Friday, November 10, 2017

Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic/Police
Rocket Man/EJ
Walk Of Life/Dire Straights
I just don't know where to begin today on a low note of my misery and pain? Some more of my Big Daddy's education I have received being laid up on the couch? Stuck in front of the boob tube or My Big Daddy's high note? Let's just say I can't wait to play with my food. This Big Daddy is so Bad. Bad Bad Big Daddy. You are so naughty and I want my happy ending once and for all. If this is what I gotta do to get some healing around here. Then pony up already.

People Are Strange/ The Doors
Walking along this morning doing the gauntlet of hell to get some pain relief around here. This is not my day. This is not my life. Something so simple and they make it so hard. I have realized just in the last couple of weeks, especially the last five days just how much this congestion is causing all this Holy Hell straight from the top.

I'mBad, I'm Nationwide/ZZTOP
I mean as much as the physical therapy, the black snake twisting that crone into my hunchback of Notre Dame I spend every waking moment trying to prevent, in one form or another. I mean just the scheduling, the transportation, trying to get somewhere and have to plan the timeline from stop to stop? Try breaking in another medication? Just one of the reasons for my first time this whole time I missed three appointments in two days. Why I can't function or I keep doing all this stop and go is the leg work I go through just trying to prevent all this congestion that no matter what I do, it's SNOT gonna budge.

It's a chronic fight fighting this migraine off. This is fucked up shit. I have realized in the last five times I have walked into a hospital needing help for the pain? It's this, It's all of this. Right from the top, that face mask of pain that goes over the left eye like a spike, which is a hard call on this spike because it's also my classic migraine spot. The spike goes from my left eye to up above left ear, around to my neck. This is a first five of hell for me. Let's just bypass the axis that I finally got out of purgatory from fighting off the TMJ. This goes back to hell with the knotts. It locks up, goes right, by passes my right ear and plants it's ass right up above my left eye. Then the mask of pain going across my bridge right down my T-zone and it just spreads it's wings right under my eyes, and down the pain goes.

Roll On Down The Highway/Bachman Turner Overdrive
Once this is on I'm done. When it goes down the five it's like it bypasses Axis, C2 don't touch. Gotta knot up at C3, then C4, just don't touch C4. Then C5 and now we're getting to the crux of the issue aren't we Greg. Who collected on thos mothers suffering and pain. You winey little bitch. From here it is down and well we gotta do the flare between my blades as we twist on down my T.O.L. Holy Fuck, just get this snake off from me. This just keeps right on moving disc by disc rib by rib. Holy shit once we get to the base of my rib cage it's gotts flare to the micro fasial tears, that I can get tested in about three weeks from now all while I'm doing P/T between my wings. Finally got in a one stretch session on my neck. Nobody wants to touch this. All I need is an adjustment and I wouldn't need all this shit to maintain this T.O.L.

Lovely To See You/The Moody Blues
The base of the ribs is a flexion point that goes to the next flexion point twhich just happens to be smack dab in the center of where my C curve is supposed to be. Then it just twist on down, to the sacrum pushing and twisting my T.O.L. to the right. I had no choice but to take two Tramadol. That pill that jacks me up, makes me piss like a siv, with my morning Joe. It keeps me moving, but it makes me touchy. It makes my nerve endings really sensitive. Let's just say I got one nerve left and your on it kind of mood. M. has a morning shift and I'm not in the mood to make him cry today.

Closer To Home/Grand Funk Railroad
I have to get to the pharmacy. M got paid and I need Sudafed. Been up again since 4 a.m. I just realized that aside from my T.O.L. the neck down can be managed and maintained with just alternative maintenance to keep me moving instead of all this red tape on the hurry up and wait. I just don't know what I'm waiting for God. I'm not feeding Michail the way he wants to be fed. I just can't do it. Living in room mate mode, one works while the other goes round and round this Monopoly board of a Hell Care Plan. Just because something has a good name, a lil' deity it doesn't make it good. What are you buying and what are they selling? Your the consumers people and we in this United States and from what I can see every nation behind it is enslaved and in debt to the same machine that got it's power long before we were born.

Band On The Run/Paul McCartney
The rebound that I fight, starts from the top and it's the other Big C. It's SNOT moving. Should I give some history is my histology? New word for the day, Mytosis. A cell that splits that is exactly the same. I'm picking up on that Toa sign. The light in the dark. That Luna Moon that light's up the night. God get me the fuck out of these nines. They are killing me. Plez don't make me wait to my Big  5 OH.

Desolation Row/BD
Tried to tune out and watch a nothing show on Netflix. I'm hating all these titles and themes. I want to laugh. I picked LOVE and well how ironic this one turned out to be. I'm shaking my head inside. Pointing my finger at God. Thank's God. You are trying to get me killed aren't you. The series on the series is called WiTchita. The third letter is a witch hanging from the cross. Turns out they are stuck writing about witches. Witches are about the four elements not just the beasties. How do I explain I'm the good witch from the west? My job was to take down that house of cards an industry based on airloans. Yup that New York Stock Exchange that you got the human race to feed the wrong stock. My job is to bring that glass ceiling down with my families Hail storm. You got fault lines in California. Pacific Rim Of Fire is gonna go off, right along with every volcano on this rock. A flash flood a Tsunami IC. Let's not forget that other big T. You know that tornado IC coming down the pike. I can't wait to bring on the fire, and bring down the rain, the breaking of the damn, to wash all this pain away I got going on in this Tree Of Life.

Over The Hills And Far Away/Led Zeppelin
I found my other Jack Big Daddy? This Jack comes with Venus. I needed that V. His name Jacque Frisco with The Venus Project. This is what I've been talking about. Yes their is good energy and a way to put it out there for every one one this planet to feed. My other five to fight the five. The five in the energy vs. the bad five in political power that we always seem to be going to war with because theirs always someone who wants all the control and power.

Blinded By The Light/BS
I said to M. the other day, why do people want to destroy? Why do the ones that want all the power, the one power they want is the power to destroy and not the power to build? We have five types of energy to feed this rock wave, tidal, sun, wind and the fifth is Geothermal.

Like A Rock/BSTSBB
Yet on the other end we got another five that I can see. We have five different types of power Fascism, Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, and five is Monetarism which guides the percentages of all business done. These types of power feeds this machine. Who pays for this power? Gods flock. Gods flock is not meant to be enslaved to a system, a machine, that labels and feeds itself using humanities pain and suffering. The creation of all these Institutions that we created to make a living off from each others suffering. We are paying for the management of all these middlemen, that keep creating more middlemen, to create new guidelines all these new industries. What we are feeding and rotating into our land fills can be removed and done better for all of humanity. So all of humanity can eat, have water and freedom to receive my families Truth and Love with out all the bills.

Standing at the bus on my way to P/T. my sinus migraine that won't stop rebounding came on full throttle. I had been taking 3 to 4 100 miligram Imitrex in 24 hours and now it's five. Then when I had to take Tramadol I knew I'm going to smoking like a chimney. Just keep it lit God. Don't turn my Tabacco off when I take Tramadol and don't fuck with my music. Redundant right. Then my last doctor said Colleen we don't want you on Chantix for more than a couple months. Yes I know but you doctors can't seem to forget you won't leave me alone about smoking, which isn; the cause of my breathing issues and it's not my allergy. My tabacco is a potential in the future issue. It is not my issue today other than the industries created around the tobacco. The tobacco fields that my family tells me were stolen. Stop fucking with me, just stop.

They said it right hear anyone is labeled a terrorist that threatens the world bank. I'm sorry I'm not anything like that. I'm one little woman whom can only write the Truth of what I know up to when I know it. Starting at Ground Zero on literally everything, and finding out that I'm the one that is meant to hang on the cross this time because of all the lies created around my husband and His wife. A love story that you poisoned or wrote off as fiction. Truly I would rather have my T.O.L. back as naturally as possible than take a pill. I'm naturally active. I'm a physical person with energy. I don't do well being stagnant.

You Can't Always Get What You Want/The Rolling Stones
Fossil/Fuel/Automobile/Plane/Oil/Control/Battery/Power These 8 need to go bye bye God.  I want humanity out of slavery and purgatory in all walks of life God. Please just lift this pain off me so I can be free. Free to choose my love.

Mr Spaceman/The Byrds
Shall we go back to Love and WiTchita God? Heartwork, Dr. Greg Mickey and Bertie? You killing me God. Just get me to the Emerald City already, bring heaven to me already. You know God I think I missed the boat a couple of blogs back talking about Isaac Washington and the message in the two times two and a half. I'm the point five, but it said a pair of Eagle wings? I don't have Eagle wings to get me anywhere. I'm not the pilot and I don't like to fly. I certainly don't want anyone to be flying in a machine when this hits. Yet I'm not sure that I want the human race on the highways either. Well God the Trains, the boats? Just get me to Base God already. I'm hungry. I'm hurting and at this point I ain't to proud. When I hit a certain level of all the bullshit with the pain piled on, I can wave that white flag can't I. How come I never get to call time out?

Mystery Achievement/The Pretenders
Centerfold/The J. Geils Band

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