Thursday, June 29, 2017

Get Out Of Mind by Hootie

That is fitting. Before this "With Arms Wide Open then I'll Be There." As usual blog won't download. Every time I have to re-sign into my Microsoft account and as usual my passwords don't work and I have to reset. You have no idea the emotions I had yesterday, then I'm rolling along in my mind.

Yesterday morning another walk through on my childhood in Rainier Oregon. On the playground I'd roam around sometimes alone at the perimeter of the fence watching the other kids play. Surveying the woods on the outside of the schoolyard. Finally it hit me as they walk me through scenes, the things I pondered sometimes. Analyzing how someone else feels. All of a sudden I'm like what? What was I like six and seven years, pondering life? What was I some kind of Buddha?

Witchy Woman by Eagles
Before this it was cosmic, universal thought, then slammed back to Rainer Oregon. Then I get taken to Japan, my mother in law, her birthdate and that Hiroshima bomb. Wow! You all fucked up here because they keep bring me back to this. I try to pay attention and document as often as I can remember what my hands do as they are speaking. If I get interrupted sometimes it takes awhile to remember what hand gesture correlated with what subject? My hands for the first time clicked my square stone ring, with my silver band. Just before I noticed I was using my left finger tips circling the palm of my right hand.

Right Down The Line
I said "getting a bit deep are we?" I realized my knuckle ring was gone and I used it, for the rhythm, the trot of a horse? Clip Clop. One Two. At times faster, like running horses. The third ring lost so far.

In My Life
Then I'm angry because I don't know who I am, who am I supposed to be? I must of been a naughty girl in my past life to be here, or am I just buried deep? I mean I am the one standing here, amazed I'm still alive after what the hospital once again missed. I get angry at what the storyline would of been? Instead I wasn't drunk, or drugged up, Just coming home to rest and not live underneath someone else's guidelines and rules. My pancreas and I could not breath. Keep taking more of those pills Colleen? Not even a glance, because I am unworthy now to even be diagnosed and allowed to live as a pain free life of my choosing, not theirs. Those deep coma sleeps all this time after? Not worthy to breath and not worthy to eat.

Far Behind
I knew it was not going to be a easy day with M being home. Turned out to be half true. Of all days, Michael wakes up to tell me he had this awakening? His passive aggressive behavior over the years, it just dawned on him how bad he really was? I literally turned my head and looked up to the left and said once again. I hate you every minute of everyday for this. This is what you hand me, of all days? Michael wants to do another ninth step. Even though its not about using its about his past behavior. That inner demon child. That wall that holds him down.

He starts out "okay, you know how you hate it when I validate to you after you have already spoken? I'm going to have to that again? My answer stop validating, action Michael. Like I don't know. Like I haven't said just this over and over, to each man is a matter of fact. Passive aggressive behavior is not love. In front of someone or behind. This ego and entitlement I see in every walk of life today. So much revenge and spite for no reason. To show face and be a coward basically.

Then he starts working on me, my hip socket and I already said, I took Tramadol and it turns me off cold. I can't feel nothing. I'm already angry at this re-hash. No I did not let him get away with nothing. I lost it. Especially when he announces he took a Molly. Mike on Molly are you fucking kidding me?  What is it with these drugs? My rage rolled. After all we have been through and he does not get it?
Now I have Michael trying to get his inner child fed, in a more nurturing way. That the demands went on and on. Could you use this on my scalp, could you work on me here? Literally after I just got done saying how I feel guilty I can't work on him because of this left arm tendentious lately. Pushing with my right, and I feel pop in my left arm. I am pissed. Michael has somehow rigged me into this bullshit again.

Tequila Sunrise
Then he goes and cleans the bathroom. Look what I did? What is this approval bullshit you need constantly? Earlier I had been trying to tell Michael a story of me standing in front of the three bears. Actually it was the big Daddy. The last one. Once again, he's off on his bear story that I have heard before? Then it is how he took authority of the situation? I'm fuming. This happens everyday with every one. To wrapped up in themselves to actually learn something.

Not Even The Trees
Michael has to always talk about being in authority. How he took charge? Then it hit me? Standing in front of those bears. I had no authority. I knew that each time. I was not the one in charge. These are their woods. Bear and tiny woman standing in the forest, who do you think is gonna win. I know one thing it ain't me. Nor did I ever choose to be in authority. Who would ever want to be in charge today?

Then the next epiphany hit me last night, analyzing Michaels behavior and what I was looking at? One of my turn off's with Michael as well as other men. I watch them with the animals, the dogs. Do they have to be in charge? How do they have to be in charge? Why would someone want to be in charge? I said this to Michael, once you train those little dogs, they just follow along. Know your signals.

How can Michael be in charge? When Michael doesn't even know himself? Then I took the thought to a bigger element. Houses and what goes on inside them, vs. what they allow others to see on the outside? I realized humanity is more concerned with the outside then they are inside themselves and their homes. God or The Lord, JC, some days I'm not sure. I have a safe place with him to vent my rage at all this enlightenment. I haven't even gotten to the parts in the bible about false witness and the whole piling on of the lies and how we jump on board, like a pack of dogs because its easier to follow than to lead. That just popped in my mind.

Yes up there, I'm still not happy with all this B.S. that still sits upon my plate. Being stuck because of a system living with a man I do not love, not the way he wants me to. The way I used to, I recon. He said, he misses my affection? The way I used to come curl up, on our down time. The way I used to just walk up and touch him? I caught myself making excuses, then I said it. "Okay Michael, it's absurd. It's all absurd. Your childish behavior all these years. Your wanting everything so simple, so you don't even try. The ego and lies you told yourself that whole time. Now once again you want to tell me about your character defects and how you are now aware they are affecting you in your life. I have been telling you everything you need to know this whole time and because of your walls you won't let go of your fear. After all this time you now tell me you are more broken than you thought even you knew you were. You want me to hang out, wait and help you get through this? After all this time? Come what may and I feel horrible but I am done with second and third chances.
Sunshine On My Shoulders
I continued with how can you be in charge of anything when you dont have the courage to look inside yourself? God and when it dawned on me Judgement time? He gave me answers not blame Michael.
Then I told the 3 boats and the drowning man? God is your creation, who are you to choose how they show you the answers you want. BTW you know something about everything, here I stand you wont turn off that phone and stop trying to control everything. Michael somehow everuthing I saw I realized later, oh I already went through it, and Michael who was standing next to me showing me the end of those dreams?

Then as I sat outside I had to ask myself, what is it that I lack? Is it Faith I'm lacking after all this time?

Then oh boy did the answers come.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Iron Man by Black Sabath

Fucking computer. Well not this machine, so much as the hookup to get anywhere. Slow running and I lose my patience. I get in a groove, ready to vent my emotion of my discovery as I move along
and it will not download my blog. This internet service sucks yet had to sign a contract. Yesterday my cable shut off four times. Just shutdown and rebooted itself. I so can't wait for this dependence on all thus technology to go. All these passwords, guideleines and well contracts we have to sign that no matter the service we are gonna pay. Even if it is them who dropped the ball. It's okay it's the system. Who ya gonna blame when it's the system? The creator of goods, service and well warranties and contracts to your returns. How much you gonna pay? How much is your time worth just trying to get one part on your return?

None of it helps my mood. Reading through Revelations again last night, even the different versions say different things, yet when you put it together it is correct. God really is a profit. In one way it started with the food and just one part of this nightmare is the food. The ending of the food chain. Who's the hunter and whos the game?

What Is And What Never Should Be
When I came into this mess, I was the baby sister doing whatever bidding was asked of me for some family? Yet, I write about being God's wife. I get it I feel it. When I talk to JC he is my God. No matter how I shake a stick at it he is Gods appointed Son, the true shepherd. He has given me a safe place to lose it.  Like I do with Michael and I used to do with Alex. Just stand, spiral vent get it all out. I discovered when I shout something in the middle of one of my rants the answers come along. All this proof of life. Hell I'm practically a virgin myself reading all these books.

Cities On Flame by Rock and Roll
Then you try to have it sink in "hey wait a minute these books, all these books, all these centuries are actually about me from beginning to end? My family is that family? My children really are His children? Somehow or another all this is about my husband and who my husband really is? You bet I'm all up in his shit, flock this and flock that." You bet your sweet ass I want it all to go away. "What layer of hell am I at today? You go from rainbows to mushroom clouds? These are not my happy days, I can tell you that."

We Are The Sultans
Take a hike will you?  Yet everywhere I turn, right down to Walt Disney, it's about me. Right down to the age of my first stain? That prick at fifteen. Romantic right? NOOOOOOO!!!!!I want to shake it off too. Talk about skeletons in my closet? From every sect? One of everything you say? Then I start to just watch T.V. and the timing of these shows? Then I'm right back to, oh no you don't get back here. Yes at times I eat crow, I know this Lucy's got some splainin to do here somewhere along the way. Yet their are days is all this education and enlightenment, I'm like no you don't." I just watched most of American Gods let's just say I know how Shadow Moon feels. Who is who and what the flock is what?"

Life In The Fast Lane
My emotions move me through this "Cement Paradise Of Hell." You know last night, it started to sink in a little more. "Wait a minute hold your horses, if I re-call that God? That's the God we have all been talking about? It started to sink in further who is sitting on that throne? I was more concerned with my X and why is he bowed down with his head on the ground? Why am I screaming for his life?

Have A Drink On Me
What did this guy do that was so wrong? I mean my God this is the father of my children? Somehow I missed inside me that "hey Colleen you should be asking "why your standing in front of God in the first place?" I think I was cavalier about that part.

It started to sink in further "wait a minute, this is God? If I re-call I always seem to be begging God for someone's life. Really? It says here in these books that you are Him?" JC I mean. I clued into that long ago. I mean who the flock else would come here and take these beatings and the abuse that has been doled out over the centuries? The slavery. I just didn't expect it to say the same words I see and use in my writing. That ego? Yes the five realtionships and never chosen due to the behavior of an outsider. Each time asked to carry the load of someone else's behavior for the sake of the children. Yet each father were the ones who wouldn't man up or hardly put out for that fact. That's not pillow talk either.

Hotel California
For example with Carey. Three years and he would not take care of Carols bullshit behavior toward his daughter and the pressure she put on her. Carol and her sister would sit her down and tell her how I broke up the marriage. For one, so not true. I said to Carey, the emotional damage that does to her, then she has to come here and live with me? Try to not over step her mothers spite for me in my own home? Try being the teenage daughter stuck in the middle of this mess and your father is sitting on his hands waiting for Carols behavior to go away? Instead of manning up and at least taking his daughter until she could behave and not take her shit out and unrealistic expectations on her daughter. That is not a father. Everyone suffered because he wouldn't man up.

Sweet Emotion
Three years is a long time to do all the cooking, cleaning and laundry, with no acknowledgement or respect. A few words when someone whom is asking you a question is not respect, especially when I am the adult expected and being the good adult for someone else whom isn't even my child is slavery. Unrealistic expectations on my love and time right up front if you ask me. Yet he never did. Yes he tried again after I left to get me back. I said no. Then I find out the truth behind him and his new gal and it's instant replay once again. So Carey as a cheater, "What's good for your goose, isn't good for her gander all over again? That relationship another "thank you God for unanswered prayers."

All Along The Watch Tower
Instead I am living with a man cutting his twelve year old daughters food. Placating that lazy behavior. He literally allowed her to campout on the sofa for two weeks at a time and do nothing but play video games day and night. Twenty four seven no one else could use that television. Pretty unrealistic don't you think? Allot to ask for no returns on thank you's, or I'm sorry's. For some reason even Carey decided that for me from someone else. He actually said don't worry about it and they were huge I'm sorry's needed to be said. Men expect me to be respectful and as I can see I was and they were not. He expected my six and eight year old to rinse and put their dishes in the dishwasher, not his daughter. Hell he cut her meat still and she did not ever do the pile of dishes she donated to.  I did and my children too. I might not of paid the rent, yet I bought and prepared the food and Carey never had a cleaner house. No one had to do anything. I even served and prepared the food on the trips we took for his rally races to help him save money for his hobby I couldn't even participate in.

House Of The Rising Son
I started to notice over time it did not matter the income, I had to be in charge of something to make things cheaper on them. Even my own birthdays every time. I had to be the understanding one if it got canceled or I had to provide the work to pull it together. That is if I wanted it bad enough I had to do my part. They always had something more important than me. I always had to be the understanding one. It worked to their advantage in any relationship because I have naturally pitched in and lent a hand to anything asked or not.

Run Like Hell
No I don't hold it over anyone's head. It's part of being a good person. a nice person. Yet good people are the ones that are to be taken advantage of. When something doesn't go right they have someone else to blame. Predator and prey in just about every kind of relationship. Who doesn't want more bang for the buck nowadays? Isn't that what we all eat up? The promise of someday? When you've done enough? If you are worthy enough? How much is it really costing us? At the cost of what and who?

Carry On Wayward Son
I even got yelled at by mother for my eighth birthday party. I didn't even ask for it. She just got the recipe for a orange cake and at the time orange cake was my favorite. She made me a orange elephant cake. I know the elephant and the number eight in the angel book? Another girl named Karen found out and wanted to come. Her mother called my mother to ask if she could? My mother was embarrassed and needed someone to yell at. I mean she sent me to school with the invites. No I didn't play games and hand them out in front of others to hurt anyone's feelings. I get yelled at before school one morning. Do you really think I even want a party now?

Another Brick In The Wall
Retribution is what I hear now. I'm not sure if I ever used that word in a sentence before this blog? I'm reading through theses books and God gets to the point in the end. As a human and a mother my rudeness radar is going off? Then I'm looking at JC, The Lord or whatever I call him now? Asshole really comes to mind.  "You married me off to this? All this power and all this energy. This ego everyone talks about. The high expectation without the compassion of who brings what to his table?"

Oh Hell no I'm not trying to be God. I have no issue with what God or his family ask of me. Well that's not completely true. I have no issue, yet walking through this and finding the Truth in these books, and well the last trip for Kiley was in Europe of all places? Talk about inspiration right? The other a wedding? NOOOOOOO!!!! I have no issue with God being my creation, and I do serve him, not the way you all think as usual. Then it hit me.

Paint It Black
He is so right for this expectation. Why would you ever think it is okay to bring God tainted food? In the beginning standing before God as his daughter not clueing in just who this was? Yelling at my brother so I thought.  Dealing with either parent when they are angry? You learn when to run? In every life. As it was sinking in "hey I'm Gods daughter?" I'll just bet we have had a few go around's. Celestial parental go around's doesn't sound like a fun place be. Especially being clueless. What daughter doesn't know when to take cover when seeing your parents lose it? With Dad's anger it is kind of like I just want to be a fly on the wall kind of thing. Well Mother Mary (aka. Mother natures emotions) I could see myself sitting like a egg or a rock on the ground. curled in a ball, my hands clasped over my head, like take cover, she's gonna blow.

Joan Crawford
Then here I am!!!! Are you kidding me? It says right here in these books, The King is coming back this time? God in him? That egg head? That man that I thought was gonna be you? His precious prince of a son? God in all His Mighty is going to be in that man? All that tyrannical behavior? By whose good grace I'm still alive?  I have thrown a few fits along the way. Looking at JC all I gotta say is "at this level at this human level, you had better be filtering my ass." Even you as Him, different yet the same, even I know the difference in all that. Now literally one in the same is God?

Then I sound so ungrateful myself, that God's plan is to come and take his wife back, somehow through me, which I think is you, yet that man is my king and he's the real deal? ARE YOU NUTS? That clueless man is the Zero King? The name of the coat I slept on and wore for a couple months out there? That clueless man is the Zero King?

Blue Collar Man
Once again what am I chopped liver? Felt this a few times already, five to be exact. So many Fives and all I hear is "I'm half way there? What am I half way to? What is up with all these ladies in white dresses? What's this I here about a bride and a wedding? You marry me off and expect me to trust you after all this? Playing both sides of the fence aren't you? I see you've covered your ground pretty well. You marked your territory and you expect me to know what to do with all this? To trust you?

Twilight Zone
My fear inside as being a mother and discovering all these people are my babies, and all along I'm actually worried about compassion for others in God's judgement of others? I know, who am I right? Truth is after this we are all going to be higher beings just in truth alone. As a mate to any being you know what I'll just say unisex.

Gimme Three Steps
Male or female. some more than others, some just right in the middle I'll say unisex because I don't care and you are all little beasties inside and it has been getting oppressed. The shame in sexuality and the labels. Seeing the lies behind the truth in anything? Changes ones perspective in a much bigger way. You should try it some time. This acceptance thing is lots of fun. So much its a real killer. Badaboom! As a lesser being in all this, I have to ask, how am I supposed to feel safer, not knowing if I'm walking through a trap door? Coming from a clueless human being? I have to explain how to trust higher beings hooking up? These humans have to put their faith in this human? Good times. Good Times. Dynomite! Sarcasm, I use sarcasm here.

Politics, those that are in politics truly doing the best to their abilities to serve their people with out having to use the blanket system in writing humanities rights to a life off?  A right to a quality life of your choosing and still have the right to eat and love freely? Without that dollar sign and legal system determining your value? The blanket system in religion so many people who are trying to serve are getting buried under with all these guidelines and injustice on humanities life? Slavery to feed a machine.

I thought about it earlier,our service men and policeman are policing something they don't know. How dangerous is that? Then you know discovering "Oh this is about judgement day along with destruction. " It turns out I figured out that generation gap? The Beginning and the end. The Alpha The Omega, and in my writing I started out with seeing a yin and yang. Two halves of a whole that is not a straight line. Even in the dark you have light. It really doesn't matter the whose in the what's as long as you have heart in the choices you make in feeding others?

Hey You
Then it sunk in more God is The Beasty Of all energy. Five realtionships and I aborted my first born and I did converse with God. Take it back I'm not ready. I gave over my first born son to God on faith not religion. Looking back I'm not sure I could of been able to work and survive that pregnancy. By seven weeks I looked four months and my Size B cups were a large C. I had no energy. I mean that deep deep fatigue.

Up Around The Bend
I decided bring a child in to suffer, or let it go early on? Less pain all the way around. It might of been Gods child yet it is my body, and I knew from nursing school this little bean is a blob, the size of a quarter.

I'm Burning
I told my boss about my second pregnancy early because I wanted to be honest. I did not plan this. Not like this. We hadn't even purchased a house yet. I feared being pregnant again and how quickly I was showing before and I had to explain the fatigue. I didn't want my boss to find out later and accuse me of doing this on purpose. I feel honesty is the best policy so I don't leave them in a lurch either. For the next seven months that woman made my job miserable. I had no choice but to stay, I needed the insurance and well at four months my Obstrition wanted me to quit work completely. We compromised on part time, and I lied to her and kept moving. Bills to pay fingers to cross. Along with my legs.

Dream On
Looking back each pregnancy, I didn't even come close to laying around. Not even on my days off was I catered to or cared for by Greg or his family. Each child, I had to deal not only with my mother in laws childish behavior and rejection, with all her games. My own husband did everything he could do to make me miserable and unworthy to have children. He made it as hard as possible for me to enjoy my children before, during and after. The food, the heat and any job I did with my own two hands he hounded me and nit picked me.

Sunshine Of Your Own
Then I deliver Kiley and he locks himself in the back for three days. I'm giving Ki a bath in her infant tub at the kitchen sink. He opens the door and announces to me "I am not to bathe Kiley, that for now on he will do her bathing." Yeah right. I said, "no Greg I am bathing my daughter, it is three days and it is perfectly fine." Not that I should of had to explain any of this or put up with his high handed behavior. I turned back and continued bathing Kiley.

He is nagging all the way to Bellevue and I am not saying anything. First of all he is so way off base and I am determined not to let him ruin my time with my new born daughter. Then after our appointment that he insisted on coming too,he starts up again. I pretty much just told him to knock it off. I will not let you ruin this for me." Once again no crazy behavior. After all this I have not lost it. He knows damn well I do not like scenes or fighting in front of my children. He used my children as a weapon all along.  Is Greg the real beast of 666? Thank you Pope Greg the First, the catholic church made this demon a saint. Thank you for all your help, making choices about who His family really is? Thank you for writing me out of the story, and those that didn't, well thank you for turning me into the whore of Babylon. See what happens when we fuck with Gods words and kill off his son? Thanks for changing the direction of the whole story.

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple
Revelations 22:12
Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
I Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David and the bright Morning Star.

Thank You
Number seventeen again. I find it interesting the numbers of these verses and just where they happen to fall. Number 17 The Spirit and The Bride say, "Come!" And let the one who hears say. "Come!" Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

I love number 18 if anyone adds anything to his writing God will add plagues. Yea! another curse because from my point of view these books have been added and taken from to fit someone's version. I wrote the same thing on my first writing I gave to Harry at Warrior Number Two. I have no idea what they said. I do remember saying on them don't change a fucking word. Something is going to happen in that gold field and well as it turns out something did.

If anyone takes away from the prophecy he will remove any share in that tree of life and in the Holy City. Well it turns out I whom knew nothing. Any of this,  No clue what a tree of life was in the beginning, it is me and those twelve babies. At times I like to gloat. I mean who wouldn't?

Stuck In The Middle With You
Revelations 22:1 even in the end you find the garden of Eden. I want so bad that garden of Eden. Then I see mushroom clouds, the size of this rock, family and humanity. The truth then yes, damned if I do and damned if I don't. I 86'd some religious solicitors off this lot a couple weeks ago.

Back In Black
I mean don't ever insult me with all your good intentions and this solicitation, assuming, profiling me and my door. That I am a lesser being of God. Unenlightened, because I don't belong to one of your clubs. If you really knew who God was you would know he is inside all of us. We are all his children. He is our creation and the creation of all. He is the light inside all of us. He is the energy of this rock, in this universe, all through the core of this rock. If you really knew this you would have faith in God and not judge or profile these people. You would not insult them with your lack of knowledge and who these people are. They are Gods children and it's not your job to determine that for me or anyone else. It is not for the State to even say this practice is allowed. That I should have to protect my door and my time because you said so? I asked her if she had permission from the manager? If she did the manager was going to get a ear full. She had awhile back ago. It is not even okay for my manager to decide who is allowed to solicit my door. On that note, I am going to go ask you to take those two people who have been standing at another door for over ten minutes of knocking on and off, the ones who said they did not speak English, when I asked them to remove themselves. To take her companions and leave this lot right now before I call the police and have you removed.

Tuesdays Gone
About that generation gap, even after all this, I'm pissed again. You mean to tell me he really pretty much left us humans flying solo until these last five generations? This is my husband? Yes, I lost myself again in all my glory of the truth. Even though I knew the Truth, I guess as a human, I get it. I mean how we not knowing can feel that way? He has been taking down names, and he's been checking it twice these last five generations. I read it humanity will be judged in one hour, perhaps because he already knows exactly what he's gonna ask before you get to the table? The same ones coming back, with the innocent flock in the middle.

Proud Mary
If I were you I'd be happy he ripped that bad aid off that fast. Just looking at the part about their being no justice. Serving an entity/ which is foreign and does not belong. An entity is another word for Corporation as well as That fallen angel/Satan/His Son/Vlad. Why did I get taken back to the beginning? This is the end. God brought back from the beginning of the first five generation, to the last of these five generations.

Take Me Away by Blue Oyster Cult
Killer Queen by Queen
When I saw on American Gods the size of the leprechauns, I laughed. Then I thought about that pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow? The Leper Colonies. The new leper's are the homeless. The Gold mines?  Who really own them and why? The Blood Diamonds, the slaves and who really own them? The gold train and the green no longer has gold backs. China the Golden Lion. Why all the gathering of the gold overtime? Then the Seige number 144,000. Turns out we are still slaves. We as humans don't see that. However God does?

Bad Moon Rising
The Monks the Red rocks and rainbows. Red Rock Road, The Warrior Number Two. Then to discover that God really does have a tribe? The sevens and threes? The twin towers? Those twin towers. God freed the Israelites and the slave owners made them get there own hay for the making of the bricks. Made the job harder for asking for time off.  Sound familiar? Othello the lone water tower, Juniper and Graham?  The Father, the mother crossing paths. The Johns, well it seems those are some pretty big reds for a reason. The Sin of Assume the finally comes into play.

All those eyes and all those nines coming back around. That number zero one. Can't have one without the other anymore. Not if you want to keep coming back and partake in this families Garden of Eden. It's free to drink from this families well.

Let It Be by The Beatles

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sail On by The Commodores

Oh God, you know I'm not sure if I'm confused, or relieved at the moment? Last night I crawled in bed, I knew full well I was gonna crash. I set my body up for it even. I had a sinus migraine, a migraine, my neck is tight, threatening left shoulder and still these sockets on both sides are aching away. Geriatric all the way, yet I'm getting the feeling that is just another stage of how this mother flocking family wants me to feel. Yes I am self medicating. Two mother flocking years you doctors yet again had a chance to help me. Yet once again, another referral, another wait time for the insurance to approve what my doctor feels needs to be done.

It doesn't matter what it is they try to do for my pain, I mean physical like my joints and muscles, yet my sinus pain. That mask of pain that I'm not even aware I'm feeling yet. Then I have a migraine, so I take Sudafed Sinus pain and Imitrex, and if that doesn't work I have to upgrade from there. I wait, for some reason I always wait if I can. Being home and not having to be somewhere helps with that. Especially when pills make that small leak turn into flash floods. Hey we all gotta do our part in feeding this beasty of a healthcare plan. Now I get to go to a specialist, and look how many more specialist we have for this now. Just in time for us chronic pain suffers to be put on anti-inflammatories and Nsaids.

Shining Star
Got The Davita clinics all over just in time to help us. Yet don't try to step into one to use the restroom on this insurance healthcare plan. Gotta have a referral and appointment to pee anywhere nowadays. That's okay look at all these pads now I get to purchase and make sure I have a place to dispose of. Yet for those with a burning bush such as myself, folicolitious that flaires up from the liners no matter how much Sacylic Acid I wash with, but that's okay I can just up my doxycycline here and there, Yet it also inflames my pancrease. Yet in the old days when insurance was a aid, it didn't value a human beings self worth for care. Why hell in the old days I could just get a referral to have it laserly removed.

Be Like That
Insurance is not a band aid to keep you suffering to take more pills and poison. It is supposed to be about quality care with choices to help aid in your healing and cure you the easiest path of resistance to ones suffering. Yet in the old days I could go through another series of acutane and get it all taken care of in two months, but no I'm sure someone went ahead male or female and tried to have children. On purpose or accidently, it was made very clear up front the side effects. Yet some whiney little bitch has to blow a cure for someone else. Sorry to sound so cold nothing personal, its the cause and effect of how much control one persons mistake has over anothers suffering because they couldn't be bothered to follow directions. I'm sure I'm going to get a bunch of hate mail on that even though it is just a example of the blame game and the things we choose to stand up for today. Even looking at the bigger picture before you make a choice on what your cause is going to be in life.

Don't You Forget About Me
I don't know maybe I'm frustrated at the moment after reading Revelations. That wasn't what I was looking for. I have read this before and it was confusing so I walked away, yet reading it again God, you caused these curses? I mean yes the bowls and Mason and the bowl he brought me, the color blue and how he was using it to speak to me. I knew his name and color of his tie were significant. I'm sitting in Lexy's room with a rebel flag on the wall and a white wolf. Again that white wolf seemed familiar.

Then the red bowl I just had to have. I was so happy no one owned it. Then well I had to pass it on. Rightfully so. I did use all of her candles that day. In that bowl and well some of the candles were a gift from a friend.

Jessie"s Girl
It was a given that I was not going to get that bowl back. When she first laid eyes on it she pretty much said, "you let go of that bowl and it will be mine." I laughed, and well look who got it? Cyn my lil' red spark plug who wears greek boots to clean these rooms in.

Alright God enough rehashing, I'm picking up that as these Corporations have been taking over, our oceans and rivers. Our wells, and water towers. Control over all the power, control over all the technology, and I asked Michael the name of those clouds. The ones that for some reason, I called Acid Rain. I could see it as something poison. Our bodies not only filter through the air, but our soil and seed. Kind of like living in a thunderdome of poison. Another form of Cancer from the smoking, the aspestos that our blue collars workers inhaled, black lung of the coal, and the movie Wormwood and radiation poisoning.

The Glory of Love
Yet it's okay for corporations to kill off our sea's and wildlife. It's okay for all these brotherhoods that you created to fight our wars. Like the sonar causing our dolphins and whales to washup on shore. Well that's okay. Yet a few native men can't go out in a little canoe with arrows to kill one whale. A whale in which traditionally most tribes use. Just this pisses me off God. Who gets to decide what is okay when it comes to killing off our wildlife, rivers, and oceons, Mother natures resouces, her springs and wells have all been tied up and poisoned for a cause to feed the greater good of this planet and to protect us from all this poison and bacteria that this system created, slowly over time I see one other huge common denominator. First the getting of the land,then individually split off in colonies, stolen from the natives pretty much and well they were enslaved and made into slaves. Not just here but it's similar pattern in other countries over time and we seemed to have forgotten that.

Get High On Low Society
Well there is something wrong with how these natives fight for their land? They get all crazy, primal and native. Hell they scalp you, and they will rape your women  It's okay we have guns and encampments to get this native crazy reds back in line. Yet we were doing it to them. Everywhere. We will show them a better way, a different God with the State. The Christian way of life. Yet they had it right all along.  Mother Earth and God. Some even recognized in their own way the higher beings. Between the church and the Government hiding the Truth it is a big hogwash of a mess right there.

Dance With Me
So I see God being the profit had a plan and has been in control the whole time. I think it's hilarious in a sense the name of the Cirrus clouds, not such a funny circus of games they provide on all these reality and game shows. The way cable is set up, just like all these cell phones, keep you coming back and wanting more. They change basic shows to paid cable after a season or two. Every cable channel if something you want to watch. Click on it and it pops up you must have a subscription, you must upgrade. It's not an upgrade. It's just another bill a fee to keep you, the true whores of Babylon, keep you wanting more. More garbage, on the mind, something to keep you glued and stupid, Not all, I get that.

Break Up With Him
I see the Truth and inspiration in some. Enough is enough, we as humans automatically defend this marketing. We or someone could miss something. Some of these shows are so old, and these stations, it is a joke we are paying for them. Thsese actors are dead, yet we gotta feed the corporations. Not talking people like your not worthy, talking about the direction and the need to hold us back and keep us wanting and in need of all this technology. No one talks about energy conservation except that you have to do your part. Now pretty much most light bulbs are low energy and I can't see. Who is holding the keys and mark up to the power companies vs. the cable vs. all theses satellites, keeping track and burning everything all the way around. We can't turn this off God. Only you and Mother Nature Mary can.

Hold My Hand
Then you know God, I'm torn and well miffed about all this. I mean once again the other shoe drops and somehow, I am or was JC. Yet that man, that six foot 250lb man. gets to come in and save the day, after the fight. Once again God, send in the little one. Oh yes, how confusing is this one God. Reading Four Views of The End Of Times Pamplets, trying to learn what each sect is seeing differently, yet the same.

What do I see that I admit I have been putting in the back of my mind. Two years ago I was using the names Morning Glory, and Morning Star. I saw this around Brittney, who comes from 12 dogs. Twelve Shunzels, the reason she travels out there alone. The abandonment and rejection from her father, mostly about money and childsupport.

Lost In Love
In this pamphlet it is JC's name also. Hell God all these names and how they change as I've been moving along. Even the John's God? So many John's. The first beheaded and well another John always close by JC. Yet God it is Lucifers name also? Is this a depending on what perspective you have? What point of view? What side of the fence you stand on come Judgement day? Who knew their really was going to be a judgement day?

Semi-Charmed Life
What is my job God? To stay alive as long as I can? Kill me off and bring me back? Still not happy about the part he went looking for a Lion only to find a what God? Bloody sheep? Nothing like knowing the answers and coming to terms with this. I saw in those Cirrus clouds after I expanded the photo over the ocean, a clear shot of a man and woman. He and she had snow white hair. He had a white beard, and She long white hair, and her lips were pursed like she was blowing the wind. Now God, it's confusing. Who am I talking to? I always see a man with a beard and dark shoulder length hair, and the description here is you are very old with white hair. Who was I standing in front of all this time? At first I though brother red was doing some sort of Osmosis. I got the impression later that Todd/JC my brother would be the one to want me to kick my X in the ribs, even if I didn't know why?

Summer Breeze
When I walked out of Greg's office, I didn't write it, but for a long time, the first two words I would yell out was Jesus Christ. Yet after brother red, it was my own brother I was yelling at for awhile. So who cares if your yelling at your own brother right? It took me almost two years to fully comprehend, this last late September in that gold field behind TA. OMG! This is about God, and these two once again? Yet I was not happy at that enlightening moment.

All this talk of energy and me clueing in that God is the beasty, the scent of the blood. Not one more drop my ass. Should of known. Yet I still until lately did not comprehend, who JC really is and well still don't in a sense. I feel him, I love him, I want him.

Let IT Be by JD
Yet God, uhm I recon I don't fully comprehend God's power and well that is scary. Not that I fear you, yet looking at this curse God. Satan only gets locked up 1000 years? Well Adam and Eve's Garden of Eden is over the 2017 plus years. The documentation of these big books and time.

This third and fourth generation? Just how long does a generation last up there? Really, because the ones you are after from the beginning, Hence you are the beginning and the end, the human race that does not know, that is confused and stuck in the middle, of this feather slaughter.

Stiff Wind
Where was I standing when I saw all those bloody white feathers? The intersection of Lincoln and Jefferson. I see you do not want the human race to know, yet you send a messenger? Now I have to know this? The whole 1000 years that Satan was locked away, had that already happened and he was already released looking for a bride? I mean the timing, the conjuring of The Whore Of Babylon By Alex Crowley is somewhere around my mothers birthdate.

It's All Coming Back To me
The Fourth generation I was told by another enlightened person when I was dating Carey I am stuck in the fourth dimension. The sleep dimension and I can't get out. Duh! So many reasons why? My body, my life, never being able to speak the truth about my marriage and divorce in order to get the protection I needed over the next few years, then all the years just trying to discover what is up with my spine. These doctors couldn't diagnose their way out of a paperbag. Why should they? The insurance cuts them off from being able or even having to complete a reading of a x-ray let alone a diagnosis of the whole spine. Everything I needed to get me through was in the busineesses I opened and he stole right off the bat.

The wreck Of The Edmonds Fitzgerald.
Who cared about the money, I didn't. All I ever wanted was the Truth from him and a diagnosis so I could make the choices about my body I needed. Talk about purgatory and Hell, being in AA and NA. Duh! A human being no matter what has a breaking point, especially physical pain and how intense and how many days you hurt. That is the clincher. Sometimes you just need that pain valve to shut off, to get a break re-coop meantally and physically. To even think straight day after day with no reprieve. No one will listen, they deny and blame me. Then the clincher you put a sociopath in charge of my well being and my childrens. Not okay,

Swayin To The Music
Now God those 24 beings that bowed down to the light and the being? I don't care who is listening, JC, The Lord or God? No way. Absolutely no way. I have been watching some of these documentaries and these beings of light underground, and well up above as well, please oh please, don't let them bow down to me. I do not wish to be worshipped or glorified. Nothing I have been through is glorious or victorious. Can't have Valor if you never knew God. I never knew. Sure I knew a little about everything spiritual. Who doesn't with all these movies and documentaries. All these novels and theology and Sci-Fi. None of it leaves anything to the imagination today. Pretty easy to pin a label on something that is triggering something in someone. Then have the hppa:  plan to keep you drugged up and locked inside. Hell we already have the negative labels and perscriptions to keep the people who are higher beings from ascending. Like I said legal or illegal, up or down. Hunger or sloth they don't give a flying flock. It's all to get you inside no matter the pain or the kind of pain. Shut you down, lock you up, drug you up, zap your brain. They don't care. All I know if we had the truth of what we truly are, what we wanted all along would already be here.

I love you God, I love ALL MY FAMILY, GOOD OR BAD. Just God Damnit, is that fourth link in the fourth square, my childrens father? You know the black square of the three brothers I keep coming back around to? I mean how can I look my children in the eye knowing their father is the beast and I don't know who I'm supposed to be fighting for the greater good? Thanks for the one arm tied behind my back. So much for throwing that mother flocking red rock I sat on in the center of that restaurant. So what I also have Angels trying to kill me and my children?

Fortunate Son by CCWR

That's more like it. Blue Oyster Cult. It's the beat, the rythme, the rebellious words. Keeps me moving through some of my anger and rage. It keeps me moving, it keeps me dancing. Yeah, the shiva and this Geriatric dance I do just to keep moving. Down time is the worst. Down to long, and well I have to start something over.

Sultans Of Swing By DS
Went to the Pow Wow last night. It was disappointing to say the least. Not the people, they made me cry inside. I watched the families all in their bright colors, beads and feathers, dancing together with their families. It was the dance with the toddlers. You had young couples, young sisters, and lil' pappooses moving and stomping there tiny feet to the beat. It started to dawn on me, they don't even know. It's the first dance for some, and the last for others. At least some may feel that way about going home unexpectedly.

Sweet Leaf
I stood off to the side. It made me think about when the Russians get together with their families, they all have a dance. They all have colors. They all have music, and they all in their own way celebrating the traditions of their own families. The Irish have the River dance. The Chinese and Japanese. The Greek's The Pakistanies and Hindu's. In Mexico, Mazatlán. Every Country has big tribe's and smaller tribes, throughout the generations, and their ain't nothing wrong with that. Yet what is wrong is we poke at each other for it. It's either the color, the raceism, the anger over something that is actually a good thing. How others celebrate life, yet how others celebrate death. The acceptance and the tradition of letting go. All right, as long as it's family and love with acceptance of others. The sharing of others traditions and food at the same table. The breaking of the bread of life and the cup of spirits, each it seems has their own. The potato, the rice, the grape, the hop and barley of the grain. To much and to little, balance is good. Each tribe has a color and a leaf on this family tree of life.

I'm Eighteen
When I look at the United States of America and having to respect everyone, we have wiped out the most important thing. We allowed it to slip away. We allowed it to take over, and rule humanities life. Our hearts, our minds, our families. Our livelihoods, our rights just as human beings. Hell just the right to survive and make a living is so rigged it kills me inside. We allowed this system, of insurance, that other big eye to determine our quality of life. The Insurance and this system, along with the banking system, along with this United States, along with every country throughout time fighting for our land and our people with all these wars. Any religion out there follows so far a Father and a Son. We lost sight of the actual Holy Spirit, the Mother in Religion. The Mother Earth that feeds humanity all the way around.

Take The Money and Run
We took our focus off of what the Truth really is, Family and God. We lost insight through the war and division that religion is trying to come up with the best way of life to live and still walk with God?  From the start only half a heart and well the Truth that God is a energy. The Atom and Adam are the creation of all life. Can't have one without the other and neither can work within conjunction to feed humanity as a whole without a heart. Your heart, your soul. The breadth of life sit's at the core of this rock. The energy and fire it ascends from within and the fire on the outside that Sun, yet can't honor the other half of the moon, our gardens and our seasons that give us life.

Honor the love and the life of what you can only imagine God can be. Which is the Truth of what he is. Energy, and light. THE BIG MAN WITH THE PLAN. THE ONE WE HAVE ALL BEEN HOPING FOR. HOPE, SHE'S OUT THERE. WELL SHE'S INSIDE YOU TOO. That energy and spark of light is Hope, and with Hope comes Faith. Well Karma isn't so bad it's just how you choose to look at her. What side is Karma on? I always believed Karma to be about fair justice.

Walk All Over You
Doing a walk through on some of these big books, I keep coming back to the use of God's word slaves? How do we follow a Bible that today speaks of slaves and how do we separate it? I mean my God just who are these slaves today? We don't have slavery still? I mean look at all this freedom and all these choices we have today? Their ain't no slavery going on down here God. No siree, I see no slavery.

HMMMMM!!!!!! Where are those slaves God? Is it all those fire storms and wars going on in the East? The blood diamonds, the oil, the gold mines, the coal, the taking over of the land in each nation slowly overtime? First we are 13 Colonies and now we are separated into 52 States. More fighting over the same thing resources. Mother Natures resources right here in the Unites Staes of America.

Tuesdays Gone
I mean first we all across the nations, as things are discovered, new land everyone is fighting for new land. War and taking over. Then about mid century religion comes into play. Kings are using religion and food to control people. Guilt and the right to survive. In order to survive you must fight for me. I will feed you and give you land. Yet these king's change religion as often as they change wives and bed sheets. Loveless marriages everywhere in past history. In every tribe, and now the tribes are the rich families. These rich families over time had the power, and money to come in from behind the scenes and right out in front, because its for the future. It's all to feed the economy adventually. The only economy we are funding is that banking system and machine creating it's own system of numbers to get a return on it's original credit line in the first place. Not just the taxes, that was just the start. No the wars people.

These rich entitled people hired people to go discover and own the rights. Yet the Government in each land, all these kings did not like that. To much power to gain resources. So the Government over time created clubs of entitlement. Is it worthy? This painting of this poor insane painter and creator, is his work worthy? It was The Impressionist where more of this and how over time, from long ago clubs of Government were created, out of education and entitlement. Yet some of these creators from past history, these illusionist, these discovers, these creators, did not follow a God. They did not follow a religion. Yet Government and religion everywehere got to determine who and how someone gets into heavens gates. Higher beings, the ones that are labeled Lesser creations of God because someone else determined, some other higher power who just deemed them selves the authority and law long ago on both sides. Each ones Government and Religion. Turns out both sides of the fence love these guys. Freud, Davinci, Newton. Were they bad guys? No. They were however products of society in their own place and time of evolution and mankind's behavior. The right to determine who's behavior is right or wrong? Bull shit,I call it. Yet it still happens today and we are supposed to be such a evolved race and tolerant society. Please Tolerate your own allergy in humanity. I turn it back on you. You own prejudice back in your face. Point the finger at me and you literally point three more back at you. To discover that is true. No matter what higher power you believe in.

Children Of The Grave
I mean somehow in order to be recognized as Gods creation your new born babies must go through a ritual in order for this new soul to get into heaven. UHHHHMMMMM! Really God? Aren't all these babies in all these families your creation? I mean you are the Biggest Atom of all this land. You are The Biggest B. The Biggest Beastie of this rock. You created the beasties I do believe. I mean it's amazing how this life all these centuries have just fallen out of the sky from nowhere, in a certain sequence of eveolution and discovery. The three common denominators hiding the truth from each other religion, government, and wealth, now we are so in debt just in time to feed the machine we got the fourth one the other Big I. Just to die you gotta have insurance, or have life insurance to pay your debt for all this marked up suffering and marked up cost of living expenses. Yet we defend the marketing that controls it all so we don't miss nothing and fall behind. Please.

The Truth is hidden behind all this evolution and technology. Humanity is not evolving, only the technology. Only the Corporations, and the cost to do business. These people and that Insurance. I mean we have poisoned everything. Our soil, our seed, the food chain. The garden and the beast.  How can anyone think it is logical to take mother natures food, which is 100 percent, add all these dye's high salt and preservatives to sustain life and not expect humanity to be sick? It is illogical. One thing I have discovered demons when backed against a wall the ones with the shade, are missing the logic link. What they say and put out there doesn't match up with the behavior and actions one takes behind the scenes. Fear and with fear, we have Spite. Why am I typing this once again God?

Beast Of Burden
The answer is because we are still slaves. We are slaves to all these corporations. I mean the water company, now when you rent you have to continue to pay for the amount of water used by the tenants from the previous year. For example my mother? Their were four people in that duplex before. So it is allowed that we now have what I call a blanket fee. Lets continue billing, from the past currently. To make sure this bill is always covered in advance. So my mother had to pay for four people for one year in order to earn the right to only have to pay for one person the next year. It's absurd.

Jet Airliner
You know looking back God when I separated from Michael and chose to stay in Kelso/Longview and start over. Do everything everyone else says once again. My mother let the landlord know I would be staying there. She followed the rules and was considerate enough to do this. Instaed what happens? This landlord gets paranoid. Starts doing drive by's daily. Starts communicating more out of the blue and their was never a issue before.

Long Cool Woman
My uncle Tedd is friends with the owners. My mother requested upfront not to replace the carpet because she has little dogs. They agreed and allowed her to put in a small dog door that is fenced in. My cousin Dell maintains the lawn weekly. Her gardens were flourishing the last time I walked by.

My mother mentions this behavior to my uncle about the landlords harassing behavior.. My aunt and uncle said, well after all she had done for you paying cheaper rent. In which she has not rescinded on, in like the two years she lived there. So now my mother feels guilty. I had not even been there three weeks and nothing had happened. I was back and forth in North Bend. I stayed at friends houses in A.A. so my mother could have her space and her not get into any trouble. My mothers screen to her screen door had come apart. She had to put a post with twine around it by the gate, so Betty wouldn't sneak out and her set up fell apart. We found this duct tape that had rainbows on it.

We thought it hilarious. I mean isn't this the quick fix for men of all trades? I got the wiring to repair the screen I just needed a man to help with the door. No one could see her door from the road. I used it as a temporary fix so the fly's and mosquitos don't get in. You can't see the corner of the screen from the roadway. You could see the one piece I wrapped around the bottom of this post. Temp fix and it had not been there a day when my mother got noticed on this. The harassment begins on what we were both watching and feeling. I knowing full well it's illegal.

Wish You Were Here Live
The Landlords excuse was that the tenant across the way who is a quiet man. Kept to himself, he was clean and he had been there for years. He allowed one time, for a woman to move in with him a couple years back. It was not a good experience to get her to move out. She was not on the lease. So her excuse to start harassing my mother was her past tenant across the way.

Here I am signed up for more programs. Including another landlord tenant class. I mean I already had real estate under my belt. I used to have to do leases in my businesses from my past and I knew it was illegal. What is the trade off to this harassment? Civil court, more drama, feelings getting hurt?  Now money and civil rights come into play. Everything is going to be drawn out and getting bigger and bigger over time. More out of control on both sides, especially my mother. You have no idea. She is good at this shit in her own way.

Up Around The Bend
No I was not going to stay with family, because now the lies, and drama moves into my other family members lives. My mother and her neighbor had a restraining order on each other. My mother caused this from personal past drama, and her old fear that someone is discovering the truth or talking about her. My mother had her own lawyer bills being delivered as her home address all this time to the woman who had the restraining order on her.

Thank You
Even Pierce county lawyers did not want to deal with my mother and all her games. It was horrifying what happened to this womans life after my mother came in the picture. This womans house that she lived in and maintained had been her mothers house before. She was the legal guardian over her nephew. Yes this family had issues, yet this woman was functioning, she had a job, she had a nice little home, and she had food. Who doesn't like to pray on the desperate today in all walks of life?This womans only mistake was befriending my mother. So yes I moved to a shelter so not to bother anyone and try and move forward. Once again this system held me up. All their guidelines and rules. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to for awhile. I got my certificate from re-hab which fulfilled the agreement I needed to go back to work. Since I couldn't get a fresh start there because of this systems guidelines and standards. The purgatory a misdemeanor can place your for seven years. Can't get a job or a apartment, unless they don't run a background on someone once again doing everything I'm supposed to do in your programs to get a leg up. More guidelines, more fines, more judgement. Shove your seven year timeline up your ass.

Gimmie Shelter
I stayed with another woman in my treatment, who really did need the help. Here I got to watch and experience how others live. It was strange and foreign to say the least. Watching people try and survive in this one little complex. Just how far this small town has declined in the last twenty years is astounding. People everywhere are just trying to hold onto what they have. It is all up for grabs in these little towns. Your lawn furniture even. Vultures all around you. We all feed ourselves something.

Jukebox Hero
My treatment center was the biggest joke of them all. I get there and Tammy the councelor I liked was running out the door. "Her words before she left was Colleen, you've been on this rodeo ride before. This is not your first time." Just before this I said to my mother we're going on a rodeo ride. We've been on this ride before. Hee Haw, mother. Follow those reds mother. Duck Bucked and monkey fucked."

I felt like I was floating in black space with no walls. Like a little black star floating. Nothing to ground too. Nothing to see. Not even me. I was blind even to myself. I thought it was Peyote organic, nope it was acid. It is however the same thing just one is organic and one is science. Looking back, I have learned why the poison and dimensions? Michaels aunt his fathers little sister, handed her as a gift before she went out on her first trip alone, a compass. She looked like a white haired little fairy all dressed in black.

Perfect Strangers
After Tammy leaves this treatment center, her replacement refused to even look at anything. She had her own way of doing things you see. She is a expert, just what this place needs. Another know it all new way. First of all isn't it a good idea that during the hand off you at least know where and what the paperwork is that you are handing out, as well as grading someone's level of mental health before they can even get to the next step?

Instead she gets her panties in a wad because shes in charge and now we have to make new rules how and when, what hours we can walk through to get to the other side. Talk about a toll troll. A beast of its own making in all that ego.

Her first day on her own she gets stuck and in a panic, because now she has no idea what all these stacks of papers are that everyone is handing her. She knows none of it. I had been there maybe a week. Here I stood in her precious little office showing her where these documents are. Sitting with her explaining to her step by step what they are and the purpose. It was absurd and yet I couldn't get a packet to move forward. She had no time. I get elected to be in charge of chores and these ladies were a poor excuse for entitlement. I freely admit it. Not all, but most. It was sad watching the ones trying to abide by all these absurd rules and we can't even get into the gym to spread out, burn off energy and get some free time.

The guys can hang out all day. We can walk if we get to go out and walk. Never mind don't get me started. Putting these ladies in the hot seat and letting all these other ladies go at them within these guidelines and rules, not such a good idea. Especially one, that was supposed to be in there six months. She was in that hot seat over and over and they would not let her go. It was to the detriment of many others. The next councelor left right after I did.

You see after being chore queen, I got put in the hot seat. Fairly doling out the tickets. No I did not favor. It was the behavior I saw within the individual and the games they would play. I mean one woman literally threw her bedding out the door and expected someone else to clean it up because she didn't feel good.

No matter where you are at in any walk in life, especially at this age, you are expected to clean up after yourself. The world does go on. It does not revolve around you. You want to be an adult and live an adult life. Pay bills, have children, be a responsible human being, the first thing anyone needs to know is how capable you are anywhere in caring for yourself. If you can't do that in here without all the bullshit games, then you can't do that out there. Feed yourself and clean up after you and yours then get the flock off my rock. Yes I do mean that within reason according to the individual and it was bullshit.

The Joker
I believe we had 17 women. Three other ladies about my age alcoholics. The rest pretty much everything else and they were all younger. One or two married, husbands on the other side of that wall. For this session, the councelors were sitting in also, I had been in their office standing up for my case and why they were ticketed over and over with these councelors. I did not forget who said what. The idea was to go in a circle around the room and let everyone state their case against me.

Yet I had to wait until they all finished. Some were good, a few, but these younger ones with the drugs were not happy. When they finished, I started out with each person speaking the words I was supposed to use before I came back with my case. I shut the complainers the fuck down. I look up and the councelors arms are in the air cheering and the older alcoholics who had been around the block a few times. You can't do one simple job in here because your on your period is not a good excuse to leave everyone else carrying the load.

Who Are You
Then they realized I still had maybe two worksheets and graduating in about a week, and now daggers are getting thrown, They dropped the ball and they are going to cover for this young girls behavior. Wow, that's a good idea, put all the crazy hens in one house and make them responsible for each others programs and behaviors. Yet we can't get out of this little building hardly to burn off good energy. Of course these girls were hopping. The bullshit with the food. The quality once again is absurd. Like these people aren't already unbalanced. They need an individual diet and awareness in these places. They need a healing place, mellow and active. You are doing the same in rehabs hospitals and schools right along with the justice system to fine and dine you with the poisonous food in which you can afford with that ebt card.  One system for all. These people are bouncing and truly misdiagnosed. They got lost in the frey of what was intentionally created long ago. Just in time to save ourselves from each other.

Who pays for all these programs, all the education and help is a one lane highway to hell that adds up to nothing but a bunch of shit. More buildings and more programs. More blame, more guideline and parameters that are designed for humanty to fail and keep them coming back over and over. Literally using our minds, hearts and organs as disposable goods to make itself look good and yet pay for itself literally using human beings in all sects of life suffering. Hell it don't care. It's goal is to hook, line and sinker you. Drive you crazy with all this phishing. Indebted to it somehow. Always paying for itself using humanity over and over.

Yes God I see you are the profit for a reason. Scanning and getting lost in these books. You speak of the justice system not having justice or being attainable, and it has been rigged by all this separation of the red white and blue in the first place. all the way from each government in to the court rooms. Got to make you fit in that box of truth. I feel like a round peg being fit into a square hole. I have felt like that truly since being married, and then the big A of addiction, then the big D of Divorce and not being able to speak. Then the P of purgatory and pain. Only in this healthcare system, this justice system and religion do they want humanity to draw out the pain and suffering. All to feed the corporation of War using humanities pain and suffering. Especially in this United States but hey we look good doing it. All this fun we are having. All these success stories they monopolize and the huge crime they bury.

Proud Mary
When I arrived in California, I met Sophie and Andre from Quebec. I learned how foreigners can come into our country, have set school loans, cheaper rent, and access to other benefits through these programs in each state. Yet if we as Americans go to school in another country, we have to pay a high price. We don't get discounts on anything, Then people from other cultures think we are there to steal from them, not just learn something that we believe in also and want to share in. Eveywhere I turn, in education and it seems in war America has had to pay a higher price. Why? If we were so stupid in the first place and we were so smart, why the upgrade to our education system? I mean I couldn't put a red highlight in my daughters hair and this is the public school in America.

Rock You Like A Hurricane
I mean my God, Alex's third grade teacher I believe. Had a special way of working with Alex. I stood from the outside watching this. I as a parent am not allowed to question or comment what I am looking at. Alex had to try real hard, to do things just so for this teacher. Alex worked real hard for a couple of months, trying to criss cross apple sauce like her dad expected. I was aware and watching, Alex had to earn these pom poms along with the rest of the class. Alex followed all instructions, she placed her bag full of pom poms in her desk drawer. These kids earned these pom poms through out the month, in order to get to shop in this special store and spend your pom poms.

Alex is talking about this, she is all excited. I'm excited for her big shopping day. Alex comes home. She wasn't able to shop. Out of all those little desks it just happens to be Alex's stash of pom poms that were stolen. She was told to bad. Them's the brakes. Shit happens. I was pissed. You see I believe this young teacher was in the service, and she wanted to be a principal someday. I believe perhaps this school. So Principal Jester liked her. Irony a gay man telling Michael he is not allowed to defend himself from physical attack on a school bus. I child who had been taking martial arts. Learning when and how to defend. Since when can you not defend yourself? Do not make a martyr out of my child or someone else's.

Yet if I point a finger out of anger at someone, raise my voice, change my tone to defend, someone can call the police and I go to jail. No I have been accused, yet once again nothing happened. It was labeled by a man who watched from the outside and stood on the inside came back to me and said, "that was a witch hunt if I ever saw one." I didn't raise my voice. I did not threaten. I reminded Natalie that Alex is your friend, and if this is the case it needs to stop. I went to this mother three times beforehand and this mother blew me off. This child is at my house all the time since the age three. Some people because they have a certificate, it feeds a mental illness and a desire to be recognized and wanted. The wrong person with the wrong certificate of authority.

The way this teacher handled it was my last straw. I did not explode. I requested for the benefit of my own childs self esteem and mental health that she be transferred to another class. I was told no not allowed. Since the fuck when? Your telling these kids twenty years ago they have to all be little robots. You started teaching them like little robots in school. Just like the service, one method of teaching or you go down.

The brainwashing of all this volunteer work outside the classroom and the guilt they use on kids. We all gotta do out part. I listen to this commercial on TV, where they use the children all grown up blatantly blaming their parents for not caring enough to even know to get them immunized. This is the shit that pisses me off. It is every where.

The Song Remains The Same
This insurance knows statistically anything we do to our bodies good or bad when we are ypounger, we are gonna hurt when we are older. Those old injuries, aches and pains are gonna come back in one form or another as we get older. Perhaps a car crash, sports, even allergies and disease. We have a higher potential to get into a accident just two blocks from our homes. Now we are out there and we have all these things that can come in and harm us or do harm. Even an unexpected storm. A tree can fall.

Now we have a insurance that is doling out your self worth. Determining your quality to not hurt and how your not going to hurt. This has been here all along working slowly in the background through insurance to get to this stage of control. Keep us dependent on the insurance and western medicines pills for all that ails. Marked up cost on healthcare that is less damaging and more effective.

Love Me Two Times
We have one blanket plan. It is the same for the veterans as it is from state to state. When I look at this insurance and how it is holding people up from moving from state to  state. I can't even move away from my own doctor whom btw doesn't treat or acknowledge pain like most doctors today. The schooling and the insurance has brainwashed these doctors that their is only one way to treat chronic pain today. Whether it works or not. Why would you not offer alternative solutuons in the healthcare industry if we are so addicted, hurting and hungry?

Carry On Wayward Son
If it were your child or family member wouldn't you want them to have truly healthy options from the inside and out. Why can we adjust bones to pop a shoulder in and make it feel better, yet it's not acknowledged in the spine? Your tree of life. Weaken the core and poison humanity from the inside, keep their core weak and don't acknowledge the care of humanities tree of life as one part of the solutuion? Would you rather your significant other who has a drug problem get partial help or overall health? Truly after seeing these treatment centers and hospitals, I want my child with a shaman or some kind of spiritual healer first, or all along the journey without being ostercized. This system turned anygood energy used on this planet, into voodoo and myth.

Yet when I read how God had Moses place the blood above each families door I had to wonder why? Could it be because the scent of the rams blood used and that God knows the scent of his own beasties? God is the biggest beastie of us all. Even in that energy, that God particle humanity is trying to attain. I haven't even gone back over these stories more in depth, Revelations, B.O.E. and B.O.B. Can be so revealing, hell it's a joke.

Stairway To Heaven
I look back on the Time magazine I carried in the beginning. It had the Native man extended across it with his arms stretched wide. He had the position that he was hanging on the cross. It said on top 1944. I opened it once at the library, it contained a huge map across this united states. All the different native lands. Who owned what. It was outstanding how many tribes and how much land they had across each state. Then it get's stolen out from underneath.

Native land, colonies, and states. Slowly being taken over and controlled through out time. Sold off parceled, ripped up and redeveloped. All these track houses going up everywhere. Private land owners allot of them. Then Jeff tells me what happened to his fathers tabacco farm when he was eight years old. He was in the loft.  Then he saw from up above. His father carrying him in his arms running back to the house. Then Jeff said, next thing you know my uncle got this land. Jeff was a black man,, native. Double whammy for him. Raceism both sides.

War Pigs.
Then I look at the timing of farm aid and the Madox and the scam he pulled for like twenty years in the stock market. You chose to bail the banks and corporations yet not the peoples food, farm aid.
Now Monkeys out of Africa are having sex with some gay guy. Must of been black. Those little pygmy people what do you expect? This is so absurd. I couldn't believe others believed this. All of a sudden, the gay black people are fucking the little monkeys.

Then I'm watching this Jack in The Box. All of a sudden after all these years, Jack in the Box has e-coli. Now it's the gardens and the wells on private land getting shut down. All to protect ourselves. Bullshit. All to get control of the wells and water on private land. After I move from California, they have a water recession. I remember thinking what mother nature isn't putting out anymore? I knew that was bullshit. So the water issue spreads, right along with the homeless from California. Just in three years that Greg and I were gone, we could not believe driving down I-90 how much the State and Private Parks had taken over. I mean camping is now paint lines on a lawn because they have a pool along the highway?

At fifteen with Kevin and Steve and sometimes Laurie we could just drive along in his volkswagon van and camp along the river. We didn't disrespect anyone's land. It was free. Now all the parking, we pay to use the resources that used to be free. The clubs we now have to belong to to even use these resources is absurd. All in time just before the homeless come along.

I haven't even gotten to the carb issue. I learned about carbs and fat at a young age. I believe about nineteen or twenty the calorie intake to maintain was 12 to 1500 calories a day, within certain food guidelines, which included wheat amd carbs in pretty much every cultures diet. Both Steve and myself were health conscience people. We talked about how one snickers bar is your calorie intake for one day to maintain, yet to have a nutritional diet within the guidelines to maintain it is about the same. Real Sugar is a good fast fuel to burn if you need a quick pick me up to stay active. Now the calorie intake to maintain is about 2000 less carbs, and more healthy food, which is now GMO or the mark-up scam on mother natures organic food. Yea, now bigger is better snickers bars with fun names, 2000 calories.

Then I noticed after awhile you start to hear carbs are bad. Since when? All these centuries it is a part of a healthy diet. Yet now it makes us fat. Could it be these stagnant computer lives we are all hooked up to or the fact you already poisoned the wheat flour? Which over time starves some and makes others eat 400 calories more a day. All to burn up our organs, create an allergy and stave us from the inside. Thank God we have all these specialist to help us along with our filtration system. Right with all these anti inflammatory our now new pain reliever. Take more it's better than the potential of addiction and it gives the healthcare industry an opportunity to live off your suffering.

Yes, I am back on the wheat flour. I was so hungry on that diet. The food is awful. How dare you assume I like beans and all that healthy food. It is my choice to eat what I want how I want. The high cost of this shit, to boot. It is God awful. Now we have all these people out here with backpacks on their back either not knowing or not having a choice about their diet. It's the most expensive section of the store. Right along with the take away food they can carry in their packs. Yet hey that's okay because now you can get mother nature along with all these other fillers in a bottle over here.

Eleanore Rigby
You have no idea what I have learned behind this marked up marketing plan scam I see on mother natures food and resources. This is what they do. All over people. Come in and steal it, then you have to barter for part of it back. To get something that belonged to you in the first place.

When my mother told me that she had to come in and work on her days off when she used her earned sick days in order to get paid. You pay monthly dues for what mom? Just before this they just up and took a dollar an hour away. Then they change these already horrible hours around. Get rid of the higher paid and bring in the next level of desperate people.

Tuesdays Gone
When I look at what happened with The Lakota's and thirty people camped out to stop this pipe line. They were attacked by dogs, now they have to stand in a justice system and pay out all these lawyers, in the mean time we're just gonna forget about the illegal bullshit your system pulled before? It sickens me that we all stand around and go it's just them. It's okay. Hell no it's not. It is about everything and all of you. You all stand around with your thumbs up your ass.

Now God why do you think humanity doesn't like the end to your big books? Is it because you are a profit and after 2000 plus years, humanity is still enslaved to the system that you've been talking about all along in more ways than one? They would rather hide, pretend they don't know. Deny it, cross your fingers and blame everyone else. Let those lesser beings take care of it. Instead of looking down your nose. You might want to look up.

Now I'm going to get on with my day. Eleven a.m. been up since five, already did my P/T and my geriatric dance routine. Still moving and when I get back I will read more closely about this justice system and maybe my happy ending in that garden of Eden. Then we can really be together. Don't think for one minute we are done about this stage you have set and the scent of that rams blood? You said, or grandmother said, "not one more drop. This Faith shit hurts somedays in more ways than one.

Green River
I'm a Pagan Christian Catholic Hindu Tao Jew, and I have lost track of the tribes. Can I go back to Heinz 57 and call it a day? All this prophesizing through history with the creator some days it's a blast and others I want to kick his ass. Unfortunately it would go right though him. Being the enlightened being and all holding the keys to my kingdom over my bed, I mean head.

Sunshine Of Your Life by Cream
You know God I know this sounds petty, in the bigger scheme of things, yet you really did make me look like I go to the extreme just to get some guys attention. Just such a drama queen. I have to bring God, with the threat of the end of the world into one guy asking me out? Really? That was so not the case. Yet the story grows, and get's worse as each persons personal fear grew. Who knew their was even such thing as a seer?

Pigs (Three Different Ones) by PF
I'm procrastinationg reading Revelations. Do I want to know? I mean my God how much worse can it be? How many times have I said that only to find out their is more and it get's worse. All this proof of life is killing me.

Over The Hills and Far Away by LZ
Hell proof of life your really going to kill me off? My children are going to have a cow. They are going to freak out God. Then I swear I read something in there about it being God and JC this time? I guess that is the answer to why am I standing under all the men? Why is it my Father and my brother that I stand under? I thought their were two JC's later. Not God and JC in female form. The grandfathers on bothe sides God? Those are some pretty big players. I figured out the part where it said she is blind. Duh! Yet a pair of new reading glasses show up ,clear lens, just my size. Then all these races and truly I am clueless who is who. I just accept people as they are, It doesn't even dawn on me nationality. I mean yeah, I can identify someone by the color of their skin, yet I don't identify the behavior by race.

Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Truly when we use racist terms to take down someone as a behavior it doesn't add up to me. It doesn't matter the color, their are all kinds of classes in each color. All kinds of labels and as a whole some of it is true. How do you think comedians make a living? Poking fun at the truth in the characters. It's fun to laugh at ourselves and our shortsightedness in ourselves and others, yet in politics, absolutely not. When we use the word God in our Pledge of Allegiance, I viewed it as one Nation truly under one God. One creation, before all this religion. Humanity had manners and common sense before politics. More heart looking back before religion and wars. That makes me color blind. When I had to think about what would I'd  really do if my daughter dated a black guy? Coming from my family, my true answer was that depends on the boy and the family.

That is true with anyone my child wants to marry. I have seen how through the centuries by the time I was twentyish that raceism tore people apart. Even within the races. I never understood either God why the darker you are the less human you are? The uglier or less worthy? I mean as far as raceism. Like your alittle shade lighter so that makes you more worthy to anything? Food, shelter, life, choices? I don't know looking around God I think color should come second to humanity. Don't get me started on all this gender identification and how humanity got here in the first place. People are going to freak out God. All the way around and upside down. Can't you just do like you do in the movies and ping all gone? I know, I know, its been along time coming. Sweet Justice.

Hotel California,
Okay I keep asking how are you going to do this, I know read on.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Wounded Lion

Craving you by TR
The reason for this title is hilarious. I mean in my life you never know the crazy shit that's going to come knocking on my door.

Saturday Night by MR and the Speed Kings
A little hard for me at the moment but okay God. This family is so fitting in my life right now. Apartment number C9 and about three weeks ago this father had a bit of a Daniel and the lion incident. His name is Daniel, his wife Sara.

Well DaKing our old Maintenance man decided not to behave so Kingly. Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe how I felt.

Mr. Jones by Counting Crows
Yet hey, it's not like I haven't seen this same behavior. Playing both sides of the fence. You get fucked over by your boss and landlord, the paycheck and the keys to his little kingdom things can get pretty flocked up. Yes DaKing got fucked. Who doesn't like desperate people to take advantage of? Who doesn't like to hire the hungry, the poor and give them a leg up in life? Yeah right. Let's just keep spreading the poison right on down the line. Let's let someone else take the blame and pain for your own failures. Hence the landlord tenant from hell at this Rainier Continental. Let's just say this Tammy like's to keep the people moving in this place.

I Don't Think by 1 Small Step For Landmines
All to cover this black mold. Instead of fixing the problem, let's collect the check, do some manipulation with the numbers, tack on some fees and fines on all your timelines. Then when the mold shows up, help them out by moving the tenant to the next apartment. If they don't like it they can write a letter and move again. In the mean time some cunt is holding your deposit and destroying your character behind all these fees. Then we can be thankful we only had to pay out this much, because we could of had to pay all these outrageous fees. Let's put the tenants money and the keys to the kingdom on hold, until we can come up with the money to file a civil case. All to stand in line for the next case. All the while your in debt. The hold it back, or your on a credit line in the mean time.

Baby I'm A Want You
I haven't even gotten to that coal and the last time I was home with my family this was one of the issues in this small town. The black coal dust, that river and humanity. Cause and effect and who's gonna pay the price still. Let's just pull another blanket kill off all for the good of the industry. Might as well go stand in Korea, at least you know what's coming down on your head, or the potential of. War is everywhere people. So we have Fiber in this town and coal, all sitting along Cowlitz River, right where I'd hang out on the river bank, sitting under a big tree.

The Glory Of Love
Come on God this music is to slow, I have rock downloaded and it keeps playing the same shit over and over. All those songs from my childhood in Rainier Oregon. Here I thought I led such a boring lonely life.

Saturday In The Park, by Chicago
That's it I'm changing the music. Your not leading, To many interuptions. A fight ensued with Daniel over his wife Sara. Sara was not the problem on this evening. Some punches were thrown, two and one I do not agree, especially in size alone, not a fair fight from the start.

American Pie and Mainstream now Burning For You by Blue Oyster, that's better God.
About a week ago Daniel comes knocking on the door and it seams Sara has a huge sliver under her right thumb nail. They don't have insurance, this family is strapped. The solution to get it out was to numb Sara with a couple glasses of wine. Are flocking kidding me God?

I'm blind as a bat God. I just found out the last couple of weeks it's not just me. No one can read anything in this apartment. No matter the age. I was feeling like a geriatric. Actually I do feel like a geriatric. You have no idea. Trying to get these bottles open when your hands don't work. Try getting them out of the packet. Try reading the fine print.

Mind Reader by DL
I realized dancing outside this morning after the physical therapy on my hip sockets. I know one thing if I don't keep moving I'm going to hurt. It's better to keep moving and keep the scar tissue loosened up around my hips and wings. I think that's what all this dancing is about from the start. Kepp those hips moving.

Baba O'Riley by The Who
It's only teenage wasteland, thanks God. It's only teenage wasteland, yet no one cares.
Back to Sara and her little paw. I came down with my blue gloves, a sanitized needle, sharp tweezers and my head lamp. I told her after to soak it in some salt water and at least get the remnants of the sliver out. Hair no sliver under the nail, can get in someone's blood stream. Sara shows back at my door with a smoke and a glass of wine. I declined the wine, my body hurt like hell, and the last thing I needed was to self medicate my pain with that wine.

Have A Drink On Me
I have learned self medicate the hard way. All these years hurting and no one listening or bothering why anymore, you bet I drank. Yet I'm stuck in A.A. and this system that is going to tell me what and how I'm going to heal my pain, all while I get fined and dimed. Anger doesn't begin how I feel. To be judged by the judge, the doctors who wouldn't look at me unless my issue fit with their solution and no one ever bothered to see why it's still going on. Then you sit in A.A. just trying to speak the truth and well, I'm in denial or minimizing. I'm a martry to the pain. Flock that shit. I know one thing, even before those x-rays and I started taking less and less pills, al those anti inflamatories and calcium channel blockers. Gavapatin my ass, Topamax get the flock out of here. The side effects of these drugs in my life, and the truth I spoke then, and the way I was treated every time, because no one could get past the Big A and help me out with a correct diagnosis to get to the truth.

Us and Them by Pink Floyd
Yet this system is set up to protect the doctors the hospitals and insurance with all these timelines and the high cost and gauntlet highway of hell, dropping a paper work bomb. This whole justice system is a scam and it is rigged. You this system jaded my judges, and my lawyers with heart, and it makes me angry especially after some versus I found in this bible. I couldn't believe it. Right there in black and white, ye who gives false testimony to go along with the crowd. Hilarious.

So yeah, I got dishes to do my workout is done, I got a shower to hop in. Food to prepare, shit I always have so much to do on days, I just want to hit the books. I just keep getting lost within all these books. One click of the button, and I'm not sure what book I'm standing in. That's the fun of it I guess. The hunt, keep me enthralled right God. The greatest mystery book out there is all these Theology books, we label, God's idea of Truth and Love. Truth is he's a profit and a creation in all these books. The changing of names alone is a hard path to follow. I mean all those Johns in these books. All those Mary's. The separation and distention between brother and sister from the start. How can something that was created on lies and thievery be truth. Especially when it wrote off half of who you are. Hell then as God's children we are beasties in the Garden of Eden. I mean how fun.

Godzilla by BOC
I noticed God how you talk and label human beings as slaves. True back then they were slaves. Yet we still are slaves all over again aren't we? To this Justice System. To this healthcare system, who now gets to label and determine the value of ones life. I mean it says right there, you serving a corporation, a machine and not God. Yet this system along with all the misconceptions of Gods love and religion have gone all awry. I mean when Kiley did that Keanu move pose from the Matrix and she opened her palm and in it were batteries.

War Pigs by Black Sabbath
I mean my four year old figured it out even. One viewing by a four year old and here her mommy is standing all these years stuck in purgatory. All these scams, all my life to cover a crime and a lie, just like her old man, IC. Oh God, I am so going to ring your neck for this one. Stuck living a Convent life that even she is starting to question this two year commitment she made. She actually said to me, when your staff, and you walk out that front door to all the attendees, your on. Life in the fish bowl. How many times have I talked about being famous and living life in a fish bowl. All eyes on you everyt time you step out that door. I cannot believe people who want to be famous, hire people in the beginning to create the swarm they lie upon themselves. Then when they need a moment, to breath, those cameras and old one eyes who only want a label, for that picture. Take you down while you lift them up for that fifteen minutes of fame, humanity seems to be striving for on all these reality game shows. Look how easy it is to be rich or snare a guy. Be unique and put it in camera. No God I am not happy about this new reality at all.

Long Cool Woman by The Hollies

It reminds me of those four little monkeys. You know the ones God. The ones that plug their ears, to hear no evil. Then we have the ones who cover their mouths to speak no evil. Nope I didn't hear nothing and I surely didn't say a word. Then the third little monkey, he covers his eyes with both hands. Nope I don't want to see nothing. I didn't hear nothing, I didn't say nothing because well I didn't even bother to peak through my fingers. All the while that fourth little monkey down on the end. Well hell this monkey sure is having all the fun at these other little monkeys expense. Who cares about my three brothers and sisters. It's all good. Let's just keep the illusion of all these parties, fun and games going. As long as no one steps out of their box and looks around well hell God, this little monkey creating the illusion of how great the Unites States is doing, with how easy it is to make a buck and get rich. Get famous right.

Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Yet we have all these tattle tale laws. To report anything suspicious or we will make you responsible. If you do, and it turns out to be the cover up, well hell we'll just kill you off or do a character assignation on you. I mean it's easy to do right God, we've created an industry to make a living with all these tell all investigative web sites. Which I promis I have never used for any financial gain or to place someone in purgatory or hell. No I have no game plan to steal anything. It's just telling in a bigger picture sort of way. Like that young kid who lived with my daughter in Pullman. How he went after her. All because his childhood sucked, he saw one thing when he looked at her. A happy family. Truth is he has no idea what she has gone through to even place that kind of judgement and blame on her. I about came unglued when I found out her boyfriend would go big potty on the John while she was in the shower. I know Jake had at least two ther bathrooms in the house.

No One Like You by Scorpions
Then I find out from T. Trickey, the squalor she was living in and when Trish opened the front door, she said it smelled so strong of shit, she heaved. This shit around my babies had better stop. No respect. No respect for each other and what we place on each other with all your assumptions. All because of her fathers lies, she's got a long road ahead of her. Yet everyone will take everything I say as a threat or a challenge. It truly is only truth. Anything touches my babies, one tiny dot or freckle, you and yours will suffer forevermore. This rock, or your petty issues? Your fears, or my babies? The Trident, The Staff, or the lightening rod? Heaven or Hell, you choose.

Burnin' For You BOC
Most moments walking through this system and watching the lies and the suffering and the inhumane behavior this system created. You know the one we all defend and serve. The one who I have given a F. A big old F for Failure. I do not see God's children being fed and served in any other way than your bullshit.

You know God in the beginning I wanted my girls in that round house that set up on higher ground. I know its your plan, these are your players and well wether I like it or not, my children chose to be who they are, I have to have Faith that you will do the right thing by them both. Well then the other seven and three. Jesus Flocking Christ, you better wake that man up. You are not leaving me hanging with any of that, and I have no clue who they are, except they are mine. My sister God, my nieces, my family God. Here I go again.

Stairway To Heaven By LZ
You are not pulling me down into that emotional roller coast ride of my babies and the fight they have coming upon them. To discover who their mother really is is heartbreaking God. I know after all these dreams of a kidnapping and hiding my children away in all those dimensions. That silver bullet and bloody knife God.

Then I find out Daniel was in the Navy and he got shot right in the forehead. Has a fucked up vertebrae in the same place his lower neck. C7 and eight. He gets a dishonarble discharge because he went of the reservation in a big way. Has two years schooling in on Friday he gets from UW they lost his records, yet they do have his important information, His name, B.D. and Social Security number.

He starts welding school on Monday. I explained to him that the location of the injury in his kneck, can cause paralysis in the arms. Like me. It's been untreated and undiagnosed and now I have all this scar tissue that keeps flaring up. I told him what happened to my kneck and upper back. That I took on a job, at the fish farm. All I had to do was trim the dorsal fin off of them. I thought easy peasy. Truly, I do not touch fish, but I had gloves. I explained to him how after one week of just standing there with my head down, even with breaks. I hurt so bad. The knots, the migrains again, and the never ending pain in my neck and upper back. So I explained with that injury and you being a welder its not going to happen. When I was eighteen to nineteen years old I wanted to go to school to be a court reporter and I didn't because I knew somehow that my hands and arms may not work so well for that career. The repetition alone.

Braek On Through by The Doors
To boot Daniel is another person I meet out here with a dishonarble discharge. Yes they get a check for all this disservice, and they pay for all their own meds. You cannot tell me the Government did not know the amount of broken human beigs you are putting in the service. The truth in how you label them and get rid of them when they don't fit in your box, your design ,your institution of thought. More hell and purgatory.

Life In The Fast Lane
They can only go to the doctor in one location far far away. They have all the records right. All they do is wait, while you apss out socks and tell them where to go to get a meal. Sorry guys this is the best we can do for fighting for our freedom. Keep them wanting more, and hidden under the line, Yet make sure they don't speak. You know how long it takes for these veterans to get their records? You know the ones who's hearts bodies and minds, you flocked with all your needles and landmines. Those who have been dishonarbly labeled and discharged all for the glory of another up above. Another cover and lie. All thiswonderful technology and it takes three years to even get the records in a doctors hands. Truth is they are mislabeled and lisdiagnosed in the first place.

Another Brick In The Wall By Pink Floyd
Come along just in time to shut down my Indigo Babies with you labels and pills. Imagine that. The timing in the system. I am not the only Indigo Mother from this generation. That I do know. Yet in my day, we had real sugar to bring all of us indigo babies up and right back down until we all crash in our little beds. How did our parents do this you ask? Well we played outside, yup that is what we did. We ran all around our neighborhoods getting into all sorts of harmless mischief. Playing red light and green light. Hide and seek by day and well nighttime is the funnest. We didn't have a phone to reprt to and make us feel safe at all times.

Green River byCCR
We had street lights and twilight. We played cowboys and Indians with pretend bow and arrows and pretend guns and hell God we still got along. We could cheer for our own children on our own teams and not be labeled a trouble maker a rebel. Now our children all get treated and everyone gets a trophy for showing up. How do you learn to be a good sport and a poor sport until you live it see it and do it. You look up to your challenger to want to attain to. Not kill off the competition like so many parents do to today. We wonder how we got here? The one that gets me the most is all the brainwashing you do to ur children in the schools. It will so not be allowed anymore. All this volunteer work, selling door to door. We all gotta do our part right?

Magic Carpet Ride By Steppenwolf
I'm going to depart all this bullshit brainwashing you have placed on my children right out the mother flocking door. All to serve the illusion of a system. I don't think so. You have removed, P.E., recess, art and music from my schools. Well most. Gotta fight for the stuff that keeps our children free grounded and creative. All they need to be connected to this rock and humanity. Lets just wipe God and Mother Nature from our children right from the start. Lets make them all droids. Truth is I loved my smart children. To me when I really look at a child and watch the behavior and the the things they do and say, you can find that gift of life inside them. Instead we have squashed it all down and out of our babies. It is discusting looking at these commercials with families and all these cell phones. Everyone on a cell phone, is entertained in their own little world of there choosing. Virtual reality is not reality. You children have more down time and freedom just being tired and day dreaming than they do with that smart phone.

Juke Box Hero by Foreigner
Technolgy has made our children stupid and us now. No balance. No one cares anymore about all this new technology reinventing all these cell phones and upgrading. Hell we have companies making so many different classes of cell phones to serve the human beings the garbage they coulkdn't afford in the first place. All to keep us wanting and needing to upgrade to this technology to get anywhere or be cut off. Lets just keep this shit up.

The Reaper
All this electricity for all this technology is absurd. The control, the speed, data, and program all by programing, your feed. Your hook up. Your new need to get anywhere in this life. All because this system wants you to want it, need it, ans inorder to survive you have no choice but to succumb to all this technology. What the flock do you care right? As long as your happy and you have a savings you think you will always be able to eat or buy, and charm your way out of anything. Everything out here is a barter. Everything is a give and take. A exchange. It is not just down here.

As long as you look good doling it out all your busshit promises and lies of fixing and changing things will never change. Not with these assholes in the background controlling everything and killing people off. All to take down this United States.

I took a photo of a news story. It was a witch hunt on Donald Trump. NOOOOOO! Really? Like this man wasn't vetted inside and out before he even came on board. Now all eyes on another fallen President taking the heat. Keeping humanity entertained while you move behinf the scenes.

Iron Man
Killing off anyone who speaks against this system. Centuries God, Centuries God. The same thing over and over. Come in and use religion and politics to take the land and own all the resources. Funny thing is I am going to love to stand there and tell you none of you own it. Not any Nation, not any one man. Not any one woman as far as I can see. Even if my li'eye only goes so far, I do know who owns that big eye on the sky and who owns the weather and it isn't any system you all control anywhere. One God, One Rock, One Beast, One Flock, One Family up above and on this ground, from this day forward.

Diary by Bread
Standin in the doorway javing a smoke before I start the shower [rocess. I started laughing about my dancing. How I just hit quick mix or all play to get me moving and keep me moving. I have no idea what to call it, or I didn't until now. The Dance Of Geritrics. I have somehow made this geriatric dance sexy. This Egytian, belly dancing ballerina, It literally get's all my muscles and joints to moving and warmed up. Adapting to my environment. Yes I prefer this environment than another box or cage anyday.

Hold My Head

Their is a good hurt and a bad hurt. I like the good pain. Like after a good work out and the next day you feel it. It hurts so good. You know your getting somewhere.

Rocky Mountain High
After the beating I take when I get massages. I know it's going to hurt so good after, all over instead of just a few sharp places is better to get me through. The falling asleep when someone is pushing down my spine. It's my favorite kind of sleep right their. I'm always prone and that muscle that goes down both sides it's not a fire like my neurons, it's all muscle and knots, when I wake up in the morning, I am so refreshed and ready to go, without the hangover feeling of the drugs. Please God, lets put my vanity list aside. My fluff and buff request before my happy ending is attained, Yes that one. I lil' lift and perk me up on well all cheeks. Some organic fillers, that would be nice.
Sacr Tissue
This spine. Everytime I picture that movie where the Alien has pulled someones spine out of their back. That looks so good. That looks like how I fell some days. When all this started I just wanted to take a sharp pearing knife and core out my pain spots
. Like a bruise on a potato and now it's the whole spine. Just remove it and stick it in some ice please. No God that is not a personal visual I hope for. Just a realignment would be nice. Lubing of the bearings and joints. Rebuild my back end. Oh Hell, God how about I order up an over haul on all this reload. That would sure be nice. Make me nice and flexible like I used to be. A lil' Gumby, you remember how I could place my feet behind my head. I remember a few times, I had my feet planted firmly on the wall up above my head. Oh God, that four poster bed, I used to like to sleep in. I'm feeling those four post would be nice to hold onto. Bedroom Acrobatics, Come on God, I want to play. You never let me play in any games. How come the guys get to have all the fun. Oh and a headboard God. You know balance off the pole. Oh I cannot wait to play with Big Daddy omside a that Daddy.

Slow hand, or soft hand, hell I like it a little rough even. As long as we're both playing on the same team, push for push, need fpr need drive for drive, rev me up and wind me down, then we can pull out the big guns. Oh man I Gotta stop. Yup I haven't read it yet, but I believe I saw a heading called Edens Garden in Revelations. My happy ending, a little rough riding and smooth sailing inside one man. That is a rodeo ride I'm up for.

Simple Man by Shinedown
I haven't gotten to play time with Frued. What my perspective is. Especially on that organ, I was so curious about. What does that organ do? How come boys get to stand up and pee? How come they don't have to get naked to pee? What else can it do? Is it squishy? If pee comes out of it, how do we get something back up inside that little hole? HMMMM! I'm gonna have to check this out. How do I get my hands on one of those. You know just to inspect it and see what it can do? Oh wait, I gotta neighbor boy just my age. I'm sure he has one of those.
Drift Away
I have bee bites, and a mouse. She has apples. What does he have? I'm sure he won't mind sharing it. I got the fly swatter from my grandmother. I was three. Right out on the sidewalk we were. Literally right out in the open on the ground outside the apartment doors where my grandparents, Here I was on the ground molesting the lil boy tenants.

When I read Freud and childhood sexuality I laughed and I never knew it was written out there this belief that lil girls live and wantto marry their daddys by about age four or five, and no they do not forget. Even on a subconsciounce level lil girls want to please their daddy's. This is why I wanted boys. However the purgatory we have placed our curious children in and mislabeling is astounding. From culture to culture to house to home. No I never wanted to be a man. I'm happy with this.

From a Distance
Yes, I am curious from woman to man what does it feel like to be a man. On this journey, I have come closer to any woman spiritually without a strap on. Do I as a woman who is into the phallic ,ale wish to lick the clam. Hell no. To those that enjoy it either sides all the power to you. It is natural and normal. Right down to our pheromones and body language. All this shame we place on our bodies and our identities, not only started in the garden of Eden when they realized we are neaked. They covered themselves with fig leaves and hoped God would not notice. What children we really were in that garden. Truly none of us knew any better. To be scolded by God is chastising to say the least.

God is a sexual being just like us. He created us in his own making. He has allthe androgynous and sphincters we all do. God experiences life through us. Why do you want to hurt your creation by hurting yourselves? Treat your body the way God would want you to treat his body. Treat it like you want your own children to have the good experience in all of life. I fully understand how things have gotten to be so ugly in the bedroom and the garden. The labels we place on sexuality from the beginning of life is so set in stone, we forgot it's okay to be alittle different, That is what makes us so unique. Back to aunthenticity I see God. It certainly doesn't help when we cover nudity in art. It doesn't help when we take to affectionate people in a park, and we label it porn and shame. All for this system or some other slimeball with not so good intentions to make a buck, making your life hell.

Yes, I get to go to a pow wow tonight at 7. A good place for my red dress and twinkle toes. I have exactly what I need for this dance. People from all tribes, nations and colors. Even if only one that tribe still represents. All those colors and mother natures children in one spot. I was just saying to <ichael to bad we don't have some fun candy to play with tonight after your massage. Look what fell into my lap, when I looked up at DaKing. It's not what you know out here, its who you know.