Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Whose The Big Bad Wolf Now?

Song at the moment Shine by Collective Soul
Well once again I'm going to let my music move my emotions as I write. I like it that way random play. I don't pick. You pick one thing in this system you get a label. A label to any emotions does not ever mean just one thing. We are three dimensional beings after all. All different spiritual beings. From all walks of life. In the universe, heaven's gates and this rock. Your last rock.
So yeah I think I'm seeing something more about the Atom? Still not happy about the Atom bomb being a solution to move mankind forward.
Without You by Hinder
Is only science, a whole solution for humanity and the cost behind it? Humanity came from organic beings first. It's serving the wrong kind of evolution. Science, computers, is over riding humanity. It's just how we choose to heal. That people is what human beings in religion called free will. One way or the highway. Our snake oil for profit. So let me see if I have this straight someone else is picking out my free will and how I can enforce my rights as a free human being without being violent? Character assassins. Yes just because you don't like my words it does not make them untrue. Perhaps more encompassing. Funny word for me to use because I literally stand in a circle spin around and have to start over to get my bearings. I can walk out the same door twelve times and still have to spin in circles and think once again which way do I go and where am I? All encompassing that's me.
Life After You by Daughtery
Funny some of my thought process and character defects. We are human beings addicted or not we all have  character defects. Even addiction to technology. Most jobs can't function without a cell or smart phone. Or perhaps we don't as humans. I mean not be able to function with out technology at your finger tips telling you how to think and feel.  It depends who is applying them, especially when the dollar gets involved with your over all well being.
Believe by Staind
So this popped in my mind the truth about character and character defects is how you apply them and who is applying them to you. To determine your worth and value. People as a whole, or society in any society it's the character behind the mask you got to watch out for. As a whole mankind seems to value your education, and class status over your self worth. Like your education and where did it come from? School Loan's and where we really get all these school loans with all that compounded interest.
Broken by Seether
People think money builds character. Truth is money hides the snake charmer. Depends who's got it and who doesn't.  If you need money to be charming instead of heart?  Truth is money buys quality of a possession not a loving heart. The illusion of a character money buys is a lie.
Humanity can buy charm but they cannot buy a heart, except the black market and well even in my writing there isn't allot of character when it comes down to who holds the keys to your kingdom, Your rabbi or priest your boss, your landlord.  Maybe they put you out to pasture. With guilt and shame instead of God's Love for all his children. Money will  hide your true character. I mean when your rich who can't buy character? Then the flip side in the end of a relationship perhaps even a boss, you will see the others true colors over time. It's even like that when your broke down here. What do you have to exchange? What do you carry? Watcha gonna barter today?
To me money buys ownership. I have seen this history repeated in religion and Government. Who gets a free exchange and who gets to purchase the rights? Who owns the stock? Who owns the deed? Money surpassed humanity long ago and we didn't see it. These two societies Hold the key's to every kingdom all the way around? Our hearts our seed, our gardens, our love, our children, our family.
One Last Breath by Creed
These gardens were poisoned oh so long ago? Now I can tell humanity how these seeds got planted and I'm speaking the Truth. I don't know, isn't the black star called the pentagon? I mean really the two coincidences pentagon and the black magic being used behind the Pentagon? Look at the actions and behavior, overtime, and history? Yes we are all so indebted and thankful all you bankers have done hiding behind the iron curtain. Controlling evolution, humanity, your solution more product, more money, more waves, more taxes, more fees, more laws to serve under and box you in in all this injustice of bullshit you serve up. Thanks again but no thanks. It's so funny and standing right out in the open making you feel like you need to have insurance just to live on my rock? Insurance this insurance that, nickel and dime the insurance, nickel and dime humanities basic rights to live at their free will, willingly. In this system if you do not abide, you are a black star, a black stain, all because I will not conform. I will not adapt to this systems cruel inhumane behavior. I will not lower myself to your level. I am not the coward. You are.
Free will to choose spiritually, and medically.
Drive by Incubus
Objectivity just popped into my head, not sure why how we objectify everything? Women, children, men, humanity in the forest and the beasties we carry inside us. The oppression of the emotions in the spine. It compresses it emotionally and literally drains your spirit so much making you feel so repressed and tired, that duh. Of course your depressed, They take minimum couple months to even work, so each day a human being tries to function on this shit even for a mental diagnosis illness, you wake up everyday in a black cloud feeling so tired and repressed just to start your day and function as a human being. Is inhumane and you still hurt because serving all pain with one Pat solution, is not solution. It's a illusion of services with a high cost no matter who pays or how cheap.
So let's go back to that Atom, I heard the words in the show that described how I see the atom molecule spiral around a human being. I think we are an anomaly of atoms. Linking up physically from the inside to the outside energy we emit around our bodies. What comes around goes around. What comes up must come down. Round and a round we go. That doesn't mean you fall down. That means your atom energy, your personal energy. Your personal atomic energy spirals all around you. That energy drain of pain you wake up to everyday represses you and over a short time it's  causing depression. It's not the environment or addiction behind this plan. It's the illusion they created.
Picture your body sitting inside a white egg and draw a stick figure inside. Like the Davinci guy standing with his arms out to the side. Now draw a line from each point of pain around your body and make a jagged crack to the outer edge of that crack? When we awaken each day, we should feel a full 100 percent. Not with these drugs, you wake up with a black cloud starting at fifty percent, depending on your energy and what it takes to perk you up. Starting out suppressed and hurting compressed in that spine we are shutting down emotionally creating the depression on human bodies that their septic system has been poisoned long ago. Even being intolerant, we lose nutrition every time we eat it. It slowly starves our bodies from nutrients on the inside. Yeah that would make anyone off balance.
Mentally and physically.
Away From The Sun, 3 Doors Down
Now try telling them the truth? I want out of my shell. Get me out of my shell. I want to fly. I want to dance, Create the addiction, Vietnam around the time they planted the seed, all this PTSD, duh, You'd be fucked up to, then to come home, beaten bruised, missing pieces of your body, told your wrong your a addicted freak of nature now. Ostracized drugged up for a war created to cover the excuse they needed for all the insanity labels they created to fight a war to plant a seed has to come off someones back right? We had men wanting to come home, on the other side others couldn't respect that, but they sure took the blame.
Crashed by Daughtery
Yet the 60's perhaps had it right also with all those beet nicks. Yeah the Government liked that. Allot of money and control in war and food. Especially when they created the profit and loss in humanity. To pay the taxes to fight the wars. To keep all us inbreds stupid and high on reality T.V.. Look at that alone. One studio one show, it goes out heavily advertised to millions and sets the stage to a new reality. To succumb to be anything, you need this visual aid too. The Poison apple and the black Cobra hiding behind the money, creating humanities profit and losses, has no right to determine humanities frame of mind. They have no dialogue except, re-direct and plant seeds of lies make you take the blame for all this insanity I see inside my broken heart.
If Everyone Cared Nickelback
Do you know what that family upstairs wants you to do? Procreate responsibly,  love humanely. Use your internal intelligence, not some other system of numbers and how they place your value with your own zero's and ones inside you. Numbers don't have heart and neither does this number system and all this advanced technology and that mainframe in the sky monitoring all your character defects, literally placing a black cloud and value right there. Now literally everything is up to a credit report. Every value every purchase. Whether you deserved that value they created and determined for you.  No value in a system with no heart.
Yeah so who's the big bad wolf now.? You are surrounded by families militia, I learned just who the real big Atom is of this universe he created. One lil atom of God's particle, as big as this universe well thats allot of hot air and star power wouldn't you have to agree? Making a marketing system, poison the food all the way around and the water, create the label and crime, leave humanity carrying the bag, right down to that last dime. Yeah their objectives are pretty clear to me.
I am no longer anyone's object or trophy wife. (Not a rich one, I mean his motives)Been there done that and look at the mark up on a wedding today that used to be free to do until the governemnt came along. Create a problem, now we got a judicial system applying your label of llove. How much a divorce is gonna cost you. Do you see those spirals going round and round boys?


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