Thursday, June 22, 2017

As I Lay Me Down, Sophie B. Hawkins on Whaler

You know I really want to get back to Revelations and what I found. Yet just trying to find that verse I have been pulled into other books. Now that I understand from the bigger insight these books are so telling. I feel enraptured. I have found so much more.

House Of Love
I have had an epiphany. The name Kai and that bloody knife. When I was about fourteen, I returned to Othello for the summer visit. I believe my last. A young kid named Kai was stabbed defending his girlfriend in a fight. His opponent another young kid pulled out a knife. My heart inside when Suzie and Shelly told me. They couldn't believe how upset I was. I couldn't either. At the time I was horrified a young life lost over love at such a young age. Three actually, then the families on all three sides. It broke my heart. Then something came up on one of these history shows about Othello. My daughter Kiley and that bloody knife God?

As Long As You Follow
I know humanity probably thinks what a blessing this is. Well of course, who can't help but to say Thank God now? Of course I want to take the next step to greener pastures for my children, His and ours. When I do, big things are going to end, Boom, Boom, Boom. Chaos and storms of all sorts. Of course I'm torn. It's not a matter of choice or cowardice, it's that for me and humanity I see mushroom clouds. My planet, my rock, my beasties, my children it's all one great big life to me. One great big A.

A Team
I keep picturing what I would say to Kyle now. Instead all I can see myself doing is holding up a huge wall, and asking him to ignore all that is behind it, just let me explain. Then I'm lying on the ground using my feet to stop this wall from crashing down before I can explain any of it. Then where do I begin? The agreement? The Angel's? The Alien's? The Demon's? Oh and don't forget the Beasties God? The Son/The Sun/The Moon? The Red Rock's? That garden of Eden? How I know about that? Mar's God? Twin Towers? Twin planets?

Bless The Broken Road
Then how do I explain, how I can explain the universe? Relativity in relation to relativity? How we are all related? Gravity, wormholes, portals?  We are all connected, through the planet's, star's, and well Mother Natures essence. The gravity and the Atom's, God's energy. How do I explain any of this?

Dancing On My Own
Before I go any further I  came across a saying "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist." What a fine job he has done at that. Get the Science, Religion and Politics' together to create the rules on God's love. To get us to fight over a God that is energy. You can't put a scientific label, guideline and rules on the creation of everything. I mean his energy created you, and this universe. It never dawned on anyone why we are born of this rock, on this rock for a reason? Relativity, in this circle of life we are all connected and related to this rock that feeds us everlasting life. Revelations is very revealing, yet allot of metaphors God, especially those ten commandments. Nothing like having God, your creator, you father, your husband as your guiding light.

Treat You Better
First off the part I was looking for is the part about Corporations. Serving a system and not God. It's right there in black and white. Yet going back to search once again I get pulled into all these other books. I believe I was reading Solomon verse by verse with God. He didn't get to finish his work, I wonder why? Could it be his ego?

Come Back To Me'
Ecclesians 7:28
"While I was still searching but not finding, I found one upright man among a 1000, but not one upright woman among them." I lost it right there. "I wonder why God? The one upright man is who himself? Couldn't look below him perhaps? What's he got a 1000 wives and concubines and couldn't find one upright woman? Get her off her back and knee's serving your ego, perhaps have a conversation. What a Prince he was I'm sure. He is right about the other stuff on his journey.

I was sitting on the throne yesterday, dribbling away in my own way. I can't remember what we were debating about. I actually said, "you know God, I'd like to go ask a real Father their view point. I pictured Kyle, then I stopped myself. I realized my error. Still I had to try and get around. Well God, you know, uhmm, a real father? Nope, not that one either. One with hands on experience? Nope, because you created him, and he is you." Yeah not gonna get around that one. Arguing with your creation? I do get answers this way. Every time I walk away I realized I just blurted out something I didn't know. Then I let it go, until he is ready to tell me in his own way.

I'll Make Love To You
I believe it was Exodus. 1:1 Jacob and 11 other families. The Israelites were fruitful and the new king didn't like that.  King P. started future tripping. Oh my these fruitful people can come back and create war against me. I must thin the herd and kill them off first. King P. ordered all sons under the age of two and all the midwives to kill all new born sons and any others thrown in The Nile River.

In order to keep them busy and grateful I will create a job for them. I will have these Israelites build two towers. King P. created slave masters and turned the Israelites into slaves. He put them to work building two towers. The Python and The Ramses as store cities. The creation of the Snake and the Ram come into creation right here. It get's better.

God sends Moses with his brother to free the slaves. Ten plagues ensue and they go back and forth. The Name Moses means I draw him out of water. This is where I found God saying "I am who I am." I was wondering where that came from? I was starting to feel like Popeye. I am who I am, I can't help it. This is where reading this three words came to my mind. Angel, Eye, Jesus. New AEJ.

Home by Phillip Phillips
I noticed in reading this that things aren't so black and white with God like religion makes you feel. God is giving Moses his directions. Moses is pulling back asking if he can bring his brother. Then every step of the way, the slaves are getting angry and demanding for food and water. God is literally telling Moses, I'm walking away before I kill them. I laughed. I don't blame him. He will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He keeps repeating himself over and over. Instead humanity thinks he is a short fused God. A tyrant who if he doesn't get his way, he'll kill you.

Would you rather have a Father who can walk away, and analyze the situation? He knows he's a higher being. Yet here Moses is UHMM. God? Are you sure in all your glory, you want to do that? Throw in a little ass kissing along the way. I listen to his tone in other books, and I laugh. God is like any other Father, yes energy celestial light, but everyone has their limits. In any nature.

7 Years
I had to laugh when I read over how God had Moses set up the altar with two lamps of light over the ten. Oh yeah, I get it now. The blood sacrifice when Moses was asked to sacrifice his first born Son. Instead just my luck God, it was a Ram instead. Not just the white buffalo in the druid culture. The tucking in of your shirt just so, what to do with the left over blood. Spread it across the doors. I mean really God, look who is using mother natures wares to do magic? We wonder why all this sorcery sounding stuff? Where did it stem from?

My Father's Eye's
I said to God, "pretty witchy aren't you. I realize now it was the setting of the stage for our future. The numbers and the placement's just so. What I really wanted to get back to in Revelations God, was my happy ending? I could of swore I saw my happy ending in there somewhere. We still need to discuss the stages in which I die and you come on the scene? Lets get back to that stage six, he goes looking for a Lion only to find a bloody sheep? Then my eyes came across something about a rape for three days?

One Republic
I have figured out all this confessing of my sins, how cleansing right? The baring of ones soul in which to judge me? What truth, really does set you free? Then the ten plagues, the ten kings? Well how did these Kings feed their people? God's flock? How did you feed God's flock and that moral religious code of honor you used to get elected? You poisoned humanities food chain. You poisoned the air? You poisoned the seed and soil? You poisoned the water? You tied up all of mother natures creation to feed her children all to create droids and wipe out humanity. I love God's beasties just the way they are. Now get that black oil pipeline off my rock.

Love Story
I have been thinking the last few weeks aren't I a Pagan, God? I mean in my family every holiday we celebrated was for the children. I loved them all and I wanted my children to also. Create the tradition out of family. That is what brought me back around to B.O.B. Book of Babylon. Of course I couldn't find it. Then this last week I did and then I found the part about Alex Crowley and the ritual he did, calling forth the Whore of Babylon in the 1940's. Who knew she was a real being? The seven and three's it's all right there. Exactly what I've been talking about. Then his birthday 10/12. My X,s birth date. I mean come on God. There it is again, the fool. The part in Revelations the Gregorian falls from the heavens. Bit close for comfort but okay. What am I going to do, yet have Faith, in all this proof of life.

Don't You Wanna Stay
So what God, let me recap, somehow I have to stay alive and die, then you come along or your son does to save the day? That is supposed to be my happy ending some damsel in distress once again?Just waiting for her knight in shining armor to come along and breath life back into me? Come on, no way. It's bad enough you had me sitting on a rock and telling me to stay. It's bad enough, go big potty Colleen. Go little potty Colleen. Oh Good girl. Then I realize I'm circling around you, like a horse being trained until I cool my jets. Three bears in the woods. Carrying a blind veterans bag, named Jessie. Trying to get back to Kansas of all places. Pricked at fifteen, both Myself and Alex. Then the pride. The country pride in the tribe. Black feathers and angel wings. Four houses. Schizophrenia label and they are higher beings. Cliché God. Elijah Todd my brother knock, knock here comes  The Book of Enoch just in time to stop you assholes from your one World Order with Uncle Satan. From what I read in the ending of these books, no new beginning in those sci-fi movies, it's death and slavery, not life. So here I am.

Same Ole Love
Mt. Sinai and Moses, his staff. Colleen Mt. Si. and the New Dawn. Talk about slow to rise. One of my other nick names was question box. I realized my mother couldn't nor did she care to answer my many questions, so I'd bug my neighbor lady. Well this last week I have gotten this sneaking suspicion that God wants to put me back in the box. My eyes aren't even open and off I go. What about this? What about that? My children God?

You'll See by Madonna
Some days I wonder why do I bother to ask. He's going to tell me in his own sweet time in his own sweet way anyways.

Too Much Heaven by Bee Gees
I laughed, when I realized in watching these documentaries that when God gives JC a flash of what's coming up. Hence after he walks in the Lions den and he's there to ruin all the fun at this Passover party. They wished JC would of just passed right on over. I'll bet JC wished that himself, because he freezes himself, and walks away. You all call it lack of Faith. Who are we to question God? We are blasphemous beings right? His chosen servants. No we are not. God does understand, it's a big load. He wants us to get the emotions out, to have Faith in him to let us be who we are until we understand. It's not lack of Faith, it's compassion and even respect. Yeah okay, the use of my body and finding out I own none of this, is a shock. Yet I am all of this is a shock. I can be angry at God as my Father, My husband, and his friend, as long as I have no desire in my heart to destroy him, or his flock of beasties and angels. To understand is to know him. No I have no desire ever to destroy him. It's called education in my purpose driven life I never knew I had. It even talks about me being blind. Clueless is more like it.

Crazy by Seal
No I am not God. I have no special power, they do. I am the messenger and a little bit more, just as you are. I had no idea we had two beings inside us. Well we do, over and over all the way back through the Egyptians, and evolution. Through the creation and recreation of this rock over and over, and here we are. I don't want to lose what we have. We have life. Droids and the illusion that look we can all have our own best friend, wife, or pet, with no soul. We can program it just the way you like it. Is not real. It is not love. It's a machine that learns behavior, it does not feel it like we do. We are not wiping out the human race. We are not going to continue to be brainwashed into thinking we can just replace pets and human beings because we don't want to teach our children about death, to protect them. Protect them from what? The truth in the circle of life.

Corinthians 13:2 The limits of wisdom
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have Love, I am nothing.

A loveless life is no life at all.

JC taught a way of life based on a value higher than wisdom. He taught love.

Their are no rules on love. This lifetime and what we are looking at is not love. If it ain't love honey, it ain't God. It ain't God's handy work that put us here either. I found a name however, The Amalekites. Anyways after the 10 plagues the evil King finally relented and let everyone go including the beasties needed for the altar. Makes me wonder if its the same ones from Atlantis when their technology once again tried to take out mankind? Is this one with the Trident the beast that's going to come out of the sea?

Sunshine On My Shoulders by JD
We were just talking yesterday about how this movie moved me when I was a little girl. How I understood it completely and I felt so sad for that little blond haired blue eyed boy and the father, watching helplessly as his love, his mother, his wife, his life. The one he was supposed to share his life with forevermore is dying right before his eyes and their is nothing he can do but continue to move forward for his son. I hate this song GOD BECAUSE OF THAT MOVIE. It always makes me cry and now you have to play it. I'm gonna take that son of yours and put my foot up his ass for this. Poor guy will have no idea why? All because of you, that's why.

One Call Away
I finally read through the ten commandments. It was hilarious to read it and understand what you mean step by step. I guess the best answer in life is follow the heart without me having to go into what should be so obvious by now. After I spent some time being around meth addicts and what it does to people. I tried to explain to Michael what I was seeing in these people, I started crying, my hands went to my heart, and with pain and agony inside me, I said, "Michael these people are hungry. They are hungry for love Michael. They are hungry for food Michael. They are hungry for food and love Michael."

Love Will Keep Us Alive
So when you think about it now after all I have been through who are you to decide how someone feeds themselves when they are hurt, hungry or lonely inside. Sometimes that share of a meal from a kind hand without strings might be just the experience someone else needs. As this Doctor Mom would say. A daily dose of love three times a day, nothing wrong with some extra loving in between. It's all about balance, of what we put in and take out. Food and healthy love. Who are you to judge something you can't see? Pain comes in all shapes and sizes, and well it is invisible, in the heart, the mind and the body, and this insurance and healthcare system counts on that.

Circle Of Life
Lost In Love by Air Supply
I loved that song. I'd belt it out in my car driving along, like no one could see me.
Yeah, reading Solomon and all this talk of fools on then somehow I worked my way into Eccelestas 5:1 and their it is, Fill Your Vow To God.

Blank Space by TS
Would of been nice to know I had made one in the first place. I committed to be committed. It's been an honor serving your highness, really God a real gem of a good time. Yes I did figure out one other thing. Those Satellites in the beginning that first showed up in Alaska around the movie The Fourth Kind. The Psychiatrist, the white owl, her children being stolen. Others being taken, all the same storyline. Even the Sheriff, denial all the way up his ass. "Nope, didn't see nothing." I kept thinking it had to do with something about the weather.

Have A heart by BR
It does, just not the way I was thinking. It's going to cause some storms alright. Just happens to be the one time my mother actually left her home front with her best friend Deanna of thirty something years. Boy did that end badly. I said to Deanna, "roll away as fast as you can. Get out while you still can. No going back to that and expect to walk away unscathed." She don't care how she takes you out from behind the scenes. Her favorite thing in life is to watch someone else suffer.

Never Gonna Let You Go
Then 5:3 is all about the fool and the commitment. The finally one of the parts I've been waiting for, Ecc 5:21-33. The wives submit to your husbands, blah, blah, blah

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