Friday, November 3, 2017

Come All Undone

I can't do this with this man anymore God. I want out of this. I can see it and I get it. I read somewhere that these people that are just sitting around doing nothing is Gods flock subconsciously waiting for something to happen. Vivian in the beginning said it to me. It's up to Michael. Whatever Michael does he is supposed to do. Waiting for the Arch Angel of this rock to do what God? Drive me fucking nuts picking him up everyday to get him to function? It's like lifting a fucking boulder just to get him to move God.

It was the only day to go to Win Co to shop. I mean the only day Michail is home to help me carry the groceries. He gets up somewhere between 11:30 to 12. I'm pretty much ready. Instead he calls for us to get a ride from his co-worker Tiffany. He hangs up the phone to tell me she just got fired but she's going to give us a ride. I have no patience for this shit. Waiting around on someone when I can just go do it. Can't just go do something with Michael. It's to much work for him.

I said to Michail I saw Tiffany's car, have you Michail? It's packed down with stuff. Her whole backseat is packed down with stuff. How am I and the groceries going to fit in her car? Common mother fucking sense people, He calls her back and she say's "oh yeah let me find somewhere to put this stuff and I'll be over." She never showed up. I looked at Michael and I said didn't you just get done telling me like two weeks ago she is homeless? When I saw her she was cleaning out her car at work. Michael that tells me she is still homeless. I didn't say any thing to her I didn't want to embarrass her.

At ten o' clock last night it was time for me to make the same mother flocking point I have over and over. So Michael what's the plan now? Oh yeah the plan is for you to go back to work and for me to take several trips to and from the store carrying these groceries so we can eat. I lost it again. You expect me to even want to have sex with you? You expect me to even be attracted to you? You are the laziest most unmotivated human being I know. Your not happy. When you get off work you sit and do nothing but watch T.V. scroll through your phone.

I am sick and tired of constantly motivating you. I can't keep doing this with you everyday Michael. You are a grown ass man and you don't function. Why don't you go back to your ex wife or find another woman who is even willing to put up with you. Go find a woman whom is a control freak that will tell you every little thing that needs to be done. That will follow you step be step to make sure it gets done. He said why didn't you call a friend to get a ride?

I had no plans to call anyone to get a ride. I don't do that. Depend on other people Michael. I get on a bus like I was planning to do today with you. I do it everyday Michael, that's life. Life is everyday Michael. I can't do this with you. You can't even feed yourself nor are you willing to without me making sure it is done or I do it for you. Even when you get up two hours before work you still don't have time to make a lunch. You are like a child. You are lazy. You procrastinate everything. You can't do anything unless you have someone right there to watch you and do what cheer for your? A job well done? A back pat?

What about the bank today Michael? Did you get that done? NOOOOOO!!!!!!! When you gonna get this done? You work tomorrow at eleven when you going to be able to go to the bank now? You stress me out. You don't get the most basic thing done when you are supposed to and I can't take it anymore

You want me to be attracted to you and have sex with you? I'm not and I can't do it anymore. Michael as soon as I can. I am out of here. I have tried and tried to get away from you, but I am stuck. That door opens with an offer to leave Michael and I am gone. I'm not looking back.

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