Friday, November 3, 2017


Bob Ferguson
Washington Attorney General
1125 Washington Street
Olympia, WA. 98504-0100

This is a copy of my X-ray that I had to jump through my own hoops to get this done outside of the medical healthcare profession. I could not get these doctors to take an x-ray of my whole Tree Of Life over the years. That machine and all the mark up and value that you have placed on it. The ones taking the x-ray and your doctors whom rely on another specialist to read it for them. Now what you don't know about me is I know how to read an X-ray. I might not know every little name of what something is called but I knew when I looked at this X-ray. I was messed up.

No curvature in my spine. It is being sucked up and pulled from the base of my ribs on the left up that disc that slips out between my shoulder blades on the upper right. My pelvic twist in one direction and my tail bone kinks under and goes in the other direction. I want you take that sword with that black snake curling around it. That is scoliosis. My spine popping out in two locations between my shoulder blades at the same time of twisting the rest of my spine around and around. To the point that it has pushed my sacrum and left hip forward at a tilt. I keep getting told all these years I don't hurt. I'm making it up. I'm gateway drug shopping. (who created the abuse on the word gateway drug? You did by sticking your nose in where it never belonged in those meetings) I learned what meth does, it kills the pain to help these people work. To bad these people as well as myself have had to turn to alternatives because you doctors were to busy judging instead of doing your job to get me back on my feet to be able to work. 

After years of hurting I tried it. I didn't realize how tired my body was. A human being wakes up every day with 100 percent energy. When you hurt your body has less energy to use and burn. I dragged my ass around for years and years. When I tried it I sat and read a book. I hadn't been able to do that in years. I do know what all you counselor's in treatment and doctors say about that drug. I only did it temporarily to get to work. When you move through pain every day you know longer care the poison.

If you had pulled Sudafed off the market we would not be here. My little dogs would not be beaten to get their hands on pain pills. You only have yourselves to blame. You have all these second chance programs and it is nothing but Sodom and Gomorrah every where in your BJ's and Corporate Industries. Their are no second chances. Once you wear and accept that label A you have no more rights. You are either a liar or minimizing. Funny thing is I haven't lied it is you whom don't want to hear the truth or take responsibility for me and mine. Which turns out is you and yours too. When my liver got inflamed and I went to the hospital not just from the meth but other medications and I spoke the truth that day too another blind eye. Truth is I almost died and I got judged not even an IV bag to rinse the poison out of my body. My family upstairs and God gave me back my life to the way I was and I am no longer addicted to one God Damned thing. Your system doesn't heal, my family and God does.

I took the X-ray back up to Snoqualmie Valley Hospital In Snoqualmie to have this read. I asked a chiropractor to order it. I had been in pain for years. To the point of being laid up for a minimum of two months at a time. I have lost jobs over my back, my neck and my migraines. My X caused a car accident the first year of our chiropractic office being open. It took out my sister and myself. She lost her home and daycare business. Greg caused the car accident but your insurance company has a pat way of handling car accidents. It's the one from behind whom should be paying attention.

Greg stopped at the foot of a hill. It was solid ice and he knew Adam and James were coming up behind us. Greg asked me to close the claim. I was new at this billing and closing of the claims. What I did not know is that when we did this it closed my sisters claim too. I was lucky to get any treatment from this man. Is a matter of fact during and for awhile after my pregnancy with my second child I saw a local chiropractor and paid her. I was always last on the list when it came down to any kind of my own personal needs. I was not allowed to have personal shut down time unless Greg said so. It was par for the course that if I had something I needed to do for myself including a haircut I got sat down and given a speech about money. I had two businesses with this man that I had no choice but to open because my X had a fatal attraction at work for four months and that woman's husband showed up at my front door when I was alone with my two children.

I'm coming to you for a number of reason. My divorce attorney, Diane Vanderbeek. She was disbarred right after me. Their was nothing I could do about any of the mess and responsibility. I was left with my families medical insurance on top of a bunch of other stuff. Including that scarlet letter A. That was given to me by my X before my divorce. I married a naturopath turns out he was a sociopath. I married a man that literally hounded me about every thing I stuck in my mouth my whole marriage. I was going from doctor to doctor trying to get help for my migraines and back pain. I'm not doing this again so don't even ask. I was sent to four different neurologist over time. They all said the same thing, they do not know what is causing this but I have a muscular skeletal condition along with a cardiovascular component.

This practice that is still going on today of sending a human being from doctor to doctor including the same ones to find that miracle cure needs to stop. All the doctors are doing is collecting the checks on my suffering. After my divorce I went to two different pain clinics for help. One was at Swedish and one was the very same hospital in the valley that I have lived for twenty years. I want them both. I want you in congress and I want you lawyers to stop the bullshit. I wasn't addicted nor was I doing anything aside from trying to get help.

I'm not going to go out of my way to do your job anymore. Just trying to get help from you lawyers or trying to even get some of you in front of me, I can't get passed your front desk. Your guidelines and parameters don't meet my needs. They are now to big. All I hear when I finally do get a consultation with a lawyer. I have had two this last year and many more over the years. All I hear is sorry, and $10,000. Why is that? You lawyers and the ones above you in congress all these years protecting the corporations including the hospitals. You have set up guidelines that they can destroy another human beings life by placing a label on someone because of a potential liability on one life. Whom set up the potential of a liability to rule this United States Of America. You lawyers and Congress.

I worked hard for my life and my children before they were even thought of. Now you look at that Tree Of Life. You know the one I was born with in this United States Of America. The one where it tells me I am allowed to speak and come to you for help. Truth is their is no help for the little people anymore is their? This mother gives you and your system an F. In your schools with the way you swooped in behind the scenes to change our children's mindset to fit in your boxes. You had no right to come into the public schools and have our counselors and teachers diagnosing any child behind the backs of the parents. Only when I have questions I am pacified and told it is the system. Since when do we allow a system of numbers to come in this country to rule this United States of America? The land of the freedom. Freedom of speech. Freedom to be heard.

I don't find any of this to be true. You already had a system set up for people with that scarlet letter A. It is wrong UNJUSTIFIED IMMORAL AND UNETHICAL to make me stand in a court room with all my documents of abuse. Including from the treatment center where I discovered what he and Mary Stone did to me when they removed all the bank accounts out of my name including two business. I was not ever allowed to speak. I had to meet all of these demands from you in this State and I did. Yet I still could not speak about anything I went through before or during my divorce. I haven't even been able to speak about the consequences of this systems actions since then. How many other peoples lives have you destroyed?

Before we were in that automobile accident another chiropractor told me he thinks I have scoliosis. The first stages of late stage scoliosis. It usually happens to young women and its pretty common. I have over the years said this to you doctors only to have them treat a symptom instead of actually listening to the patient. Look at that X-ray, what is missing? When I read the report which I no longer have its like pulling teeth to get anything out of these doctors or hospitals without prior approval. Even for myself. To get this disc copied for you the technician had to bring up another doctors name to copy it for me. You have every little thing tied up in insurance and not the human races needs or best interest.

I'll tell you what it said, and you are more than welcome to get a copy. Dr. Todd read it back to me. This woman is a joke. All of them are now because you with all your limited liability have given doctors permission to turn a blind eye and judge whether you are even worthy for help today. The doctors look at the insurance and they read off the insurance instead of actually helping the person they do very little and send you out the door.  For the last 10 years I have had doctors read the insurance and not me.

When she read the results back all it covered was the spacing between my disc. Now that's bullshit. My spine had an S curve which was gone. My scoliosis turned into Kyphosis over the years it got so bad. After two and a half years of trying to find out what is going on with my right hip I finally had a physical therapist lay me down and run his thumbs up both side of my T.O.L. and he said "yup your right, your spine is in a S shape again. It goes from the right hip to the left of your rib cage. The disc coming up from your sacrum twist down and the next one turns up and twist back to the left. In the last year I have seen two Osteopaths. The first one won't adjust my neck and the second one I walked out on because she sent me back to square one where I was already back to and doing the whole year.

Isn't that just what you do to these people on this insurance and it is now going to be the new protocol on pain relief. I have seen it over and over and it is not acceptable. The neurological pills to shut you down and fatigue your body until you can build a tolerance to it? Why do you get to pick the allergy for my body? Why do you doctors and lawyers get to make a living off of these people with their back pack on their backs to take the blame?  Not you personally. Truthfully their is no help for these people anymore is there. The very ones you turn a blind eye to and leave to suffer and take the blame.

You allowed this system to create an addiction and psychosis to diagnose on every emotion a human being has a right to have. Including anger at all the injustice that I have seen handed down to the United States of America. You lawyers and congress sold out the human rights and our amendments to a middleman to control. Insurance. This insurance labels you, and you have no rights to eat, nor drink or stick a pill in your mouth for relief without being judged. You have failed these people in more ways than one. What you don't know and what you are serving is not God not a moral God anyways. You are now feeding a machine. This machine took the depression from the twenties and figured out a way to keep feeding it. That banking system and national debt that is now using the little people as an excuse for all this bad behavior that you with all your pedigrees created.

You all swore to protect and serve. Who yourselves not these people that you have removed from the jungle in this P.N.W. It is not okay with this mother. I call your blanket justice BJ's. They are nothing but cock blockers to keep the little guy down from speaking. You did this to my United States of America and you have made us consumers by allowing the major corporations to go to other countries and create more slavery there. You sold out the United States to a machine that is using all of us to feed it.

You want to help me for starters you can do your job. You can hand this child support back to my X or write it off. I am not paying it. I can't. I have had to walk out and quit jobs because of torn tissue between my vertebrae, dislocated disc front and back ribs. I have micro fascia tears that keep forming knots the size of eggs along my neck and spine. All under the base of my ribs and along my ???? blades. It has taken two and half years to get to a doctor for Micro fascia tears and still they need to do an allergy test first. For something that another doctor tried doing on me during a full blown migraine. Instead this is a procedure that needs to be done as a preventative over a period of time. It is not for a full blown migraine such as the kind I get. What do you care you? Not your bills, not your children?

I'm stuck living with a man I do not want to be with because of this mess. I took that X-ray ready to start over once again. Now I'm ready to go pick up my fourth bladder medication to draw out my suffering some more. It took a week over a week to get this medication approved. More of the same thing before they will do one of two procedures. Still I'll be laid up. Before I can get to any appointments I have to be completely dehydrated or I will never make it to a bathroom on my way there.

My left arm keeps dying and has for years. Their are times I can't hold onto anything without dropping it because of that disc at that car accident that was never treated. I can prove it better than any of you lawyers. I could prove every thing before my divorce but I was not allowed to speak about how I came to wear that label. I wasn't able to speak about anything except take the responsibility and blame.

I made an agreement with my higher power on native land. You might want to invest some of your personal time without calling out the dogs. Anyone shows up at my door and you will bring on a storm. Anyone touches my children and you will bring on a storm. Truth is I want that Gregorian to fall out of the sky. I am done with this shit. All of it. I will speak about what you have done to these people. I will not shut up about how you sitting up their on top creating blanket laws on individuals in this United States Of America, in this land of freedom.

You made us gullible sitting ducks with all your entertainment and games going into my landfills. You made us the stupidest nation ever. What the plan is behind the scenes from that banking system, is to wipe out this United States Of America. Make us blame each other and fight each other. The plan is to allow President Trump to take the fall. You don't believe me look back through history. Since when does this system not have a fall guy? Especially in any Corporation including our justice system that they got you in congress, you lawyers and you doctors to serve up the human race under the guise of addiction. This system and the ones behind it controlling all the money behind the scenes plan is to wipe us out first then the rest of the nations.

If you have any questions about how I know this or just who it is I am you need to look up. Don't you ever look down your nose or try to tell me how to speak again. Don't you ever tell me I am lying to create false witness upon this T.O.L. again. I am done with all the injustice all my life that I have walked through. How I got here is you. All of you with your blind eye of justice with all your good excuse of creating your BJ's, because us little people on the bottom are unworthy to even get water without paying .27 cents for the cup. Told to go find their food in this United States? Don't you ever let me hear anyone say another human being is unworthy of food. 

You got a problem with me taking my T.O.L. and speaking the Truth at what you have done to me and mine, take it upstairs. Imagine my surprise when I figured out whom it is I am? When I heard these three words back in 2015 I didn't know what any of them meant. It took me until recently to figure that out. You see what you in congress, all you lawyers and doctors with all your pedigrees don't know is that when Babylon was written this United States was not even heard of. In case you want to know this Washington came first.

Mt. Sinai, Moses the ten commandments and that burning bush? I heard something about Bush in 2015 turns out it wasn't just our past Presidents and what they have done. I got handed a black dress with a white stain on the left thigh. I knew it had something to do with the Clinton's. The different characters of President Reagan. President Carter and nuts. President Ford and cars. Let's not forget the infamous ?????. That created all the drama to get re-elected. Now our entertainment industry and our journalist and other officials all do the same thing. Wag the Dog? Point the finger in the other direction.

The three words I heard was Seer, Druid and Messiah. I knew what none of these three things meant until recently. Turns out that book that my X is hoping to get paid out on for all that back child support he thinks I owe is my blog. He will not make a dime off me or my children's suffering for what him and Mary Stone did to my family. You see I didn't know I was writing that book that is in Revelations. I didn't even know nothing about the joker and the fool. Their it is in black and white. You in Congress should of read up on your own history instead of allowing yourselves and others to fit in your box of values and bullshit.

Then I want you to read how it is a brother and sister this time. Yeah you might want to read up on whom I married. The only way that man and I are brother and sister is from that Garden of Eden. Turns out I married the wrong brother this time. I want you to look at Alex Crowley's birth date and I want you to look at the three numbers sitting in the center of his social security number. Whether you think I am crazy or believe me or not it is not my issue that you allowed a healthcare industry to place labels on people whom are higher beings. That H.P.P.A. form and the labels to pay for an insurance I see. Just like Tesla the mans whose energy was stolen. His work and he ain't happy. He said we are all vessels. The Hindu's, the Tibetan's all other religions recognize we are not the highest beings on this rock yet you making and passing all these laws to feed your own pockets seem to think you are the highest beings on my rock.

Even President Washington and others from our own country has told you what you guys are doing building a debt ratio that will never go away is never ending debt. What about Lincoln and that mother from beyond he had you make a statue of? The blanket is on the left shoulder because in this Washington the driver is on the left. Not my problem you with all your pedigree's haven't figured out God is the creation of all. That science, math, energy and numbers are all God. Right now you need to focus on those 01's and the fact that you made a machine a part of our organic solution. Right along with all the poison food, soil and air to poison our septic systems. Now allot of this cough sickness and asthma is nothing more than allergies, to create this outlandish healthcare industry that is nothing but machines now.

Their is no reason for you to ever come in and steal anything from me. I have put everything I know on that blog that isn't proof read yet. What's the point of correct grammar any way's? You changed it with all your technology and anagrams. You changed it by allowing all these different nationalities language and religion to be recognized instead of one God. That God particle you all want to get your hands on today. Why? To play God when you on the top can't handle the Truth of what you have done to this Nation and the people born here? God told you in Revelations their is no justice anymore. I can see that quite clearly now and I don't blame him for coming back to take it all back from all of you slave drivers. Whom came in and stole everything from the indigent ones. Not just here but every nation the same pattern. If it wasn't the land you wanted it was whatever they had hidden away.

I'm ready to see how much of a theory my God is. He said he's coming back in Moses. God is energy. God is crystal clear energy that you cannot see. He is neither male nor is he female. It is all of you on top in each nation whom ruled yourselves superior over women. This is Gods point to make now. Ain't no mothers ain't no children. Not my problem that you allowed your rich assholes on top to take science and medicine to far to re-create the human race. That is their plan. Can't afford the insurance for these people working the front lines or drive our food trucks so we will get a machine now to do the human races job.

Walmart, what were you thinking allowing a corporation which we already had several of these. To come in and shut down small business, hire people part time so they can continue to get medical and food stamps to make up the difference for what a billion dollar industry didn't want to pay for. Then the rest of Corporate America jumped on. You allowed it. You allow anyone that is injured in a car or at work to be harassed by the insurance companies. You sold out chiropractic care to the private malpractice industry, and now we love chiropractors. To bad no one is getting adjustments, what they do is keep sending you to a new chiropractor for an exam every three to four months with no adjustment. Just an exam then they call you a year later and ask how your doing? No help in between or its so slight that we have had to pay for services out of our own pocket to get back to your slave driving jobs. You changed what a full time job entails now, 32 hours, with no paid sick days or vacation. The insurance offered everywhere is shit and you should of never passed this law. This insurance only covers themselves on what you created in your corporate industry.

God is from all those Adams/Atoms/Atums families as well as I. I am who I am. As far as I'm concerned what comes around goes around. That is why God can only follow the heart of each human. I discovered Cain was about balance. You know balance between the good and the bad. The light and the dark. I recon that since I'm Eve and I have had to walk through all the injustice in this life. The turning of the blind eye toward me and mine. I'd say we are off balance. Our nine lives are up.

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