Sunday, November 12, 2017

God Made A Woman

God Damn Him. No turn that back around on me. God Damn Him, God Damn me. Learn something new everyday. Sometimes he makes me laugh and sometimes he makes me cry Sometimes its just the right song, the right note just when I need it. My saving grace? My mercy? no more purgatory and hell. I have learned so much more in the last few days. A history lesson called red lining and what Adam said was just the point "no one got to pick what color they were when they started." That was something I never understood about all the racism, was just that. "Hey those people in that country, born on this day at that time didn't get to choose then and we don't get to choose today. Whether you like to hear it or not I'm just going to say it "we are all products of our society." No matter where you stand today, and how you came to be there it don't matter all that matters to my family is who you carry in your heart? Love for man or love for money? Assurance or Insurance?

I'm All In/DB
It don't matter what I got going on inside me pain, love or grief. I can't get through my day without my morning feeding. My wake up call with Jesus Christ. The things I got to have to accomplish my morning feed just ain't none your business no more. I know your not the hand that feeds me nor will you ever be. After what I have been through in just the last couple of weeks and what I discovered all these migraines that have been eating up my med's? The ones I need for other things is simply a sinus infection. I had to get back on that table with M. and I didn't want to be fed by this mans hands.

The Mona Lisa/BP
My mind has been going back to my last 3 doctors appointments that started about six weeks ago? Two appointments I had a fever. I let them both know my sinus migraines have really been kicking my ass. Turning of blind eye they can write the prescription and read my chart but the insurance has it set up that I can only be seen for this one thing. By my third appointment with my own doctor I didn't have a fever, now I know why? Some of my med's are Tylenol.

Cowboys And Angels/DL
For the past month I've had a sinus infection. I had no choice but to let M. put me through hell with his magic hands. He said "hell Colleen your swollen going up from the base of your skull to the left and you have a big egg to the right." I'm so angry something so simple was overlooked. I am maxed out on my med's and overloaded but the rebound just blows back worse. This is what causes my tolerance on the other med's I need for my back.

I'm Already There/Lonestar
The timing of this hot mess this last go around makes me want to stomp my foot through someone's door. You don't know how hard it is now to even get an antibiotic today. On this insurance somehow I get the lowest grade longest running because the insurance says so. Last year around this time and the year before, the time I wasted just trying to get an antibiotic for something that I knew to be true? How ironic the two things that are controlled is the nightmare this Hell Care System created in the first place to keep us coming back? Antibiotics and of course pain relievers. No matter the pain nor cause this Hell Care System has created a way to lock it up. I needed to go to urgent care, I have been to the one locally and I already know they can't help me. It would only once again be one part of the solution. You know I really hurt when I have to call Hope Link for a ride. I'd rather have it in me to hop a bus and cruise the drag any day.

Your Man/JT
I get everything together. All the addresses and phone numbers, and pass codes. If you get one thing wrong you got to start all over. She goes no it says right here that this is the only one you can go to. I'm not going to go to the E.R. either. That is just a "circle jerk of hell with no happy ending." It's test after test just getting though the door and the Truth is I hurt to bad to play the monopoly game of hell. I'm not feeding this machine with my suffering because a machine says so? The affiliates and the computers information doesn't cross county lines. The one I chose was right by my own doctor, and physical therapist. I have no problem today telling someone today to "fuck off." If you don't like it, you can go to hell. I gotta a box for you. My family's got one with your name on it. I think it's time to make a deposit in my families depository. 

Weekends In A Small Town/A 1000 Horses
The way I see it Truth and Justice just don't go hand in hand. I'm not sure this justice system ever worked. It seems to be jaded and one sided from the start. From what my family upstairs taught me and my tiny little mind is the only wall I got to take out is Wall Street.

The Long Way/BE
Well Hell God how hard can that be? I mean it seems it was based on air loans and bullshit anyways. I read a contract on Adam Ruins Everything website. It was a Turner contract. It is a document for today that clearly states future affiliates and services. You have allowed the entertainment industry to control the Truth. The ones who fund the machine and control what America sees and how we see it to feed itself. They are right in with the ones whom want to control all the wrong power that is controlling humanity from ascending. All to feed the NYSE the wrong stock. Truth is the ones controlling it don't even know the dark truth and how close we are to ending it all. That's what happens when we feed greed. We feed the greedy pigs whom create the sloth to wipe out humanity. Pass a law to turn the blind eye, all the while they hold a contract over your head for future services fines and fees that they can change the terms anytime is no contract.

Die A Happy Man/TR
Don't think I'm using it as an excuse either. Ignorance of the Institution. The not knowing. The turning of the blind eye, and burying your head in the sand just don't work for me no more. The Truth is they know enough to know they are feeding a machine making a profit off of humanities suffering. We wonder why God is back? I may not of had all those ten commandments down, but I knew one thing, number one, I believe.  Rest of it is just common sense and heart. Follow the heart and you fly. Follow the machine and we all die.

Kiss You Tonight/David Nail
Please God just bring my heart home to me. Home isn't in just one place or just one box. Home is wherever your heart is, your heart goes with you like your very own black shadow in my family tree of life.

Praying For Daylight/RF

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