Saturday, June 17, 2017

Worthy Is The Lamb

I'm not sure how I got back around to Revelations. However, as I've been doing some reading along the way something about Moses and Elijah returning. Oh yeah it was Malachi who moved me back around. Isn't that the name written on the mirror? The first place I called Seventh Heaven. It was a mental institution for young boys. Five day's in this place. "Here Colleen you must take pills to be here."
Nope that wasn't the agreement. The agreement was to make sure I don't have my sixth day of tears getting Paxil out of my system. Hell it took me fifteen years to get that shit out of me. I started to feel like I was in the Matrix. You must take the blue pill, the green pill, or the red pill, in order to stay. Like that's going to be a problem. I said 'it is you who does not like my words. I like myself just fine." Once you check in, you may never leave. Remind you of anything? HPPA. Just in time to save us and lock us down.

All Summer Long
Nurse Ratchet as a psychiatrist. Day three my release date. I told both my girls, Okay, One time, one time I will do this for you and after I walk out don't you ever ask me to do this again. Yes I will kill you all for that angelic outburst, one eye and the faceless man. He's here for the son. He's standing at the sons door. Nine silver bullets. A policeman shot seven times in a hotel over love. A leper named Dominique, a bloody knife one more silver bullet. The kidnapping of a young girl. The Roxy and some other kingdom come.
Brother against brother, uncle against uncle, beasty against beasty. No on is to have sex. Two days, two nights of darkness. Circle up, no one in, and no one out." At the time not sure where I stood in the middle of all this. My God what a trickster you turned out to be. Still mad at you for this by the way. Then I read this. The sacrificial lamb is bloody and looks dead? People really think this is still theory?

Take Me Home Country Roads
At first you were just using my body as a vessel. If I recall it wasn't you in the beginning. It was Sisters, Family, then brothers, codes and doors. I just figured out Mt. Sinai, Moses and here I am Mt. Si., Colleen, being institutionalized and committed. The worst luck in history ever to happen to someone. I mean if their was a scam I'm standing in the center of it. Fall City. Imagine that? Raging River? Quigley Park? Look who lives there? Some guy I happen to work with named Vlad.
I'm going to stop. All those storms inside and outside, the strangest times at that.

Minute by Minute
Some of it's hilarious, but no it's so not funny. I'm so not talking about myself here. Humanity God? The size of this rock and all these people. I get it. Then I get to the next chapter. Well you really walked me into it didn't you?

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