Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Little Wonders

Little Wonders/RT
I lost my Angel Raphael last week. I found him in an obscure location and I picked him up with some garbage in my hand. Nothing ever seems to happen on a good day, at a good time for me. It just happened to be the day I got my migraine to kick back a notch, just long enough for me to get into town to reload. Now I have to stand outside the dumpster and empty all my garbage out piece by piece. You know why we find things in the last place we look? It's the last place we look. At the bottom he lay in all those coffee grounds. I'm not even sure when he came into my life, it's hard to say because I knew I started out with a flock of angels especially Ariel.

Never Gonna Be Alone/NB
All I knew about Ariel was she was the angel of animal's and our home. Redhead for sure. I didn't even know about Ares the other Greek God then. I'm not even sure if I put together that I am an Aries, a ram. Raphael brought me back to my Angels 101. The book I used in the beginning. It had all the numbers 0 through 9. It covered what the different colors meant. I knew the colors had something to do with my children, that pink and red. Looking at it I see I have placed some things in here like one would a bible. Little things I'd get handed or I'd find along my path that meant something good. A bit more hope never hurt to keep me moving along.

Mr. Jones/CC
What my mind had been going back to was Metatron? His picture and how he came back around through the angels in the last couple of weeks? Even in the book of angels names circle back around just like they do in all those books of hope. The last laugh is that Book Of Enoch that you wrote off. They just keep coming back around around in this family Tree Of Life.

Don't know the joke yet but I like the punch line "Oh Oh here comes the Book Of Enoch." My family tree people. I want you to remember whom my baby girls uncle is before any of you think about touching them or deciding whats best for them. My children are not here for your entertainment and they are not your performers. They work for me and my family not you and yours. Not until this is done and they know the Truth of their Destiny. For now on you are not going to decide their fate. After they know the Truth, Faith will walk them through. They don't need your jaded fearful hearts making choices for them based on your fears.

When It Rains It Pours/LC
Second Chance/Shinedown
Sitting here reading the angel names and their duties of service to this rock. Remember God created the angels first. Once again going back around it seems I forgot the meaning of Ariel's name "lioness of God." She helps supply for our physical needs such as money, shelter and supplies. This was how I knew that whatever I went through I would be provided for on this journey. This was how I was able to let my daily needs go. The will in willing to keep me moving. She assist with environmental causes. Imagine that? Oh no not God's flock of angels? You mean they are androgynous flock of beings? Flock of energy? Flock of light? His first born when you really think about it.

Calling All Angels/Train
Ariel's role is the care and healing of animals and look at this her Archangel is Raphael. This is how I learn something new everyday. I happen to have a little deity that is a Raphael angel. His Angelic realm is the Thrones. That explains all this sitting on the wrong John bullshit. They burned up our internal organs from the inside. Their is a part I found in one of these big books of Jesus Christ and The Matrix? So we  aren't just reporting to a machine with no heart, we funded it with all this pollution on our internal organs? Our soil, seed and air? You now understand why you on this rock are not the watchers? They aren't about profit and loss ratio's upstairs. Our watchers are free. God/Goddess watchers don't poison you and have you keep paying for it. That is not my families way.

Gotta Be Somebody/NB
Historically Ariel is associated with King Solomon and the Gnostic's who believed that Ariel ruled the winds. That explains so much.

Not To Late/3 Days Grace
Azrael means "whom God helps." This is the guy that God sent His Angel to let off the chain. That would be me. He was a big bald guy. I had these dreams years ago. I just never knew the ending until this last year when God took me back. Then I found that line in a bible. That was another Holy shit moment. Another Proof Of Life, that I didn't want to know nor do I recall asking. Azrael helps bring departed souls to Heaven, heals the grief stricken and he assist those healing the bereaved. He is regarded as the "angel of death." That makes sense doesn't it people? He is associated with Raphael and King Solomon. I don't know if I said this but King Solomon has something to do with our salmon and the sea. I didn't know who he was in the beginning but he's the guy with the Trident, that I had no clue what it meant when I named my little black dog Trident. Then their is the Trident that I used to pin down Freya's green worm tail to the ground. "I told her to stay there until I knew what to do with her. At least I didn't kill her off? Lucy had some splainin' to do.

Free Fallin/TP
Hanging By A Moment/Lifehouse
Chamuel  means "s/he whom sees God." Well this one explains allot? Heals anxiety and brings about global and personal peace. Chamuel has to do with the chameleon side of my personality. The ability to blend and watch people from the outside. It's amazing looking back through my life I'm standing right there. I was right in front of you and still I'd have to raise a hand, do a little wave "hello. That's me."
Amen/Kid Rock
Helps find lost objects (I've certainly been treated as an object and been objectified in my life) lost situations and people? I never knew I was lost but I certainly was found. To be a chosen one isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when they put you to sleep so I don't respond, then make me play catch up. Catch up not only on my own life, but the ones that come before. On and on it goes. I'm still questioning this blessing in disguise myself. Chamuel is considered the leader of the angelic realm known as the powers. I see God sent in the big guns. He's one of the ten Sephiroth archangels of the Kabbalah which means he governs a pathway of the Kabbalistic Tree Of Life (a mystical explanation of creation).

I'm Not Leaving/UK
Now if that's not a slap in the face? I'm a myth God? Your Tree Of Life which is written in more than one big book of hope is a myth? Could it be because you dumbshits couldn't figure out this rock is your life line to everlasting life? That it feeds you and your children not just a few people. This planet, this rock, that "Mother Mary and God" (two energies as one, the alpha the omega, the yin and yang) gave you for everlasting life. Not my problem none of you figured out God and Mother Nature are energy. They are science, they are your creators either way you shake a stick at it 01,01. They do not part right along with the other 01 in that trinity, God.

Chasing Cars/Snow Patrol
Let me explain before I blow my top, you do know that in some of these big books it's the Jewish names and language, right? Instead you wrote the whole thing off instead of seeing some good in it. I notice that in all things in this system and these big books. It's the high price of the ego. It's the cost and label we as human beings placed on Truth that's been mass produced. That is why as I've met people whom are from different religions or I attended a function, I kept the good in each sect and left the parts I didn't understand or that I disagreed with behind.

Which were the rules and rituals. I hung out with a young woman whom was the oldest of three daughters. They were a practicing Mormon family. She followed the family expectations and timelines. Marriage, children, school, a home and I never saw a young girl more lonely and exhausted. Her own needs weren't being met. It was really all about the man and the mans time when he was off work. I didn't see myself as any different than her in my own home. I could see her family but they couldn't see Jenifer, nor could my in-laws see me. I met this little family in my Lamaze class and I hung with them until they moved away.

If Everyone Cared/NB
What I see is we are all running ourselves ragged to meet the demands of religion and life, but not the Truth of the demands we place on the mother. Even just in the label of that expectation and we seem to look at whose bringing home the bacon instead of the quality of the family unit today.  Their ain't more Truth than "if the mother ain't happy ain't nobody happy." We need to get to what is making her unhappy? It's usually just some time and space without all the demands and the guilt. To unload however they need to unload without being stuck in a book or a box being judged from all walks of life instead of supported. Some just want to to be grabbed passionately by their man and taken. They want some zing in that bedroom without the humiliation of wanting to up the ante a notch or two. We are to busy telling these women what their down time should be, to make us feel better is not support.

Be Like That/3 Doors Down
The school system today is absurd all the cut backs labels and expectations to do at home? To provide because we all got to do our part is off the charts. It's a control your time game. Making sure your child has immunizations compared to diagnosing my child for four years and placating me? Then labeling me because you couldn't answer my questions? Truth was I knew more about my daughter than you. By the time I got to that therapist it was a cut and dry session. I could give examples on everything because I already questioned it and resolved it myself. I'm a mother. I'm a doctor and I as a mother is my daughters institution first.

Whatever It Takes/Lifehouse
Not your numbers and labels to make my daughter fit in your box and you couldn't be bothered to answer my questions could you? You have cut out 1/3 by 1/3 of the human race in all your institutions trying to get them to take a pill. Shut down, have minimum reaction to fit in a box? Now we have parents whose children need to be on pills that won't because of all the blanket bullshit justice you created in my children's schools. This mother rates your school system an F.

Gabriel means "messenger of God." He helps writers, teachers and journalist. He helps parent's with child rearing, conception and adoption. He delivered the annunciation to Zacharias and Mary, recorded in the book of Luke, announcing the forthcoming births of John the Baptist and Jesus. He saved Abraham's son Lot from Sodom's destruction. Mohammed said that Archangel Gabriel dictated the Koran to him.
Snow/Red Hot Chili Peppers
The funny thing is before I even read this or knew that this had anything to do with the names of the people whom have crossed paths in my life. I can remember the first Zacharia I met as a teenager. He worked with my step dad Jarrel Dean Sundet. Oh the names and the curses? I remember looking at Zach and taking a moment, one of my pause moments. I loved his name. Oh yeah and my poor stepdad and his fate? Just the name alone and he comes from a family of eight. They are the nicest people you'd ever meet. Jerry's mother's name was Esther. It was her bed that I'd sleep in when I needed a break from my room. Now that I understand the significance of almost everything, we had a room in our house (note I lived in Honey Dew Estates, the address was fours and it was off from Union Street) that the previous tenants thought that burlap bags glued to the wall and painted gold was a lovely idea for decor.

Something In The Water/CU
It was an antique four post bed. I loved this bed. When you laid down you sunk. Snug as a bug in a rug. I'd go through stages where I'd sleep in it for two month intervals. Jerry's mother ran a daycare out of an old church off of Sunset in Renton. She had this huge attached apartment that was loaded with antique stuff. Being in her apartment was like sitting in another time-zone. She'd let me dig around and look at stuff like my grandmother. It was her house that she had the Norman Rockwell pictures.

Ring On Every Finger/LoCash
After I made my agreement I knew things were going to be unusual and I just had to be willing to look crazy. I wasn't really doing much to look crazy out there. I mean I tattled on myself about standing on a blue oil can in brood daylight. The date was July 12, 2015. I was a day late for my coffee date. It was incredible that out of all the crazy things I did right out in the open this one takes the cake? After I triple smoked those twelve smokes, I had to leave 6 on each side in the center. Sprinkle the loose tobacco around the can. I had no clue this had anything to do with any twelves yet.

Knee Deep/Zach Brown Band
Found out my brothers daughter that no one knew about, including me was in my wedding. That petulant child belonged to me and mine? I noticed it back then her t-zone and my t-zone. Oh and Gregory Allan just so you know my niece trumps you little bitch boy. Then I went in got a drink of water, washed my face and body in cold water. Soaked my tank in cold water then I wrung it out. On my way to that pit I picked up a staff in my path, walked to the pit. Climbed down and stuck that staff in the ground. I started screaming with my arms out to the side, "get the fuck off my rock." over and over. No one said anything or even noticed, it was incredible and I just kept moving along.

Broken Glass/RP
Wouldn't you know it there laying on the ground was all this garbage. Including a empty milk carton and a bloody black bird. I piled all the garbage around it and stuck the black bird on top. Then I started screaming again. Saying the Lords Prayer and shedding my tears. The point of me telling my daughter that I did that, was that no one bothered me. Sitting on a red rock, a gold mound, standing on a corner with my hand in the air shedding my tears, walking out a door and whispering a prayer, people call the police. I never asked anyone for anything except the one time I do ask someone for some direction I get the police called again.

When It Rains, It Pours/Kidd Rock
Walking around a hotel on the side walk, off to the edge of the parking lot or the edge of the woods not to bother anyone and the one time a trucker ask me a question. Nothing sexual, nothing about nothing to warrant a policeman being called and I got 86'd from a Motel, that I have been a customer on and off for years. These people know me. I have done nothing untoward except make an agreement, as part of this agreement I got to watch Gary go off in all his dimensions. I got to walk in his shoes and write about this experience, and when I went back in with Michael I was told I could not speak to the owner. Whom I've met a few times before. Then she said that because Michael is an acquaintance of mine that he is 86'd for a year also. He has been a customer there as well as our families over the years.

This is what I mean by a society of judges getting to choose my Destiny based on their own fears toward someone whose done nothing? I get stuck with the labels and the limits, the fines and the fee's. Let's not forget the waste of my time and energy I have to waste because of someone else's petty behavior that wants to be in charge. This is what happens. Someone wants to be in charge of someone else. You left the wrong people in power when you created all these civil cases. Now an exchange of a few words defending myself against the defamation of my character is an insult and an assault now? I can't show any emotion or passion about what I am being accused of? I can't get angry about the bullshit that you have created in my life? I'm told when I have passion about all the injustice to speak quieter, slower, no swearing but be the bigger person Colleen? To bad and to late. You should of not interfered with my right to speak in the first place. You will never tell me how to speak in any court room. Now it turns out this rock is my courtroom and I get to be the judge now.

I didn't know what was up with all these John's in the beginning either. Then I find another writing that he is surrounded by Johns, the seven and the three. I had no idea what a Messiah was either when I first heard it, nor a druid, nor a seer, nor a Lakota, nor a fertility Goddess.

Just Like Fire/Pink
I had no idea that ISIS was an actual being. Hey you all chose to write off what comes before. Not my problem if you picked and chose the path most traveled, most demanding and most dysfunctional. So I took the road less traveled. The red rock road. So sue me. I should of never had to be here in the first place, right along with all the other bullshit. Remember what I said in the beginning, follow the money? Their you have it. Our justice system, our Hell Care System and our Science is all blanketed under the guise of protection and monetary gain. As long as Truth is based on Institutions and money getting lost in all these affiliates we will never grow.

All On Me/DD
I believe all you in Government judging others while you sit in your river of denial at what you have caused need to go back to the books. To your own historians in your own government, funny they all got assassinated didn't they? Don't think I didn't notice President Lincoln on that copper penny? Slavery, the copper and that penny? The names of all those Penny horror shows? Just like that clown, It? Whose gonna get the last laugh? I know one thing this mother isn't the fool this time. My birthday might be April Fools Day, but it is already written in the stars. I signed my name on that rock with my blood October of 2015. Salmon Days. I like me some surf and turf.
Too Good At Goodbyes/SS
It wasn't until I got here in Camelot, back to my five star family I go, that I was able to study up on this JC fellow. What did I learn? That he traveled, he met people and he spoke of what he knew to be true then and now. Turns out I did the same thing. I slept in four different houses and then I spent about four to five nights in a spot that the full moon shone down on me in that gold field. It was Michails demon whom told me that he wanted to mail my children's heads to me in a box. It was through Michail that I discovered that number ten. His demon child whom is ten years old. Michail says 12. He is a definite ten and his demon is strong.
Say You Do/DB
It was John The Baptist that JC went to and heard Him speak. JC had John baptize Him. Then JC took what he knew and moved forward. The next angel Haniel which means "glory of God." She heals women during their blood moon and helps with clairvoyance. She's associated with the planet Venus and the moon. She's one of the ten archangels and she helped the prophet Enoch to Heaven. When this started I knew nothing of Enoch. It wasn't until January 12 of 2016 that I heard of Him. Then it was when I was sitting in the beast with Tina and she told me her brother whom died before her his name was Enoch. She said her father always wished he had lived instead of his next child being born. Her, a girl. I was sitting at the church with the purple cup up front. That was another in my head "ah come on."
I'll Name The Dogs/BS
Jeremiel which means "mercy to God." Jeremiel deals with emotions and is considered one of the seven core archangels. He takes inventory of our lives and helps us plan for positive change. (why we don't need your black cloud keeping inventory on mankind) Now I have a Jeremy James in my family. I wanted my own JJ. That is why I wanted to name my fifth unborn daughter, Jimmie Jane. A play on her father's name and my sisters name. I met her last summer standing in the woods. We don't need a machine to take inventory of our lives because we have Gods flock of angels to guide us not condemn us.
Can't You See/ZBB
Jophiel means "beauty of God." She's known as the patron of artist. She heals negative and chaotic situations and brings beauty and organizations to our thoughts, homes, offices and other environments. She lifts negativity in those areas. Aka. Lofiel or Sophiel.
We Will Rock You/Queen
Metatron he was the prophet Enoch. Yea me. When you look at all these futuristic movies, Metatron is depicted standing alone in the universe or on another planet as a big huge naked bald dude. Metatron did not die. He lived a virtuous life as a servant and he ascended home. He is Enoch/Elijah whom was Cain's son in the bible that God took home again. He heals learning disorders and helps with childhood issues. He helps with the Indigo and Crystal children. In Jewish tradition he is an important archangel and is the chief of the Sephiroth Kabbalistic archangels. Metatron helped Moses lead the Exodus from Egypt to Israel. Metatron watches over children in heaven and this rock. Now the good part is when you see Kyle and meet his giant ring of fire? Mislabeled ADHD when really they are the crystal and Indigo children born of Him and Freya. You remember Freya? You might want to think about that before you touch those babies. They are the repercussions of the seven deadly sins. Well not sure if their will be much left after I get finished. 

Back To Good/MB20
Michael which means "he who is like God." He releases us from fear and doubt. He is known in these books of hope as performing great acts of heroism. Haven't seen this yet God. More like my ball and chain. My anchor that drowns my ass and pulls me down. I have to keep picking him up to function. No it's not from drugs people. It's that little shit ten year demon that weighs his ass down. I'm ready to drop kick him to the curb, but I can't can I God? NOOOOOO!!!!!! He's my vessel for my pain. My healer with his hands and my rock. I try to remember, "hey whether he knows it or not he chose this path." If Greg say's one thing about Michael's lazy ass, then Greg needs to go look in the mirror at himself and that gas lighting technique him and Mary Stone pulled on me when they set me up and stole everything. Michael the archangel oversee's the angelic realm of virtues. Not you Mary Stone, their ain't no class big enough for your ugly ass. He is the protector of police and lends courage. God I ask now when am I going to see this again?

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing/Aerosmith
Raguel "friend of God." He brings harmony to relationships and helps settle misunderstandings on earth and amongst the archangels. He's the overseer of all the angels. He assisted the prophet Enoch's ascension and transformation into the Archangel Metatron. "Oh God, all these transformations you have done on me on the inside and out? What are you going to do to me? Why does everything come back to me God? I try to pass this on and the further I read on, it's all me.

Real World/MB20
I thought this was going to be a short blog. My God there are allot of flocking angels. I mean when you think about it God took these Archangels whom he made clear he created the angels first. His first family as his first line of defense. God created a family of androgynous angels. I mean who would God/Goddess whom is energy, care here nor there, male nor female? It is you all throughout history and time whom created this hot mess on your own. Picking and choosing God? His Plan, His Love, His family, His children, why do you as human think it is ever a good idea to label God, His Love, His flock of angels and let you choose His Love and whom receives what? Why do you think Gods love for his other half, half his wife, half his life and half of his creation would ever let you choose whom is greater based on a human body part?

Semi-Charmed Life/3rd Eye Blind
Their ain't no dick big enough to fill Gods shoes or His power. Not on this rock nor in heaven because God is the creation of all. Now he wants all of you to have a whole heart once and for all. This is your last chance to decide your fate. To decide your door because I truly don't give a flying flock what door you choose?

If Your Gone/MB20
I'm angry because if I don't type up for you the flock of angels and where you descend from you won't bother. Reading something is to much to ask of someone today? We have become a society of instant gratification and proof now. We have become a society whom it's easier to place someone else in a box, than it is to hear the Truth. As far as I'm concerned their isn't enough Proof Of Life to show you because it's never enough. Trust me when I say I know how God feels, no matter the Truth, no matter the rock nor light it's to much of an effort for you all now. Just like when God had Moses pull the slaves out of slavery. The Pharaoh wouldn't release them for a couple days off work to go celebrate on their own in the woods privately with the beasties. God created 10 plagues through Moses. I'm discovering that some people don't fully understand this part of the story?

Free Bird/LS
Moses and that burning bush? The ten commandments? The creation of the ten plagues? The alter this is where I learned that God is a pretty witchy fellow. He used his own gardens, his beasties to create that alter of ten with the two lights. Then right after Moses said don't worship any other deity? Moses comes down the mountain and everyone is acting all drunk with love, singing and dancing around a gold bull? I knew none of this myself which is why I understand the impatience trying to speak truthfully to someone else whom only knows one part of a story instead of something out of them all. Hell I couldn't even tell you the names of each book. It wasn't until I read that John The Baptist created the Lords Prayer that I put together the cross my Irish grandmother (Catherine Anne Frusher whom happens to be a Kennedy) gave me at about the age of four to five.

Stairway To Heaven/LZ
My mother stole it, as usual. She literally has stolen everything that meant something to me in my life or she'd sit me down and have me hand it over to one of her friends for attention. She just happens to give it to Kiley to give to me, along with my cross thumb ring that her neighbor gave me. It was getting resized when I left Cowlitz county. I had no idea why I was taking pictures of red stairs going up into the clouds? Why I'm sitting at boulders in the center of the river with feathers in my hair doing some kind of dance with my hands, shedding my tears some moments?

My Sacrifice/Creed
Hell I knew nothing about Mt. Sinai and Moses. I didn't even know until I started watching Ancient Aliens about the monoliths in the rocks and how they match the stars. How the same rock monoliths on this rock are on Mars, which you all have to deal with the fact that it came before, they are here living through us. When I was taking pictures of the roots in the trees that looked like dinosaurs and pre-historic birds were our family from our past lives coming back in the roots of the tree's. Those whom have come before us built this foundation for all of us to live, eat, pray and love on. I didn't even clue in that the blog I labeled Entity and the photo is the same thing as those rock monoliths, only it's not placed there by another being it grew there for a reason.

Follow Me/UK
That whole scene with Moses and those 10 plagues is coming back around. In the beginning I kept getting the drift that this has something to do with eggs and men's balls. It's the stress of what was created back then coming back around. I knew it had something to do with Jimmy Carter, nuts and bears because I started eating peanut butter and honey out of the jar with a spoon. The honey in one was so old it almost killed me with glass like shards sliding down my throat. Mother natures science in action. That learning curve in my family tree? All The drama around Nixon, Reagan and the his character an actor in the industry becomes president. Ford and well how many Fords have come around in this lifetime?

She's So High/TB
I learned from Keith that Ford created a car out of cannabis and it was pretty much indestructible and well those with the money controlling all the power, making humanity slaves by reducing the value on the dollar with all this mark up and high cost of living bullshit, decided to bury it and create an industry that can keep re-creating itself, by creating the industry in the assembly lines and then pulling it and sending it out of my country, filling my landfills, right boys? Funny the reason why I moved to Mississippi and the reason why we moved back? His crook cousin that after I got there and started meeting people I kept getting frozen horrified looks on peoples faces when I mentioned his name? An egotistical alcoholic crook that stood in my home the second time he met me and used the word nigger like it was nothing. He tried calling me out on my chastity, and the speech he gave me on the phone, it was so horrifying I was actually speechless? The accusations he made to me and he never asked either? He didn't know I had a 3 page list of jobs that I had applied for locally. I mean online, and I walked to in order to measure distance and time. I had already interviewed at two and had resumes to the local places I wanted to work at. I was just getting return phone calls when he felt entitled to tell me what he really thought of me?

When I got to MS my back was out. I mean out. I had just packed, moved and hauled a suitcase bigger then me through two airports on no sleep. He insisted, I mean would not, take no for an answer that I come over to his house right then and there when I got into town. I mean would not let me bow out gracefully. I get there and he doesn't show up minimum an hour later. He's drunk and he has two black co-workers with him. Notice I say black for a reason, this man was so raciest yet to look like a hot shot he likes to go tie one on with his passe.

Crooked crook is this guy right here. Imagine that, an eye surgeon moving across state lines. Whom blatantly moved to MS to make a living off of the MS Hell Care Plan. In the first fifteen minutes of me meeting his wife she said something to me about the education system and these black people. It was the math level, the education system wasn't up to par with her children. I let that go and enjoyed my time with the children. Boy did I learn allot just in the names and the lives of these children. They were great, the problem was the father and his ego.

Knockin' On Heavens Door/Gun's 7 Roses
I can't wait to knock that chip off of his shoulder when he discovers whom his cousin Michael really is? I mean when I walked into the kitchen the wall decor was liquor bottles. Liquor bottles lined the shelves, wall's and that hutch. The only reason I kept my mouth shut was because this was Michael's family, whom he worked for at the time. He kept threatening Me and Michael before I thought anything about anything, he would threaten us and our lives, our character and lively hood if we ever said anything bad about him.  The balls on this tiny tiny little man? If there is anyone I want to kick in the ribs now besides my X (don't even get Mary Stone in front of me, she might as well jump ship. I wouldn't want to be her in a million mother flocking years) is this little tiny tiny small minded piece of shit poor excuse of a man if there ever was one. The way his wife spoke and belittled the people that worked for her? Their just ain't no excuse for their bad behavior. I don't give a flying flock about no money. No siree Bob. The things we teach our children???????

All For You/Sister Hazel
Raphael means "he who heals." The way I see it no better way than to end someones suffering and pain then to send them back home to my families A.A. You can come back after that Attitude Adjustment. I don't want to hear no more bullshit excuses from any of you judges why things are this way? Who you would let an affiliate, a manufacturer control the human races emotions for profit and loss I will never know? God gave the human race emotions for a reason. It is not my problem that a doctor would rather write a prescription for a drug that suppresses another normal human beings emotions so they can feel better judging me and my future is not okay. I am an individual, I am a human being, I am a humane being, you might think you have control of this rock but I know one thing for sure, you have, nor will you ever have the right to control another human beings emotions to feed your machine instead of humanity any minute of any day in my family tree of life.

My own doctor still wants me to get shots in my spine to make her feel better. She wants me to take Gavipatin which is a major depressor all to make her and this insurance from hell feel better? I said I haven't even started anything with Doctor Capz. with all this red tape. No matter what I will always have this disease. I will not risk what two other doctors verified what I already knew about getting Cortisone shots in the muscle and spine. You have a fifty fifty chance of losing what little I do have, pain or no pain, why would I cut my chances by another fifty percent? To make all you doctors happy?

My Own Worst Enemy/Lit
 Isn't this how I got here in the first place? Your justice system and you doctors? Turning a blind eye future trippin about me instead of doing your jobs. To keep me moving as pain free as possible. You couldn't even do that. You were to busy serving a potential liability instead of me and mine to cover your insurance and jobs. You have sliced and diced my ICD 9 codes to death and you created an industry out my pain and suffering all the while billing me. Labeling me and bouncing me to your boxes? All the while you were judging me? Your job is to heal me, diagnose me and at times put a band aid on me. Not put me through all your experiments and tests all those years because you don't like that I have a muscular skeletal disease.

You don't like that my pain is in my spine and not my mind. From what I can see after the test I had done on my neurological system and my muscles and tendons it seems not one time have you any of you in this hell care profession diagnosed me right, except the alternative healthcare doctors and those first four neurologist whom clearly stated, Muscular skeletal about 15 to 19 years ago. Hell you create an industry of massage school through the state and yet you make it a luxury to get a massage? An alternative healthcare solution and look at all those jobs you could of created? Get this shit off my rock. You whom have been judging and footing the bill for all this hell need to jump ship.

My children will not inherit this mislabeled marked up bullshit of a cure any day. All IC is a one way highway to pill hell. You are making a living off of all these labels since about what 1996 now. Just before the millennium and that new system of numbers we report to. If any of you have a problem with fact checking then you can take a look at Adam Ruins Everything,

Let Me Be Myself/3 Doors Down 
I am just someone whom has had to walk through your bullshit for the last twenty years, then 19, then 17, then 15, then 13, and well now I got the 12's. the 11's, the 10's and on down the line I go over and over. All because no one could step back without being killed to speak the Truth. Apparently it is a crime to be a nice person. To have an obliging personality so I'm not labeled as rude, crazy or defensive. So I don't speak my mind about something you know nothing about. After all your injustice you have doled out to me and mine. Fuck you. You don't like my words go to hell.

Save Tonight/Eagle-Eye Cherry
God has made it very clear he's coming back, His son has made it clear he's coming back with the whole God Damned Kingdom. He didn't say how but he did say, Moses, the Joker, the Fool and that their is two. I'll be nice when all this bullshit is done and over with. I can't wait to hit the nail on someone's head for all this bullshit injustice. Sweet Mother of Mary let's blow up this rock. You see it's not what you say to my family, it's how you say it. Only they know your true intent. In the mean time don't nobody step near me and mine, don't anyone try to blow smoke up my ass no more. I'm done with the benefit of the doubt.

Picture/Kidd Rock
Now I'm pretty hot. Shall I get back to Raphael and the rest of my flock? Shall I take you all the way back to the other sandman in my family? His name is Sandalphon he was the prophet Elijah whom ascended into an Archangel. Funny how names just keep interlinking and going round and round? Truthfully I'm to shot to go over all this, I just hope I made my point about my family. Now if you haven't figured out whom it is I am by this point? I don't even have it in me to take pity on you today.

You Found Me/The Fray
Now come find me one last time. Get me out of this box. It takes one lock and one key to shut the gates of hell. We have to do the deed to get the deed. I understand your an old hand at this rodeo ride. Broke Back Mountain, bare back riding? There's more than one way to plow a field in my family. Are you a rough rider or a cool hand Luke?
Drift Away/Uk
When It's Over/UK
Blue Jeans And A Rosary/Kidd Rock
Wake up little boy blue I can't do this on my own. This time around it takes two to bring this house of cards down. Oh Big Daddy I can't wait to sow some wild oats with you again. Plant some seeds of love and life every day wherever we go. You know their is more than one way to feed a family love. Their is more than one way to love a woman, and their is more than one way to love a man. The best part in my family is no matter what we do, no matter where we go, we will never eat alone again.
Drops Of Jupiter/Train

Good Riddance/Greenday

Every Little Thing CP
Something Just Like This/TC&C

Round Here Buzz/Eric Church
It's Not Over/Daughtry
It Is What It Is/UK

Rockabye/Clean Bandit

Send My Love/Adele

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