dime off me. Not after your set-up, your lies and your nothing but an insurance scammer and thief. A slave driver, keep going, gotta do your part? I'll pick you apart. Oh yeah I already did.
Rainbow In The Dark/Dio
I will not pay your bills to feed my babies. My children don't work for food. You lazy piece of shit. You will sit in hell. You will go into that inferno. You know "Hell's Kitchen?" I got just the chef for you brother? He's quite the cook? He'll season your ass right up for all those grown up little boys you fucked in hell. In all your institutions and boxes. That Cock Sandwich you remember?  His name Chef Ramsey. Nine layers down bitch and don't worry I got your number. This little bitch, this little mother that is so sick and tired of all you big dogs sticking your nose up my lily white ass where it doesn't belong? I didn't just give you a easy one this time around, no not a 1000 years of hell and purgatory for all that you have done? Nope I'm the little dog in this house. This little dogs magic number is 7. Those Se7en deadly sins. Now times that 1000 by seven and don't you come back until you have gone through A.A. with my family. We'll even give you your own little Michael and call it "The Good Place."
Neon Knights/Black Sabbath
Take a little poison for the anecdote right bitch? A touch of poison for your ridiculous inoculations you keep bringing back around to wipe out humanity? I got just the cure for you. My other poison in my family? Poison Ivy you remember her don't you? That little dog whom tried to spill his seed when he raped me? He only re-aligned this mothers axis. Got just the dose he needed. He not only poisoned himself from my little bite on his back but he turned the gun on himself. Boom! He shot himself in the head. Let's do this bitch, let's throw the gauntlet down. I gotta a bone to pick with you. I got just the point, just the spear to drain the life force right out of you. That Achelious heal you had locked in her room being your new wife's Cinderella and my Spear of Destiny? My rock, I named her remember? I will not carry your lies, your debt, or your bills anymore. No more boxes for this mother. You see Greg it turns out with this crooked tree of life, it's like I always said, for a chiropractor your the spineless one not me. Now just imagine what it's really gonna be like for you walking around out there without a spine? No T.O.L.for you brother. This is gonna be fun brother. Let's dance.
Shout At The Devil/Motley Crue
Now Greg let me make something very clear all those wives tales you told about me? All those myths and folklore's you told about my family, are gonna come back around to take you down bitch. They are going to cut you off at the knees, and this mother just doesn't give a flying flock anymore. You are not the True Father of my children. You did not feed them turns out your just a sperm donor after all. A dead head sperm donor with no heart. All those made up stories you got others to create false witness and they weren't even there were they? They didn't walk through my hell and purgatory did they?
The Zoo/Scorpions
Welcome to my families purgatory.
My families animal kingdom of hell
All those boxes, all my beasties
Sitting in your boxes
With all your convictions
Their for your food and fodder
Their for your pleasure
Your possession, your treasure
Their to please and serve you
NAMBLA what comes around goes around
My family will be sure to pass you around
Around and around this Atom's family goes
Ding dong he went to bed, bumped his head
The Witches Warlock is dead.
Sweet dreams my brother.
Oh yeah have a nice visit with my families Sandman.
Hey demon boy
Bang your dead to me and mine you hear.
You will never feed this mothers tree of life
She's got the looks that kill
What can I say brother so my Crue is still a little Motley
B.T.W. I did figure out the reason I needed your black ten back? My babies protectors. When this is over the reason for 1/3 down my brother is you.
The way IC it I'm a 100 percent white lighter, I'm the 2/3rds up inside them. When all is said and done you and your ten back? I gotta new bigger daddy now. I like his ten back colors better than yours any day.
Can you believe the Catholics stole a Jew story about me and mine Satan? Lucky 4 me I'm from the UK before that banking system. Turns out I'm Irish from my daddy's side. Now Greg if you remember my daddy had blue eyes. That makes me from the United Kingdom twice over. On this ground and from the heavens. Hey Satan I gotta family name for you? The other Big T you wrote off as Myth? You can call me Tink.
Happy Halloween brother I'm sending you back down under. This native, Catholic, Christian, Pagan, Egyptian, Hindu, little Tao, Jew mother. Now brother I gotta a lil black mother in me her name is Faith. I figured out I got some oppressors creating all this depression. Hell depression don't care the color or the claws to get you hooked into purgatory right? Any reason for that Gin to pull you down right? Gin meet my families J. The Jezebel to lock that Gin back in the bottle. 
Like A Rock Bob Seger And The Silver Bullet Band

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