Sunday, June 25, 2017

Fortunate Son by CCWR

That's more like it. Blue Oyster Cult. It's the beat, the rythme, the rebellious words. Keeps me moving through some of my anger and rage. It keeps me moving, it keeps me dancing. Yeah, the shiva and this Geriatric dance I do just to keep moving. Down time is the worst. Down to long, and well I have to start something over.

Sultans Of Swing By DS
Went to the Pow Wow last night. It was disappointing to say the least. Not the people, they made me cry inside. I watched the families all in their bright colors, beads and feathers, dancing together with their families. It was the dance with the toddlers. You had young couples, young sisters, and lil' pappooses moving and stomping there tiny feet to the beat. It started to dawn on me, they don't even know. It's the first dance for some, and the last for others. At least some may feel that way about going home unexpectedly.

Sweet Leaf
I stood off to the side. It made me think about when the Russians get together with their families, they all have a dance. They all have colors. They all have music, and they all in their own way celebrating the traditions of their own families. The Irish have the River dance. The Chinese and Japanese. The Greek's The Pakistanies and Hindu's. In Mexico, Mazatlán. Every Country has big tribe's and smaller tribes, throughout the generations, and their ain't nothing wrong with that. Yet what is wrong is we poke at each other for it. It's either the color, the raceism, the anger over something that is actually a good thing. How others celebrate life, yet how others celebrate death. The acceptance and the tradition of letting go. All right, as long as it's family and love with acceptance of others. The sharing of others traditions and food at the same table. The breaking of the bread of life and the cup of spirits, each it seems has their own. The potato, the rice, the grape, the hop and barley of the grain. To much and to little, balance is good. Each tribe has a color and a leaf on this family tree of life.

I'm Eighteen
When I look at the United States of America and having to respect everyone, we have wiped out the most important thing. We allowed it to slip away. We allowed it to take over, and rule humanities life. Our hearts, our minds, our families. Our livelihoods, our rights just as human beings. Hell just the right to survive and make a living is so rigged it kills me inside. We allowed this system, of insurance, that other big eye to determine our quality of life. The Insurance and this system, along with the banking system, along with this United States, along with every country throughout time fighting for our land and our people with all these wars. Any religion out there follows so far a Father and a Son. We lost sight of the actual Holy Spirit, the Mother in Religion. The Mother Earth that feeds humanity all the way around.

Take The Money and Run
We took our focus off of what the Truth really is, Family and God. We lost insight through the war and division that religion is trying to come up with the best way of life to live and still walk with God?  From the start only half a heart and well the Truth that God is a energy. The Atom and Adam are the creation of all life. Can't have one without the other and neither can work within conjunction to feed humanity as a whole without a heart. Your heart, your soul. The breadth of life sit's at the core of this rock. The energy and fire it ascends from within and the fire on the outside that Sun, yet can't honor the other half of the moon, our gardens and our seasons that give us life.

Honor the love and the life of what you can only imagine God can be. Which is the Truth of what he is. Energy, and light. THE BIG MAN WITH THE PLAN. THE ONE WE HAVE ALL BEEN HOPING FOR. HOPE, SHE'S OUT THERE. WELL SHE'S INSIDE YOU TOO. That energy and spark of light is Hope, and with Hope comes Faith. Well Karma isn't so bad it's just how you choose to look at her. What side is Karma on? I always believed Karma to be about fair justice.

Walk All Over You
Doing a walk through on some of these big books, I keep coming back to the use of God's word slaves? How do we follow a Bible that today speaks of slaves and how do we separate it? I mean my God just who are these slaves today? We don't have slavery still? I mean look at all this freedom and all these choices we have today? Their ain't no slavery going on down here God. No siree, I see no slavery.

HMMMMM!!!!!! Where are those slaves God? Is it all those fire storms and wars going on in the East? The blood diamonds, the oil, the gold mines, the coal, the taking over of the land in each nation slowly overtime? First we are 13 Colonies and now we are separated into 52 States. More fighting over the same thing resources. Mother Natures resources right here in the Unites Staes of America.

Tuesdays Gone
I mean first we all across the nations, as things are discovered, new land everyone is fighting for new land. War and taking over. Then about mid century religion comes into play. Kings are using religion and food to control people. Guilt and the right to survive. In order to survive you must fight for me. I will feed you and give you land. Yet these king's change religion as often as they change wives and bed sheets. Loveless marriages everywhere in past history. In every tribe, and now the tribes are the rich families. These rich families over time had the power, and money to come in from behind the scenes and right out in front, because its for the future. It's all to feed the economy adventually. The only economy we are funding is that banking system and machine creating it's own system of numbers to get a return on it's original credit line in the first place. Not just the taxes, that was just the start. No the wars people.

These rich entitled people hired people to go discover and own the rights. Yet the Government in each land, all these kings did not like that. To much power to gain resources. So the Government over time created clubs of entitlement. Is it worthy? This painting of this poor insane painter and creator, is his work worthy? It was The Impressionist where more of this and how over time, from long ago clubs of Government were created, out of education and entitlement. Yet some of these creators from past history, these illusionist, these discovers, these creators, did not follow a God. They did not follow a religion. Yet Government and religion everywehere got to determine who and how someone gets into heavens gates. Higher beings, the ones that are labeled Lesser creations of God because someone else determined, some other higher power who just deemed them selves the authority and law long ago on both sides. Each ones Government and Religion. Turns out both sides of the fence love these guys. Freud, Davinci, Newton. Were they bad guys? No. They were however products of society in their own place and time of evolution and mankind's behavior. The right to determine who's behavior is right or wrong? Bull shit,I call it. Yet it still happens today and we are supposed to be such a evolved race and tolerant society. Please Tolerate your own allergy in humanity. I turn it back on you. You own prejudice back in your face. Point the finger at me and you literally point three more back at you. To discover that is true. No matter what higher power you believe in.

Children Of The Grave
I mean somehow in order to be recognized as Gods creation your new born babies must go through a ritual in order for this new soul to get into heaven. UHHHHMMMMM! Really God? Aren't all these babies in all these families your creation? I mean you are the Biggest Atom of all this land. You are The Biggest B. The Biggest Beastie of this rock. You created the beasties I do believe. I mean it's amazing how this life all these centuries have just fallen out of the sky from nowhere, in a certain sequence of eveolution and discovery. The three common denominators hiding the truth from each other religion, government, and wealth, now we are so in debt just in time to feed the machine we got the fourth one the other Big I. Just to die you gotta have insurance, or have life insurance to pay your debt for all this marked up suffering and marked up cost of living expenses. Yet we defend the marketing that controls it all so we don't miss nothing and fall behind. Please.

The Truth is hidden behind all this evolution and technology. Humanity is not evolving, only the technology. Only the Corporations, and the cost to do business. These people and that Insurance. I mean we have poisoned everything. Our soil, our seed, the food chain. The garden and the beast.  How can anyone think it is logical to take mother natures food, which is 100 percent, add all these dye's high salt and preservatives to sustain life and not expect humanity to be sick? It is illogical. One thing I have discovered demons when backed against a wall the ones with the shade, are missing the logic link. What they say and put out there doesn't match up with the behavior and actions one takes behind the scenes. Fear and with fear, we have Spite. Why am I typing this once again God?

Beast Of Burden
The answer is because we are still slaves. We are slaves to all these corporations. I mean the water company, now when you rent you have to continue to pay for the amount of water used by the tenants from the previous year. For example my mother? Their were four people in that duplex before. So it is allowed that we now have what I call a blanket fee. Lets continue billing, from the past currently. To make sure this bill is always covered in advance. So my mother had to pay for four people for one year in order to earn the right to only have to pay for one person the next year. It's absurd.

Jet Airliner
You know looking back God when I separated from Michael and chose to stay in Kelso/Longview and start over. Do everything everyone else says once again. My mother let the landlord know I would be staying there. She followed the rules and was considerate enough to do this. Instaed what happens? This landlord gets paranoid. Starts doing drive by's daily. Starts communicating more out of the blue and their was never a issue before.

Long Cool Woman
My uncle Tedd is friends with the owners. My mother requested upfront not to replace the carpet because she has little dogs. They agreed and allowed her to put in a small dog door that is fenced in. My cousin Dell maintains the lawn weekly. Her gardens were flourishing the last time I walked by.

My mother mentions this behavior to my uncle about the landlords harassing behavior.. My aunt and uncle said, well after all she had done for you paying cheaper rent. In which she has not rescinded on, in like the two years she lived there. So now my mother feels guilty. I had not even been there three weeks and nothing had happened. I was back and forth in North Bend. I stayed at friends houses in A.A. so my mother could have her space and her not get into any trouble. My mothers screen to her screen door had come apart. She had to put a post with twine around it by the gate, so Betty wouldn't sneak out and her set up fell apart. We found this duct tape that had rainbows on it.

We thought it hilarious. I mean isn't this the quick fix for men of all trades? I got the wiring to repair the screen I just needed a man to help with the door. No one could see her door from the road. I used it as a temporary fix so the fly's and mosquitos don't get in. You can't see the corner of the screen from the roadway. You could see the one piece I wrapped around the bottom of this post. Temp fix and it had not been there a day when my mother got noticed on this. The harassment begins on what we were both watching and feeling. I knowing full well it's illegal.

Wish You Were Here Live
The Landlords excuse was that the tenant across the way who is a quiet man. Kept to himself, he was clean and he had been there for years. He allowed one time, for a woman to move in with him a couple years back. It was not a good experience to get her to move out. She was not on the lease. So her excuse to start harassing my mother was her past tenant across the way.

Here I am signed up for more programs. Including another landlord tenant class. I mean I already had real estate under my belt. I used to have to do leases in my businesses from my past and I knew it was illegal. What is the trade off to this harassment? Civil court, more drama, feelings getting hurt?  Now money and civil rights come into play. Everything is going to be drawn out and getting bigger and bigger over time. More out of control on both sides, especially my mother. You have no idea. She is good at this shit in her own way.

Up Around The Bend
No I was not going to stay with family, because now the lies, and drama moves into my other family members lives. My mother and her neighbor had a restraining order on each other. My mother caused this from personal past drama, and her old fear that someone is discovering the truth or talking about her. My mother had her own lawyer bills being delivered as her home address all this time to the woman who had the restraining order on her.

Thank You
Even Pierce county lawyers did not want to deal with my mother and all her games. It was horrifying what happened to this womans life after my mother came in the picture. This womans house that she lived in and maintained had been her mothers house before. She was the legal guardian over her nephew. Yes this family had issues, yet this woman was functioning, she had a job, she had a nice little home, and she had food. Who doesn't like to pray on the desperate today in all walks of life?This womans only mistake was befriending my mother. So yes I moved to a shelter so not to bother anyone and try and move forward. Once again this system held me up. All their guidelines and rules. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to for awhile. I got my certificate from re-hab which fulfilled the agreement I needed to go back to work. Since I couldn't get a fresh start there because of this systems guidelines and standards. The purgatory a misdemeanor can place your for seven years. Can't get a job or a apartment, unless they don't run a background on someone once again doing everything I'm supposed to do in your programs to get a leg up. More guidelines, more fines, more judgement. Shove your seven year timeline up your ass.

Gimmie Shelter
I stayed with another woman in my treatment, who really did need the help. Here I got to watch and experience how others live. It was strange and foreign to say the least. Watching people try and survive in this one little complex. Just how far this small town has declined in the last twenty years is astounding. People everywhere are just trying to hold onto what they have. It is all up for grabs in these little towns. Your lawn furniture even. Vultures all around you. We all feed ourselves something.

Jukebox Hero
My treatment center was the biggest joke of them all. I get there and Tammy the councelor I liked was running out the door. "Her words before she left was Colleen, you've been on this rodeo ride before. This is not your first time." Just before this I said to my mother we're going on a rodeo ride. We've been on this ride before. Hee Haw, mother. Follow those reds mother. Duck Bucked and monkey fucked."

I felt like I was floating in black space with no walls. Like a little black star floating. Nothing to ground too. Nothing to see. Not even me. I was blind even to myself. I thought it was Peyote organic, nope it was acid. It is however the same thing just one is organic and one is science. Looking back, I have learned why the poison and dimensions? Michaels aunt his fathers little sister, handed her as a gift before she went out on her first trip alone, a compass. She looked like a white haired little fairy all dressed in black.

Perfect Strangers
After Tammy leaves this treatment center, her replacement refused to even look at anything. She had her own way of doing things you see. She is a expert, just what this place needs. Another know it all new way. First of all isn't it a good idea that during the hand off you at least know where and what the paperwork is that you are handing out, as well as grading someone's level of mental health before they can even get to the next step?

Instead she gets her panties in a wad because shes in charge and now we have to make new rules how and when, what hours we can walk through to get to the other side. Talk about a toll troll. A beast of its own making in all that ego.

Her first day on her own she gets stuck and in a panic, because now she has no idea what all these stacks of papers are that everyone is handing her. She knows none of it. I had been there maybe a week. Here I stood in her precious little office showing her where these documents are. Sitting with her explaining to her step by step what they are and the purpose. It was absurd and yet I couldn't get a packet to move forward. She had no time. I get elected to be in charge of chores and these ladies were a poor excuse for entitlement. I freely admit it. Not all, but most. It was sad watching the ones trying to abide by all these absurd rules and we can't even get into the gym to spread out, burn off energy and get some free time.

The guys can hang out all day. We can walk if we get to go out and walk. Never mind don't get me started. Putting these ladies in the hot seat and letting all these other ladies go at them within these guidelines and rules, not such a good idea. Especially one, that was supposed to be in there six months. She was in that hot seat over and over and they would not let her go. It was to the detriment of many others. The next councelor left right after I did.

You see after being chore queen, I got put in the hot seat. Fairly doling out the tickets. No I did not favor. It was the behavior I saw within the individual and the games they would play. I mean one woman literally threw her bedding out the door and expected someone else to clean it up because she didn't feel good.

No matter where you are at in any walk in life, especially at this age, you are expected to clean up after yourself. The world does go on. It does not revolve around you. You want to be an adult and live an adult life. Pay bills, have children, be a responsible human being, the first thing anyone needs to know is how capable you are anywhere in caring for yourself. If you can't do that in here without all the bullshit games, then you can't do that out there. Feed yourself and clean up after you and yours then get the flock off my rock. Yes I do mean that within reason according to the individual and it was bullshit.

The Joker
I believe we had 17 women. Three other ladies about my age alcoholics. The rest pretty much everything else and they were all younger. One or two married, husbands on the other side of that wall. For this session, the councelors were sitting in also, I had been in their office standing up for my case and why they were ticketed over and over with these councelors. I did not forget who said what. The idea was to go in a circle around the room and let everyone state their case against me.

Yet I had to wait until they all finished. Some were good, a few, but these younger ones with the drugs were not happy. When they finished, I started out with each person speaking the words I was supposed to use before I came back with my case. I shut the complainers the fuck down. I look up and the councelors arms are in the air cheering and the older alcoholics who had been around the block a few times. You can't do one simple job in here because your on your period is not a good excuse to leave everyone else carrying the load.

Who Are You
Then they realized I still had maybe two worksheets and graduating in about a week, and now daggers are getting thrown, They dropped the ball and they are going to cover for this young girls behavior. Wow, that's a good idea, put all the crazy hens in one house and make them responsible for each others programs and behaviors. Yet we can't get out of this little building hardly to burn off good energy. Of course these girls were hopping. The bullshit with the food. The quality once again is absurd. Like these people aren't already unbalanced. They need an individual diet and awareness in these places. They need a healing place, mellow and active. You are doing the same in rehabs hospitals and schools right along with the justice system to fine and dine you with the poisonous food in which you can afford with that ebt card.  One system for all. These people are bouncing and truly misdiagnosed. They got lost in the frey of what was intentionally created long ago. Just in time to save ourselves from each other.

Who pays for all these programs, all the education and help is a one lane highway to hell that adds up to nothing but a bunch of shit. More buildings and more programs. More blame, more guideline and parameters that are designed for humanty to fail and keep them coming back over and over. Literally using our minds, hearts and organs as disposable goods to make itself look good and yet pay for itself literally using human beings in all sects of life suffering. Hell it don't care. It's goal is to hook, line and sinker you. Drive you crazy with all this phishing. Indebted to it somehow. Always paying for itself using humanity over and over.

Yes God I see you are the profit for a reason. Scanning and getting lost in these books. You speak of the justice system not having justice or being attainable, and it has been rigged by all this separation of the red white and blue in the first place. all the way from each government in to the court rooms. Got to make you fit in that box of truth. I feel like a round peg being fit into a square hole. I have felt like that truly since being married, and then the big A of addiction, then the big D of Divorce and not being able to speak. Then the P of purgatory and pain. Only in this healthcare system, this justice system and religion do they want humanity to draw out the pain and suffering. All to feed the corporation of War using humanities pain and suffering. Especially in this United States but hey we look good doing it. All this fun we are having. All these success stories they monopolize and the huge crime they bury.

Proud Mary
When I arrived in California, I met Sophie and Andre from Quebec. I learned how foreigners can come into our country, have set school loans, cheaper rent, and access to other benefits through these programs in each state. Yet if we as Americans go to school in another country, we have to pay a high price. We don't get discounts on anything, Then people from other cultures think we are there to steal from them, not just learn something that we believe in also and want to share in. Eveywhere I turn, in education and it seems in war America has had to pay a higher price. Why? If we were so stupid in the first place and we were so smart, why the upgrade to our education system? I mean I couldn't put a red highlight in my daughters hair and this is the public school in America.

Rock You Like A Hurricane
I mean my God, Alex's third grade teacher I believe. Had a special way of working with Alex. I stood from the outside watching this. I as a parent am not allowed to question or comment what I am looking at. Alex had to try real hard, to do things just so for this teacher. Alex worked real hard for a couple of months, trying to criss cross apple sauce like her dad expected. I was aware and watching, Alex had to earn these pom poms along with the rest of the class. Alex followed all instructions, she placed her bag full of pom poms in her desk drawer. These kids earned these pom poms through out the month, in order to get to shop in this special store and spend your pom poms.

Alex is talking about this, she is all excited. I'm excited for her big shopping day. Alex comes home. She wasn't able to shop. Out of all those little desks it just happens to be Alex's stash of pom poms that were stolen. She was told to bad. Them's the brakes. Shit happens. I was pissed. You see I believe this young teacher was in the service, and she wanted to be a principal someday. I believe perhaps this school. So Principal Jester liked her. Irony a gay man telling Michael he is not allowed to defend himself from physical attack on a school bus. I child who had been taking martial arts. Learning when and how to defend. Since when can you not defend yourself? Do not make a martyr out of my child or someone else's.

Yet if I point a finger out of anger at someone, raise my voice, change my tone to defend, someone can call the police and I go to jail. No I have been accused, yet once again nothing happened. It was labeled by a man who watched from the outside and stood on the inside came back to me and said, "that was a witch hunt if I ever saw one." I didn't raise my voice. I did not threaten. I reminded Natalie that Alex is your friend, and if this is the case it needs to stop. I went to this mother three times beforehand and this mother blew me off. This child is at my house all the time since the age three. Some people because they have a certificate, it feeds a mental illness and a desire to be recognized and wanted. The wrong person with the wrong certificate of authority.

The way this teacher handled it was my last straw. I did not explode. I requested for the benefit of my own childs self esteem and mental health that she be transferred to another class. I was told no not allowed. Since the fuck when? Your telling these kids twenty years ago they have to all be little robots. You started teaching them like little robots in school. Just like the service, one method of teaching or you go down.

The brainwashing of all this volunteer work outside the classroom and the guilt they use on kids. We all gotta do out part. I listen to this commercial on TV, where they use the children all grown up blatantly blaming their parents for not caring enough to even know to get them immunized. This is the shit that pisses me off. It is every where.

The Song Remains The Same
This insurance knows statistically anything we do to our bodies good or bad when we are ypounger, we are gonna hurt when we are older. Those old injuries, aches and pains are gonna come back in one form or another as we get older. Perhaps a car crash, sports, even allergies and disease. We have a higher potential to get into a accident just two blocks from our homes. Now we are out there and we have all these things that can come in and harm us or do harm. Even an unexpected storm. A tree can fall.

Now we have a insurance that is doling out your self worth. Determining your quality to not hurt and how your not going to hurt. This has been here all along working slowly in the background through insurance to get to this stage of control. Keep us dependent on the insurance and western medicines pills for all that ails. Marked up cost on healthcare that is less damaging and more effective.

Love Me Two Times
We have one blanket plan. It is the same for the veterans as it is from state to state. When I look at this insurance and how it is holding people up from moving from state to  state. I can't even move away from my own doctor whom btw doesn't treat or acknowledge pain like most doctors today. The schooling and the insurance has brainwashed these doctors that their is only one way to treat chronic pain today. Whether it works or not. Why would you not offer alternative solutuons in the healthcare industry if we are so addicted, hurting and hungry?

Carry On Wayward Son
If it were your child or family member wouldn't you want them to have truly healthy options from the inside and out. Why can we adjust bones to pop a shoulder in and make it feel better, yet it's not acknowledged in the spine? Your tree of life. Weaken the core and poison humanity from the inside, keep their core weak and don't acknowledge the care of humanities tree of life as one part of the solutuion? Would you rather your significant other who has a drug problem get partial help or overall health? Truly after seeing these treatment centers and hospitals, I want my child with a shaman or some kind of spiritual healer first, or all along the journey without being ostercized. This system turned anygood energy used on this planet, into voodoo and myth.

Yet when I read how God had Moses place the blood above each families door I had to wonder why? Could it be because the scent of the rams blood used and that God knows the scent of his own beasties? God is the biggest beastie of us all. Even in that energy, that God particle humanity is trying to attain. I haven't even gone back over these stories more in depth, Revelations, B.O.E. and B.O.B. Can be so revealing, hell it's a joke.

Stairway To Heaven
I look back on the Time magazine I carried in the beginning. It had the Native man extended across it with his arms stretched wide. He had the position that he was hanging on the cross. It said on top 1944. I opened it once at the library, it contained a huge map across this united states. All the different native lands. Who owned what. It was outstanding how many tribes and how much land they had across each state. Then it get's stolen out from underneath.

Native land, colonies, and states. Slowly being taken over and controlled through out time. Sold off parceled, ripped up and redeveloped. All these track houses going up everywhere. Private land owners allot of them. Then Jeff tells me what happened to his fathers tabacco farm when he was eight years old. He was in the loft.  Then he saw from up above. His father carrying him in his arms running back to the house. Then Jeff said, next thing you know my uncle got this land. Jeff was a black man,, native. Double whammy for him. Raceism both sides.

War Pigs.
Then I look at the timing of farm aid and the Madox and the scam he pulled for like twenty years in the stock market. You chose to bail the banks and corporations yet not the peoples food, farm aid.
Now Monkeys out of Africa are having sex with some gay guy. Must of been black. Those little pygmy people what do you expect? This is so absurd. I couldn't believe others believed this. All of a sudden, the gay black people are fucking the little monkeys.

Then I'm watching this Jack in The Box. All of a sudden after all these years, Jack in the Box has e-coli. Now it's the gardens and the wells on private land getting shut down. All to protect ourselves. Bullshit. All to get control of the wells and water on private land. After I move from California, they have a water recession. I remember thinking what mother nature isn't putting out anymore? I knew that was bullshit. So the water issue spreads, right along with the homeless from California. Just in three years that Greg and I were gone, we could not believe driving down I-90 how much the State and Private Parks had taken over. I mean camping is now paint lines on a lawn because they have a pool along the highway?

At fifteen with Kevin and Steve and sometimes Laurie we could just drive along in his volkswagon van and camp along the river. We didn't disrespect anyone's land. It was free. Now all the parking, we pay to use the resources that used to be free. The clubs we now have to belong to to even use these resources is absurd. All in time just before the homeless come along.

I haven't even gotten to the carb issue. I learned about carbs and fat at a young age. I believe about nineteen or twenty the calorie intake to maintain was 12 to 1500 calories a day, within certain food guidelines, which included wheat amd carbs in pretty much every cultures diet. Both Steve and myself were health conscience people. We talked about how one snickers bar is your calorie intake for one day to maintain, yet to have a nutritional diet within the guidelines to maintain it is about the same. Real Sugar is a good fast fuel to burn if you need a quick pick me up to stay active. Now the calorie intake to maintain is about 2000 less carbs, and more healthy food, which is now GMO or the mark-up scam on mother natures organic food. Yea, now bigger is better snickers bars with fun names, 2000 calories.

Then I noticed after awhile you start to hear carbs are bad. Since when? All these centuries it is a part of a healthy diet. Yet now it makes us fat. Could it be these stagnant computer lives we are all hooked up to or the fact you already poisoned the wheat flour? Which over time starves some and makes others eat 400 calories more a day. All to burn up our organs, create an allergy and stave us from the inside. Thank God we have all these specialist to help us along with our filtration system. Right with all these anti inflammatory our now new pain reliever. Take more it's better than the potential of addiction and it gives the healthcare industry an opportunity to live off your suffering.

Yes, I am back on the wheat flour. I was so hungry on that diet. The food is awful. How dare you assume I like beans and all that healthy food. It is my choice to eat what I want how I want. The high cost of this shit, to boot. It is God awful. Now we have all these people out here with backpacks on their back either not knowing or not having a choice about their diet. It's the most expensive section of the store. Right along with the take away food they can carry in their packs. Yet hey that's okay because now you can get mother nature along with all these other fillers in a bottle over here.

Eleanore Rigby
You have no idea what I have learned behind this marked up marketing plan scam I see on mother natures food and resources. This is what they do. All over people. Come in and steal it, then you have to barter for part of it back. To get something that belonged to you in the first place.

When my mother told me that she had to come in and work on her days off when she used her earned sick days in order to get paid. You pay monthly dues for what mom? Just before this they just up and took a dollar an hour away. Then they change these already horrible hours around. Get rid of the higher paid and bring in the next level of desperate people.

Tuesdays Gone
When I look at what happened with The Lakota's and thirty people camped out to stop this pipe line. They were attacked by dogs, now they have to stand in a justice system and pay out all these lawyers, in the mean time we're just gonna forget about the illegal bullshit your system pulled before? It sickens me that we all stand around and go it's just them. It's okay. Hell no it's not. It is about everything and all of you. You all stand around with your thumbs up your ass.

Now God why do you think humanity doesn't like the end to your big books? Is it because you are a profit and after 2000 plus years, humanity is still enslaved to the system that you've been talking about all along in more ways than one? They would rather hide, pretend they don't know. Deny it, cross your fingers and blame everyone else. Let those lesser beings take care of it. Instead of looking down your nose. You might want to look up.

Now I'm going to get on with my day. Eleven a.m. been up since five, already did my P/T and my geriatric dance routine. Still moving and when I get back I will read more closely about this justice system and maybe my happy ending in that garden of Eden. Then we can really be together. Don't think for one minute we are done about this stage you have set and the scent of that rams blood? You said, or grandmother said, "not one more drop. This Faith shit hurts somedays in more ways than one.

Green River
I'm a Pagan Christian Catholic Hindu Tao Jew, and I have lost track of the tribes. Can I go back to Heinz 57 and call it a day? All this prophesizing through history with the creator some days it's a blast and others I want to kick his ass. Unfortunately it would go right though him. Being the enlightened being and all holding the keys to my kingdom over my bed, I mean head.

Sunshine Of Your Life by Cream
You know God I know this sounds petty, in the bigger scheme of things, yet you really did make me look like I go to the extreme just to get some guys attention. Just such a drama queen. I have to bring God, with the threat of the end of the world into one guy asking me out? Really? That was so not the case. Yet the story grows, and get's worse as each persons personal fear grew. Who knew their was even such thing as a seer?

Pigs (Three Different Ones) by PF
I'm procrastinationg reading Revelations. Do I want to know? I mean my God how much worse can it be? How many times have I said that only to find out their is more and it get's worse. All this proof of life is killing me.

Over The Hills and Far Away by LZ
Hell proof of life your really going to kill me off? My children are going to have a cow. They are going to freak out God. Then I swear I read something in there about it being God and JC this time? I guess that is the answer to why am I standing under all the men? Why is it my Father and my brother that I stand under? I thought their were two JC's later. Not God and JC in female form. The grandfathers on bothe sides God? Those are some pretty big players. I figured out the part where it said she is blind. Duh! Yet a pair of new reading glasses show up ,clear lens, just my size. Then all these races and truly I am clueless who is who. I just accept people as they are, It doesn't even dawn on me nationality. I mean yeah, I can identify someone by the color of their skin, yet I don't identify the behavior by race.

Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Truly when we use racist terms to take down someone as a behavior it doesn't add up to me. It doesn't matter the color, their are all kinds of classes in each color. All kinds of labels and as a whole some of it is true. How do you think comedians make a living? Poking fun at the truth in the characters. It's fun to laugh at ourselves and our shortsightedness in ourselves and others, yet in politics, absolutely not. When we use the word God in our Pledge of Allegiance, I viewed it as one Nation truly under one God. One creation, before all this religion. Humanity had manners and common sense before politics. More heart looking back before religion and wars. That makes me color blind. When I had to think about what would I'd  really do if my daughter dated a black guy? Coming from my family, my true answer was that depends on the boy and the family.

That is true with anyone my child wants to marry. I have seen how through the centuries by the time I was twentyish that raceism tore people apart. Even within the races. I never understood either God why the darker you are the less human you are? The uglier or less worthy? I mean as far as raceism. Like your alittle shade lighter so that makes you more worthy to anything? Food, shelter, life, choices? I don't know looking around God I think color should come second to humanity. Don't get me started on all this gender identification and how humanity got here in the first place. People are going to freak out God. All the way around and upside down. Can't you just do like you do in the movies and ping all gone? I know, I know, its been along time coming. Sweet Justice.

Hotel California,
Okay I keep asking how are you going to do this, I know read on.

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