Saturday, December 2, 2017

Mountain Music

Mountain Music/Alabama
It's been a rollercoaster ride of emotions the last few days. No, my migraines and the knots in my neck will not stop rebounding. All the work I did rebuilding the muscle's between my shoulder blades certainly was a waste of time. It's been quite awhile since my crone shifted itself out of alignment. M. said "wow, you've got a rib out. No Michael that's not a rib that's my vertebrae, that's my crone sitting up there on my right." Then my knots in my neck rebound and I gotta spend the next few days breaking those egg size knots down on my own. Some days I feel like my knots are big boulders and I gotta chisel away at it to get them back down to size. Round and round I go in this hell care system I go.

Wish I Didn't Know Now/TK
Found my 15? Jah the 10 and 5. I never knew about Judaism and the seven names of God. YHWH or Adona, El-God, Eloah -God, Elohim-Gods, Elohai, El Shadda God Almighty. Tzevaot and Ja. Please God when this is over can I get a spell check with every mother flocking spelling of every mother flocking God/Goddess' all over this rock? This spell check can't even spell anything local for Christ Sakes.

Red Dirt Road/B&D
Baby's Gotten Good At Goodbye/GS (I only wish I could fly this coop. Today I hate this rock.)
Why create a spell check that when the word is right it is wrong? That's right like you do those revolving cell phones for the human race you consider trash? Feed this lower class the trash make them take the blame some more? Create the glitch, to always keep you wanting and needing some more? Hook me up? Instant gratification?  Why do you, this system with no heart get to decide my misery, my pain? You give me all the wrong possibilities to choose from. My twittering fingers can spell and it's wrong? Then I have correct spelling's and I look back and they are gone? I'm done stopping to look up all this spelling. It makes me have to stop and start and I lose my concentration.

That'd Be Alright/AJ
Then I get on another computer at another location and all that I already spell checked is gone. Then I go back to fix the mother flocking stuff I hit edit and it takes it out of alignment with my story line as I figure out all this slavery they have created. Just how they did it? Going how far back now God? Yeah I know, let's keep the party going with all this gold coin? Where is all this gold again God? My Gold.  It is more confusing then trying to read one of these big books only to read another and they changed the name? Snap doesn't even begin to explain how I feel especially when I keep rebounding my pain. Up down and around.

Anything Like Me/BP
Danielle was talking about himself, but of course, story of my life right God? Not allowed to speak? He said "groundhog day." How many times have I heard that out here in the last few years God? Just hurry the fuck up already. I don't' give a flock anymore. Stop with my finger hitting K. My misspelling today is the letter K. Fucking assholes. No I'm not in a good mood. Why the flock would I be?

Whiskey Lullaby/AKBP
BTW God that day on the oil can the first word out of my mouth ISIS? After you put me in JC mode, I made a peace sign and I said, brother. I'm afraid to ask, I'm not sure I want to know God? In a round about way in this family tree of life is Osiris my brother/husband too? I mean I get the brother sister thing from the top. I get how before Adam and Eve, the book whatever the flock that book is called I have no idea anymore? I mean God Dammit God? We don't die. The human race never considered that these mythological Gods whom have provided so much proof of life that they existed and they were throughout the generations very advanced. The Beasties from the land to the sea? Those animals came before, and those animal Gods we call mythology are our ancestors people. They did not die. I don't know what swear word I'm gonna use today? I've got so many.

Ocean Front Property/GS
I'm mad God, it's the Phoenix? Thinking back I have been to Phoenix a few times, yet more going back in my dreams. So I'm the Phoenix?
I'm Liberty
I'm Justice

Must Be Doin' Something Right 
God Dammit, I'm mad about all these brothers? Are you fucking kidding me? My visionaries on energy? My legends, my pioneers? Flock brothers or sons? I don't flocking know anymore? Gravity energy? The Code? It's so off balance it kills me. The Truth is so obvious. Oh yeah asshole I'm mad again. Falling asleep to The Shack a word passed by me? What she introduced her son as? Truth. Really God? I've been going on and on about I have this demon on my head named Truth? My demon is JC? Just depends what side of love you stand on? I know God, truly my load is not enlightened.

Take It Easy/TT
Fuck you. It's been a hard pill to swallow you asshole figuring out the other part is sinking in deeper? I hate you for this? I mean this is mother flocking weird? Are you flocking kidding me? I tried to write to Benevolent Belinda and I broke down crying when I wrote "my brother this time around is my husband." I don't know what to do with that God? I mean that is to much. So my brother this time is my husband from then? Which was also my son before that?

Weird God. I get JC is inside all of us. That little light that keeps you moving is inside everyone. That son then is this sun now? Your already inside me as a male, FATHER, HUSBAND, BROTHER, SON/SUN, I get the androgynous God is energy. She is the creation of all, but God, how are you going to still be inside me as a male, come back as my brother, be inside me, be inside him? Are you fucking kidding me? Then hey let's throw in the aunt/ant thing? OHHHH! Your killing me. If I find out I'm a grandma on top of all this shit you put me through? A big old mountain of shit. What an asshole.

Spirit Of A Boy, Wisdom Of A Man/RT
Genesis, Past Present and future? "Let there be light" matter into creation itself first light and then matter. Then I'm falling asleep on the couch about a week ago and I over hear Ancient Aliens reclassified Past Present And Future I over hear President Lincoln and druid? I turn over in time to see a small druid stone with a triangle.

Love Without End/GS
Then I over hear something about when these two come together the most powerful wolf, they become? I about died God. Another wolf legend? Thinking about Mt. View California? The places I worked then? Low and behold out of the blue I get a diagnosis of Rosasea that just cleared up on its own after I moved back to Santa Clara.

Somewhere Other Than The Night/GB
I lived in Sunnyvale, I discover Lockheed, the F-117 Nighthawk? World war two the depression and wonder woman, that invisible plane? I'm not sure some days if I'm happy about that? Discovering the star children and the P.O.L. that I am the star mother, the star seed right here? Then the Indigo Children and the Indigo Mother? Oh so many labels God. Freya? So many circles of life that Freya provides for. The human race didn't think of that?

Fishin' In The Dark/NGDB
Can we please just get this over? Hide the sausage? On my feet, on my knees, on my back I dance a jig. Whatever beastie you choose? Then I turn on the TV and well I laughed. Then I went outside and I cried.  Lord Shiva God of Destruction is a hard one God? I can clearly see the Father as the joker and the mother shedding her tears? That Jekyll and Hyde inside humanities hearts? Taking the hits as the butt of every ones joke? I take the hits? I just want it over God.

Don't Take The Girl/TM
In the news this morning. December 2, 2017, The Sphinx of the ten commandments unearthed. First I laughed then it came in to close. Then it gets better, Malcalister College, St Paul. A cat banned from the library. Sound familiar? Kill those cats, those Knights of the Templar are worshiping those cats. How long did it take me to get what that big cross was going down his chest? I recon I thought like everyone else those guys are a myth, yet we don't die?

Is That A Tear?TL
California Goodwill, and a grenade? Then it gets better. I don't know anymore if I'm cursed or blessed? To discover I'm that apothecary tree wasn't enough God? A black python in Lake City toilet coming up the septic? King County of all places? For the last three days I've been passing out again after I take my pills. I mean I'm down to like six of nothing and I start to shake, I feel weak, I get dizzy, the pain in my left side and heart burn are back. I have done nothing to trigger this shit back up. Then I hurry up and grab food before I hit the floor. I felt like this so many times before in my life. The first time my eyes did an eclipse? My sisters wedding at the age of 17 and both the jokers, the fools were the lamplighters.

Can I Trust You With My Heart/TT
I'm tired of having to suffer for what is happening to my rock God? You put my body through hell in some obscure way I got to pay the price don't I? I keep going back to my one dream that I willingly had a one night stand with a man? We knocked boots all night long. My eye keeps going back to that big sun on the wall? It was a huge wooden sun above the fire place. I looked at the boots by the door, I looked at the sun on the wall, he asked me to stay? I wouldn't, it had something to do with alcohol.

Letter To Me/BP
Then I discover in my old computer letters I wrote to him, locked behind some code? I sent them to the cloud, and I have no idea what they say? I mean I didn't remember writing him any letters until then. It kind of rang a bell. Those are the first letters I wrote to him and I'm not sure what they say? I do remember writing to him, like I already knew him. Truth is I can remember the first conversation when he broke my heart, with the saddest story I ever did hear? I hate heart breakers. I really do Dog. Then I turned around and I looked down  and I said, "he is a good man, I hope he finds the one?" No I had no intention that the one was me. I really just want to run away from this one. More than any other man in my life, this is the one I want to turn and run in the other direction. I don't know what to say?

Good Directions/BC
The dream where I came downstairs one morning in a house I never saw before? A man came down behind me. It had big picturesque windows. I mean those tree's were right up on that house. I mean window, forest, no yard. That cabin was packed into those trees. I was sitting at a table with a man drinking coffee and all I know is it had something to do with mushrooms.

Straight Tequila Night/JA
Thinking about C.A./entity owning the gardens when God said no you don't? All those dreams in restaurants? What do we advertise? Chef school. Go to school open your own business? When you think about it where do these restaurants get there food from God? Not my families gardens. I mean an organic garden cost a fortune to own. All these small businesses opening and closing their doors, yet they still owe? Just like all these copy machines that put me through four trips into town? Just trying to get one copy done? I think about David Fagan, he went to school for this? Just like many other people in all these disposable businesses going round and round in all my land fills? Then all this revolving door of instant gratification revolving through my landfills? This is bullshit God.

The Chain Of Love/CW
Love, hate? A blessing or a curse? To figure out those pink elephants? Hey God do I got a pinky for a trunk this time? I always did love Dumbo. Rainier Oregon, Mike and Diane? I sat on Mike's lap that evening. I always loved big ears. I thought they were cute on a man. A little leprechaun with those big ears, a chimpanzee, or Dumbo? Truth be told I like them all. Hell God I got to have something to hold on to. Yup those ears will work out just fine. Just my size.

The Little Girl/JMM
I got a Neil,
I got a John,
I got a Jack.
This time around it's about those Johns and those Jacks. My mind goes back to John the Baptist, his head on a platter you say? My father, a John whom became the Jack? You want to do what to my baby girls? I mean my God is it really so hard, break bread and you are family? I once again had no idea where I got that when I wrote it? Truly it makes me cry. All this destruction and death? Our God, our creator is none of this. This is you the human race. He's up there there playing battleship, they move he moves. He brings you home.

Ain't Nothing About You/B&D
I'm torn. I mean never in my life would I dream this up. Who wakes up and say's "hey I want to be the Messiah? I want to be the Savior? Nope. Not me. On the other hand God, I really really want my beastie. I want to play with my beastie in that garden. Temptation, tempt me. Please tempt away. I want to beasty play.

Like The Rain/CR
Please Remember Me/TM

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