Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Wounded Lion

Craving you by TR
The reason for this title is hilarious. I mean in my life you never know the crazy shit that's going to come knocking on my door.

Saturday Night by MR and the Speed Kings
A little hard for me at the moment but okay God. This family is so fitting in my life right now. Apartment number C9 and about three weeks ago this father had a bit of a Daniel and the lion incident. His name is Daniel, his wife Sara.

Well DaKing our old Maintenance man decided not to behave so Kingly. Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe how I felt.

Mr. Jones by Counting Crows
Yet hey, it's not like I haven't seen this same behavior. Playing both sides of the fence. You get fucked over by your boss and landlord, the paycheck and the keys to his little kingdom things can get pretty flocked up. Yes DaKing got fucked. Who doesn't like desperate people to take advantage of? Who doesn't like to hire the hungry, the poor and give them a leg up in life? Yeah right. Let's just keep spreading the poison right on down the line. Let's let someone else take the blame and pain for your own failures. Hence the landlord tenant from hell at this Rainier Continental. Let's just say this Tammy like's to keep the people moving in this place.

I Don't Think by 1 Small Step For Landmines
All to cover this black mold. Instead of fixing the problem, let's collect the check, do some manipulation with the numbers, tack on some fees and fines on all your timelines. Then when the mold shows up, help them out by moving the tenant to the next apartment. If they don't like it they can write a letter and move again. In the mean time some cunt is holding your deposit and destroying your character behind all these fees. Then we can be thankful we only had to pay out this much, because we could of had to pay all these outrageous fees. Let's put the tenants money and the keys to the kingdom on hold, until we can come up with the money to file a civil case. All to stand in line for the next case. All the while your in debt. The hold it back, or your on a credit line in the mean time.

Baby I'm A Want You
I haven't even gotten to that coal and the last time I was home with my family this was one of the issues in this small town. The black coal dust, that river and humanity. Cause and effect and who's gonna pay the price still. Let's just pull another blanket kill off all for the good of the industry. Might as well go stand in Korea, at least you know what's coming down on your head, or the potential of. War is everywhere people. So we have Fiber in this town and coal, all sitting along Cowlitz River, right where I'd hang out on the river bank, sitting under a big tree.

The Glory Of Love
Come on God this music is to slow, I have rock downloaded and it keeps playing the same shit over and over. All those songs from my childhood in Rainier Oregon. Here I thought I led such a boring lonely life.

Saturday In The Park, by Chicago
That's it I'm changing the music. Your not leading, To many interuptions. A fight ensued with Daniel over his wife Sara. Sara was not the problem on this evening. Some punches were thrown, two and one I do not agree, especially in size alone, not a fair fight from the start.

American Pie and Mainstream now Burning For You by Blue Oyster, that's better God.
About a week ago Daniel comes knocking on the door and it seams Sara has a huge sliver under her right thumb nail. They don't have insurance, this family is strapped. The solution to get it out was to numb Sara with a couple glasses of wine. Are flocking kidding me God?

I'm blind as a bat God. I just found out the last couple of weeks it's not just me. No one can read anything in this apartment. No matter the age. I was feeling like a geriatric. Actually I do feel like a geriatric. You have no idea. Trying to get these bottles open when your hands don't work. Try getting them out of the packet. Try reading the fine print.

Mind Reader by DL
I realized dancing outside this morning after the physical therapy on my hip sockets. I know one thing if I don't keep moving I'm going to hurt. It's better to keep moving and keep the scar tissue loosened up around my hips and wings. I think that's what all this dancing is about from the start. Kepp those hips moving.

Baba O'Riley by The Who
It's only teenage wasteland, thanks God. It's only teenage wasteland, yet no one cares.
Back to Sara and her little paw. I came down with my blue gloves, a sanitized needle, sharp tweezers and my head lamp. I told her after to soak it in some salt water and at least get the remnants of the sliver out. Hair no sliver under the nail, can get in someone's blood stream. Sara shows back at my door with a smoke and a glass of wine. I declined the wine, my body hurt like hell, and the last thing I needed was to self medicate my pain with that wine.

Have A Drink On Me
I have learned self medicate the hard way. All these years hurting and no one listening or bothering why anymore, you bet I drank. Yet I'm stuck in A.A. and this system that is going to tell me what and how I'm going to heal my pain, all while I get fined and dimed. Anger doesn't begin how I feel. To be judged by the judge, the doctors who wouldn't look at me unless my issue fit with their solution and no one ever bothered to see why it's still going on. Then you sit in A.A. just trying to speak the truth and well, I'm in denial or minimizing. I'm a martry to the pain. Flock that shit. I know one thing, even before those x-rays and I started taking less and less pills, al those anti inflamatories and calcium channel blockers. Gavapatin my ass, Topamax get the flock out of here. The side effects of these drugs in my life, and the truth I spoke then, and the way I was treated every time, because no one could get past the Big A and help me out with a correct diagnosis to get to the truth.

Us and Them by Pink Floyd
Yet this system is set up to protect the doctors the hospitals and insurance with all these timelines and the high cost and gauntlet highway of hell, dropping a paper work bomb. This whole justice system is a scam and it is rigged. You this system jaded my judges, and my lawyers with heart, and it makes me angry especially after some versus I found in this bible. I couldn't believe it. Right there in black and white, ye who gives false testimony to go along with the crowd. Hilarious.

So yeah, I got dishes to do my workout is done, I got a shower to hop in. Food to prepare, shit I always have so much to do on days, I just want to hit the books. I just keep getting lost within all these books. One click of the button, and I'm not sure what book I'm standing in. That's the fun of it I guess. The hunt, keep me enthralled right God. The greatest mystery book out there is all these Theology books, we label, God's idea of Truth and Love. Truth is he's a profit and a creation in all these books. The changing of names alone is a hard path to follow. I mean all those Johns in these books. All those Mary's. The separation and distention between brother and sister from the start. How can something that was created on lies and thievery be truth. Especially when it wrote off half of who you are. Hell then as God's children we are beasties in the Garden of Eden. I mean how fun.

Godzilla by BOC
I noticed God how you talk and label human beings as slaves. True back then they were slaves. Yet we still are slaves all over again aren't we? To this Justice System. To this healthcare system, who now gets to label and determine the value of ones life. I mean it says right there, you serving a corporation, a machine and not God. Yet this system along with all the misconceptions of Gods love and religion have gone all awry. I mean when Kiley did that Keanu move pose from the Matrix and she opened her palm and in it were batteries.

War Pigs by Black Sabbath
I mean my four year old figured it out even. One viewing by a four year old and here her mommy is standing all these years stuck in purgatory. All these scams, all my life to cover a crime and a lie, just like her old man, IC. Oh God, I am so going to ring your neck for this one. Stuck living a Convent life that even she is starting to question this two year commitment she made. She actually said to me, when your staff, and you walk out that front door to all the attendees, your on. Life in the fish bowl. How many times have I talked about being famous and living life in a fish bowl. All eyes on you everyt time you step out that door. I cannot believe people who want to be famous, hire people in the beginning to create the swarm they lie upon themselves. Then when they need a moment, to breath, those cameras and old one eyes who only want a label, for that picture. Take you down while you lift them up for that fifteen minutes of fame, humanity seems to be striving for on all these reality game shows. Look how easy it is to be rich or snare a guy. Be unique and put it in camera. No God I am not happy about this new reality at all.

Long Cool Woman by The Hollies

It reminds me of those four little monkeys. You know the ones God. The ones that plug their ears, to hear no evil. Then we have the ones who cover their mouths to speak no evil. Nope I didn't hear nothing and I surely didn't say a word. Then the third little monkey, he covers his eyes with both hands. Nope I don't want to see nothing. I didn't hear nothing, I didn't say nothing because well I didn't even bother to peak through my fingers. All the while that fourth little monkey down on the end. Well hell this monkey sure is having all the fun at these other little monkeys expense. Who cares about my three brothers and sisters. It's all good. Let's just keep the illusion of all these parties, fun and games going. As long as no one steps out of their box and looks around well hell God, this little monkey creating the illusion of how great the Unites States is doing, with how easy it is to make a buck and get rich. Get famous right.

Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Yet we have all these tattle tale laws. To report anything suspicious or we will make you responsible. If you do, and it turns out to be the cover up, well hell we'll just kill you off or do a character assignation on you. I mean it's easy to do right God, we've created an industry to make a living with all these tell all investigative web sites. Which I promis I have never used for any financial gain or to place someone in purgatory or hell. No I have no game plan to steal anything. It's just telling in a bigger picture sort of way. Like that young kid who lived with my daughter in Pullman. How he went after her. All because his childhood sucked, he saw one thing when he looked at her. A happy family. Truth is he has no idea what she has gone through to even place that kind of judgement and blame on her. I about came unglued when I found out her boyfriend would go big potty on the John while she was in the shower. I know Jake had at least two ther bathrooms in the house.

No One Like You by Scorpions
Then I find out from T. Trickey, the squalor she was living in and when Trish opened the front door, she said it smelled so strong of shit, she heaved. This shit around my babies had better stop. No respect. No respect for each other and what we place on each other with all your assumptions. All because of her fathers lies, she's got a long road ahead of her. Yet everyone will take everything I say as a threat or a challenge. It truly is only truth. Anything touches my babies, one tiny dot or freckle, you and yours will suffer forevermore. This rock, or your petty issues? Your fears, or my babies? The Trident, The Staff, or the lightening rod? Heaven or Hell, you choose.

Burnin' For You BOC
Most moments walking through this system and watching the lies and the suffering and the inhumane behavior this system created. You know the one we all defend and serve. The one who I have given a F. A big old F for Failure. I do not see God's children being fed and served in any other way than your bullshit.

You know God in the beginning I wanted my girls in that round house that set up on higher ground. I know its your plan, these are your players and well wether I like it or not, my children chose to be who they are, I have to have Faith that you will do the right thing by them both. Well then the other seven and three. Jesus Flocking Christ, you better wake that man up. You are not leaving me hanging with any of that, and I have no clue who they are, except they are mine. My sister God, my nieces, my family God. Here I go again.

Stairway To Heaven By LZ
You are not pulling me down into that emotional roller coast ride of my babies and the fight they have coming upon them. To discover who their mother really is is heartbreaking God. I know after all these dreams of a kidnapping and hiding my children away in all those dimensions. That silver bullet and bloody knife God.

Then I find out Daniel was in the Navy and he got shot right in the forehead. Has a fucked up vertebrae in the same place his lower neck. C7 and eight. He gets a dishonarble discharge because he went of the reservation in a big way. Has two years schooling in on Friday he gets from UW they lost his records, yet they do have his important information, His name, B.D. and Social Security number.

He starts welding school on Monday. I explained to him that the location of the injury in his kneck, can cause paralysis in the arms. Like me. It's been untreated and undiagnosed and now I have all this scar tissue that keeps flaring up. I told him what happened to my kneck and upper back. That I took on a job, at the fish farm. All I had to do was trim the dorsal fin off of them. I thought easy peasy. Truly, I do not touch fish, but I had gloves. I explained to him how after one week of just standing there with my head down, even with breaks. I hurt so bad. The knots, the migrains again, and the never ending pain in my neck and upper back. So I explained with that injury and you being a welder its not going to happen. When I was eighteen to nineteen years old I wanted to go to school to be a court reporter and I didn't because I knew somehow that my hands and arms may not work so well for that career. The repetition alone.

Braek On Through by The Doors
To boot Daniel is another person I meet out here with a dishonarble discharge. Yes they get a check for all this disservice, and they pay for all their own meds. You cannot tell me the Government did not know the amount of broken human beigs you are putting in the service. The truth in how you label them and get rid of them when they don't fit in your box, your design ,your institution of thought. More hell and purgatory.

Life In The Fast Lane
They can only go to the doctor in one location far far away. They have all the records right. All they do is wait, while you apss out socks and tell them where to go to get a meal. Sorry guys this is the best we can do for fighting for our freedom. Keep them wanting more, and hidden under the line, Yet make sure they don't speak. You know how long it takes for these veterans to get their records? You know the ones who's hearts bodies and minds, you flocked with all your needles and landmines. Those who have been dishonarbly labeled and discharged all for the glory of another up above. Another cover and lie. All thiswonderful technology and it takes three years to even get the records in a doctors hands. Truth is they are mislabeled and lisdiagnosed in the first place.

Another Brick In The Wall By Pink Floyd
Come along just in time to shut down my Indigo Babies with you labels and pills. Imagine that. The timing in the system. I am not the only Indigo Mother from this generation. That I do know. Yet in my day, we had real sugar to bring all of us indigo babies up and right back down until we all crash in our little beds. How did our parents do this you ask? Well we played outside, yup that is what we did. We ran all around our neighborhoods getting into all sorts of harmless mischief. Playing red light and green light. Hide and seek by day and well nighttime is the funnest. We didn't have a phone to reprt to and make us feel safe at all times.

Green River byCCR
We had street lights and twilight. We played cowboys and Indians with pretend bow and arrows and pretend guns and hell God we still got along. We could cheer for our own children on our own teams and not be labeled a trouble maker a rebel. Now our children all get treated and everyone gets a trophy for showing up. How do you learn to be a good sport and a poor sport until you live it see it and do it. You look up to your challenger to want to attain to. Not kill off the competition like so many parents do to today. We wonder how we got here? The one that gets me the most is all the brainwashing you do to ur children in the schools. It will so not be allowed anymore. All this volunteer work, selling door to door. We all gotta do our part right?

Magic Carpet Ride By Steppenwolf
I'm going to depart all this bullshit brainwashing you have placed on my children right out the mother flocking door. All to serve the illusion of a system. I don't think so. You have removed, P.E., recess, art and music from my schools. Well most. Gotta fight for the stuff that keeps our children free grounded and creative. All they need to be connected to this rock and humanity. Lets just wipe God and Mother Nature from our children right from the start. Lets make them all droids. Truth is I loved my smart children. To me when I really look at a child and watch the behavior and the the things they do and say, you can find that gift of life inside them. Instead we have squashed it all down and out of our babies. It is discusting looking at these commercials with families and all these cell phones. Everyone on a cell phone, is entertained in their own little world of there choosing. Virtual reality is not reality. You children have more down time and freedom just being tired and day dreaming than they do with that smart phone.

Juke Box Hero by Foreigner
Technolgy has made our children stupid and us now. No balance. No one cares anymore about all this new technology reinventing all these cell phones and upgrading. Hell we have companies making so many different classes of cell phones to serve the human beings the garbage they coulkdn't afford in the first place. All to keep us wanting and needing to upgrade to this technology to get anywhere or be cut off. Lets just keep this shit up.

The Reaper
All this electricity for all this technology is absurd. The control, the speed, data, and program all by programing, your feed. Your hook up. Your new need to get anywhere in this life. All because this system wants you to want it, need it, ans inorder to survive you have no choice but to succumb to all this technology. What the flock do you care right? As long as your happy and you have a savings you think you will always be able to eat or buy, and charm your way out of anything. Everything out here is a barter. Everything is a give and take. A exchange. It is not just down here.

As long as you look good doling it out all your busshit promises and lies of fixing and changing things will never change. Not with these assholes in the background controlling everything and killing people off. All to take down this United States.

I took a photo of a news story. It was a witch hunt on Donald Trump. NOOOOOO! Really? Like this man wasn't vetted inside and out before he even came on board. Now all eyes on another fallen President taking the heat. Keeping humanity entertained while you move behinf the scenes.

Iron Man
Killing off anyone who speaks against this system. Centuries God, Centuries God. The same thing over and over. Come in and use religion and politics to take the land and own all the resources. Funny thing is I am going to love to stand there and tell you none of you own it. Not any Nation, not any one man. Not any one woman as far as I can see. Even if my li'eye only goes so far, I do know who owns that big eye on the sky and who owns the weather and it isn't any system you all control anywhere. One God, One Rock, One Beast, One Flock, One Family up above and on this ground, from this day forward.

Diary by Bread
Standin in the doorway javing a smoke before I start the shower [rocess. I started laughing about my dancing. How I just hit quick mix or all play to get me moving and keep me moving. I have no idea what to call it, or I didn't until now. The Dance Of Geritrics. I have somehow made this geriatric dance sexy. This Egytian, belly dancing ballerina, It literally get's all my muscles and joints to moving and warmed up. Adapting to my environment. Yes I prefer this environment than another box or cage anyday.

Hold My Head

Their is a good hurt and a bad hurt. I like the good pain. Like after a good work out and the next day you feel it. It hurts so good. You know your getting somewhere.

Rocky Mountain High
After the beating I take when I get massages. I know it's going to hurt so good after, all over instead of just a few sharp places is better to get me through. The falling asleep when someone is pushing down my spine. It's my favorite kind of sleep right their. I'm always prone and that muscle that goes down both sides it's not a fire like my neurons, it's all muscle and knots, when I wake up in the morning, I am so refreshed and ready to go, without the hangover feeling of the drugs. Please God, lets put my vanity list aside. My fluff and buff request before my happy ending is attained, Yes that one. I lil' lift and perk me up on well all cheeks. Some organic fillers, that would be nice.
Sacr Tissue
This spine. Everytime I picture that movie where the Alien has pulled someones spine out of their back. That looks so good. That looks like how I fell some days. When all this started I just wanted to take a sharp pearing knife and core out my pain spots
. Like a bruise on a potato and now it's the whole spine. Just remove it and stick it in some ice please. No God that is not a personal visual I hope for. Just a realignment would be nice. Lubing of the bearings and joints. Rebuild my back end. Oh Hell, God how about I order up an over haul on all this reload. That would sure be nice. Make me nice and flexible like I used to be. A lil' Gumby, you remember how I could place my feet behind my head. I remember a few times, I had my feet planted firmly on the wall up above my head. Oh God, that four poster bed, I used to like to sleep in. I'm feeling those four post would be nice to hold onto. Bedroom Acrobatics, Come on God, I want to play. You never let me play in any games. How come the guys get to have all the fun. Oh and a headboard God. You know balance off the pole. Oh I cannot wait to play with Big Daddy omside a that Daddy.

Slow hand, or soft hand, hell I like it a little rough even. As long as we're both playing on the same team, push for push, need fpr need drive for drive, rev me up and wind me down, then we can pull out the big guns. Oh man I Gotta stop. Yup I haven't read it yet, but I believe I saw a heading called Edens Garden in Revelations. My happy ending, a little rough riding and smooth sailing inside one man. That is a rodeo ride I'm up for.

Simple Man by Shinedown
I haven't gotten to play time with Frued. What my perspective is. Especially on that organ, I was so curious about. What does that organ do? How come boys get to stand up and pee? How come they don't have to get naked to pee? What else can it do? Is it squishy? If pee comes out of it, how do we get something back up inside that little hole? HMMMM! I'm gonna have to check this out. How do I get my hands on one of those. You know just to inspect it and see what it can do? Oh wait, I gotta neighbor boy just my age. I'm sure he has one of those.
Drift Away
I have bee bites, and a mouse. She has apples. What does he have? I'm sure he won't mind sharing it. I got the fly swatter from my grandmother. I was three. Right out on the sidewalk we were. Literally right out in the open on the ground outside the apartment doors where my grandparents, Here I was on the ground molesting the lil boy tenants.

When I read Freud and childhood sexuality I laughed and I never knew it was written out there this belief that lil girls live and wantto marry their daddys by about age four or five, and no they do not forget. Even on a subconsciounce level lil girls want to please their daddy's. This is why I wanted boys. However the purgatory we have placed our curious children in and mislabeling is astounding. From culture to culture to house to home. No I never wanted to be a man. I'm happy with this.

From a Distance
Yes, I am curious from woman to man what does it feel like to be a man. On this journey, I have come closer to any woman spiritually without a strap on. Do I as a woman who is into the phallic ,ale wish to lick the clam. Hell no. To those that enjoy it either sides all the power to you. It is natural and normal. Right down to our pheromones and body language. All this shame we place on our bodies and our identities, not only started in the garden of Eden when they realized we are neaked. They covered themselves with fig leaves and hoped God would not notice. What children we really were in that garden. Truly none of us knew any better. To be scolded by God is chastising to say the least.

God is a sexual being just like us. He created us in his own making. He has allthe androgynous and sphincters we all do. God experiences life through us. Why do you want to hurt your creation by hurting yourselves? Treat your body the way God would want you to treat his body. Treat it like you want your own children to have the good experience in all of life. I fully understand how things have gotten to be so ugly in the bedroom and the garden. The labels we place on sexuality from the beginning of life is so set in stone, we forgot it's okay to be alittle different, That is what makes us so unique. Back to aunthenticity I see God. It certainly doesn't help when we cover nudity in art. It doesn't help when we take to affectionate people in a park, and we label it porn and shame. All for this system or some other slimeball with not so good intentions to make a buck, making your life hell.

Yes, I get to go to a pow wow tonight at 7. A good place for my red dress and twinkle toes. I have exactly what I need for this dance. People from all tribes, nations and colors. Even if only one that tribe still represents. All those colors and mother natures children in one spot. I was just saying to <ichael to bad we don't have some fun candy to play with tonight after your massage. Look what fell into my lap, when I looked up at DaKing. It's not what you know out here, its who you know.

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