Friday, June 2, 2017

Somethin Bout A Truck

Jesus Mother Flocking Christ get me off this rock. You know it has been a few since I vented my rage. I mean what the flying flock, just where do I begin? Discovering more proof of life? I hate those days. You have no idea how much I hate finding myself in there. I just want to run. Not from fear, Well truly I have no idea, I have been around and around with this exact same thing in the last two years. Process and accept my rage figure it out. Analyze it and find a better solution. Till then I'm pissed.
Old Back In The New School
I hate it when the other shoe drops. I just hate it. The bad with the good. The good with the bad. I get so sick of this shit. Lets talk about all this shit? All this shit, all this bullshit in all the answers to any question I have ever asked. Always a side step, and a dismissal. All because I don't fit inside any boxes anymore.
Lets talk about how everyone wants a cure? A quick fix to any solution? I can give it away for free. I do, and you have never seen so much bullshit I see out here? Hypocrisy in all these oaths. My my.
Honky Tonk Stomp
All these mother flocking egos everywhere? Humanity has so much ego they wont even look outside the box. Yet they talk a good game. You know the almighty powerful God game? Hell if I'm so crazy why wouldn't the Master Buddhist himself who owns that Druid spot behind TA answer my questions? I mean it's up for sale and you'd think that someone so chi would be able to answer my questions.
Keg In The Closet
I mean if he's such a spiritual guide why all the stuttering stops and no thank you's. I mean he would be the one to understand spirituality and if your gonna purchase land you can ask questions? Not that man, noooooo.......he calls himself a red rock monk? A master at that? Hilarious.
I said in 2015 I had some spiritual moments on that land. Whats up with the seven golden mounds? Whats up with the two alien holes in the ground? Why do you have a rock wall facing East? You know the mountain, the one with the bearded man that sits to the East? What's up with the red rocks? Why the red rock road? Why do the other rocks face the pregnant bird in the South?
Fire Cracker
That man wasn't so Sensai after all. Sometimes I really like poking the bear. I mean really when you know your not gonna get your answers to very logical questions? Spiritual questions to a master at that. Why the land lay out? I mean you can't deny it. It's siting right there. So yes it's time for a lil foreplay my way. I am learning to put the fear of God in the enlightened.
Wasted Whisky
One of my terms is, drop trow. To me it's the visual of the drop of the mouth, just in the voice alone. The stuttering, the no thank you's. Doors closing quickly. Hell its my timeline not his. I'm tired of being led around when I can make a phone call and I should be able to get a answer to a logical question without all the run around's. I mean we're all adults. So lets be adults. It's time to put those big boy britches on, because my temper is rising more and more everyday and I have no more patience for this bullshit, upstairs or downstairs. I mean if I'm the answer everyone is looking for, why all the fear? Why all the doors? Is it because you think I'm a soiled woman? Is it because I'm a uneducated woman? From the wrong side of the tracks? Am I to far down south for you all? Is it the Rose Line that goes from North to South right on by Olympia. Our capital is on cherry street. The one that just wants to put mother nature in a box all for asking why am I doing your job? How did it ever get this bad? Where's my justice? Where's humanities justice?
EyE Candy
Sorry everyone has there breaking point. Quite frankly I'm fed up with this proof of life bullshit. I know what I am? I can't help it. I am what I am. Not so much as a God fearing but a mother loving wife who well has double duty, well hell trinity some days. Those God damn four squares really piss me off.
Mother flocking four squares and that proof of life about pushed me over the edge. You know the movie End Of Days? What you don't know is in the evenings, I sit down, slide down and I'm out in minutes. When your body hurts, and this getting things done on others timelines kills me some days. I haven't got allot of tolerance anymore, especially for bullies, especially for the needy some days. Hell they steal cigarettes out of my butt can, and I have to go looking for it. How rude. All week after nine a.m. and I can't catch the bugger, this time he just walked around the corner and dumped it. Try to let things go and help a fellow and who pays? Me, every God Damn time. I am officially a tech tard. I freely admit that.
The Weekend
So I asked the master, well whats up with the well over at TA and those two black snake heads that popped up? Wouldn't know anything about that would you? Why am I going out in the middle of the night looking at rocks and pointing my flashlight, doing some song and dance pointing from the North to the South? To the East to the West? The master says no thank you, and well he blocks me. How rude? Oh yeah I wanted to know why when I walked through his monk village, why did I start crying when I walked by a woman down on her knees in front of a female statue holding a flower in her hand? Why did my right hand go in the air and grief wash through me? Sorry I can't help it. Is this a bad thing?
Being a compassionate enough person to let this flock of angles use my body to wash away the grief of the nations I guess?
Why Why Why
There's a woman at one of the entrances at this complex. She has a white curtain hanging at her front door. She sits alone, and well she has interesting pretty, cultural things I'm curious about. So I asked her if she spoke English? She did not. She told me Ukrainian. God Dammit, God even typing this the tears flow. I walked away and just stepped up the steps and grabbed my heart as the grief washed through me.
Gunpowder and Lead
Then I see something in a movie. Talking about a war I believe Ukraine, which yes I have been to in my dreams I believe. I feel a Crimson Snow kind of thing. All the Oppression, Suppression and bloodshed. Then he said twenty million. Mothers eating her children to survive and feed the other babies. Forced cannibalism for survival is slavery at it's peak. All this slavery still going on makes me cry.
Then in the End Of Days it says something about a foursquare and a bride.
Feel Like a Rock Star
Then for some reason I turned on the Davinci Code, looking for the part about the rocks and that land. I heard it about two weeks before. When I was once again fell asleep. Oh yeah I found it. The Madonna and the Rocks. That land behind TA. One last thing before the Master hung up, I said ya know I heard three words one day walking through that field back in 2015. I didn't understand what they mean until just recently after watching some documentaries and having some time with my fingers on a keyboard without getting dinged.
Drink In My Hand
I heard the word Druid, Seer and Messiah. You wouldn't know what that means do you? I admit at first I wouldn't even play a joke on Malissa. That one had so much fear inside her, but now well this purpose driven life shit can be fun at times. I mean I know longer need that drink to be a lil shit. I don't need that black swill to give me courage to speak my mind. You know the cure thing. It's true what they say. The Truth really does set you free.
Well it's fun poking the bear to the enlightened sometimes because if they were so enlightened they wouldn't have fear of lil ole me.
That's How Country Boys Roll
Well that's some bullshit right there in this song. I mean I gotta see it to believe it. I mean as far as I'm concerned after all this shit bomb God dropped on me in just the last couple of weeks I am entitled to tell him to put up or shut up a time or two, am I not?
Jesus Christ already just put me on the cross already. Let's get me out of this hell and purgatory I see going on around me. I can't move up and out until this big ape pulls me out. Speaking of apes. I found in looking up the Madonna and the rocks something about apes.
Buzz Kill
Yeah great song God. Asshole. It lead me to Chapter Four, Names, and Titles of The AntiChrist. I mean Christ almighty when is enough enough? Like I didn't start out right here avoiding these names. Walking away. Starting over.
Khan Academy before this Virgin of The Rocks, Adoration of the Magi. Virgin and Child with St. Anne, and St. John the Baptist. St Anne is pointing up.
Mary's right hand over the John the Baptist. Symbolism for the mother always looking over this son. Always a mother over a son in this family. Well religion kept dismissing her and writing all the women off as whores. What dumbshits. Even men haven't figured out that it is man who says that not God. I mean he's a Androgynous Celestial Being of Light and Energy people. You are the ones who didn't figure out that it's not your job to make rules on God's love and who get's into heavens gates.
Not very smart fellers are you. I mean you are the ones who for the first three centuries went around and killed off any woman pretty much any man deamed a free thinker. That mother flocking dingaling really did grant you allot of power. Just that thought alone is so asinine.
Stomping Grounds
Just what you have put these poor women through in life and in politics. I mean just the character assassination you all got away with in just the last few years is absurd. Truth is what did your mother teach all you boys before you could wipe your own lil asses? Could it be how to feed yourself? Could it be she fed you until you could? Could it be that she gave you your walking feet? Could it be she was the one who caught you before you fell? Could it be that she kissed your boo's and protected you from the big bad Wolfe at night?
Chasin Girls
Yeah and you call me insane. Now what was the other thing your mothers taught all you lil boys and girls? Could it be the other S word? You know that word that those of you in politics, you know all you kings who's only job it was to do was to feed your constituents and now you can't even manage a healthcare plan. No one can use a restroom. The indignity in that action is so inhumane. That all you corporations and Kings across every land just haven't learned to look in the mirror, or perhaps educated enough to understand God ain't nothing if he ain't a profit. He is humane and well he is dignified, yet like all you fine holy spirits now, all you educated God fearing people can't put your ugly heads together to let all that debt go. Do your job and feed the people the food not the poison you dole out.
Musta HAd A Good Time
All your doing is feeding a vaccuum that created itself and from what I can see bought out a few politicains along the way. The ones who spoke of peace or tried to abolish slavery were killed. Like big old Abe. Mary his wife and son Todd. Ring a bell. Giants downstairs represent the giants upstairs. Yup I learn something new everyday. Taking my Q's from society. Well you kings once again got humanity enslaved to a system of the wrong 01's. For a Tech Tard such as myself walking through this cement paradise I like to call hell.
Whisltlin Dixie
I mean you made it hell. Saw another documentary where the Catholics went around and placed all there saints on top of all the pagan statues. So I'd have to say those pagan statues still stand. All those Indiginous people you entitled christians thought were so well indiginous that maybe perhaps they were just fine. Perhaps better off for mother nature and well you probabaly could of learned something from them. Instead you hold your holy book high and place judgement on man. If you are God's or JC's that is not Faith. I can say however you had a big hand in humanities downfall. Even with good intentions. You don't know someone elses agreement. You don't know that God looks at the Pure of Heart, not the shell, like you small minded people.
I am burned out on being told to fill out a form to file a complaint and the mayor can't answer a phone to get these locks off humanitites bathroom doors and take a lil truth serum from one of his constituents. I can't help it if I'm the cure and I'm only half the cure. Not my plan remember?
When I said I agreed to look crazy I didn't know it was for him. Well that Him ain't no small thing.
All Time Low
Fill out another form to do this justice systems job. I should of never been here and I can honestly say this justice system put me here because they wouldn't let me speak. It's easier to write off and place the blame, put someone in jail and tell them to pay a fine. Hold that fine over there head forever is wrong. Especially when I'm always dinged for ten thousand big ones to even speak and well God where is my justice once again? I'd like my big bang theory now God if you don't mind.
If your my man and well I figured out the 710 years Friday the 13th, 1307 to this year 710 years. The depression of 1929 is the cause of the depression today. The bill for the wars and now well to pay it off Walmart and the insurance industry grew out of control. Cobra truned into the Poison Apple and look now Washingtons Apples are poisoned.
All My Friends Say
All our food is poisoned and they made a marketing plan out of mother natures essence. All we need is the whole fruit instead I now know how mother natures feels. Being piece mealed and doled out a lil' here and there. No one can have one mother flocking conversation to prevent my spine from not having a S curve. I mean when you think about it. It's my tree of life and I had the right to know the whole time. NOOOOOO!!!!! Not one docotr could diagnose scoliosis and well now it's just to late.
There ain't a program, and there ain't no box out there for me anymore. Truth is you can't put mother nature in a box and expect her to feed her children anything. Love, the sunshine, the soil, the nourishments. Your worms. your beasties who are your food and your circle of life.
Ladies Love Coutry Boys.
So boys how smart are you to keep repeating things over and over and expectiing things to be different again? You once again aren't smart enough to know what your most precoius comodity was? This planet perhaps? This land? These Garden's? Now you know boys all these buildings your building, all these corporations that are turning humanity into droids while you stick them in a program in a mess of your red tape and tell them to go find there food with three bus tickets. Your lucky if the bus shows up. Hows this system working out? Feeding all the airloans and all this compounded interest in to bulidings and more buildings that you know probably ninety percent of what your building wont ever be paid off. Just interest bldg. Going round and round.
Good Girls Go To Heaven
By the way boys my daddy likes my crooked halo. Once again boys how is this working again? I mean I didn't go to one of your colleges, but once again even a tech tard igit  such as myself can do the math on this. It's pretty simple really. There ain't no fixes is their? Not my problem if you all don't like TRUTH. Trust me I wasn't to happy about it myself. The set up. What about my pride?
She Thinks MY Tractors Sexy
I wasn't happy either to find that there is a part about a Gregorian that's gonna drop from heaven. You know that other shoe drop. That fifth black horse, that black heart. My X. Flock this shit. I mean I can't even slap some piece of shit across the face anymore for speaking out of line to me. In the old days you could. Talk about some of the crass bullshit that has been said to me. It is highly offensive and I should be able to deck you. You offend me and I wan't it to hurt. I mean policemaen show up outside my tent and ask Gary if I'm out whoring at the truckstop. They know I was raped and I'm told to stand alone in the woods with these cock suckers and trust them? I now fully understand why some people don't trust a man in uniform? Power on some, no honor on others.
Then I find out after the fact from a grocery store clerk what another woman said watching two policeman take a woman in the woods with brown hair.
Hillbilly Bone
Who went all around that land saying the Lords Prayer washing it with river water? Who had to wash myself off with river water and after I was raped no spilled seed, well he straightened my TMJ. Plus well Karma sisters can be a bitch. I think this Justice was Dad's. I mean to poison yourself and shoot yourself in the head. Yeah my family has a funny way of working. I love my doctors name. Dr. Pettibone.
The Outsiders
I'm so tired of having my food fucked with and told to sit in someone else's shit. Remember God said I don't need representation. I have God's justice and well the way I see it. It is his rock. He created it. It is his universe, and well all these lil beasties that you have been hunting and poisoning all these centuries, It's time for Daddies Justice. That Big A. That big Atom. That father of that Adam. That father of that Eve.
The creator of the The Davinci code and all those movies and great big books you pray to. This is his rock and his kingdom. It's time for all you lil cock suckers to lie in your lil bed's. Somedays I like being lady Justice. The Mummy. The Mommy. The big MaMa of this land all wrapped up in this one lil constitution. Hey, yo mama. You know my constitution, my body. Yeah I've been talking about my personal constitiotion and my body all along and well the way I see it their ain't no law about talking about myself right? If you don't believe me, look it up constitution means my personal body. Well if I'm a representation of this rock, I can freely speak about what you have done to this rock.

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