Friday, June 2, 2017

Whatever She's Got by David Nail

Once again I do not choose. The picture of the white hand out of the blue egg. Toward the bottom red and purple. He was a random guy on the bus.
Just before at the bus stop, this flower stuck between a cement block and a rock. It seems I know just how it feels. Deplete of water, deplete of energy like mother nature's lil' beasties. Then the half eaten apple. Common theme the last two years.  Now our apples are poison. It seems everyone forgot our most important asset is our gardens and food.
The white hand, the white flag, the sign. Stop, pause, pray, peace. No one can do this everyones to defensive. I don't know what my family has in store for my body. I mean haven't I already been drowned enough? I don't even like to get wet. How much more can one lil' body take?
This hand reminds me of the story of a man drowning. Three boats came by and offered him a hand. He refused all three. His answer only God will save him. He dies gets to heaven meets God and he ask why didn't you save me? God's reply, hell I sent you three boats.
Ego and misunderstanding. God is a adrogynous celestial light being. He is our creator of everything. He works miracles in us all. You don't see Him but with Faith you are never alone.

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