Monday, June 5, 2017

Farmers Daughter by Rodney Atkins

In the last few days I've been able to piece things together. Newton and relativity? It turns out (this part makes me cry) We are all related with that family upstairs. Through this rock and mother natures essence that have been doled out and piece mealed all for profit and loss on humanity. To serve a machine. The energy source of this rock, the atom or the Adams family it's all the same. Science energy and how it moves and works, bio-organic energy of the body, well then the spiritual energy on this rock, well it's pretty fucked up right now, that's all I gotta say. You see I'm angry that it's all the same energy good or bad, it's all the same, from the same source, your creator of this universe. So what makes me angry is the poison science, all to control and shut down humanities emotions, and you doctors only care about your next paycheck. To poison and control mankind over time along with the politics that supports all of it. To slowly erode away mankind and all it's resources, to feed a entity and use humanities nature to do just that. We are the richest yet most burned out nation, and still they want more energy and more blood.

Outta Style
So if your so smart then why did you think it was smart to erode the most precious commodity?Poison it, pieces meal it, and sell it off all under the guise of global economics. Why do you think it's smart to remove humanities food chain? Us and our food, gardens, and lil beasties are what we need  for your constituents to survive. So I guess when you think about it, we are all relative. No matter the energy or source, you would not be standing here without that God particle.
Then I watch a documentary I think out of Sweden and they built a God Particle up to level seven. Then it made me think is humanity ready to have that much control and power in the universe? I mean look your serving a entity already, the same one you in Government and Religion were told about over and over. You chose this path. You can't figure out regardless of the differences from nation to nation that our food is the most important. All this mad science, this insurance that is just depravity at it's best. Another machine working in-conjunction with another. You didn't ever figure out that once again your science out did mankind, another most precious asset, however you created a goal of slavery and work and education all funded by the same system.

The More I Drink
Then I think about Shiva the destroyer, (Michael has a kid at work with the name Siva. Michael is ready to drop kick this lazy piece of shit) I think about all the poison all over this rock, all the destruction of the land, the rain forest and well our beasties, and I'm angry their is no other way to reset this. To begin anew, We got to get rid of the poison all over this rock. Oh God, the fire and water is the only way.

Look at the mess you created by creating a monster machine on my rock and you don't even honor universal law, your so arrogant and stupid some of you that you actually think in this universe we as humans are the top dog's. From what I can see the one's on top behind this machine led you astray, not my family. Not that mother and father, brother or sister, and these flock of angels who sit in purgatory for you all as humane beings behave the most inhumane.

Country Man
So no you'd rather focus on A.I. Artificial Intelligence, as human beings you don't even know, your smarter and more humane than that machine with a bunch of compounded interest that will never go away and well created to kill off mankind, and you don't even know you are God's inside yourselves. Most of you don't even know to represent one you represent both, but instead you separated that too. All to fit in your boxes no matter how illogical. So as much as I hate to say it, being a mom and all, their is no other way to get rid of the poison that you created.

This Is How We Roll
So yeah I'm angry and frack you who think your gonna treat my baby girls tree of life like you did mine. I'll be damned if you make a dime off her body to feed your machine and poison. Now God Dammit, you flocked with the wrong mothers tree of life, and I will scream from every mountain top with all the bullshit that anyone is free to look up, check out history and the documentaries. My mind goes back to that dream with the three brothers living in that cul de sac. The oldest one in charge and the abandoned barn next to there land had all the children's dead bodies in it. So there are three, well then five. Probably every number to go with just my half. Cut down our tree's and you cut down your mothers tree of life and you just don't give a flying flock do you?

Shoot Out The Lights
I found a article Rose Shiva and no I have not looked. I have enough on my plate today, I have a health care system to keep walking through and rejecting me. For the last two day's my spine is straighter and I haven't taken any pills but all the allergy pill's and glucosamine.

Somewhere On A Beach

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