Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Arc Of The Covenant And The Son

You Had Me From Hello/KC
The arc of the covenant and the son? Why it is I am here? It has been a rough morning. I am so angry at God for this one. My rage at God for this one. I fell to my knees in my head and begged God. No God, please God not her? Not this mother? Not this family and why I'm here? I said in the begining he's here for the son. He's standing at the door. It was the single father whom was a policeman whom had a son. He was sitting at the same table as the policeman I kept hearing around him he's playing for the wrong team. At first I wasn't sure what that meant. King County vs. Snoqualmie Police force.

I Love The Way You Love Me/JMM
Travel Centers of America, that truck stop, the assembly line of the drug trade? Who has top priority over that truck stop? Whose the highest ranking and what are they hiding? Was it the drugs or the slavery of the children and mothers, families and fathers? So much happened there on all those shifts with all those people? Clueless what I was standing in? Doesn't even begin to explain from then to now and how far this goes back? This policeman was arrogant beyond belief. I knew it was about the fruit and the way he spoke to me? I wasn't sure why? I went and got my own bag of cranberries to make sure this policeman was served up just right. It was in the beginning and always has been about two sisters in this hot mess. Then I read what happened with Abraham and Sara, the beginning of all the distention in family? The servitude, the friendship, the sisterhood and whose got the heir the son?

If Your gonna play in Texas/Alabama
Then I started to realize their is always two of something in the people and birthdates going on around me? Some kind of twin theory? Then I kept picking up that JC and Mary didn't have just one, no they had two? Their was a son, his name was jusiah or judiah, jude. Something Judy and that frontal labotomy of my aunt Judy. That third eye? The blocking of the third eye. Abe Lincoln got kicked in the head by a jackass of all things. Labeled with a brain injury. My mind kept going back to that covenant and the two sisters? What Sara said to me about her husband and their marriage?

The Thunder Rolls/GB
First I noticed a family of four just trying to have a garden. I mean they had two tree's outside of their windows out back. Danielle told me a story about his cat and what he did with the bones? Then I noticed the addiction bug. Bitten by the Gin. Danielle and his black outs when Sara stresses him out. He shot himself in the head. A drive by with a silver bullet he's lucky to be alive. It all started the day I saw someone walk into there house right after I knew all four had just left. I said something to both of them, not hiding anything. Patrick from up above just had a strange woman move in whom had a tendency to roam at odd hours.  How I knew this one? She asked me for a smoke the moment she arrived in the middle of the night. She had just left the hospital.

Look Heart No Hands/RT
I was seeing a repeat history all over particulary with Sara's age. The two little tow heads whom are polar opposites in behavior? I mean the one that is hooked up is really hooked up and shut down to what goes on around him. Then we got the three year old little Ronnie whom pissed me off on one of my worst days pain wise? Talk about waving a white flag in front of my face? I mean it's all about the sign in everything. This little guy whom is a sensory child. I mean a bounce off the walls sensory child. He picked up a sign like 6 inches in diameter and waved it in front of my face right outside my front door.

That Ain't No Way To Go/B&D
I remembered what Antoinette said to me about when I pace, I look like a Sentry. Whats that I ask? A warrior, a protector. I did that all around that orphanage. After someone showed up asking for me in the apartments behind us, saying they are there to take me to an appointment? Then my friend whom had long dark hair was asleep in the car with her little dog. A blond haired man whom had a buzz cut like he was in the military hit her window with a carpenter hammer of all things? She told me about the native heart of fire. When she looked up he said "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." He dropped the hammer and ran.

The Chair/GS
Then of all times I got some kind of watcher parked out front across the way? All these stories at the time of these women being raped revolving in and out these doors? These mothers, these daughters these sisters.

Dust On The Bottle/DLM
Finally one day I hopped the wall and stood in front of it. Walked to the back. Look at that the engine is running. So quiet it purred like a kitten. I made my point. I knew I looked crazy and I did not give a fuck. I stood there smoked my cigarette and I walked away. When I came back awhile later, low and behold it got the message. Go away. I didn't know what was going on at the time but it had something to do with the children and these ladies. I had a baby Sophie and three generations in that family. I had a young one pregnant. I didn't like the timing on that alone. I believe she was six months along. I had the youngest and only sister of 12. She whom protesth to much.

Hard Rock Bottom Of Your Heart/RT
Yeah I'm angry at God for this one. Earlier thinking about Randy Travis and those Three Wooden Crosses that my T.O.L. bares. How do I tell Sara, the one whom I pulled the thorn out of her paw God, that it is her son, well both that I am here for their son? How do I tell her Danielle isn't crazy he really is being watched and that his fear that someone is coming into his home at night to do experiments and run test on his son has nothing to do with drugs and alcohol?

Country Boy/AJ
That it is the Gin himself knocking at his door. You don't have to invite this Gin in because he's already inside. It was the day I just happened to be standing there and a young kid not Sara nor Danielle opened the door. I don't think he knew at first I was standing right there to his left. He looked surprised at first. It was the timing of Danielle's behavior when he's acting up? It is the hours when they are supposed to both be gone?

Forever Country/Then and Now
Danielle has surveillance all in that house, but the pass code's to turn the system on and off are being used, when he is gone and Sara is supposed to be at work? There is no way that Sara would keep going in and out that door during work hours? For one thing she has to work and it's to far to go? So whom gave these guys the keys to the code? The literal keys was a woman in a blue dress a few months back? She used the keys to walk in. A little while later she walked out. Then the second time was last week and that guy had to of had the keys and the pass code to the system. Whom gave these people the keys to that house God?

A Better Man/Clint Black
Please God for once in my life. Let Him be the bigger the better man. The man with the sight for sore eye's. Let Him hear my words, the answer to my prayers.

The Truth that I can't do this last hurdle alone. I saw myself doing some kind of exorcism. It was about Patty and her son. Sara is a Lion God. How do I tell her she patron of the arts like me? Not the dark arts, but the white lighters? How do I tell her I got this one? To put her faith in me? This mother is the Patron Of This Rock. I ain't letting nothing get to her son, nor mine.

Remember When/AJ
Boy this family just keeps growing God. Every time I discover something new you move me along to the next stepping stone. So now as much as I hate to ask? I just got this bad habit now. Can't seem to break it. What the flock now? The whole reason I haven't excavated M's demon is because I don't want to start a storm. The only reason I haven't said anything to Greg is that storm brewing God.

The Dance/GB
You made it very clear that I'm just your marionette puppet on a string down here. Dancing and only moving on this journey through you. You had already made it clear through my brother that he's the conductor of this show. You put me through my worst fears, as usual the breaking of someone else's heart in telling them the Truth. The Truth to the answers that they want to know but it hurts to bad to know. Trust me I've been there several times over on this journey. I hate being the heavy in all this. Only the Truth will set you free. The Truth in telling someone else, it's going to get worse before it gets better. That it's not only in words this time, but the real deal.

Help Me Hold On/TT
I can't even say a double edged sword anymore. More like a trinity into hell God? The laughter, the hopes and the tears. The Joy the sorrow and the pain then the fourth element the tears. The cleansing of the emotion to wash away the tears. This is how we heal naturally and get stronger. Yes I'm not going to deny it's been a rough ride. All the way around it's been a rough ride. This school of life. Finding out I'm the Jack of All Trades? The reason why I like to take something old and make it new again? The Truth why I said, I'd rather hurt than hurt someone else God? That Truth is coming closer to something? Another label I don't want to carry? Another burden, another label, for me to carry on my back God? After today I'm not sure if I'm really ready for you to get to the heart of the matter.

Carrying The Love With Me/GS
I know one thing I can't take much more. I have figured out that after I get up to hell and sit in that migraine like that for that long? I feel like I have been in a car accident each time coming back down. This one was touch and go for about five days there? I'm still fighting every morning this migraine? I pushed a knot right off my axis. It's this little mother flocker that won't turn off and adjust. It just keeps it going and I got one pill left God. For the last week and a half it's been one pill, Sudafed. Two pills Imitrex, three pills the perc in this hot mess that has caused all this drama in my family tree of life. Then after the rinse and the sprays I start the process all over. The same thing every morning. I just want the Truth to come out whom I am so we can get this over with God. Good example, bad example, no example. Is this an example of Faith to carry me through all this darkness and pain, or do you want me to hurt, be in pain and suffer for my emotions God? Nothing pisses me off more than when I hurt and you yank my mother flocking chain. You try to function be a normal person day after day when you hurt. Test Test Test.

Nothing At All/AK
Mountain Music/Alabama

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